Pontius Pilate was the first great censor, and Jesus Christ the first great victim of censorship.
Ben Lindsey

Health ebooks

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Category: Health, Self Help

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Reviewed by trace on 2011-09-02
My Rate 5
great product - I reduced my smoking to half in the first week and gave up in 3

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Title: Stop Smoking With EFT
Author: Joe Williams

Are you worried that one day smoking will cost you more then money
are you afraid of giving up and suffering the cravings

"EFT Can Remove The Fear Of Cravings, The Fear Of Weight Gain and The Pain Of Withdrawal...

Break Free From All The Worry And The Emotional Turmoil Of Giving Up Cigarettes, Regain Your Health Whilst You Actually Enjoy Quitting With EFT"

Quit cigarettes by releasing the emotions which keep you coming back for more.... Stop Smoking Now and Remain 100% Smoke Free 

No wonder this program has now become the leading EFT Quit Smoking Program

Stop Smoking With EFT eProgram & MP3 Audio's

  • The eProgram come as a PDF and contains all the information on how to use this program, and comes complete with copies of All the 56 Core Scripts - over 120 pages of Tapping
  • The Core Stop Smoking Program contains 56 Scripts on MP3
  • On Average Each Audio Script runs for 5 Minutes in Length
  • These Professional EFT Scripts are in MP3 format, so they can be stored on your MP3 Player and Computer, or put on a CD and played in your car
  • You receive Over 300 minutes of EFT Audio's, that's over 5 hours of Audio Scripts
  • You also receive a 45 minute
... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDFAudio Included,
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Health

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Reviewed by august rockwell on 2005-10-29
My Rate 4
I is the greatest thing on earth at the peresent time if you really want to get well. many people do not know how to really get well, they need pitty, medecine,you name it. some people have to stay sick it is a way of life for them.this gets you well

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Title: Adventures In EFT Silvia Hartmann's Best Selling E-Book on EFT.

The Best eBook On EFT!
"EFT is probably one of the simplest yet most profound self development tools around today and 'Adventures in EFT' gives you the reader all the necessary insight and advice to use it to improve the quality of your life and to keep the changes."
Tom Bolton, Author "Vibrations For Health & Happiness"
Adventures in EFT
... is the World's best, extremely comprehensive, easy to read EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques training ebook that teaches you how to quickly and painlessly heal emotional issues from your past and release emotions that get in your way today and tomorrow.

EFT is simply the BEST for Self Help - EVER!

85% of ALL people who use EFT find it helps - a lot.

EFT makes fears, depressions, sadness, doubts and anxiety

Simply Drain Away - and how useful is that?!

How useful is that for:

  • Standing up for yourself with your boss or your partner -
  • Sleeping soundly at night and having all the energy you need for days -
  • Performing in sports, music and relationships as though you were always "on a really good day" -
  • Keeping your calm with your kids or your co-workers -
  • Happily and loudly say, "No MORE!" to food-, caffeine-, nicotine addictions -
  • Get rid of nagging thoughts, of doubts and fears -
  • Being able to stop thinking about bad stuff and focus on what you want instead -

You... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Health

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Reviewed by ana lucia on 2011-01-06
My Rate 4
mais existe o livro em portugues????????????????
não leio ingles.

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Title: Improve Your Hearing Naturally

"How To Restore Your Hearing Using Safe And Effective Natural Methods - That Doctors Don't Tell You About"

Try My All Natural Solution 100% Risk Free, Regain Lost Hearing, Unblock Your Ears And Cure Muffled Hearing Without Dangerous Surgery, Antibiotics Or Steroids!

Introducing "Improve Your Hearing Naturally"

A Complete Step By Step Ebook On All Natural and Safe Methods you can use at home to improve your hearing!

What you can do to effectively stop, reverse and even restore your hearing without dangerous steroids

Here Is A Sample Of What You'll Find Inside "Improve Your Hearing Naturally"

  • What Supplements Vitamins and Herbs You Need To Be Taking Right Now To Stop Hearing Loss, Restore Your Hearing and Open Up Those Muffled Ears ... In Fact If You Missing These Nutrients In Your Diet Your Hearing Will Continue To Decline
  • Discover What The Root Causes Of Hearing Loss And Why You Are Suffering From Hearing Loss In The First Place
  • How To Unblock And Clean Out Years Of Built Up Toxins From Your Ears and Ear Canals Instantly Improving Your Hearing! No More Muffled Hearing, How Would You Like To Hear Out Of Both Ears Equally? - Most People Are Completely Shocked When They See What Comes Out Of Their Ear Canals.
  • Learn
... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Family, Health, Self Help

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Reviewed by Prasanth on 2009-10-01
My Rate 3
it really works

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Title: The Kidney Stone Removal Report
Author: Joe Barton

Attention Kidney Stone Sufferers:

"Revealed: How to Dissolve & Pass Your Kidney Stones PAIN FREE in Less Than 24 Hours From Right Now, Using A Safe, Natural, Home Remedy"

And You're About to See PROOF that My Remedy REALLY WORKS!

  • Now you too can join the thousands of other kidney stone sufferers who put my secret home remedy to the test, and passed their kidney stones within 24 hours with NO pain.
  • Imagine your kidney stones GONE pain free... in just a few short hours from right now...
  • Imagine yourself calling your doctor to cancel your scheduled surgery...
  • Imagine the peace of mind you'd have knowing you could prevent your kidney stones from ever coming back again --after you pass them naturally
  • Imagine the pain and suffering you'd avoid, the thousands you'd save in ridiculous medical bills if you could painlessly dissolve your kidney stones and easily pass them through your urine...


Fact: 256 of the last 300 people who have used my remedy have passed their kidney stones without pain!

So how can you know if you are likely to be in the 80%?

My remedy

... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (3 after 1 votes)
Category: Health

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Reviewed by Clive on 2008-12-25
My Rate 1
Lie's it's grouped information gatherd from free websites across the internet whacked into an ebook with a price tag whacked on it, this is a terrible condition and whoever suffer's from this condition i give my deepest sympathys. but this ebook is not yo

Reviewed by Beth Humiston on 2008-08-10
My Rate 1
I recently spent over $47 for Jane Thompson's books and I am so disappointed I can hardly forgive myself for spending our precious money on them. There isn't a thing in them that I haven't read "free" in so much other literature. When I read the descri

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Title: Natural Cure To Fibromyalgia
Author: Jane Thompson

"Discover How To Gain Control Over Debilitating Fibromyalgia Pain... Using Only Simple, All-Natural & Safe Grocery Store Items You May Have in Your Kitchen Cupboards Right Now..."

Finally, You Can Also Discover Methods To Banish Fibromyalgia Symptoms Once & For All... 

You will learn:

  • The four biggest risk factors for developing Fibromyalgia - if you think you may have Fibromyalgia or you are concerned you may develop it in the future, you absolutely must read this critical info!
  • How to properly manage and treat Fibromyalgia - while not life threatening this condition can become very dangerous if not managed properly ... learn more here!
  • How to determine your odds of having Fibromyalgia - Fibromyalgia has many symptoms. Not everyone feels the same symptoms and not everyone feels each symptom with the same severity ... but read this important information and you'll be able to determine quickly and easily if you are a good candidate for having the condition!
  • How a doctor tests for and diagnoses whether you have fibromyalgia - read this and you'll know exactly what to expect when you visit your doctor!
  • Common prescription drugs that are used to manage the symptoms of Fibromyalgia - and the effectiveness and side effects of each!
  • 6 conditions that have symptoms similar to Fibromyalgia - and how to determine which condition you most likely have!


... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (1 after 2 votes)
Category: Health

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Reviewed by Touseef on 2010-03-15
My Rate 2
i have sinus

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Title: Kill Sinus

Read what a chronic sinusitis sufferer wants to share that you always wanted... how he has treated himself for sinus pain, headaches, bad breath, facial pain and sore throat without any nasal spray... the real truth is something which your eyes have not seen, your ears have not heard

Let me ask you

  • Are you suddenly struck with sinus pain, headaches, a sore throat or bad breath?
  • Have you spent a lot of money treating sinusitis, yet the problem persists?
  • Do you feel let down in front of others by the bad odor coming from your ?
  • Have you given your life completely to sinusitis, thinking there is no way out?
  • Do you feel pathetic and cynical when you are with your friends?
  • Are you on prescribed drugs with still no sign of relief?
  • Do you lie awake at night?


I am 100% confident that with my method you can kill your sinusitis, as I killed mine.

I've told you my story and here I am telling you straight about ways to get rid of sinusitis - the growling monster within you.

I can tell you about simple remedies, described in my ebook "KillSinus", which you can practice easily. Not only that but you will also feel emotionally recharged and

... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (2 after 1 votes)
Category: Health

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Reviewed by Deborah Corder on 2010-08-03
My Rate 1
There are always promices but never any good results. Always
an enormous price but nothing else. You people should burn in hell for making money off peoples illnesses. You know this
book and its contents are not worth a crap. Herpes is an anarobe

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Title: Herpes Relief Guide

"Who Else Wants To Naturally Cure Herpes Outbreaks From Home Within 72 Hours, With No Harmful Prescription Drugs?"

This step by step ebook is like nothing you have ever heard about, read about, or seen before.

You are about to discover how you can be PAIN FREE of herpes outbreaks within only 72 hours after reading this life changing step by step fast action Herpes Cure Guide!

I want to show you how I discovered some amazing information about herpes that will literally transform your life within only 72 hours! If you take the time to read this website I will show you...

  • Some of the most amazing facts about herpes transmission and how to avoid giving this virus to anyone you love!
  • Healing oils secrets revealed! If you are in pain, these easy to find and very inexpensive oils will make your pain sail away and offer immense soothing relief!
  • How to use 3 immune system boosting easy to find ingredients that when taken will build a wall of protection against your outbreaks!
  • Vitamins that when taken will offer you complete control over your herpes outbreaks this section covers exactly what to take and why you should take some of the most powerful vitamins that will change your life and win the battle against herpes!


I have been studying the Herpes Virus for over 2 years now trying to find some of the best and... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (1 after 1 votes)
Category: Health, Mind, Psychology

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Title: Back To Life

How Will You Ever Recover From This Tragedy?

  • Are you devastated by the loss of a loved one?
  • Tired of being stuck in a complicated grief?
  • Wondering how you are ever going to survive?
  • Bewildered by all the strong emotions and crazy symptoms?


"Back To Life", our Personal Grief Guidebook, may provide just the answers you are looking for!

Welcome to "Back to Life!", our comprehensive and personal Guidebook to Grief.

Here you will learn:

  • Effective memorializing techniques to honor and remember your lost loved one.
  • Just the right activities and comforting rituals to help ease you through the darkest days.
  • Tried and true psychological exercises and strategies to help lessen the raw pain.
  • Valuable and practical coping skills to help you through holidays, thoughtless visitors, anger, guilt, and family changes.
  • Good, solid information on how the grief "process" really works.
  • Satisfying and therapeutic expressions of grief.
  • Which symptoms of grief are normal, and which are warning signs.

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Category: Health, Medicine

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Title: Healthy Tongue Secrets
Author: Tim McMahon

By giving your tongue the proper nutrients and taking the proper steps, you can make your tongue strong and healthy too, just like I have!

Like you and most other Geographic Tongue sufferers, I had been dealing with this problem for a while. So, I understand the frustration you feel when you think about correcting this problem. Helplessness is one of the worst feelings around and it seems that every time you go to your doctor, all they do is perform more tests and pronounce: "There is not much you can do for your Geographic Tongue... but don't worry it's not serious."

When I hear stories like that from people before they bought my ebook it makes boiling me mad!

There are millions of people just like you suffering with Geographic Tongue and wishing that there is something you can do about it. And the truth is, there is something you can do about it!

Instead of getting more and more depressed and frustrated, wondering what is wrong with you... it simply isn't necessary! My readers and I are living proof that you can control your Geographic Tongue! You just need to know the Secret!

This type of helpless thinking needs to stop, right NOW!

There is a simple easy Solution for Geographic Tongue! As a matter of fact it is one of the easiest things in the world for you to do! Believe me, the right combination of nutrients can protect your tongue and make it clear and healthy again, in a couple of short weeks! You just have to give it... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health, Sports

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Title: Critical Bench
Author: Mike Westerdal

Here's a small sample of what this Power Building "bench specialization" program reveals:

  • Why your lifestyle habits will affect your training. We're not going to put you on a strict diet, but if you think poor nutrition, partying, and sleep deprivation won't affect your performance in the gym your greatly mistaken.
  • Why you shouldn't pre-exhaust your muscles when trying to increase your bench press. Pre-exhausting your muscles can be a great training method but it's not applicable when you are trying to up your max. For example, you cannot train triceps before chest. If you do, your bench will go nowhere fast since the bench involves the use of the tri's. If they're already tired how are they going to help you bench press?
  • Why you can't believe supplement ads. Did you know that almost every major bodybuilding magazine is owned by a supplement manufacturer? This makes it almost impossible to find reliable information about what really works and what gives you the most bang for your buck. Supplements are good for two things, insurance and covenience. If you don't get enough food they act as insurance, and if you live a hectic lifestyle they can be convenient. Supplements aren't necessary to succeed on this program, but if you want some cutting edge suggestions we have proven recommendations for you based on real life experience as well as scientific research.
  • Why technique is so important. I'm confident if you adjust your form,... Click here to read the full description!

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