Young Adult ebooks

Activities for Young Adults!
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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-21
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this Book as this book tells various activities for young adults such as Family Outings,Programs and Activities for Young Adults,Planning Activities for Young Adults,How to Plan a Family Night of Fun .
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Title: Activities for Young Adults!
Are you a bored young adult? Learn some great activity tips for the young adult in you!
Do you want to bring your family closer together? Are you concerned about the dangers the young adults in your family might face in the world?
I had the same concerns not that long ago. Everyday it seemed as though my family grew closer apart. We were all traveling along different paths and I was terribly concerned about the activities my older children might engage in if I didn't take action soon.
I knew I had to do something.
That's when I decided I had to find out the right way improve my state of health and happiness by improving my personal life. I knew I owed it to myself and my family to get a handle on this once and for all!
What I discovered completely changed my life and my family!
How did I do it?
I would love to share my secrets with you and my new special report on activities for young adults does just that!
Introducing ...
Activities for Young Adults!
Everything you need to know about activities for young adults is included in this special report:
- Family Outings
- Programs and Activities for Young Adults
- Planning Activities for Young Adults
- What Can you Do as a Parent?
- How to Plan a Family Night of Fun and
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

Everything You Want To Know About Home Schooling
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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-21
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book as it tells various ways how schooling atmosphere can be given to our kids in our home safe comforts but such will work only if u have safe environment at home for your kids means there should not be any antisocial person who can disturb ur kids
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Title: Everything You Want To Know About Home Schooling
Attention: Home Schooling Your Child Can Be Real Fun...
Read On To Know How!
Scared To Send Your Celebrity Kid To A Normal School? Or Do You Find Regular Schools To Be Too Expensive For Your Pockets? Fret Not! Learn How You Can Successfully Home School Your Child And Make Him At Par With The Other Students...
Finally! You Can Now Instantly Learn Some Highly-Effective Tips And Techniques To Successfully Home School Your Child... Saving You A Lot Of Time And Money... At The Same Time Helping Your Kid Concentrate Other Aspects Of His Life...!
Dear Friend,
The concept of homeschooling is rapidly rising in popularity. If you have decided to go with the flow and home school your child, the e-Book, "Everything You Want To Know About Home Schooling," can turn out to be your greatest manual.
Several homeschooling facts that you must know are presented here, in addition to a number of tips on how to educate your kids successfully in the warm comforts of home.
These Are Some Of The Tips You Will Find In The Ebook :
- Think "Home Schooling" Not "School-At-Home"
- What Is Home Schooling
- Home Schooling Vs. School At Home
- 5 Important Home schooling Tips
- Come Up With A Clear Plan
- Home Schooling Laws And Regulations
- Come Up With... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

The Remote Control Car Guide
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Title: The Remote Control Car Guide
Are you thinking of entering into the world of Remote Control Cars? There are probably a lot of questions you will have about which car is best for you. The RC Car Guide will help you decide.
Are you a current owner of an RC car? You need The RC Car Guide to help you maintain and speed tune your RC Car!
The RC Car Guide is packed with information you need on choosing an RC Car and keeping it running it's best after your purchase. Here are a few of the chapters you will find inside:
- Tips On Buying Your First RC Car
- Getting Started In The RC Car Hobby
- Nitro (Gas) Car or Electric Car? - Making The Choice
- Essential Tips For RC Car Maintenance
- RC Car Terms You Need To Know
- Getting The Most Speed From Your RC Car
- AND More!
With the The RC Car Guide you will spend more time racing and less time repairing your RC Car because you will learn how to properly maintain your car. You will also find speed tuning tips that will make your out of the box stock car reach it's optimum performance.
Whether you are new to the RC Car scene or a longtime hobbiest, The RC Car Guide is a must-have ebook that will provide you with the knowledge for making this great hobby more enjoyable . . . And you can be reading it in minutes, because The RC Car Guide is delivered in PDF format and is viewable on any computer.
Table Of Contents
- Tips
Rating: (4 after 1 votes)

The Total Guide To Teen Weight Loss
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Title: The Total Guide To Teen Weight Loss
Don't waste your time and money on fad diets that never work...Instead, grab the only source of quality information on teen weight loss done the right way!
Manual To Help Teenagers Lose Weight
2 Of The Main Benefits to Helping Your Teen Lose Weight
1) A decrease in the likelihood of health risks
Sutdies show that being overweight plays a major role in health risks such as heart disease, respiratory problems, hormonal imbalances...and several more. Are you willing to risk your teen's future health?
2) Increased self esteem, leading to an improvement in overall lifestyle
Self esteem plays an important role in today's society, and being overweight can have a serious effect on your teen's mental well being. Your teen is far likelier to excel in adulthood if they are at or below their recommended body mass index. Is your teen's success in the future at risk due to being overweight now?
Here is what you will discover inside this manual....
- How do you go about parenting an overweight teen without creating more problems? Sometimes, saying, or doing the wrong thing could make matters worse. It takes just the right amount of parenting to handle this delicate situation.
- What are the psychological issues for overweight teens? In this chapter, you'll discover all about the mental issues that need to be
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: Pandora Reborn
Author: John Coon
Ron Olsen's life takes an unexpected turn when he is forced to relocate to Deer Falls with his mother and younger brother after his parents get divorced. Ron hates the idea of being stuck in a small Colorado town away from his father, his friends and his club soccer team. He worries that the move will kill a promising soccer career and ruin his chances to land a college scholarship.
Deer Falls is not just another sleepy farm town. After being sent to detention on his first day of school, Ron is told the town is a hub of supernatural activity. He is skeptical, but circumstances soon open his eyes.
The warning to Ron takes on a frightening new meaning when a mysterious woman in black is freed from a chest that imprisoned her. A series of unexplained deaths follow.
Ron soons learns this woman is an ancient witch who is determined to rain down death and destruction on the entire town. He and his friends find themselves drawn into a battle with this ancient and powerful evil.
Title: Hours Have No Days
Author: Alex Canton-Dutari
Doc decides that he had to deal with the grief of his wife's death, and takes on a journey of discovery -- cultural and personal -- to help decrease his pain. Throughout the story the reader learns how this soul had not been aware of his most important lifetime achievement: His effect on his former patients, which unfolds in the last part of the novella.
The work is divided in a two-part narrative, the first being the effort of Doc to come to terms with his wife's death. This he does through traveling -- escaping -- to places as Nepal, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, Belo Horizonte and the Bocas del Toro area in Panama.
The second part confronts the reader with Doc's living legacy through his patients,
Though the story may be painful, if it also full of hope.
This is the second ebook of the "Doc Series."

Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-21
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to it as it tells how to deal with strange women around you means Who is the strange woman?How do I recognize her?How does she operates?Who are her victims?How do I avoid her
Reviewed by Paul Guralivu on 2015-10-10
My Rate 5
The book goes in big details concerning the immoral woman or as they call it "strange woman". The book uses bible verses and modern day stories.
Reviewed by Paul Guralivu on 2015-10-10
My Rate 5
The book goes in big details concerning the immoral woman or as they call it "strange woman". The book uses bible verses and modern day stories.
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Title: The Strange Woman
Author: Joseph Sayibu
The strange woman has developed a phobia for her own house. Her feet abide not in her house. She loves the dark hours. She has an excessive display of affection. She cherishes physical contact, hugging, kissing, petting, pecking, necking, fondling etc. She has no regards for morality. She speaks profane. Her lips are sweeter than honey. Who can resist her kisses?
Take a journey in this book to discover proven biblical principles to help you overcome the strategies of temptation by strange women around you.
In this book, Joseph answers the following questions:
Who is the strange woman?
How do I recognize her?
How does she operates?
Who are her victims?
How do I avoid her?
How do I live pure in a sexually corrupt world?
And many more...
This is not just another of those books that seek to reprimand you leaving you with no hope. It's a message from God, full of heavenly wisdom and understanding to help you flee immorality and give you hope for a new life in Christ.
This book will move and bless your heart, and not merely inform your mind.
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 3 votes)

Reviewed by Arman T. Golosino on 2016-10-12
My Rate 5
Simonton provides ways and skills to motivate people. Leaders need guide to be productive in his workplace with people around his/her influence. This book gives a comprehensive view in managing others.
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Title: Leading People to be Highly Motivated and Committed
Author: Bennet Simonton
Want a fully engaged workforce? How about a highly motivated, highly committed one with high morale literally loving to come to work and able to beat their competitors? Achieving this is easy to do with the tools you will learn in this ebook and your people will become four times more productive than if poorly motivated.
Ebook Type: Video Included,
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

Reviewed by Daniel Fife on 2015-09-22
My Rate 5
I am D. M. Fife, the author of Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight. As you can see above, I have given my own work a collection of five stars. This of course is not any attempt at vanity in my own regard. I simply think that any artist who has created any kind of work has to feel that their creation is special and dear to them. Otherwise, what’s the point? I have spent a tremendous amount of time attempting to put together a story that not only I would enjoy reading, but that you the reader of nearly any age would enjoy reading as well. Thus, I do believe that my own creation is deserving of the best, because, it is indeed my own creation and special to me. Whether it truly deserves a full five stars is of course up to you, the reader.
During the creation of Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight, I almost felt like the novel was writing itself. I have read through it several times during the reviewing and editing process, and every time I chuckle to myself when I come across a fantastic scene or piece of dialogue that I had forgotten I even wrote. I truly enjoy reading Light & Dark, because it takes me back to my childhood days, and I am able to re-experience the joy of being a teenager while allowing me to join the characters on a fantastic tale that only existed in my daydreams during the said age that seems so long ago.
The characters themselves are very close to my heart as many are based on friends who populated my own life as a young adult. It was my attempt to make them as genuine and organic as possible. Each has their own personality and personal quirks. During the beginning of the book, it was my attempt to give you the reader a jumpstart on each main character and then allow them to populate the pages with their own development as the story progressed.
Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight is a derivative of several of my favorite books, anime, comics, cartoons, and movies that I have come to enjoy, all mixed into one. If I could give you comparison with other works, I would have to say that is an ideal concoction of Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling, Enders Game by Orson Scott Card, the anime Bleach, Lord of the Rings by Tolkien, and Magician by Raymond E. Feist with my own twist on magic, swords, and fantasy.
Some things that you will find to be unique in Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight, is the use of a Bonded, which are magical weapons solely used by the Knights and Squires of the Light. They are powerful weapons imbued with abilities unique to the wielder and blade. However, if you read the book, you will realize that the ingredients used in the creation of these weapons are quite costly and adds a very distinctive personality to the Bonded weapons. Additionally, another exclusive idea to the story is the system of combat used during duels between the Squires of the Light as well as the duels between the armies at the Academy of Illumination, the school that teaches one to become fully knighted member of the Light. In these mock duels, which are meant to represent the rules and consequences of real combat, both combatants wear a suit of enchanted armor that paralyzes parts of the body when struck. For example: if struck on the arm at the elbow, one would lose the function of that appendage from the spot hit down to the extremity of the fingers, the armor freezing one’s hand from the elbow down.
Thus, if you enjoy a good hearted coming of age story that threatens to cause one to regress to a time when things were but a little simpler, childhood, and add in a few fantastical flights of fantasy, good morals, heart racing sword fights, a magical world of relatable characters, Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight is most definitely for you.
Thank you,
Daniel M. Fife, author
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Title: Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight
Author: Daniel M. Fife
Danny Firoth is an average thirteen-year-old who finds himself at the beginning of his eighth-grade year, struggling with some of the more common concerns that plague a boy of his age: bullies, homework, and his mother. Sabrina Drake is the new girl. She is beautiful and spellbinding but carries a fantastic secret.
Accepted into the White Rock Academy of Illumination, a school for young Squires destined to become Knights of the Light and battle the forces of the Dark with magical weapons called Bondeds, Danny joins his five closest friends in the training of their lives. Honed in the techniques of blade work by an Elvin swordmaster and educated by a colorful assortment of knightly instructors, Danny and his friends are placed on the path to becoming knighted members of the Light. However, the Dark may have other plans as they unveil a sinister plot in this fantastic tale of dragon-riding adventure, sword-wielding action, and coming of age drama.
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Reviewed by Rebecca on 2007-12-28
My Rate 1
The active voice? Non-existent. Over worded? To the max. Misplaced modifiers? Abound.
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Title: The Obsidian Quest, Book 1 of Quest for Earthlight
Author: Laraine Anne Barker
There stood the man who had said he was a retired scientist.
"Come in, greenhorn."
He scrutinised Peter closely.
"Yes, I'm sure you're The One. When I took you to my cave that day and something intervened before my master could assess you I was sure of it. Only The One could have given all that trouble. That uncle of yours ... for all his so-called wisdom he''s nothing but a fool." He regarded Peter thoughtfully. "I wonder ..." he said softly, as though to himself.
Peter suddenly felt as though something touched his brain--something loathsome and slimy.
When Peter comes to stay with his dead mother's twin sister and her husband while his stepfather is away on business, he is immediately plunged into a chain of frightening and bizarre events that can't possibly have anything to do with him--an ordinary, somewhat solitary boy. But then, is he really so ordinary? Is his new-found uncle as ordinary as he at first appears? As for the retired scientist, what ordinary man has powers like his?
Rating: (1 after 1 votes)
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