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Health ebooks

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Category: Body, Health, Remedies

The Complete Guide to Acne Prevention, Treatment and Remedies!

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-23
My Rate 5
I will give 5 Stars to this book as it is complete guide to acne prevention,treatment and remedies. I have received great knowledge from it regarding the same.

Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-18
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars out of 5 to this the complete guide to acne prevention,treatment and remedies as it gives complete guide to prevention,treatment and remedies linking with other parameters such as
Your Diet & Acne
Skin Care Products & Acne
Hygiene & Your Skin
Acne & Shaving.

Reviewed by namru on 2008-01-19
My Rate 1

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Title: The Complete Guide to Acne Prevention, Treatment and Remedies!
Author: Pamela Archer
How to Combat Unsightly Acne and Rid Yourself of Embarrassing Blemishes Once and For All...

45 Jam-packed Chapters Overflowing With Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Acne But Were Too Embarrassed to Ask!

Dear Acne Sufferer,

It doesn't matter whether you are a teenager or are a "30 something." Acne doesn't really care as long as it finds a home.

Do any of these situations describe you?

  • Your Diet & Acne

You love french fries and other greasy foods. But your skin breaks out.

  • Skin Care Products & Acne

You've tried every cosmetic and tanning lotions on the market, but your skin still breaks out!

  • Hygiene & Your Skin

You shower every day and still have difficulty with unwanted blemishes popping up.

  • Acne & Shaving

You shave with a double-edged razor and you often have inflammation in areas afterwards.

If you can relate to any of those situations, you've got an acne problem and it needs to be under control.

Help is just a click away. Available for immediate download, The Complete Manual to Acne Prevention, Treatment and Remedies is packed with 45 pages of information to help you understand ACNE.

First things first!

Knowledge is power. You must educate

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Rating: (3.66 after 3 votes)
Category: Cooking, Diet, Health

Eating Healthy

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Reviewed by Milly on 2016-09-24
My Rate 5
I am in love with this eBook :) It offers amazing study tips that have to do with nutrition. This eBook is perfect for anyone who is trying to enhance their health and do better in school. I will definitely recommend this ebook to all my friends and family.

Reviewed by Milly on 2016-09-23
My Rate 5
I am in love with this eBook :) It offers amazing study tips that have to do with nutrition. This eBook is perfect for anyone who is trying to enhance their health and do better in school. I will definitely recommend this ebook to all my friends and family.

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Title: Eating Healthy

Healthy Eating

The Secret to Feeling Fantastic, Looking Younger And Adding Years to Your Life

Healthy eating is essential to your health and well being. In your great grandparents' days, healthy eating was easy. Food was grown on nutrient rich soil without herbicides and pesticides. It was whole, natural and unprocessed. Meals, breads and desserts were cooked or baked in the home from scratch, not produced in a laboratory from chemicals not intended for human consumption.

Most American and European adults face obesity and health related problems. With changing lifestyles, adults fail to pay attention to their nutritional needs. We eat either too much or too little. We are malnourished. A majority of us loses that perfect balance of diet and proper eating habits in the competitive world, where our focus is towards greater earnings. This has affected our lives, and filled it with physical stress and mental pressures. It is high time now that we all give healthy eating first priority and spend our time in better living.

Increasing responsibilities requires one to intake more nutritious and healthy food. With so much to do, your body should get all the essential minerals and vitamins, since improper diets lead to weakness, fatigue and stress. Take precautions and have proper meals at the... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Health, Women


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Reviewed by Jagadeesh on 2008-09-09
My Rate 5
It contains all the detials regarding Women pregnancy

Reviewed by I Shpanova on 2007-03-03
My Rate 4
Fantasic e book I got a lot out of it and it helped me understand my pregnancy. It helped me all the way to the birth of my beautiful little baby girl

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Title: PREGNANCY from A to Z
Author: Irina Webster
"Everything You Need to Know About Having A Baby"

Dear Mom To Be,

Whether you are trying to get pregnant or are already expecting you no doubt have dozens of questions that you would like to have answered.

Written by a medical professional, "Pregnancy From A to Z" is just what the doctor ordered to answer all your questions. In fact, it probably has answers to questions you haven't even asked yet!

In the Beginning!

"Pregnancy From A to Z" not only discusses the entire aspects of pregnancy, it also sheds light on what you should do before becoming pregnant to insure a healthy and happy child.

What's more is a full chapter discussion about increasing the odds for having a boy or a girl! No guarantees of course, but there are things you can do to sway the odds in your favor.

What we hope you will learn is how to be prepared for what is to come as your pregnancy progresses. Why should you read "Pregnancy From A to Z?"

Because of the author!

Not only is the author a medical doctor specializing in women and children's health issues, she is also a wife and mother. And as if that weren't enough, in addition to traditional medicine she explores the alternative methods as well and incorporates a holistic approach to her practice.

As you can see in the following list "Pregnancy From A to Z" covers it all:

  • Diagnosis of pregnancy
  • Symptoms of early pregnancy
  • Calculation of delivery
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Rating: (4.5 after 2 votes)
Category: Body, Fitness, Health

Get Fit and STAY Fit

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Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-10-04
My Rate 5
Now that you have made a commitment to take care of your body, both internal and external, it is critical to your overall health that you do it the right way. Here are some tips for both health and fitness that will help you lose weight, learn ways to maintain a better healthy lifestyle, and be in the best shape of your life - all the smart way!

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Title: Get Fit and STAY Fit

More than any other time in history, people are all vying to have the best, healthiest body possible. The health and fitness industries are making billions of dollars every year on herbal supplements, fitness equipment, gyms, and special diets. If you watch TV or see magazines, there is always some intriguing commercial asking for money to help you get into shape.

While many of these options are good and healthy, others you should stay as far away from as possible. Recently, a professional baseball player died at the age of 23. In his locker, a bottle was discovered containing Ephedrine. The FDA just issued a warning that people need to heed.

Now that you have made a commitment to take care of your body, both internal and external, it is critical to your overall health that you do it the right way. Here are some tips for both health and fitness that will help you lose weight, learn ways to maintain a better healthy lifestyle, and be in the best shape of your life - all the smart way!

For sake of clarity, we have broken this down into two categories. One for health, which focuses on herbal supplements, weight loss, dieting, rest, and everything you need to know about taking care of your body on the inside.

The other section is fitness, which has both internal and external benefits. One the outside, fitness includes weight lifting, running, sports, walking, things you can do to enhance, tone, and build muscle. However, fitness also has

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Health, How To, Self Help

How To Overcome Snoring and Sleep Apnea

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Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-10-01
My Rate 5
Often you have no idea that you have this disorder until your partner hears your loud snoring or some of the other symptoms which can actually be quite frightening. You may experience:

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Title: How To Overcome Snoring and Sleep Apnea
Author: Hoe Bing Lo
Breakthrough Treatments Allow Anyone To Cure Their Sleep Apnea and Snoring Problems

Other than the glowing numerals on the alarm clock registering 2:00 a.m., it's pitch black. You've spent the last three hours trying to get some sleep. Every bone and muscle in your body is crying out for rest!

But, no matter how hard you try, you just can't get to sleep. You would almost swear there's a freight train bearing down on you, but that rumbling roar isn't a train.

The reverberating cacophony is coming from your partner. That sweet, gentle person you swore to love, honor and cherish. Hmmm. . .if memory serves you correctly there was no mention of snoring!

If this sounds like you or someone you love, it's really no laughing matter, is it?

Often you have no idea that you have this disorder until your partner hears your loud snoring or some of the other symptoms which can actually be quite frightening. You may experience:

  • Choking noises
  • Gasping for breath
  • Loud pauses in breathing
  • Morning headaches
  • Excessive sleepiness during daytime hours
  • Lack of concentration

Feeling restless

  • Excessive night time perspiration
  • Morning heartburn
  • Increase in blood pressure
  • Lack of mental acuity
  • Irritability

Chapter 5 discusses these and more debilitating symptoms.

You may know that the medical community considers sleep apnea as an "incurable" disease. As a result of his biomedical science

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Health, Mind

Stress the Silent Killer

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Reviewed by so0omy on 2008-03-10
My Rate 5
it gives you evry thing u want.

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Title: Stress the Silent Killer
Author: Ryan Sawyer
Are You A Ticking Time Bomb?

What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

It begins like any other day. After hours of tossing and turning, you have finally fallen into a fitful sleep when you are jarred awake by the blaring of your alarm clock.

Already feeling depleted before the day begins, you drag yourself out of bed, stagger to the shower and try to shake off the nagging anticipation of another daily grind.

You fly through the kitchen with a hasty good morning, grab your cup of coffee and bark at your 3 year old who is reaching for your arms with oatmeal covered fingers. She cries, your wife snaps and out the door you run to join the safari just as the sun is rising.

Off you go to take your place in the line with other hunters on the daily trek to capture the prize and bag the "big one." You negotiate the hunting party by switching lanes and exercising your cunning to creep a few car lengths ahead, all the while ignoring the blaring horns and interesting gestures of the other hunters.

Finally, you drag yourself into your office amid the ringing telephones, beeping fax machines and raucous voices all clamoring for your attention, and jockeying for position to have their request granted first.

Exhausted, you fall into the chair behind your desk when suddenly, panic strikes. You can't breath. Your chest feels as if someone has placed a leaden weight atop it, even though you are sitting up. As you gasp for air, your head feels as if it is going to explode

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Beauty, Health

Wrinkle Reduction and Skin Rejuvenation

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Reviewed by Milly on 2016-09-21
My Rate 5
This eBook has a lot of great tips on wrinkle and skin damage prevention. And it contains great information on antioxidants which every women should know about. I will definitely recommend this to my girlfriends.

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Title: Wrinkle Reduction and Skin Rejuvenation

Total Skin Care

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to find the long lost Fountain of Youth? We can't promise you that, but we can give you a close second.

Your skin is the first telltale sign of getting old. Starting today, get the facts about "anti-aging" and what you can do to forestall it.

Hey, there's no way you can stop the aging process but there's no reason why you can't fight it kicking and screaming all the way!

Do you know the two types of aging that make your skin vulnerable? We address this in the first chapter. Know your enemy! Learn how and why skin ages. Good grief, how can you fight an enemy unless you have a full understanding of how and why it operates?

Once you understand how and why your skin ages it makes the next step of identifying your skin type almost child's play in the next few chapters.

The Skinny on Skin Creams

Try counting the number of commercials you see every day touting some new "miracle cream" that is guaranteed to make you look the model. Yeah right!

Anti-aging goods and services account for billions of dollars spent in the hopes of delaying the onset of skin aging. This topic is covered in our chapter on skin cream and wrinkles.

Finally, get the "skinny on skin creams" and find out which ones work and which ones don't. Remember, those television AND print ads are designed to separate you from your money.

Truth be

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Green Products, Health

BioLiving In A Hi-Tech World

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-11-02
My Rate 5
I will give 5 stars to this book"Bioliving in A Hi-Tech World" as it tells the harmful effects of living in hitech world and how we can protect ourselves from them.

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Title: BioLiving In A Hi-Tech World
Author: Allie Dawson
Learn What Everyone Needs To Know About Living In A Dangerously Unhealthy World!

and. . .Why The Medical Industry

BioLiving In A Hi-Tech World reveals dangerous secrets about our environment and what you can do to protect yourself today.

In just about one hour, learn about increased, dangerous pathogens, toxic water, toxic air, toxic food and what you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Discover how all of our electronic gadgetry is slowly eroding your energy and poisoning your immune system.

BioLiving In A High Tech World covers it all, and exposes how the medical industry keeps you in the dark and why.

Quickly learn everything you need to know to prevent falling into an abyss of ill health, mental and emotional deterioration and, in many cases, premature death!

Take the "How Toxic Are You?," questionnaire and:

  • Reveal the shocking patterns in your life that sabotage your health
  • Determine your "at risk" factors
  • Learn how to boost your energy level
  • Uncover the 5 secrets of the most powerful, life-giving substances on earth!
  • Find out what to do to stay healthy
  • Learn about one amazing ingredient to escape debilitating toxicity
  • See the documented proof of this livesaving product and where to get it
  • Discover a NEW product that kills anthrax spores and bacteria
  • Find out why microwaved food is bad for you and an alternative

Discover why "what you can't see can hurt you" and learn the secrets that teach you how to

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Body, Health, Women

Perfume, Soap and Candle Making - The Beginners Guide

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-11-02
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book "Perfume,Soap and Candle Making-The Beginners Guide" as it tells various ways to the beginners to make candle and soap.

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Title: Perfume, Soap and Candle Making - The Beginners Guide
Author: Irene Palmer
Discover Secret Formulas, Tips and Techniques to Creating Your Own Hallmark Scents, Soaps and Candles!

A 100% complete package that empowers ANYONE to design their own signature fragrances in just a few days!

Are you paying too much for gourmet perfumes, soaps and candles? What if you could create your own designer fragrances that suit your persona? Sound difficult? It's easier than you think.

As you carefully scan each and every word of this page, you will begin to discover a new revolutionary method of designing your own, personal perfumes. Then, learn how to incorporate that scent into personalized soaps and candles!

At this very moment you are bombarded with hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions of fragrances all fighting to get your attention and your money. These fragrances are created by multi-billion dollar companies all designed to appeal to "the masses." These companies have millions of dollars to create commercials with the sole intent of convincing you that all you need to be sexy, wealthy and happy is to buy their product.

Isn't it about time you took control and created your very own scents? You can do it quickly and easily with The Beginners Guide to Perfume, Soap and Candle Making. Despite what you may have heard, it isn't that hard especially when the information is provided in such an easy to read guide.

Part One Teaches You How to Create Your Very Own Scent Including:

  • What resources you require to get started AND where to find
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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Body, Health

Detoxify The Body

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Reviewed by Milly on 2016-09-19
My Rate 5
I love this e-book :) It is filled with healthy alternatives for weight loss that anyone can start doing right away. It even includes easy to make recipes that will cleanse your digestive system and restore your energy levels.

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Title: Detoxify The Body

Need to Detoxify?

Learn The Secrets to Detox Your Body The Quick & Easy Way at Home!

Dear Friend,

Too much partying got you feeling bad about yourself? Or perhaps you want to lose weight and have tried everything under the sun? Maybe you are just sick of all of the toxins that are in the air you breathe, the water you drink and the foods you eat. If so, then you need to do something about it. If you find yourself feeling bad about your health, there are ways that you can help your body right at home.

There are many products on the market that promise to help you get yourself back together and on the right track to good health. But how do you know which products are right for you? And what if you do not have a lot of money to cleanse your body - are there ways that you can do so without paying a lot of money?

It used to be that the only thing you could do was to see a doctor about a cleansing formula, or even check yourself into the hospital. But today, there are many options from which to choose when it comes to getting your body back on the right healthy track!

More Options Than Ever!...

What if someone were to tell you that there is a way that you can help make your body healthier by using home remedies or those that you can buy right over the counter? Would you believe it? Well, hang onto your hat because that... Click here to read the full description!

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