Health ebooks

Cure Tennis Elbow Without Surgery
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Title: Cure Tennis Elbow Without Surgery
Everything you wanted to know about...
How To Cure Tennis Elbow!
Dear Friend,
Are you an athlete who suffers from tennis elbow? Contrary to popular opinion, most people who suffer from tennis elbow do not even play tennis. They get this condition, which is a torn tendon in the elbow, from the strain of using the same motions with the arm, repeatedly. If you have tennis elbow, you understand how the pain can disrupt your day.
Tennis elbow can be a very painful condition. Most doctors will tell you that you have to rest for a long period of time and stop doing what you love. But this is not true. While rest is something that will help the tennis elbow, it is not always possible.
If you have been suffering from tennis elbow that has affected your golf game, tennis game or other area of your life, you might think that there is nothing to help you except surgery or pain medication. You may think that you have to stop playing the sport that you love. This is not true.
What if you could find a way that you can cure tennis elbow without surgery? If you could help yourself while still being able to play the game that you love with easy to understand manual? Do you think this would work for you?
Sound too good to be true? It's Not!
What if I were to tell you that you discover everything you need to know about... Click here to read the full description!
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60 Ways to Cure Bad Breath
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Title: 60 Ways to Cure Bad Breath
Bad Breath Cures
1) Brush your teeth: It sounds simple. But just brushing your teeth more often will help reduce bad breath. Not only will the toothpaste often mask odors, but more importantly brushing will remove food particles that are a major cause of bad breath. Carry a toothbrush to work and brush after lunch or even coffee breaks. It will help. Your dentist will thank you too.
2) Brush your tongue: It sits right in the middle of your mouth and your breath passes right over it. A clean tongue helps keep your breath from picking up any additional odors from small particles that might have lodged on its rough surface. It's not hard, just one more step in the fight against bad breath. Besides, you're already brushing your teeth regularly, so this won't really take any extra time or effort.
3) Don't eat garlic: Garlic is one of those foods that tastes much better than it smells. The thing to remember is that if you're going to be enjoying garlic at lunch, everyone else is going to be sharing it that afternoon. Save your garlic for when you're going out at night and everyone with you is going to be sharing it. It just works better that way.
4) Avoid onions: They add flavor to everything they touch, but they can add bad breath too. The thing to remember is that it's raw onions that make their mark on the local atmosphere. Cooked onions are much less
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Clever Cleaning
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Title: Clever Cleaning
Author: Pru Nation
Omigosh! What have I done?
It's no surprise that words to that effect are thought hundreds of times each day by folks who are caught unawares by their partners. What you thought was going to be a simple phone call turned into the next in a long list of stress factors plaguing you on this day.
Never mind that your partner 'sez this may make or break the "deal of a lifetime" for him or her. Never mind that all you have in the refrigerator are last nights leftover chicken. Never mind that your home looks like a stampede of buffalo just ran through it.
You have exactly three hours to come up with a miracle menu, transform yourself into a "domestic diva" and turn your house into something straight out of "Home and Garden!"
Aren't you glad you bought your copy of "Clever Cleaning" just a few days ago? You have no problem meeting the demands of this last minute social emergency because of all the tips and tricks you learned and implemented when you got your copy of of this terrific guide.
You truly did learn how to "have a happier, healthier home" just by implementing all the easy to follow suggestions.
One of the first things you will find inside is a complete list of your arsenal of weapons. You might be surprised to find out that some of the most effective cleaning agents don't come out of those expensive bottles you pay a premium for at the supermarket.
That's the first... Click here to read the full description!
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Living With Fibromyalgia
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Title: Living With Fibromyalgia
Author: Anton Weeding
Amazing Secrets that Help You Experience More Pain-Free Days
The alarm kicks in and while you are in that space between time - not awake - not asleep - you habitually whisper that little pray that you use each day, "please, please let this be a pain-free day.
Sadly, the fates intervene and as you become fully conscious you become aware of the spasms in your legs and how tired and debilitating you feel even after a good night's sleep.
The last thing you want to do is get up because you know exactly what is coming: nausea, headache, anxiety and even depression. Depression plays a huge part because you are at a total loss for an explanation of your symptoms.
Unfortunately, you physician is of the "old school" and without saying so has hinted that your physical pain is "all in your head." You aren't alone. Thousands of people have been right where you are - with unexplained symptoms and no diagnosis.
Why Traditional Medicine Has Failed To
Work... and How You Will Get Relief Instantly
Don't blame your physician, however. Fibromyalgia is a disease that is still not well-known throughout the medical community. Some schools of thought link it to arthritis but the symptoms are different.
Maybe it's time you got some answers on your own. Maybe you have fibromyalgia and just don't know it! If you have experienced any of the following symptoms, you might want to look further:
- Insomnia or waking up

101 Power Tips on How to Prevent Headaches!
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Title: 101 Power Tips on How to Prevent Headaches!
The pain can be AGONIZING!
Headaches can stop you from doing all the things you love. Seeing friends, playing with the kids... even trying to watch your favorite television shows.
And just think of how unwelcome headaches are while trying to work.
95% of women and 90% of men suffer from headache pain...
And we spend over $4 billion a year on over-the-counter drugs for headache relief.
But headache prevention can cost you nothing...
The pain can be stopped. You can take control of agonizing headache pain today with my...
"101 Power Tips on How to Prevent Headaches!"
Greetings Friend,
If you are suffering from headaches, you can make the pain STOP just by following some basic but little known principles.
You do not have to fall victim to headache pain.
Headaches come in many different forms. But they are largely preventable. Your jaw will drop when you see how many different factors we can pin on causing headaches. You just don't realize all of the potential pain causing activities, substances, pollutants, and the like that can help to cause you undeniable pain.
Your last headache probably was recent enough to make you want to read this letter. The pain was most likely so irritating that you just wanted to SCREAM at the top of your lungs:
"Pain, Pain, GO AWAY! Come again another day!"
I know the... Click here to read the full description!

101 Facts About the Human Body
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Title: 101 Facts About the Human Body
Author: Radhika Venkata
Discover 101 Facts About the Human Body
If you are a parent, a grandparent or just plain curious about your body, you must read on then zoom to the download page immediately! What a way to get the answers to the questions you've always wondered about.
Did you know that children have more bones than adults? Does that mean that bones just disappear when reaching adulthood? What a mystery!
- What determines the sex of a person?
- Why do sportsmen eat bananas during their most strenuous activity?
- Is the right side of our body bigger than the left side?
- Can people get shorter in the evenings?
We all have questions about our bodies. Children especially are naturally curious and ask questions we are often not prepared to answer. Sometimes we grasp at straws trying to come up with answers that are easy for a child to understand.
And that's when we even KNOW the answer. More frequent than not, we have no idea what the answers are and dismiss the questions as unimportant.
Our children deserve better. It would be pretty ridiculous to believe we all need medical training just to answer questions from our children. However, there is good news.
For all of you who have ever wondered why we get "goose bumps" or which of your five fingers is the most important, we give you "101 Facts About the
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Natural Cures For Insomnia
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Title: Natural Cures For Insomnia
"How Would You Love To Finally Get A Decent Night's Sleep?"
Do you toss and turn all night long without getting much of a wink of sleep?
Are you tired of counting sheep for hours without falling asleep?
Wouldn't you love to be able to fall asleep simply, easily and naturally, without pills, potions or harmful medicine?
Now you can get the good night sleep you are craving for and you'll get it with the most natural way ever. Learn how to know with the new book Natural Cures For Insomnia.
Too many people take falling asleep for granted. Too many people go to bed every night without wondering how long they'll toss and turn without sleeping. Too many people get into their pajamas every single night and simply close their eyes and go to sleep.
But you aren't one of those people, huh?
For people like us, falling asleep is a chore. If nighttime has becomes the most dreaded time of the day for you, then you need my help falling asleep.
You see, I've been helping people just like you fall asleep with an effective, natural method...and I can help you too.
I used to sleep fine. When I was a kid and throughout most of my life, I was able to fall asleep quickly and I stayed asleep throughout the night. But a couple of years ago, that all came to an end.
I think it started after I lost my job. When
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Eat Right To Feel Great
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Title: Eat Right To Feel Great
"Do You Realize How Much Better You'll Feel Once You Learn How Exhilarating A Healthy Diet Is?"
Do you feel run down, sluggish or just not as energetic as you once did?
Do you try to alleviate your listlessness with coffee, sugar and other unhealthy products that probably do nothing other than give you a quick fix of energy and then make you feel worse than before?
Everyone knows that a proper diet is essential to maintaining a healthy energy level. Unfortunately though, not everyone fully understands what is involved in creating a proper diet and how it easy it is to keep.
A healthy diet doesn't mean eating only bland salads and removing breads, pastas, sweets, soda, cake and other goodies, it means building a balanced diet that allows you to treat yourself without sacrificing your long term health.
When most people hear the words diet, they normally think of green leaves and little else. Images of healthy eaters are never smiling and who can get excited about the prospect of sitting down to a meal that's devoid of flavor, calories and red meat?
At least that's what I thought a diet was before I was cornered into building one for myself. Now, I know better. I know how great it is to finally make it through a meeting without falling asleep. I know how fantastic it feels to be alive and awake first thing in the morning. I know how marvelous it
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Living With Crohn's Disease
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Title: Living With Crohn's Disease
Author: Lois Fordham
If you thought that constant pain in your belly is caused by "something you ate" you are partially correct. But thinking that it's a painful condition that you'd have to try to to live with, then listen up. It could be a sign of something more sinister and you need to learn to deal with it.
Do you remember the first time you had that horrible abdominal pain? Chances are, you may have thought you were suffering from appendicitis. You couldn't believe how painful it was. Perhaps the pain occurred following a meal and subsided after a period of time
In fact you may even be thinking that it's a bad case of the flu especially if you are having other symptoms like diarrhea or even weight loss. If you think that, you couldn't be further from the truth.
You could very well be experiencing the symptoms of Chron's Disease and if left unchecked could result in ulcers, anal fissures, anemia or inflammation of the joints.
What Is Crohn's Disease?
Chron's Disease is an inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. It is a specific type of bowel disease but it can erupt anywhere between the mouth and the anus and while it specifically affects the digestive system most instances occur in the lower part of the small intestine or the beginning part of the large intestine.
It is a very serious medical condition that should not go unchecked.
If You Want To Stop the Pain Then You Need To Know How to Control the
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

Eliminating Stress and Anxiety from Your Life
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Title: Eliminating Stress and Anxiety from Your Life
"Are You Feeling Stressed, Overwhelmed And Are Full Of Anxiety? If So Then We Have The E-Book That Gives Help On Getting Rid Of Your Stresses And Helps You Get On With The Rest Your Life!"
Stress Is The Number One Cause of Medical Problems In The United States Today. Anxiety Just Adds To Those Problems. But You Don't Have To Suffer Anymore!
We Have The Answers You're Looking For!
Dear Friend,
Life today can be overwhelming - there's no denying that! Stress and anxiety can seem to take over our lives and render us helpless. It's easy to get caught up in all the drama and let those stressors dictate how we live. Believe me, I know!
I personally have dealt with an anxiety disorder that was aggravated and brought on by excessive stress. This illness has debilitated me for years leaving me ill-equipped to deal with even
the smallest problem. That is, until I figured out how to manage my stress and anxiety.
It will be an ongoing struggle for me, but the first step was learning how to cope with stressful situations that could bring on my anxiety. I had to spend a lot of money on doctors and therapists
to get those tools that would enable to live a fulfilling life.
The good news is that if you are suffering from anxiety and excessive stress, you won't have to spend the same amount of money I did just to deal with
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