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Real Estate ebooks

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Category: Real Estate

101 Tips For Selling Your Home!

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Title: 101 Tips For Selling Your Home!
Give Me 45 Minutes And I'll Make Sure You're Armed With Insider Tips, Tricks, And Tactics For Selling Your Home FAST For The Best Price Possible!

Thinking about selling your house without a real estate agent?

It can be done and the truth is, many people do it very successfully. But there's a trick to it that not everyone grasps.

What's the secret? Just like in anything else: knowledge is power! Soldiers don't go to combat without orders, plans, maps and guns. Entrepreneurs don't create profitable businesses without knowledge of the market. Surgeons don't go into the operating room without knowledge of their patient.

And now - you'll be able to sell your house armed with the knowledge of a professional real estate agent. I've got over one hundred tips that will be your ammunition. The housing market is hot and it's time to make a fortune with...

101 Tips For Selling Your Home!

Greetings Friend,

Who else wants to sell their own home quickly, cheaply, at the best price possible without making any of the common rookie mistakes?

If you're like most people, your house represents your life's work! Your life-savings! But the market is hot and you've decided to cash in. Good decision! Thousands are literally becoming rich off of the sell of their homes.

And you know what? A lot of them are doing it on their own. Without a realtor, and at their own pace. You may be skeptical, but remember...

"Thousands Now Have Said "NO" To Realtors Who Never Thought They Could Sell Their House On Their Own!"

So don't worry!

... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Business, Home Business, Real Estate

Residual Income Through Real Estate

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Title: Residual Income Through Real Estate

If You Want To Join The Thousands Of People Making A Fortune In Residual Income From Investing In Real-Estate, Keep Reading Because You Are About To...

"...Find Out Everything You Need To Know To Start Investing In Real Estate And Set Up A Comfortable Residual Income That Will Give You The Freedom To Do What
You Love!"

Don't want to work 9 - 5 for the rest of your life? Keep reading and find out exactly how thousands of people just like you are becoming fanatically free by investing in Real-Estate.

Dear Friend,

Linear income, it's what keeps most of us from having the free time to do things we love, spend time with our friends and family and just plain enjoy time off any time we like. For most of us, linear income keeps us from trying new things and realizing our dreams.

So what exactly is linear income?

Linear income is the type of income where you get paid an X amount of dollars per every hour you work. It's the most common type of income among average income persons.

What's wrong with this?

First, working 40 hours a week does not give you a lot of time to commit yourself to something you might want to do. Second, if you want a roof over your head and food on the table you can't simply stop working because if you have a linear income, you would

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Category: Real Estate

101 Real Estate Tips

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Title: 101 Real Estate Tips

101 Tips to Make Money Buying and Selling Real Estate


General Real Estate Investing Advice

1. Budget your time wisely.
If your intention is to purchase a home and restore, repair or remodel it in a short period of time before re-selling the property, you need to pay attention to the time that the work on the property is taking. The problem that many first time investors run into with house-flipping is that they did not expect the work to take so long. When delays occur, and mortgage payments are accumulating in addition to the cost of materials and labor it can definitely make for a stressful situation. Be realistic with estimates, and always have cash at the ready should you encounter an unexpected expense.

2. Research potential properties before purchasing them. When buying a rental property, there are several key features that you should be looking for. The first is sustainability. Is the property in solid condition and is it going to stay that way with minimal upkeep? The second is the location. Yes, location is extremely important for most rental properties. You need to ensure that your tenants can get to where they need to go and that the property is near commonly used retailers and service providers. The third is the average income of the area. This is different from physical location, because you should keep in mind that a high rent area is definitely a better location than

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Category: Real Estate

Real Estate Investing

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Title: Real Estate Investing

Do You Really Want To Create Wealth And Enjoy It?

Learn How Real Estate Investments Can Explode Your Wealth!

Dear Friend,

This is a message for people who want to invest in real estate and don't know how to get started...

For people who want to acquire a proven wealth stream, real estate investing is a sure way to do it. Are you allowing being broke take control of your life? If you are, get rid of the "being broke" mentality, once and for all.

Think about this for a moment: Have you ever wondered why some people are wealthier than others? They decided to take charge of their life and work with a proven vehicle that would provide them with the wealth streams that they desired. Real estate investing is one of the safe and legal ways that anyone who has a "want to" and act on it can have a wealth stream as well.

This manual, Real Estate Investing - Everything You Need To Know! will provide you with the information you need to get you on the road to acquiring wealth. If you're looking for a sure fire way to make lots of money and willing to be patient, then real estate investing can be for you.

In this report, you will learn the following:

The answers you need to dramatically increase your income to exponential levels you've never seen before. The longer you remain an investor, the more money you stand to make. You will have so many properties... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Home, Real Estate

Avoid Foreclosure Hell

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Title: Avoid Foreclosure Hell

"More and More People Are Facing The Prospect Of Foreclosure. Do Not Become Another Statistic, Avoid Foreclosure Hell & Get Your Life Back!"

Dear Friend,

Chances are that you, like other people, are aware of the problems in the real estate market. Foreclosures are at a record high. You may even have been suffering from foreclosure fever a little yourself. Perhaps you have a loan with an adjustable rate that has gone up sky high? If that's the case, then you may be struggling to make your mortgage payments and wondering if you will soon be joining the dismal statistics of those who are in foreclosure. In some states, such as California, Florida and Nevada, foreclosures run into the hundreds of thousands.

Perhaps you recently lost your job and are having a hard time finding another job. The unemployment rate has been sky high lately. If you are one of the unlucky people who has found themselves out of work and is now struggling to make the mortgage payments, you may be worried about foreclosure and looking for ways to avoid foreclosure.

Or perhaps you are one of the folks who was preyed upon by lenders who wanted to give you a loan that you really couldn't afford but took after some smooth talking. Now the rate of the loan has gone up and you are scrambling to try to make the payments.

Like you, I struggled to pay... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Real Estate

How To Make A Fortune In Real Estate

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Title: How To Make A Fortune In Real Estate



Let's get one thing straight. This ebook is 100% fact. There are no suppositions or "possibles" in it. It was written for a single purpose, and addressed to a certain individual. The fact that you bought the ebook makes you that individual. However, if you are timid, or negative, this ebook will not help you in the least.

It's all right for you to be lazy-my kind of lazy- which was the laziness of a man who was willing to work at a thing dedicatedly so that he could enjoy laziness later and longer and in delicious, sweet idleness. But if you are too lazy to work at making your million, read no further. Go back and enjoy your laziness. I have no quarrel with it. This just isn't your cup of tea.

Necessarily this ebook will seem autobiographical. In a sense it is. That means it has got to be about me, and I hope you'll bear with that. I won't inflict any more of my personal history upon you than is necessary to give you a full background for the better understanding of my successes and failures-so that you will be able to spot the temptations that led me to some whopping mistakes-and so that you will discover the signals that say "This Way Up" to manual you to your million.

Perhaps the personal history will help you in another important phase of our undertaking-showing you how to make your million. If you see how poor I was, how little I had

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Real Estate

How to Dominate Your Market in 1 Year

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Title: How to Dominate Your Market in 1 Year
Author: Zoe Zhao

How to Own and Operate Your Own Home Staging Business and Dominate Your Market in 1 Year!

If you have ever tuned in to a real estate show on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, you've probably observed staging in its purest form. In fact, there are a few programs on the home networks that are all about staging.

One thing you haven't seen, however, is how to become involved in this lucrative business. Well, that's about to come to a screeching halt!

Look, there's no denying the fact that the real estate market is in serious trouble with this current economic downturn. One thing to keep in mind is that homes are still selling. The difference is who is selling them?

The professional selling those homes is the one who uses every tip, trick and tool in his or her arsenal. One of those tools is home staging. This is one of the best tools available for the savvy real estate marketer. It usually pays off and pays off big!

You may be under the false impression that only an experienced designer can own and operate a success home staging business. Nothing is further from the truth. Having an eye for design is definitely helpful.

We aren't going to "spill the beans" here but let's just say you'll be pleasantly surprised inside our "How to Dominate Your Market in 1 Year" guide. It's not as difficult as... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Real Estate

Real Estate 101

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Title: Real Estate 101

All the Tips You Need For Buying Your First Home!

Everything you wanted to know about...

Real Estate 101 - Buying Your First Home!

Dear Friend,

Are you tired of paying someone else's mortgage? Are you listening to the buzz that is telling you that now is the best time to buy a house but are afraid to act? Have you been thinking what it would be like to own a home of your own? If so, I might have the answer that you are looking for right here. If you have been looking for an opportunity to purchase a home of your own but are afraid to do so, don't know where to look, how to look or what to look for, I can help you!

The thought of purchasing a home can be daunting, especially for a first time home buyer. Most people want to buy a home of their own, but are not sure about getting a mortgage. Where to look. How to make an offer. It all seems very complicated when you think about it. And when you think about it on the broad scale, it may seem a like too much trouble. But it is really too much trouble NOT to own a home of your own.

If you are paying rent, you are paying someone else's mortgage. That's right - you are helping someone else get rich. You are not only paying their mortgage, but you are not even getting a tax deduction for interest or property tax that can really benefit you with regard to

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Real Estate

Home Sellers Power Tips

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Title: Home Sellers Power Tips

How To Sell Your Home for The Best Price You Could Ever Imagine!

Home Sellers' Power Tips  (PDF Transcription)

e-Book with Insider Tips, Tricks and Special Tactics to Sell Your Home Easily for the best price possible!

99 Tips For Selling Your Home For Maximum Profit!

You are thinking about selling your house. Nervous? Of course, because you have heard that Legal and other formalities for selling or buying property is a nightmare. As the owner, you want to make maximum profit from the sale of your house without making any of the common mistakes. This Audio Ebook will manual you through the important things you should know before selling your house for maximum profit.

The house you are selling is the result of your hard work and dedication and thus you want a handsome profit from the deal. You are going to discover the following points and much more.

  • How to deal with prospective buyers
  • How to avoid common mistakes when selling your home
  • How to maximize the beauty of your house for fast selling
  • How to get the best professional help
  • How to write a powerful and attractive Ad
  • How to easily manage the required paper works

And much much more ...

Have you thought about selling your house armed with the skills of a professional real estate agent.... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Real Estate

First Time Home Buyers Guide To Free Money And Low Interest Loans

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Title: First Time Home Buyers Guide To Free Money And Low Interest Loans

If you are getting ready to purchase your first home or if you think you can't afford to purchase your first home, don't make another move until you have read this important information!

Dear First Time Home Buyer,

Every year, Federal, State and Local government and community development programs help thousands of people obtain there first home.

These programs are available to people at a wide range of income levels and much of this money goes unused because people are unaware of the availability of these funds or they don't know how to go about applying for them.

No one is going to just walk up and hand you this money. You need to know where to look and who to contact and this can be a daunting task, that is why we have assembled First Time Home Buyers Manual To Free Money And Low Interest Loans, an informative and complete e-Book that will walk you through the entire process and save you thousands of dollars over the life of your home loan.

Inside this manual you will discover:

  • Bargain Properties From The Government You may have seen the ads on TV for a list of foreclosure homes. Well, you don't need to pay for this information, we will show you where to find foreclosure homes from the government. Not just HUD homes, but homes from several government programs at prices way below market... Click here to read the full description!

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