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Wedding ebooks

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Category: Wedding

Wedding Savings Revealed

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-13
My Rate 5
I like this book since this is good Book telling the ways to save money ,time,energy & Effort without wastage of any . There is best saying on saving that "Saving done means Money Earned" out of many some are as given below by which saving on wedding is to be done which are given in this book which are
Pre-Planning Stage or La-Di-Dah
8 Areas You Can Save The Most In
Can You Be Your Own Consultant?
3 Traditional Theme Weddings
8 Non Traditional Theme Wedding
10 Ethnic Rituals
Developing A Budget

So this helping me a lot to save money

Reviewed by Milly on 2016-09-28
My Rate 5
I love this ebook :)It will save me a ton of money and make wedding planning less stressful because it includes links where I can purchase my flowers, honeymoon tickets,etc. Highly recommend!!

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Title: Wedding Savings Revealed

Finally! A Simple, Step-By-Step Guide To Throwing The Most Unforgettable, Wedding - And How You Can Literally Save Thousands In The Making Of YOUR Wedding!

"Ex-Wedding Planner Assistant Reveals How Anyone Getting Married Can Put At Least $2474.11 Back Into Their Pockets...

And Decided To Help YOU Uncover Secret Ways To Negotiate Prices & Save Thousands of Dollars On Your Wedding.. Guaranteed!"

"Wedding Savings Revealed!"

Learn how you too, can have the most unforgettable, breath-taking, wonderfully sensational wedding...

That you've been dreaming about ever since the 2nd grade...

And how you can SAVE hundreds and thousands of dollars in creating the most stunning, and radiant wedding!

Dear friend,

I am fed up with them. All of 'em! At first, I thought of it as only a job, but I just couldn't do it anymore! I simply could not let brides and grooms be victims of overpricing, "take every penny if I can", wedding planners...
It all started one afternoon when I was helping the bride plan the events that were going to take place at the reception. We had gone over every detail, from the beginning to the very end. After we had completed everything, I was to give the itinerary to the wedding

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Ebook Type: ZIP
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Category: Wedding

How To Have A Wonderful Wedding

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Title: How To Have A Wonderful Wedding
Author: Maureen Parnell
Learn The Insider Secrets To Saving Time, Money And Stress So You Can Have A Wonderful Wedding!

Is stress beginning to take its toll on your wedding plans?

It's that horrible feeling of being overwhelmed by the planning and the expense.  In fact, the stress becomes so prevalent that it totally overshadows the joy you should be experiencing at this important time in your life.

Money is but one of the all-encompassing factors that seems to taking over all of your thoughts and feelings.

Of course, you want your wedding to be the most memorable experience of your life but you just hadn't figured on how all the details would take over your life and drive the cost through the ceiling!

There are ways to overcome all the obstacles and proceed with your wedding plans with a minimum of stress.  Just like everything else in life, you just need some guidance.  Most people automatically think about a "wedding planner."  That might not be the best route to take, at lease not right off the bat.

You see, part of what is generating all the stress is less about a wedding planner and more about having a wedding plan!  It's your wedding and it should be your plan.  But, what do you include?  What are the questions, much less the answers?

What you need to know is "How to Have a Wonderful Wedding!"  And, we have exactly what you need.  This guide will not only answer the questions you have, it will also answer the questions

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Wedding

101 Wedding Tips

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Title: 101 Wedding Tips




1. Create a wedding journal.
When planning your wedding, the best place to start is by creating a wedding journal. This can be in a three ring binder, a spiral notebook or even a file folder. The key is to use it as one location where you will keep all of the information about your upcoming wedding. From a budgeting standpoint, this can be an invaluable tool if you use it properly. It will help you keep track of all your receipts and be a place to make note of upcoming sales or coupons. It will also remind you of everything you need to do so nothing is left to the last minute. Last minute purchases are usually expensive purchases!

2. Start by budgeting the must have items. Every couple has different priorities. Maybe your heart is set on a one of a kind silk dress or a 5-tier wedding cake. Whatever is most important to you should be budgeted for first. After all, it's your day and you should have the things that make it special for you. Once you have an accurate idea of how much these "must haves" will cost, determine what else you will need. A general list includes:

  • Attire for the bride and the groom (including accessories).
  • A venue for both the ceremony and the reception.
  • A cake.
  • The wedding officiant.
  • Food and/or drinks.
  • A marriage... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Wedding

Unique Weddings

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Title: Unique Weddings

"Your Wedding Day Is Something You'll Remember All Your Life - Shouldn't It Be Uniquely YOURS, Then?"

Dear Soon-To-Be-Married:

Chances are, you've been to other weddings recently, right? And they were nice - maybe even really nice... But they were an awful lot the same too, weren't they. How much different will they seem in 10 years? 25 years? 50 years? That's right - they'll all blend together, making it hard to remember what went on at which one. Shame, isn't it?

So now what about YOUR event? It's one of the most important days in your life, one you'll remember for all your days. After all, how could you forget with all those lovely photos you'll have?

But you're SPECIAL, right? An the person you're marrying is too. So why should you have to settle for the same wedding as your friends, just one more event to mix into the blur of memories over time? Don't you deserve better?

Never fear - your answer is right here! Introducing...

Unique Weddings: Make YOUR Wedding Day TRULY Unique!

This fantastic new ebook is chock-full of new ideas for you to help you plan a truly memorable, truly unique ceremony! Look at all that's included here:

  • Theme Weddings
  • Traditional & Modified Traditional Weddings
  • Sports-based... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Wedding

Wedding Etiquettes 101

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Title: Wedding Etiquettes 101

If you're wanting to learn how to properly adapt etiquette into your wedding...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!

You're About To Learn The Secrets To Properly Adapt Etiquette Into Your Wedding, No Matter How Much Time You Have Had To Prepare!

It doesn't matter if you've never experienced a wedding with etiquette, This guide will tell you everything you need to know, without spending too much brainpower!

Dear Friend,

Are you planning on having a wedding or throwing one in the near future? If so, pay attention!

There's finally a new, breakthrough book created just for people like you!

And, if you really want to have the most successful, wedding that will bring a smile to your face, then this book is definitely for YOU!

I myself have been a wedding planner for 15 years , but it wasn't easy my first two times! I mean, information on this is pretty hard to come across. Especially the kind of information I wanted to know more about. To be quite honest with you, I got tired of looking and searching all over the place, so I decided to create the definitive book on wedding etiquettes!

This Isn't Like Any Other General or Generic Book On Wedding Etiquettes You Can Find In Any Store..

...On the internet, or even at your local

... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Relationships, Wedding

How to Have a Good Marriage in a Bad Economy

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Title: How to Have a Good Marriage in a Bad Economy
Author: Patrick Iwobi

Don't Let a Temporary Challenge Destroy a Successful Relationship

Contrary to popular opinion, marriages are not made in heaven. They take work. Lots of work. Successful marriages are created not just "divined."

While you may think that you have met your soul mate unless he/she can look you in the eye during the very worst of times and utter those all important words, "I love you."

Introducing Patrick Iwobi. Patrick says, "I have written "How to have a Good Marriage in a Bad Economy" to capture the positive aspects of a true marriage."

If you have been meandering through the morass of negativity that the current economy has brought down, have you found that your relationship has suffered?

The chances are that it has. Go ahead, admit it. No one is looking over your shoulder. The first step to correcting a challenge is to admit that it exists. Once you've done that, Patrick has the plan to set your marriage right!

One of the concepts he describes is "absence." Now, you might ask absence of what? Well, that's explained inside but rest assured once you grasp this part of his plan you have half the battle won.

Is that all there is? No way! Take a look:

  • Who is to blame? Be honest!
  • Why do you fight? Patrick helps you learn why.
  • What's the real reason? Remember, be honest!
  • How to make up and move on. He shows you
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Category: Wedding

Wedding Planning Uncovered

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Title: Wedding Planning Uncovered

Announcing an important message...

"Learn these Little-Known Insider Secrets to Creating Your Own $100,000+ Per Year Career Planning Weddings... (Or Simply Discover these Secrets) and Plan the Wedding of Your Dreams!"

Attention: If that got your attention, read on. This may be the most important letter you've ever read!

Dear Friend,

Imagine the fun of planning and creating every aspect of an expensive, elaborate party...and getting paid to do it!

That's exactly what you'll experience when you become a Wedding Planner.

You'll visit luxurious hotels...sample dazzling meals prepared by gourmet to exotic wedding destinations (how does a Hawaiian wedding in January sound?) 'til you drop at the finest stores and boutiques (spending other people's money) - all while earning over $100,000 per year as an in-demand Wedding Planner!

If you're looking for a rewarding career that is interesting and fun - where your talents are respected and appreciated - where you have the freedom of owning your own business and setting your own schedule, then Wedding Planning may be the career for you!

Also, if you're a "bride-to-be" planning your own perfect wedding, these insider secrets to Wedding Planning will guarantee the most important day of your life is one you and your future husband will remember always.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Wedding


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  • Wedding Planning Timeline/Overview
  • A Wedding Without a Plan is Often a Disaster!
  • The Official Business that Goes Along with Marriage
  • The Pre-Wedding Parties
  • Wedding Rings
  • Wedding Attire for Groom and Bride
  • Getting Ready for the BIG DAY - Your Wedding!
  • Wedding Invitations and Etiquette
  • Who Will Be Attending the Wedding?
  • Selecting the Location of the Wedding Ceremony
  • Planning Your Wedding Budget
  • Selecting the Perfect Wedding Reception Location
  • Planning Your Wedding Flowers and Decorations
  • Wedding Photography and Videography
  • Wedding Food, Drinks and Cake
  • Don't Overlook the Importance of Your Wedding Music
  • Wedding Favors Add That Special Touch
  • Wedding Transportation for Today's Bride and Groom
  • Planning Your Honeymoon
  • Wedding Gifts to Remember

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Wedding

Planning the Perfect Wedding

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Title: Planning the Perfect Wedding

Your Wedding Can Be Virtually Stress-Free... All It Takes Is The Right Planning!

Discover How You Can Plan Your Wedding, Or A Wedding For Your Client, And Make It The Most Amazing Wedding!

We see big fancy weddings that celebrities and royal families have, we dream of having a wedding just like theirs. But in reality, do we have millions of dollars to spend on our wedding? For most of us, the answer to that is no.

You DO NOT need to spend your life savings on your wedding to make it perfect! With careful planning and learning to avoid common mistakes, your wedding can be magical!

Don't Be Nervous About Planning Your Wedding... Take Action Today To Learn How Hard It Doesn't Have To Be!

In "Planning the Perfect Wedding" you will learn:

  • Very important tips when choosing the wedding party. Feelings can be hurt... so choose wisely.
  • One of the BEST ways to ease the stress of planning a wedding. This simple first step can make it a lot easier to plan and enjoy the planning process.
  • Choosing a date for the wedding can be one of the hardest things to do, and why choosing NOT to have your wedding in summer can really benefit you.
  • At a wedding reception, there does not need to be a meal served. Simply plan your wedding around normal times and your guests will not be expecting a
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Wedding

Throw A Wedding on a Shoestring Budget

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Title: Throw A Wedding on a Shoestring Budget

"The Average Wedding Can Cost Up To $20,000 But You Can Discover How Have The Wedding That You Have Always Dreamed Of Without You Sacrificing Nearly All of Your Recourses!"

Find Out How You Can Easily Obtain This By Just Reading Further And Purchasing The E-Book "Throw a Dream Wedding on a Shoestring Budget"

Dear Wedding Planner:

There's going to be a wedding! What a wonderfully, joyous time! But along with those happy feelings, comes a whole other set of emotions.

We certainly know how you're feeling. It's not all that uncommon. You've got a mixture of utter elation, a little bit of fear, and some confusion to top it all off. The daunting task of planning
a dream wedding looms ahead of you.

Maybe you're reading this as the happy bride or groom. Perhaps you are the mother of the bride and need some tips on how to give your daughter the wedding she's always dreamed of. It doesn't matter who you are, what matters is that you've found us!

We've Got The Answers You're Looking For!

Now that the happy couple is engaged, there's so much to do for the wedding, you might feel overwhelmed. That's understandable. You want a beautiful, memorable wedding, but the funds just
aren't where you think they need to be in order to have that type of ceremony.
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