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Arts ebooks

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Category: Arts, Business

How to start your own Wedding Video Business

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-11-15
My Rate 5
I will give 5 stars to this book "How to start your Own Wedding Video Business" as it gives various ideas of starting own wedding video businesses

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Title: How to start your own Wedding Video Business
Author: Noah Fleming
"You Have Just Unlocked the Powerful Secret of Starting your Own Wedding Videography Business"

Starting A Wedding Videography Business is fun, easy & rewarding

It is a little known fact that WEDDINGS are the #1 growing industry in the WORLD! Every year, billions upon billions of dollars are spent on Weddings. The question I must ask is why are you not getting into this business?

Here are just a few statistics to get your feet wet,

There are somewhere around 2.5 million weddings every year in the United States Alone!

So... about $40 BILLION is spent on weddings every year in the U.S.

Some believe that number is low! The # then rises to be around 80 BILLION!.

Today's average couple will spend roughly $18-30 THOUSAND DOLLARS ON THEIR WEDDING!.

"Start a Business in the Hottest Growing Industry around"

Wedding Videographers are making fortunes. For some, like myself, this has become a full-time career. Imagine this, you have 8 Saturday Weddings Booked in the Summer charging a modest $2,500 per Wedding. You Just netted a cool $20,000 For a few Saturdays of Summer Work! BUT THATS NOT ALL!

Industry Statistics also say that more and more Weddings are being held outside the Summer Months! This means that Videographers are in demand year round!

Wedding Video Magic offers many bonuses!

  • An actual Contract for use drafted by Real Lawyers (A $600 Dollar Value)
  • Our Successfull "How-To" Business Manual on Starting and Operating your Wedding
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Arts

20 Great Ideas for Pro-Basing your figures

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-11-15
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book as it gives answer to various questions such as
How to create water
The best way to finish off your bases
The best way of handling long grass
Elements of design.

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Title: 20 Great Ideas for Pro-Basing your figures
Author: Andy Gray

This e-book has been written for wargame figure artists who want to make their minis stand out on the table.

The author is a pro-painter as well as table-top wargamer, and sells regularly on ebay. These ideas are the ones used by professional miniatures artists.

Find out how to use materials from around the house as textures

  • How to create water
  • The best way to finish off your bases
  • The best way of handling long grass
  • Elements of design.


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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Arts, Computers

Photoshop Secrets

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-26
My Rate 5
I like this book"Photoshop Secrets" and will give 5stars because Photoshop is the number one graphics software that is used by many graphic designers and artists who want to get their projects just right.

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Title: Photoshop Secrets

Are You Frustrated Because Your Graphics Are Not Looking Professional?

Have You Been Slaving Over Your Projects, But Find Yourself Not Getting What You Want From Your Generic Graphic Software?

Dear Friend,

Well, you're about to discover some of the secrets and tips to enhance your images, photos and other projects that you are trying to create and make look professional. First, you need to get rid of that software that you've been using for years. Besides, it can only do so much for you. A lot of the features that you need are not there. However, there is software that can really enhance your projects and blow them out of the water! Do you know what is is? Drum roll, please.......It's Photoshop!

Photoshop is the number one graphics software that is used by many graphic designers and artists who want to get their projects just right. This graphics software has everything you need and more!

However, if you don't know the secrets to getting your projects where you want them to be, then you're a lost cause. Don't fret, because it doesn't have to stay that way. Here is a report that can take you from the beginning to some of the more advanced techniques and methods that you can use to enhance your images and photos. Just think, when your friends and family see your work, they will be more than amazed!

In order to get to that point, you will have to

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Arts, Business, Decorating

How to Start Your own Interior Designing Business

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Title: How to Start Your own Interior Designing Business
Are You Ready To Start Your Career In The Interior Design Industry?

I don't even know you...

...but I know your type. I bet you love to rearrange the furniture in your house. Even if it's only in your head. You say to yourself...

"I bet that'd look good over there. And this over here!" And you know what, you're probably right. You have it in your blood to be an interior designer.

Right now, you may not believe me. You may have never considered a career as an Interior Designer. But if you're already doing the work in your head for free...

...why not get paid for it! You're just doing what comes natural.

Being an Interior Designer can be well worth your time - and yes I am talking money. How would you like to work for yourself doing something that you enjoy?

Well you can. And I can show you how. It's something I call...

"How to Start Your own Interior Designing Business"

Greetings Friend,

If you are interested in Interior Design, you can start your own career with just a little guidance.

Has anyone ever told you that you have an eye for design? The last time you helped someone move, did people ask your opinion when trying to situate furniture? Maybe you just enjoy rearranging and decorating rooms in your head.

All the same... if you have the itch, or even an interest, you have already taken the first step to becoming an Interior Designer.

How would it feel to do something that you love... and get paid for it? Not many

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Category: Arts

Digital Scrapbooking Made Easy

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Title: Digital Scrapbooking Made Easy
Author: Tracy Yates


Taking photographs is a wonderful way to preserve your precious memories. With a picture, you can freeze those special moments in time and capture them forever. Of course, scrapbooking has been around for some time, but has recently felt resurgence in its popularity.

The art, yes I said art, of scrapbooking not only gives you a creative way to preserve those incredible photos you took, but offers an exciting display for you to share with friends and family. Beyond this, it is a creative way to get your family members 'on the same page' so to speak J, helping you fondly remember good times while creating some new memories by working together on the project itself.

Scrapbooking is becoming such a mainstream activity that there have been new books written on the subject detailing new, inexpensive, and inventive ways to create something spectacular that does a splendid job of showcasing your last big family activity. And, it's a lot more entertaining than the 'old vacation slide show', or flipping through the hum-drum family photo album!

In fact, you can find lots of free information on the subject of scrapbooking readily available from hundreds of resources online! From newsletters to websites, there are plenty out there dedicated to the growing scrapbooking hobby.

However, most of these information laden resources, whether online or off, cater specifically to the traditional method of scrapbooking. But,... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Arts, Home Business

Film Making

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Title: Film Making
Learn Basics to Becoming a Film Maker

If you've ever wanted the secrets to making your own film, here it is:

Indy Film Insider Tips And Basics To Film Making

Dear Friend,

Have you ever wanted to make your own film? Is there a story you want to tell? You might even think that this is impossible. "Studios make films, not the little guy". This is probably what you tell yourself. Do you watch films with more than a casual eye? You probably want to know how they were able to get perfect lighting in your favorite scene, or how to write a professional screenplay. Do you watch the Actor's Studio and hang on every word they say? My last question is, do sit in your seat at the movie when it's over watching the credits as everyone else files out the door .

Why Don't You Make Your Own Movie?

I know you have dreamed about it, but have you ever seriously contemplated making your own film? Yes Virginia, you too can make your own film, all on your own. If you have played with the idea of what it would be like to direct a film then you have already made an imaginary plan. Why not make it a reality. What else are you doing with your time, going to work at the factory everyday?

Are you thinking that Filmmaking is only for studios and professionals? I believe that Independent film has changed all the rules. Doors are opening all over for aspiring... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Arts, Science

The Practice and Science of Drawing

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Title: The Practice and Science of Drawing
Step-by-Step Manual teaches you how to become an expert in drawing and art even if you failed art in High School!

In a Few Minutes, You Can Be Learning The Fine Art of Drawing From One of the Foremost Authorities of The Science and Practice of Drawing!

Finally, You Can Now Learn How To Draw Like A Pro Without Having To Go To An Expensive Art School!

Dear Friend,

It's never too late to learn to draw, and the best thing is, it doesn't have to be expensive to learn to draw!

At last, you can now learn the fine art of drawing without enrolling in an expensive art school.

Learn the art in the comfort of your own home in your spare time at a fraction of the cost in enrolling in an art school with the "The Practice and Science of Drawing" by Harold Speed!

No commuting to and from a trade school ever! No hours lost to your existing employment, housework or studies!

Learn Drawing Step By Step!

"The Practice and Science of Drawing" is a comprehensive manual that contains over a hundred illustrations to guide you step-by-step and help you achieve mastery in the The Practice and Science of Drawing.

Let the author's illustrations guide you through the various stages of drawing. With this step-by-step manual learning the art of drawing would be enjoyable and easy!

The illustration below shows the different stages of mass drawing with the brush (Plate I. The Practice and

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Category: Arts, Home Business

Graphics Designer

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Title: Graphics Designer

Do You Know Exactly What Companies and Clients Are Looking for in a Graphics Designer?

Get a leg up on the competition, and find out exactly how you can catapult your name to the top of the list when it comes to Graphics Designing.

Learn The Basics To Becoming A Graphics Designer!

2 Of The Main Benefits to a Graphics Design Career

1) High Demand and Salary that is Worth the Amount of Work

Many jobs nowadays are high-training, low-paying. With graphics design, there are numerous possibilities that are all growing in demand. Whether you work for a big company, or freelance on your own, graphics design is worth the effort.

2) Opportunities Are Growing, Rather than Shrinking

With an increase in visuals across all medias (be it print, television or even internet), now, more than ever, graphics designers are in high demand. On top of that, this trend looks to continue to grow by leaps and bounds for the foreseeable future.

Here is what you will learn inside this guide....

  • What qualifications are needed? Do you HAVE to go to school, or can you be an effective graphics designer without it? More importantly, what are your potential clients looking for in a designer?
  • What is a graphics designer? There are so many different types of
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Arts, Education

Talks On Talking

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Title: Talks On Talking
A guide to mastery in the Art of Public Speaking

"Learn How To Talk Your Way to Rousing Success By Mastering The Art of Talking!"

Dear friend,

Talking is an art. How you talk tells what you are and predicts what you will be and what is in store for you in the future.

It is the words that comes out of your mouth today that will either save you and make you wealthy or successful or condemn you to mediocrity or failure.

Talks about Talking is one of the most important ebooks ever to be published that helps people become not just a good talkers but also Masters of Public Speaking.

Authored by no less than Grenville Kleiser, a former instructor at Yale University and the author of many ebooks about Public Speaking, Talks about Talking is a comprehensive guide that studies the art of oral communication in excruciating detail and prescribes just what you need to become a master of it.

To date, Talks about Talking has helped thousands of people overcome their problems in oral communications and become successful public speakers.

Now the good news is you can become a Master of Public Speaking regardless of your educational background or social standing.

As long as you have sincerity and conviction about what you wish to communicate, the world can be your captive audience.

The following are excerpts from the ebook:

"Hence it is that where a group of persons are met together in

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Arts, How To

Video Creation Secrets

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Title: Video Creation Secrets

How To Create Your Own Video Products

"Learn How YOU Can Take Advantage of the Video Boom By Creating Your Own High Quality Video Products . . .

Dear Soon-to-be Video Product Creator,

Now YOU Can Finally Discover All the ins and outs of Creating Your Own Video Product...and it's broken down into simple terms ANYONE can understand!

Are you ready to discover what marketing experts have known for quite awhile about creating your own video products? It's simple with this step by step manual.

2 Of The Main Benefits to Video Products

1) It's much easier to SHOW someone how to do something, as opposed to just telling them.

Teaching people to do something with written word can be difficult at best. Some won't understand what you are trying to explain...they may be confused with certain terms or descriptions. With video, you can SHOW them what you are talking about to remove all doubt. There's no guessing that they are doing something correctly, they'll know for a fact!

2) Higher perceived value of all your products.

Writing a guide or manual is great, but to be honest, videos are EXPECTED to cost more. You are adding a personal touch, and spending your time bonding with your customer (or at least, that's how it seems). Because of this, the value of your... Click here to read the full description!

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