Many a man fails as an original thinker simply because his memory is too good.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Health ebooks

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Category: Beauty, Health, Women

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Reviewed by Leean on 2011-07-03
My Rate 5
Amazing book, totally worked

Reviewed by LeeAn on 2010-09-18
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I love her blog and I love her book. My skin has improved so much and it's so soft and glowy. Thank you SO Much!!

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Title: The Real Guide to Flaw­less Skin : Only 4 Weeks to Clear Skin for Life
Author: Stephanie Elizabeth, Epic Beauty Guide

The Real Guide to Flawless Skin: Only 4 Weeks to Clear Skin for Life is a comprehensive, seven-chapter tome jam-packed with all natural beauty tips, skin care advice, product recommendations, and handy ingredients cheat sheet, all in one easy-to-understand format so it's not overwhelming.

The Real Guide to Flawless Skin offers effective, natural solutions to eradicating acne, eczema, and rosacea with practical lifestyle changes and all-natural products.

Each chapter focuses on a particular aspect of getting rid of acne (and other skin conditions such as eczema and rosacea) and gives you practical, step-by-step guidance to achieve flawless skin. This ebook gives you plenty of guidelines, but also tells you exactly what you can do - so you can either pick and choose, or follow an exact protocol, depending on your preference.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Diet, Fitness, Health

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Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-09-01
My Rate 5
i wanna try this. i really like the idea of this book i dont need to worry about loosing my fat belly,,

Reviewed by Satish on 2016-03-14
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Obesity is the mother of all problems. And weight loss industry is expanding leaps and bounds. People are craving for different methods in getting their weight reduced. Majorly several victims are wasting money by not choosing proper weight loss methodologies.

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Title: Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss
Author: Mike McCloy

Intermittent fasting is quickly becoming the most discussed weight loss concept in the weight loss industry today. Like a lot of other breakout diets, intermittent fasting (IF) is spreading very rapidly. A huge difference to most of the other diets though is that IF is gaining ground regardless of the fact that the practice challenges many long-held beliefs about nutrition. In fact, incorporating IF as a lifestyle forces you to eat much differently to those assumptions. The major difference in eating habits, along with excellent testimonials is what's creating the vast popularity.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Body, Health, Fitness

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Reviewed by redone111 on 2015-11-14
My Rate 5
Great ebook really i find so much info in it help me

Reviewed by Yasin Aberra on 2014-08-27
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I learned so much from reading this book. I was able to start my my journey in building muscle with such a easy guide.

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Title: Muscle Building 101
Author: Jacob Stern

Bodybuilding is the process of developing muscle fibers through various techniques. It is achieved through muscle conitioning, weight training, increased calorie intake, and resting your body as it repairs and heals itself, before restarting your workout routine.

Workouts are designed to focus on speciific muscle categories or groups, and foods are consumed with the intention to build the bodys metabolism and increase overall mass.

Some people refer to weight training as strength training. While they are not exactly the same, the are both similar to each other.

The basic priniciples of weight training are pretty much the same as those of strength training..

Equipment used in weight training includes barbells, dumbbells, pulleys, and stacks in the form of weight machines or the bodys own weight as in push ups and chin-ups.

What you eat is also a big factor in gaining muscles, its actually said that gaining muscle is 70 percent what you eat and 30 percent working out.So knowing what exactly to eat can benefit you a lot.

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Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Health, Body, Fitness

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Reviewed by naome Dominguez on 2017-09-30
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Having this book and family members here to support me in the fight of quitting smoking. This book is great.

Reviewed by redone111 on 2016-03-09
My Rate 5
This is really great ebook hat have manny good tips help you tostop smoking

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Title: Stop Smoking Sydney: 3 Secrets to Quit Smoking
Author: Adam Arnold

Once you start smoking and it became your daily habit, it will be difficult for you to quit. You also cannot control your cravings on cigarettes. Many smokers have tried to quit smoking however it does not last for lifetime. There are many things that can influence your quit smoking plan. There are peer influence, occasions, and your own self. In peer influence, your friends who is a smoker can influence you by giving you a stick of cigarette. In this situation, you may start smoking again. Also, when there is an occasion, some may offer you drinks and also cigarettes. In this way, you may not control your cravings to smoke again. Either way, if you have a great will power to stop smoking, this document may able to help you. I am a quit smoking specialist and there are many patients that I helped in quitting their smoking habits. I gather all the information based on their experience and arrive in this findings. In this document, I share three useful steps on how you can conquer your cigarette smoking addiction. 

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Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Cooking, Food, Health

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Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-08-31
My Rate 5
wow i really like this book i can learn from this book and i can budget my money for this recipes,

Reviewed by Abhay Bhati on 2017-05-25
My Rate 4
very good book on great healthy and tasty recipes without gaining fat

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Title: Casual Appetizers and Easy Snacks for the Health Eater
Author: Simply Playful Fare, LLC, Crystal Sykes

This book has 23 easy to make and healthy recipes from Simply Playful Fare, LLC.  From easy snacks, to healthy appetizers, to tasty snack mixes, to delightful desserts, this book has something for everyone!  Cooking from scratch is fun, relaxing, and saves money at the grocery store!  These recipes offer a practical approach to eating healthy while saving you money and teaching you how to cook.  Recipes include Grilled Buffalo Wings, Vanilla Nut Mix, Turkey and Havarti Roll-ups, Dark Chocolate Banana Muffins, Teriyaki Ginger Wasabi Nut Mix, Homemade Pita Chips, Bruschetta, Chicken Quesadillas with Peanut Sauce, Lettuce Wraps, Stuffed Mushrooms, Buffalo Chicken Meatballs, Homemade Pimento Cheese, Strawberry Balsamic Pecan Clusters with Black Pepper, Asian Style Nut Mix, Festive Christmas Nut Mix with nutmeg and other spices, Pantry Granola, Pistachio Peanut Butter Energy Bites, Peanut Butter and Chocolate fruit and nut bars, Raspberry Muffins, Cranberry Granola, and a few more amazing and easy recipes are included!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4.5 after 2 votes)
Category: Health, Medicine, Men

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Reviewed by Patricia K Mack on 2009-04-10
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The info is top notch!! My cousin is currently going through prostate cancer screening. The info supplied in this dvd & booklets have been very beneificial to him. i'm giving out copies to all my male friends & family members for fathers day!!!!

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Title: The African-American Man's Guide To "Cancer Proof Your Prostate??"
Author: Andre Campbell

Of course you can't really cancer proof your prostate, but you can do some of the things that may help with slowing down the possibility of getting prostate cancer or not. In this ebook there are some ideas of what you can do to help, eating right, exercising and others. This is not a medical book, but a book of ideas that might help you or somebody you may know. Remember, you can't buy good health. Knowledge is power...

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Health, Medicine, Men

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Reviewed by Patricia K Mack on 2009-04-10
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This site has all the info needed to be well informed concerning prostate cancer. Black men can rest assured they will come out on top if they follow the simple guidelines in this book! Kudos to the aurthor!!!!!

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Title: The African-American Man's Guide To Prostate Cancer Screening
Author: Mr. Andre Campbell

If you are African-American man today and your Father or Uncle had prostate cancer, then you maybe at a higher risk for prostate cancer. are at High Risk for Prostate Cancer, and some are even at Higher Risk. For a step-by-step look at the screening process of prostate cancer. If you found out you may have prostate cancer this ebook is for you.

This eBook is not a medical book, but a culled account as the result of the Award Wining Documentary DVD, "The Silent Killer: Prostate Cancer." There is a90% chance of a cure rate if prostate cancer is found early.

This eBook will help you or anybody you know. Early detection is the key. And remember, "What you don't know may kill you." R. Brewington ~ Knowledge is power!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Body, Health, Medicine

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Reviewed by Chuck Boney on 2015-11-13
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I hope this s-book will help me with my back problems i have had for over 20 years. I need a good way to help me relive my back pain and i hope this book will help me out/

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Title: The Top 3 Things You Can Do From Home For Spinal Disc Pain Relief
Author: Dr. Ron Daulton, Jr.

Suffering from spinal disc pain? Whether you have a bulging disc, a herniated disc, or even degenerative disc disease (DDD), you can benefit from the information in this free ebook.

The information is very detailed and easy-to-follow, and it is written in a way that can help you no matter how long you've had this problem or how severe it is.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Food, Health, Diet

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Reviewed by Milly on 2017-05-23
My Rate 5
This book will inspire you to eat more healthy and take care of your health.

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Title: Food Facts Guide to Dieting, Weight Loss, and Healthy Eating

Food Facts Guide to Dieting, Weight Loss, and Healthy Eating goes into exploring some of the science behind healthy eating and how it affects our metabolism, energy level, and disease vulnerability. Tests done on mice reveal the different effects of different types of sugar, for example. Fructose, for example, is the sugar derived from fruits and vegatables that is also found in high fructose corn syrup. This has been associated with lethargy and weight gain. Sugar drinks have also been shown to substantially increase your risk of liver disease. The correlation between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and sugar beverages exists even after adjusting the data for other extenuating factors like age, gender, etc. 

The book also explores different types of diets. The three main types of diets are calorie cutting; high protein, low carb; or low protein, high carb. By exploring these diets under different test conditions, researchers can conclude which diets increase metabolism, which ones negatively impact energy levels, and which ones lead to healthier aging overall. 

The last two areas focused on in the book are how to address seasonal allergies and why to avoid junk food. Probiotics are beginning to show positive signs of treating seasonal allergies, though the data is not conclusive. The last section examines how much processed junk food Americans consume and why it is a dangerous dietary habit in our society.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Health, Diet, Medicine

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Reviewed by Milly on 2016-09-17
My Rate 5
If you are struggling with hair fall this book will help you understand why :)

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Title: Os Segredos da Saúde
Author: João Batista de Lacerda


This book is the result of the research on the origins of diseases and their cures.

The diseases are  common to humans: however, unusual to irrational animals.

All irrational animals obey what has been established for them with regard to food.

Primitive humans obeyed the designs of nature; so it was virtually immune to disease.

In this book, you will know how to naturally cure the disease and prevent any illness for the rest of your life.

Heredity does not exist, what exists are the eating habits of family, that cause health or disease.

By overcome the liver's processing capacity, saturated fat and cholesterol become lodged in the scalp causing slight drop and even alopecia.

The scalp must always be dry so that this little plant called hair grows abundantly.

A plant of dry land, does not get along in an aquatic environment.

Our hairs follow the same principle.

The salt pulls a lot of water and oils to the scalp.

Stop using salt, if it wants to live up to the end of life with plenty of hair.

What is worth; change harmful eating habits, or live a life of physical and emational miseries; without self-esteem, without joy of living? 



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