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Cats ebooks

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Category: Cats

Pamper Your Cat

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-12-15
My Rate 5
I will give 5 stars to this book as by reading to this book one will get answer to the following questions which are ,
• Emergency Kitten Milk
• Diet For Kidney problems
• Fabulous Fishballs
• Feline Flea Proofing
• Feline Feast
• Feline Hash

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Title: Pamper Your Cat
100 Recipes For Your Feline Friend

Cat lovers love to pamper their feline friends. They give their cats the best food, the most fashionable collars, and the best toys. It's a fact that most cats rule their owners, so when they turn up their noses at their food, what are we going to do? Start cooking! You cook for yourself and your friends, so why not cook for your loving companion. Pamper Your Cat shows readers how to prepare tasty and healthful treats and main meals for their cats.

This purr-fectly delightful collection of recipes features 100 tempting and tasty treats for your cat.

Order Pamper Your Cat today and give your finicky feline what it really wants... A home cooked meal!

Table of Contents:

  1. Beef and Veggie Broth
  2. Baking Soda Dry Shampoo
  3. Better Than Grass Salad
  4. Cat Cookies
  5. Birthday Treat for Kitty
  6. Cat Crackers
  7. Cheese Please
  8. Cat Jelly
  9. Chicken and Pasta Stew
  10. Chicken Cheeseburger
  11. Chicken and Sardines
  12. Chicken Crunchies
  13. Crispy Trout Dinner
  14. Chicken Soup
  15. Diarrhea Cure
  16. Emergency Kitten Milk
  17. Diet For Kidney problems
  18. Fabulous Fishballs
  19. Feline Flea Proofing
  20. Feline Feast
  21. Feline Hash
  22. Finicky Eaters Meal
  23. Feline Weight Loss Diet
  24. Flea Repellent Sleep Pillow
  25. Glop (Kitty
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Cats

Understanding, Caring For And Training Your Cat

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-12-15
My Rate 5
I will give 5 stars to this book as by reading to this book one will get answer to the following questions which are ,
• What you should know BEFORE you buy a cat - A discussion on what your home situation is as well as the financial responsibility of having a cat.
• Selecting a breed of cat - There are dozens of breeds to choose from and this section will describe them for you as well as a discussion on the different colors of cats.

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Title: Understanding, Caring For And Training Your Cat
Author: Paul Brough
Who's Training Who?

. . .if you are successful trainer, your kitty just might let you stay

Whether you are a "seasoned" cat owner or just beginning your journey of feline discoveries, you are in for a real treat. "Understanding, Caring For And Training Your Cat" is a must have for all cat owners.

It's a breakthrough book created just for cats and their owners!

This book is definitely for YOU if you really want to have a healthy, well- behaved pet. There's more about having a cat than you may have considered and "Understanding, Caring For And Training Your Cat" is just what you need to answer those burning questions.

Here's a "sneak peek" at what you'll discover inside:

  • What you should know BEFORE you buy a cat - A discussion on what your home situation is as well as the financial responsibility of having a cat.
  • Selecting a breed of cat - There are dozens of breeds to choose from and this section will describe them for you as well as a discussion on the different colors of cats.
  • How to select a cat breeder - A cat's lifespan is normally 20 years or more, depending on the care it is given. Choosing a responsible breeder will make your cat not only healthier, but live longer
  • Discover how cats behave - That's right. You will discover common cat behaviors and how and why they act as they do.
  • Learn how to select the cat that is just right for you - Should it be a kitten or an adult, male or
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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Cats

Cat Training Tips

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-12-15
My Rate 5
I will give 5 stars to this book as by reading to this book one will get answer to the following questions which are ,
• By understanding your cat and their natural behavior, you will be able to train them easier without much hassle.
• Cats can actually be trained unlike what some pet owners say. You just have to know when and how to properly train them.

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Title: Cat Training Tips

Discover How You And Your Family Can Live Peacefully With Your Cat Without The Unwanted Cat Behavior.

You Can Train Your Cat To Live With You, Instead Of Owning You!

Cats are very self-reliant creatures, they don't need a lot of help from you as their owner. However, unless you want your cat to run your house, then there are certain training methods that need to be used in order to control who is the real boss in your house.

In this report you will learn how to properly train your cat by understanding their natural habits and using them to keep your cat happy and healthy.

Train Your Kitten Or Full Grown Cat To Use Their Natural Habits At The Proper Times And Proper Places.

In "Cat Training Tips" you will learn;

  • By understanding your cat and their natural behavior, you will be able to train them easier without much hassle.
  • Cats can actually be trained unlike what some pet owners say. You just have to know when and how to properly train them.
  • Some cats are easily trained to use a litter box, but some are not. You will learn the right ways to train your cat to use a litter box.
  • Why cats seem to like certain people over others. How you can train your cat and your family to like each other.
  • How to protect your furniture and drapes from being... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Cats

Cat Training

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Title: Cat Training

"My Cat is Driving Me CRAZY!"

Is Your Cat Ruining Your Furniture, Home or Peace of MIND? Do You Sometimes Wonder EXACTLY What Your Cat is Thinking?

Learn How to Train Your Cat and Give Both of You a BETTER LIFE!

Dear Adoring Cat Owner,

You love your cat, don't you? Of course you do - cats demand a particularly loyal type of love. But do you sometimes find yourself cursing under your breath and wondering how the little devil gets away with what he does? Do you come home to shredded furniture? Does your cat dart out the door whenever he gets the chance or jump on the counter despite countless pleas to stay off?

You've probably heard the expression that cats are not owned by people, people are owned by cats. So how do you gain the sanity you need to love your cat AND live with him?

"How to Be the Boss of Your Cat"

Admit it, sometimes you know that you spoil your cat. But that doesn't mean that you can't demand a little respect from him too!

The truth is, cat's CAN be trained and a little goes a long way. Once you unlock the secrets to getting your cat's respect and learning exactly HOW your cat thinks you'll be able to teach (and break) the behaviors you want. You'll both be happier when kitty is safe and your home is not ruled by a four legged dictator!

Want to take it a step further? Learn

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Cats

Owning A Cat 101

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Title: Owning A Cat 101

Find out how to find the right cat for you...

Buying and Owning a Cat That's Right For YOU!

Dear Friend,

Many people find themselves toying with the idea of getting a pet and decide to set their sights on a cat. The cat might be for themselves, for a loved one, a friend, or for children. For those who have never owned a cat before, this can be quite a tricky venture. Buying a cat is not as simple as pointing your finger at a cat in the store and saying that you want that one.

Unfortunately many people adopt this method of getting a cat and later find that the cat does not fit into their lifestyle for a variety of reasons. This is why a certain amount of research needs to be done before you decide on what kind of cat that you want and if you want to start out with a kitten or an adult cat. By reading this book you will be provided with the questions that you need to ask yourself in order to decide on what cat is right for you.

Not all cats are the same. Different breeds of cats mean different physical features, different personality trains, and different behaviors. If you are gone from home quite a bit, you don't want to get a cat that craves its owners attention all of the time.

On the flip side, if you are looking for a cat that you can snuggle up to while watching television, you don't want to pick out a cat just to find that they couldn't care less about being lovey dovey

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Cats

All About CATS

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Title: All About CATS

All The Info You Need Before Buying Your New Cat

Table of Contents

  • How to Choose the Right Cat Breed
  • Buying a Cat - Are You Ready?
  • About the Cat Fancier's Association
  • Cat Growth Stages - How a Cat Matures
  • Multiple Cat Households
  • Feeding Your Cat - Make Sure He Gets the Nutrition He Needs
  • Choosing a Bed for Your Cat - The Perfect Place to Cat Nap
  • Cat Feeders and Bowls
  • Cat Litter Boxes
  • How To Train a Cat
  • Why Cats Scratch
  • Cat Collars and Leashes
  • Cat Vaccinations - Protecting Your Cat
  • Common Cat Health Problems
  • Cat Grooming - Keep Your Cat Looking Great
  • The Cat Bath - How To Wash Your Cat
  • Neutering - An Important Part of Your Cat's Care
  • Cat Flea Control - Get Rid of Those Itchy Insects
  • Cat Hairballs


  • Perhaps a Persian is What You're Seeking?
  • Is the Oriental the Right Breed For You?
  • So You Want A Norwegian Forest Cat
  • About the Ragamuffin Cat Breed
  • A Look At the Fascinating Ocicat
  • Is the Ragdoll the Right Breed for You?
  • Is the La Perm Right For You?
  • A Look At the Koret Cat Breed
  • Is the Maine Coon the Right Breed For You?
  • About the Manx Cat Breed
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Cats, Dogs

Happy Tails: Your Cat & Dog Care Guide

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Title: Happy Tails: Your Cat & Dog Care Guide

Did You Know That Improper Diet And Overfeeding Can Actually Lie At The Root Of Most Of Your Pet's Ailments?

Dear Fellow Cat/Dog Lover,

Would you mind if I asked you a question?

A trip to the vet - a thing no pet owner should dread but does, perhaps more than his or her pet! Reason? Astronomical bills, of course, and not always for something that needed veterinary attention in the first place, so why did you go to the vet?

Let's face it, most of us are completely ineffective when it comes to dog or cat care at home, beyond the commonplace routines of feeding, de-worming, bathing, and dishing out the water.

But don't we all want our cats and dogs to be healthy?
Of course we do!

As any vet will tell you, the care your dog or cat will get at home will benefit him/her far more than a vet exam. Frankly, most of us go to the vet because we simply don't know what else to do when our dogs and cats fall ill. So what you pay for is essentially those few words of advice that, had you known earlier, would probably have prevented the illness!

Most illnesses often are caused by overeating and dietary issues... if you understand your dog's or cat's dietary needs, you can give him/her a healthier and happier life, and save a ton of money on all those visits to the vet.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Cats

Concerning Cats

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Title: Concerning Cats
Author: Helen M. Winslow

Table of Contents



She was such a Pretty Lady, and gentle withal; so quiet and eminently ladylike in her behavior, and yet dignified and haughtily reserved as a duchess. Still it is better, under certain circumstances, to be a cat than to be a duchess. And no duchess of the realm ever had more faithful retainers or half so abject subjects.

Do not tell me that cats never love people; that only places have real hold upon their affections. The Pretty Lady was contented wherever I, her most humble slave, went with her. She migrated with me from boarding−house to sea−shore cottage; then to regular housekeeping; up to the mountains for a summer, and back home, a long day's journey on the railway; and her attitude was always "Wheresoever thou goest I

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Category: Cats

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Title: Cat Training To Stop Your Cat's Behavior Problems!
Author: Paula Robb

"Put an End to the Stress and Annoyance of Your Cat Behavior Problems!
...AND Slash Your Cat Obedience Training Time in Half by Using Techniques That Give You Immediate Results!!"

Here's a Small Sample of What You'll Learn:

  • What to do when your cat exhibits fear aggression (If your cat is crouched down against the ground, ears flattened, and is growling, moments before attacking, this is probably fear aggression)
  • What to do and look out for when there is more than one cat in the house! Use my Top Cat Maintenance Program to keep the peace!
  • Tricks to STOP EXCESSIVE HOWLING... make sure you (and the neighbors!) get a good nights sleep!
  • The ESSENTIAL nutrients that you MUST feed your cat to ensure that he is kept in the best possible health and will live a long and happy life...
  • Sick of having your cat race out of doors when you open them? Read my ebook and you'll never have to worry about this again.
  • Separation anxiety getting you both down? Find out about the best ways to make it go away.
  • Is your cat frustrated? Discover how to read into this and find out what is bothering him so that he doesn't take out that frustration on you in an aggressive manner.
  • How to stop your cat from scratching and clawing your furniture - make your furniture last YEARS longer by putting a stop to this frustrating problem.
  • How to stop your cat from chewing and/or sucking on wool. Discover
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Category: Cats

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Title: Complete Cat Care

"The Greatest Gold-Mine of Easy "Cat Health and Care" Advice EVER Crammed Into One Product!"

This Info Includes...

  • Tricks to STOP EXCESSIVE HOWLING... make sure you (and the neighbors!) get a good nights sleep!
  • Tips and techniques to keeping your cat out of the trash! There is nothing worse than waking up to a cat-induced disaster in the kitchen...
  • The inside info on why your cat behaves the way it does.... purring... rubbing... grooming itself... bringing in dead things for you... and more!
  • The facts about how to choose a cat or kitten that's right for you... Kitten? Cat? Long hair? Short hair? Stray? Pedigree? The best place to get your kitten or cat...
  • The best ways to HALT CAT AGGRESSION, whether it is fear aggression, petting-induced aggression, re-directed aggression, territorial aggression or just plain old play aggression...
  • The best way to INDOOR LITTERBOX TRAIN your cat, so you won't have to clean up any more "accidents" around the house! Use our quick and easy methods for the best results every time...
  • The TOP techniques to fixing any potty training problems that you may have. If your cat is leaving unwanted "surprises" then it's about time you fixed the problem once and for all...
  • The ESSENTIAL nutrients that you MUST feed your cat to ensure that it is kept in the best possible health and will live a long and happy... Click here to read the full description!

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