When you take stuff from one writer, it's plagiarism; but when you take it from many writers, it's research.
Wilson Mizner

Health ebooks

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Category: Health

The Complete Guide to Hemorrhoids

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Title: The Complete Guide to Hemorrhoids
Author: Seymour Wells
How to Understand, Manage and Treat Hemorrhoids Once and For All!

Okay, so it isn't the most glamorous disease in the world.  And yes, it is the butt of many jokes, no pun intended.  Take away the innuendo.  Remove the humor from the equation. What's left?  A serious, painful ailment.

The bottom line is that this is probably one of the most prevalent illnesses in the world.  It's also the least talked about.  Do you know that a huge percentage of people never even discuss it with their doctor?

They feel embarrassed and don't realize that at any given time there are millions of other hemorrhoid suffers who feel the same way.  Isn't it about time to set aside perceptions and start dealing with the problem directly?

The first step is to know exactly what hemorrhoids are and what they are not.  After all, how can you begin to deal with a problem without knowing what causes it.  The cause can be as complex as the ailment itself.

In "The Complete Guide to Hemorrhoids" the author candidly explains what they are and what causes them.  You might be surprised when you learn what causes these pesky problems.

Many women who have given birth are totally familiar with what they are and why they have them.   You may not know that they are also caused by disease.  What disease can cause hemorrhoids is covered inside.

Are you sure that you have hemorrhoids?  Some folks think they have hemorrhoids and

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Category: Health

How to reduce Stress

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Title: How to reduce Stress
Everything your doctor didn't tell you about busting stress!

Seventy-hour work weeks. Crazy commutes. Piles of unpaid bills. Endless family demands. Freeway gridlock. Soccer games.

Feel like you want to just jump off the world and let it spin without your for awhile? Life in the fast lane often comes with a built-in speeding ticket. . .Burnout!
It's a state of mental and physical exhaustion that can lead to negative feelings about your job, your life and yourself. Reducing stress is key to dealing with burnout. Odds are pretty high that you're a ticking time bomb, ready to blow any minute.

Sadly, we are creatures of habit and as such we begin to take the bad stuff for granted as much as the good stuff. You may not even realize that stress is taking a toll on you every day and if you don't get a handle on it, you are in big trouble.

We can help. How to Reduce Stress at Work and at Home is written just for you. Not only do we help you understand what stress is all about, we give you tons of "stress busters."
Heck, a little bit of stress is actually good for you. But, when is it a problem? Take our little test and see for yourself:

Never -score -1 (minus 1)
Rarely -score 0
Occasionally -score 1
Frequently -score 2
Always -score 3.

  • Do you feel like there aren't enough hours in the day?
  • If you are doing something important do you miss meals?
  • Do your days seem long and boring?
  • Is it a struggle to go to work each
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Category: Health, Medicine

De-Mystifying Cancer

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Title: De-Mystifying Cancer
Author: Stuart Wolfe
What You Don't Know About Cancer Could Be Deadly

By The Time You Are Diagnosed - Will It Be Too Late?

Are you playing Russian Roulette with your health? Do you suspect that you may have cancer but have been ignoring the symptoms hoping they will just go away?

It's hard to believe that people would actually ignore something that important, doesn't it? But it happens. Thousands of people die every day of cancer related illness.

The sad thing is that many of those premature deaths could have been avoided with just a little bit of knowledge and early detection.

The major problem with much of the information about cancer is that it is very general and written in medical jargon that is nearly impossible to decipher. That's where "De-mystifying Cancer" comes in.

"De-mystifying Cancer" has taken all that technical information and broken it down in plain English so that anyone can get answers to their burning questions. Questions like these:

  • How does it develop?
  • What is cancer?
  • What are the major types of cancer?
  • What are carcinomas, sarcomas, leukemia, lymphomas and adenomas?
  • What are primary and secondary cancers?
  • How is your immune system affected by cancer?
  • What are the signs and symptoms of cancer?
  • Who gets cancer?
  • What are the risk factors for cancer?
  • Are you at risk for prostate cancer?
  • How do you diagnose lung cancer in men and
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Category: Health, Psychology


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Title: DEPRESSION A Misunderstood DISEASE
Author: Stephanie Mallet

Did you know

  • That more women than men suffer from depression?
  • That ten million Americans are affected by depression every year?

Depression is no laughing matter.  It is a serious debilitating disease that affects every facet of life for the sufferer.  Sadly it is also on the increase at an alarming rate.

Unfortunately many people with depression either go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed due to a lack of knowledge.  This is scary because for the depressed person life can become a living hell leading to serious consequences.

Taking the first step

The first step is discovering if you do suffer from depression.  The next step is understanding what depression is all about and how to deal with it.  

Most information about depression is written in technical terms and unless you are a trained therapist you will need a medical dictionary to decipher the content.  

What's really needed is a guide that is easy to read and understand.  That's where "DEPRESSION A Misunderstood DISEASE" comes in. It is unlike anything else out there that discusses depression.

It is easy to digest and understand.  But most importantly it gives you answers!  Answers to burning questions like these:

  • What are the different types of depression - Not all depression is alike. All
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, Remedies

60 Tips to Live Better Using Holistic Remedies

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Title: 60 Tips to Live Better Using Holistic Remedies

60 Tips to Live Better Using Holistic Remedies

General Holistic Health Tips

1. Improve your posture.
It is important to keep your spine as straight as possible, so that your muscles do not strain and contract unnecessarily. Also, in order to keep energy circulating throughout your body, it is important to keep your spine straight and nerves unhindered.

2. Consider "trigger point massage" for pain relief. If you are plagued by continuous pain and conventional pain medicines are not working to help eliminate it, consider this special type of massage. It will help to not only ease the pain - but to eliminate its source as well.

3. Try acupuncture. Acupuncture is type of holistic/alternative medicine that has been commonly practiced in the eastern part of the world for thousands of years. Five thousand years ago, the intention of acupuncture was to prolong life. With many alternative medical techniques, the intention is to prevent rather than to cure a specific or general ailment. The oldest recorded practice of acupuncture was over 5,000 years ago. Basically, acupuncture is used to stimulate the nerves in the body and as a result positively affect all of the other bodily systems.

4. Try Reiki healing. Reiki is a healing art that uses the body's energy to begin and further the healing process. It is performed by using one's hands to follow a

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health

The Lowering Your Cholesterol

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Title: The Lowering Your Cholesterol
"Are You Or A Loved One Poised To Become A Statistic?"

It's that frantic hour. You've put in a full day at work, battled the crowds at the grocery store, picked up your three kids from daycare and just begun preparing the evening meal.

The kids are being. . .well, typical kids. "Mom, Billy took my crayon," "did not," he replies. Above the clamor you hear a persistent ringing of the doorbell. Drying your hands you manage to make your way to the door while dodging kids, toys and coats on the floor.

You open the door. Your blood runs cold when you see the state trooper on the front step. Before he opens his mouth to speak, somehow you know. Panic, fear and grief. . .gut wrenching grief, as the adrenaline surges through your body.

"No, no, no" you sob as the officer begins his painful report. "I am so sorry Mrs. Jones, but there's been an accident. Apparently your husband had a heart attack while driving home. . .is there anyone we can call?"

In the blink of an eye your entire life is turned upside down. It isn't until much later when it finally sinks in. After the funeral. After the friends and family have all departed and you are alone. . .totally, utterly alone.

Glancing around the kitchen you see the note on the refrigerator, "Joe, don't forget to make a doctor's appointment for a checkup." Sadly, he'll never have the chance.

Joe has become a statistic. He is now one of the 107 million American adults who had a blood cholesterol level high enough to require medical advice.

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Category: Health, Medicine

Your Guide To Deep Vein Thrombosis

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Title: Your Guide To Deep Vein Thrombosis
Author: Marcie Hoff
Learn All About this Sleeping Killer - Deep Vein Thrombosis

Did you know?

That over 600,000 people in the U.S.A. are affected by Deep Vein Thrombosis every year?

Also in the U.S.A., it is the second most frequent vascular disease.

Early detection can prevent escalation to pulmonary embolism.

Dear Reader,

Finding out too late that a loved one had a serious condition that could have been treated is devastating news.  Deep Vein Thrombosis, is one of those conditions.

Unless you have a history of Deep Vein Thrombosis, either for yourself or a loved one, you probably never even heard of the condition, let alone considered preventative measures.

Because many of the symptoms parallel other diseases DVT can be difficult to recognize and diagnose.  There's also no disguising the pain associated with it.

Maybe you or your loved one has experienced an illness that required complete bed rest.  Thinking you are doing just what the doctor ordered, imagine how horrifying it can be to suddenly discover that was the one thing that led to a blood clot rampaging through your body.

The damage resulting from an out of control clot should not be minimized.  A clot like this can journey toward the heart and make a convenient pit stop in the lungs.  The result?  That pulmonary embolism we addressed above.

Gone are the days when we could sail through life taking good health for

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Body, Health

Your Guide To Colon Cleansing

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Title: Your Guide To Colon Cleansing
Author: Peter Mason
Get a Smoother Tummy and Feel More Energized!

According to MSNBC News "Colon Cancer is the second leading cancer killer in the United States."  And, "150,000 Americans will be diagnosed with the disease and 60,000 will die from the disease this year!"

Is colon cleansing a definitive answer to curing colorectal cancer?  Of course not.  If anyone tries to hype that to you, run the other way! "Snake oil salesmen" are still alive and well in this century!

What colon cleansing can do is rid our body of harmful toxins that build up in our bodies causing us extreme discomfort.

Okay, it may not be sexy to discuss constipation, irritable bowel syndrome or just plain gas.  However, if more people did explore these symptoms we'd be a much healthier population.

If you have ever suffered from gas or any of the other "unmentionable" symptoms, you need to read this guide.  A small investment in your time and a few pennies can give you life-altering information.

Did you know that your colon experiences a constant build up of toxic material?  The majority of foods we eat today contain preservatives which in turn are comprised of toxic chemicals.  

These components can build up over time and harden into an impacted film in the colon.  The result of this buildup reduces the body's ability to absorb nutrients. It lowers the metabolism and can result in unhealthy weight gain.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health

Dealing with Backpain the Natural Way

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Title: Dealing with Backpain the Natural Way

"Deal With Your Pain, Lead A Wonderful Life An Live Like A 'Normal' Person - Guaranteed Or Your Money Back!"

Before I really start telling you anything about me or finding out anything about you, I want you to know that I sympathize with you. Not only is it one of the most painful experiences to have backpain. Not only is it the number one excuse for employees not coming into work. But perhaps just as significantly, it is something that I suffered from for years.

But now I can happily (read joyously) tell you that I am pain-free and live my life the same as men 20 years younger than me do.

But it was not always that way...

You probably find that your family and friends have a different point of view about pain and back pain in particular because it is not something that they have lived through. Had they lived through it, then they would not say half of the things that they have undoubtedly said to you many times before:

  • "Can't you just take a tablet?
  • "Didn't your back hurt you last week also?"
  • "Are you faking?

Yes, I know that they hurt when they are said to you, but they also show the total misunderstanding of someone who has never before suffered from back-pain.

The one that really does it for me, is the "Are you faking?" comment. the problem is, that apart from your cries of pain there is

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, Travel

Curing Yeast Infections The Natural Way

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Title: Curing Yeast Infections The Natural Way

No more itching, odor or pain or your money is refunded!

Safe and DRUG FREE Natural Yeast Infection Solutions

Are you looking for a safe, fast and permanent cure for your chronic yeast infection?
Get Rid of that Yeast Infection Right Now and For Good!

Dear Sufferer!

My name is Deena Fine. Not only am I a health researcher but I also happen to be a woman who suffered needlessly and pointlessly from smelly annoying chronic yeast infections for years.

Nobody could help me. It seemed the more antibiotics that I was prescribed the worst the yeast infections got! I

I went through several pairs of underwear a day and then just gave up wearing any at all. I stopped having sex because it became too painful. I spent a king's ransom on vaginal sprays, creams and all kinds of remedies to deal with the vaginal discharge and fishy smell.

Worst of all I lost my complete faith in the medical system. It was like they saw my discomfort as being "just something I had to live with". Dealing constantly with doctors who were looking at me like there was something wrong with MY body because it would not respond to THEIR drugs really hurt my self-esteem.

Every day I was waking up and hating myself because every day was the same. I always had the itch and was sneaking away to the washroom at work to deal with

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