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Marcus Tullius Cicero

Health ebooks

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Category: Health, Jobs

Massage Therapy: Learn to Give a Massage Like a Pro

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Title: Massage Therapy: Learn to Give a Massage Like a Pro

"Learn Everything About Massage Therapy, Now You Can Give A Great Massage Like A Professional"

Don't Grope Around Anymore, Know What You're Doing, With Our Help!

Dear Friend,

Almost everyone loves a massage. Human touch can be very powerful - especially when it's used to alleviate tense muscles and chronic pain. Massage can relieve stress and tension in nearly everyone. It also has many, many therapeutic properties that can help with pain for almost every problem.

Some people, myself included, might say that there's no such thing as a bad massage. But there is a difference between a good massage and a GREAT massage!

The tools and techniques for giving a great massage can be learned by anyone. Even if, in the past, you thought you had two left thumbs and didn't have a knack to give anyone a massage, you can still easily learn how to give a great massage.

With This Book, I Can Show You How!

The truth is that massage therapists really only use a handful of techniques to give an amazing professional massage. And those techniques can be learned and practiced by anyone. You don't need a pair of golden hands to give a massage like a pro, you just need to have the information.

You could spend hours and hours reading and practicing until your hands hurt, but why should you when I can show you how to

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Category: Health

Stop Stress!

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Title: Stop Stress!

Natural Stress Relief Strategies.

I am sure we've all had quite a nasty dose of stress in our lives at one point of time. Some of us experience it to higher degrees then others, and in this present day more and more people are suffering higher degrees of it.

We have the pressure of our jobs. These days there is hardly any such thing as "job security". As divorce has become a more acceptable practice the divorce rates have climbed, creating more stress.

It once used to be the man would go to work each day while the woman stays at home and looks after the household and children. Those days are a thing of the past. Most men and women have to work to keep on top of the bills. With life's new technology increasing enforcing us to evolve with the world or dissolve.

We now have mobile phone bills, internet bills, ipod's, air conditioning, dishwashers, heck even if you don't have a plasma television these days you're almost left behind!

Stress can cause many unpleasant sensations in your body, which can lead people to believe they have a serious medical condition. It can also lead to:-

  • Depression
  • Anxiety & Panic Disorder
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Ulcers
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Substance Abuse
  • Heart Disease
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Cancer
  • Anorexia or... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health

Dealing With Eczema the Natural Way

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Title: Dealing With Eczema the Natural Way

Do You Suffer From the Itching, Redness and Scaling of Chronic Eczema?
If so you are not ALONE!

It strikes men and women young and old! It is not just "diaper rash" or a disease that babies get!

Adult numbers who have a persistent eczema problem in the USA is usually estimated to be something around 5.5% of the adult population.

That works out to be about fifteen million people in the United States alone.

Although the condition is not fatal there is no cure. All you can do is prevent it, treat it and manage its symptoms!

It's Time to Stop Scratching and Start Healing!

That is why I wrote -

"Dealing With Eczema the Natural Way!"

Dear Eczema Sufferer -

I know you would not be on this page with me if you weren't suffering from the itching, rashes and general discomfort of eczema.

While the medical profession will almost always point you in the direction of pharmaceuticals such as corticosteroids and antihistamines to deal with your condition, there really is no need to resort to potentially dangerous chemical drugs unless your problem becomes very severe.

That is because there are many natural alternatives to dealing with eczema.

There is no cure for eczema and that even the most widely recognized eczema experts can truthfully claim... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, Self Help

Kicking Fear And Anxiety To The Curb

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Title: Kicking Fear And Anxiety To The Curb

"Kicking Fear And Anxiety To The Curb Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success!"

Learn About Calming Down -And Gain Power By Learning Ways To Become Peaceful And Create Amazing Results!

Dear Friend,

When we're born, we are a clean slate. Pure and guiltless and open to whatever comes our way. But as we grow, impressions are made and lessons are learned. We sooner or later lose that childlike sinlessness and we find that we're adults with realistic expectations and tons of responsibility. Who has time to consider the deeper issues, not to mention change? However, some of us find ourselves in horrendous situations where we're forced to change.

Some people think that they have to go through horrendous experiences to discover inner peace.

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to discover that this is not the case and that you can learn how to get rid of fear and anxiety so that you can get all of the the success you deserve.

The truth is:

If You Want To Skyrocket Your Success And Improve Your Inner Peace...You Need To Be Able To Kick Fear And Anxiety To The Curb!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success they desire in life ? It's because they don't know that living in the here and now erases all such thoughts. Why worry about something in

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, Self Help

Ultimate Resource For Baby Boomers

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Title: Ultimate Resource For Baby Boomers

Secrets To Healthier And Happier Life Style.

Secrets To Healthier And Happier Life Style.

Attention: The Ultimate Baby Boomers' Manual Is Here...!

Are You One Of The Members Of The Vast Baby Boomer Population Looking To Lead A Normal And Healthy Life? Learn How You Can Live A Completely Fulfilling Life And Spread The Radiance Of Joy And Happiness All Around...!

Finally! A Complete Manual For The Baby Boomers To Help Them Lead A Worry-Free Life...Start Enjoying The Essence Of Living And Have Fun! If You Are A Baby Boomer, You Wouldn't Want To Miss Out On What We Have To Offer...!

Dear Friend,

The baby boomer generation, which has made a great impact on the nation, is one of the most enterprising America has ever seen. However, the baby boomers are now in their old age and close to bidding good-bye to this world.

To know more about the effects of this on American society and economy and also to discover some interesting baby boomer facts, read the 97-page e-Book, "The Ultimate Resource For Baby Boomers."

These Are Some Of The Tips You Will Find In The Ebook :

Table Of Contents:

  • The Baby Boomers Brain
  • Can You Avoid Aging?
  • Supplementing and... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, Mind, Self Help

Sleep Like A PRO

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Title: Sleep Like A PRO

"Learning About How To Sleep Like A PRO Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success!"

Discover About Mastering Your Sleep Patterns For Maximum Productivity To Create Amazing Results!

Dear Friend,

Nothing shoots down your ability to get affairs done faster than a foul night's sleep. Surveys show that sleep deprivation costs Americans substantial work productiveness; yawning employees can't remain alert, make beneficial decisions, center on tasks or even negotiate a friendly mood at the office or with clients.

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to learn that there are lots of ways to crush insomnia, step-up the quality of your slumber, and master the power nap.

The truth is:

If You Want To Skyrocket Your Success And Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Be able To Get Know How To Sleep Like A Pro!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success they desire in life ? It's because they don't know It is more important today than ever to get a good nights sleep. Our times are hard and we have to do all we can do to be well rested.

There's nothing sorrier than lying awake throughout the nighttime, watching the clock tick away instants knowing you'll be the living dead the next day. When insomnia's booting you in your sleepy headed butt, use a

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, Self Help

How to Stop Your Snoring, WITHOUT Surgery

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Title: How to Stop Your Snoring, WITHOUT Surgery

See how easily you can eliminate your snoring problem once and for all!

How To Drop Your Snoring Habit And Save Your Relationship!

Thousands Now Sleep Quietly Even Though Their Snoring Problem Seemed Impossible To Squash!

The biggest lie ever told in cartoons?


If that's what a snore sounds like then a doctor needs to explain the sounds that used to come out of my sleep. Snoring can literally keep two otherwise happy people from ever staying together.

Some people think it's funny, but try sleeping next to someone who lets out a sound only rivaled by a lawnmower at the foot of your bed. Not everyone can live like that, ear plugs or not.

Don't worry. There is hope. Many remedies exist. But it is my opinion that surgery is just not one of them. Now that so many people are going under the knife for a quick-fix...

...I took it upon myself to let people know about more effective (safer) options. I packed up a treasure chest of remedies and stored them inside a report I call...

How to Stop Your Snoring... WITHOUT Surgery!

Greetings Friend,

Get rid of your snoring problem once and for all. Before you're kicked out of the house!

Marriages have broken up over it. Engagements called off. Renters kicked out of their apartments (No joke). All... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, Mind

Generating the Proper Mindset For Health And Fitness Programs

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Title: Generating the Proper Mindset For Health And Fitness Programs

Bust The Myths Behind Fitness Fads And Get Real Results Today!

Dear Friend,

When it concerns finding the most certain road to success, everybody agrees: human talent is your most treasured resource. The question is: what do you do about it?

To meet your performance anticipations, people need to devote their full mental, physical, emotional and relational resources to their work. If they lack staying power in any one of these categories, it's costing you in terms of productivity, innovation ability, health care expenditure, profitability and morale.
The truth is:

If You Do Not Know How To achieve Optimal Living you are spinning your wheels!

To mention an obvious example, no one performs at their best when they're sleep deprived. Some may think they've learned to function at a reasonable level without adequate sleep but truthfully, they're at sub-optimal capacity. Not what you want from yourself, or your team members.

You can certainly bet that mega name network marketers already know all this, and that is why they are a big success at what they are doing!

But, you can learn how to achieve Optimal Living. I have the perfect guide available for you right here!

(Read on to find out more...)

Optimal Living Is The Most Important Tool You Will Ever Need For Your

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, Self Help

Quit Smoking Today!

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Title: Quit Smoking Today!

"Learning About Quit Smoking Today Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life!"

Win battles against nicotine and live free!

Dear Friend,

Let's face it.... Yeah there are lots of individuals who smoke till they die but it isn't that they couldn't stop. It's that they didn't hold the understanding of what was required to stop, and more significantly, what they required to do to remain smoke free.

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to learn the secrets that show you how to quit smoking!

The truth is:

If You Want To Have Success With Stopping Smoking And Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Have A Look At Quit Smoking Today!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success they desire when it comes to dealing with smoking? It's because they don't know that most people most likely stopped by merely stopping smoking one day for one rationality or another and then have been able to remain there by sticking with a dedication that they made to themselves to not pick up another smoke.

Which brings us to a very important aspect I must talk about here:

You Can Have Better Success In Breaking The Smoking Habit If You Learn Quit Smoking Today!

People who struggle in breaking this addiction will find these things in

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health

Naturally Cure Your Headaches

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Title: Naturally Cure Your Headaches

Are Headaches Taking Your Life Hostage and Preventing You From Living to Your Fullest Potential?

  • Are you sick of calling in sick because you woke up with a headache so bad that you can barely think or see straight?
  • Are you tired of being given the run around by doctors who tell you that your headaches or migraines are psychological or that they have no cause that can be treated?
  • Do you avoid socializing because that often means the bright lights and noises that might trigger a painful headache that could last for days?
  • Do you want to throw away those expensive addicting prescriptions and over the counter medications that do things like destroy your stomach lining and make you're sleepy and find other options for treating your headache?
  • Do you put off sex because your head hurts too much to ever be "in the mood?"

Then you need to read-

Naturally Cure Your Headaches

Learn long term strategies and every day healthful practices that prevent and cure headaches, cluster headaches and migraines!



Put an end to your suffering right now!

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