Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education.
John F. Kennedy

Crafts ebooks

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Category: Crafts

Fun Craft Projects

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Title: Fun Craft Projects


  1. A New Way to Use Old Snapshots
  2. Terra Cotta Birdbath
  3. Wedding Favor Creator Unique Wedding Favor Ideas
  4. Sunny Day Window Shelf
  5. Straw Hat Scarecrow Craft
  6. How to Make a Girl's Journal
  7. Milkweed Pod Poinsettia Ornaments
  8. Homemade Beaded Candles
  9. Holiday Gift Wrapping
  10. Handmade Mulberry Paper Card
  11. Heart Cut-Out Picture Frame
  12. Halloween Painted Rocks
  13. French Style "Cafe" Sign
  14. Fun Decorations for the Holidays
  15. Fall Leaves Embossed Paper Bookmark
  16. Easy Dried Apple Crafts
    • To Create An Apple Wreath
    • To Create An Apple Garland
    • To Create An Apple Stacker
  17. Easy Autumn Wreath
  18. Creative Chalk Art
  19. How to Make Candles Using Old Crayons
    • Solid Candles
    • Scented Candles
  20. Butterfly Candle Holders
  21. Wood Scrap Snowmen
  22. Alphabet Blocks
  23. How to Air-Dry Flowers
  24. Creative Costumes for Halloween
    • Flower
    • Artist
    • Firefighter
    • Fisherman
    • Farmer
    • Tired Woman
    • Pretzel
    • Teletubbies
    • Patch of Dandelions
    • Bubble Bath
    • Pizza Slice
    • Bag of Jelly Beans (or gumballs)
    • M&M
    • Table for One
    • King & Queen of
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Category: Crafts

Irish Crochet And How To Make It

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Title: Irish Crochet And How To Make It
Bring back a dying art while providing wonderful crocheted pieces for pleasure and profit.

Instructions that are so easy to understand that anyone can master these techniques, even if they have never crocheted a single stitch!

If you've ever wanted to master this exquisite art, you'll find this detailed manual provides all the instructional guidance you'll need to make delicate and elegant crocheted pieces.

Although many may say that Irish crochet is a dying art, it's still a wonderful skill to master for those that love to create fine works of art from fine threads.

"Irish Crochet And How To Make It" is from the Priscilla crochet collection, and has been translated to today's modern English so that the reader can much better understand the instructions.

In this detailed, 75 page manual you'll learn...

  • Explanation and abbreviations of stitches used.
  • Which materials are proper to use when creating your Irish crochet pieces.
  • How to crochet the basic stitches used in most of your patterns.
  • How to crochet wonderful backings that can be used to join your motifs to make wonderful clothing and other delicate items.
  • How to make simple motifs that are created just for beginners.
  • How to join motifs in an attractive fashion.
  • How to crochet medallions of pure elegance, that are so pleasing to the eyes that others will be shocked to see that crochet is more than just plain old granny squares.
  • How to make beadings that can be used to
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Category: Crafts

Fun Wooden Toys

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Title: Fun Wooden Toys
Author: Peter Wodehouse

Wow! Thanks Dad, what a great present! Gee, Grandpa how did you know? Squeals of delight and gales of laughter erupt amidst the family gathering.

From rocking horses to soap box derby cars - puzzles to trains. Are you in an age group that remembers the joy when opening such a wonderful gift?

Finding quality wooden toys these days is not easy. Most fall into the category of "educational toys." That's a fancy way of saying they can charge ten times the value of a toys' plastic counterpart.

Did you know that wooden toys have been traced back as far as 1100BC? That alone is a testimony to the quality and durability of wooden toys. Not to mention the fact that parents' back then couldn't just drive to their local toy store.

Why not learn how to create your own quality wooden toys and watch the children in your life light up with wonder and excitement? It's not that difficult if you have the knowledge and materials.

That's where "Fun Wooden Toys YOU Can Make" comes in. This comprehensive guide leads you step by step on a creative journey toward completing a project that will bring about those giggles of glee from some lucky child.

Take a look at what you will find:

  • Traditional Wooden Toys
  • The Many Different Types of Wooden Toys
  • Rocking Horses
  • The Art of Making Wooden Toys
  • Modern Wooden Toys
  • How to Build a Pull Along Wooden Toys
  • Building and Designing
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Category: Crafts, Family

Scrapbooking Life's Great Moments

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Title: Scrapbooking Life's Great Moments
Author: Ryan Sawyer, Jan Sawyer
Capture Your Favorite Memories

Learn How To Capture Life's Great Moments In Scrapbooks That Are Works of Art

Dear Future Artist,

Have you caught the bug yet? The scrapbooking bug, that is. It's literally sweeping the country and if you've wondered if it's something you would like to learn you're definitely in the right place.

The only decision you need to make is how to get started. There are scrapbooking classes held in many communities around the country. The challenge with enrolling in a class is scheduling. Most of us have little free time and frankly don't want to spend it away from home.

That's where "Scrapbooking - Life's Great Moments" comes in. You won't find a more comprehensive guide to creating beautiful works of art. Learn how to create timeless treasures that your friends and family will cherish for years, even generations to come.

"Scrapbooking - Life's Great Moments" reveals insider secrets and tips to spare yourself hours of frustration and costly mistakes.

Just take a look:

  • Getting started - how to take that first step
  • Learn the characteristics of a simple scrapbook
  • Planning the design
  • How to write the best text for your pages
  • Selecting just the right photographs
  • Planning your layout
  • Decorations

If you are just beginning there are important tips to keep in mind. For instance:

  • Assembling and organizing your
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Category: Crafts, Hobbies


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Title: Needlework

Who Else Wants To A Full Course in Needlework?

Finally, An A-Z Needlework Course That Will Manual You To Start Creating Your Own Needlework Masterpieces!


Dear Friend,

Needlework, includes such varied occupations as sewing, cutting and shaping, and knitting. In this e-book, these subjects are developed in so far as they may be presented to anyone interested in learning this craft.

The techniques and styles suggested are as simple and straightforward as possible, so you can discover it easily as well as to become prepared, to attempt intelligently much more difficult tasks. The material of the ebook is arranged so as to avoid laying down hard-and-fast rules with regard to non-essential things.

For the sake of clearness, Sewing, Cutting Out, Decoration, and Repairing have been dealt with in separate sections, although in practical work they cannot be separated. In each section, the possibility of gradation from the simplest elements to the most difficult is made clear.

With the The Ebook Of Needlework you can now discover how to create needlework from patterns, reproduce Antique laces; Point Lace stitches, Old Lace, with patterns included in this illustrated Needlework e-book.


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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Crafts, Entertainment, Holidays

Halloween Crafts Made Easy

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Title: Halloween Crafts Made Easy
Techniques To Save On Your Notecase

If you're wanting to learn how to make an awesome halloween arts and crafts, then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!...

"Learn The Easiest Way To Make Your Own Halloween Crafts Collections & Save Tons Of Expenditure Needed If You Are Going To Whip Out Your Credit Card or Cash From Your Wallet To Buy All Halloween Stuffs From The Store!"

It doesn't matter if you are just started to learn how to make your own halloween crafts, this guide will get you on the easiest way to make a spooky halloween stuffs for your kids.

Dear Internet Friend,

Why waste money on those store bought Halloween decorations? Surely you could make that stuff yourself, right?

Do you or someone you know want a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon? If so, pay close attention!

There's finally an original new book created just for people like you!

And, if you really want to know about making Halloween decorations this book is definitely for YOU!

This Isn't Like Some Useless Guides On Halloween Crafts That You Can Find In Any Store..

...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!

This book covers everything there is to know about Halloween Crafts and it's understandable to the average person! In fact, some people have called it the "The Bible Of Halloween Crafts"!

It's like having your very own craft expert that you can reference

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Crafts

All About Crochet

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Title: All About Crochet

If you're set on becoming that envied crocheter...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!

Who Else Wants To Be Able To Cluster Stitch, Persian Stitch, And Become More 'In Tune' With Your Crocheting In Just 5 Days?

It doesn't matter if you've never crocheted a day in your life, or your the most talented person in the world... This Crocheting manual will help you not only get better , but it will also make you feel more like the professional crocheter that has been hiding in you!

Dear Friend,

Are you planning on learning how to take your crocheting to the next level or simply want to ? If so, pay attention!

There's finally a new, breakthrough ebook created just for people just like you!

And, if you really want to get the best results possible without putting in countless hours in at the thread store, then this ebook is definitely for YOU!

I myself have been crocheting for 20 years now, but it wasn't easy for me when I first started! I mean, information on this is pretty hard to come across. Especially the kind of information I wanted to know more about. To be quite honest with you, I got tired of looking and searching all over the place, so I decided to create the definitive ebook on crocheting!

This Isn't Like Any Other General or Generic Ebook On Crocheting You

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Crafts


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Title: Crafts!

If Making Dolls, Making Clothes For Dolls Or Even Making An Afghan Is Your Hobby, Then Don't Miss Out The Most Important Report About Crafts In A Lifetime

Crafting is one of the most popular hobbies and small businesses in the country. Not only does it allow you to produce something that is rewarding and enjoyable but crafting also provides you with the opportunity to create unique gifts for family and friends as well as possibly earn income.

Without the right tools and information, it could take you years to figure out the secrets to successful crafts. Instead of spending a fortune on so-called experts or knocking yourself out with the old trial and error method, there is an easier way to achieve crafts you've always dreamed of.

I have always had an interest in crafting and a few years ago I made a decision to trying my own hand at crafting. More than once I tried my hand at crafting in fact-with dismal results. Nothing I tried ever seemed to turn out right.

I didn't understand what I was doing wrong but I was determined to find out!

What I discovered completely changed my approach to crafting!

How did I do it?

I would love to share my secrets with you and my new special report on crafting does just that!


Everything you need to know about crafts is included in this special... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Crafts, Home Business

Start Your Own Scrapbooking Business

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Title: Start Your Own Scrapbooking Business

"Start Your Own Scrapbooking Business" Don't Be The Scrapbooker That Has All Of The Resources To Make Money And Never Do Anything About It. Hurry Or The Chance Of a Lifetime Could Pass You By..."

Scrapbooking Is a Billion Dollar Industry, And You Can Cash In On The Craze By Starting Your Own Scrapbooking Business!!! This E-Book Will Show You How To In This Easy Step By Step Manual How To Make Thousands Doing Something That You Like To Do

Dear Scrapper

Do you love to do scrapbooking as a hobby? Many people do. In fact, industry estimates say that scrapbooking is the fastest growing hobby in the United States today generating over $1.4 billion dollars in revenue for those involved in the business. Wouldn't you love to have a piece of that $1.4 billion dollars? So many people slave away at a job they really don't like just to bring in money to the household. Wouldn't it be great if you could make money doing what YOU want to do? Well you can! YOU can start your own scrapbooking business, and WE can show you how

Set your own hours, work from home, be your own boss - it's all within reach and it's all up to you. There are many people out there who will pay good prices to have you create memorable scrapbooks for them. The professional scrapbooking business is beginning to grow as a legitimate home-based business opportunity that can be VERY profitable. If you're looking

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Crafts

Craft Fair Goldmine

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Title: Craft Fair Goldmine

"Tired Of People Walking By Your Stand At The Craft Fair And Barely Notice That Your Crafts Are There?"

Never Have That Problem Again. With Craft Fair Goldmine You Can Increase Your Craft Sales Greatly.

Dear Crafter:

Do you love making unique gifts and keepsakes with your hands? Have you had people ooh'ing and ahh'ing over your creations for years? Do you wish you had more time so that you could do more crafting and maybe make money doing it? If so, this could be the most wonderful letter you've ever read. Why

Because We Can Show You How!

Craft shows are everywhere in nearly every town at one time or another. Perhaps these shows are attached to town festivals. Perhaps the festivals themselves are what make the town famous. Either way, these shows are money-making possibilities for the serious crafter.

It's a huge step when you decide to take a hobby to the next level and start trying to make money off of it. It's scary, it's difficult, but it can be so very rewarding. The key to making your crafting business a success is being prepared and armed with information. You have to know what you're doing before you can start.

That's why I'm offering you this wonderful ebook, "Craft Fair Goldmine" to help you along the way! This is more than just a guidebook, it's a training guide designed especially for you -... Click here to read the full description!

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