Health ebooks

Disorders of the Brain: A Guide to Mental Illness
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(priced for $5.95 or less).
Title: Disorders of the Brain: A Guide to Mental Illness
Learn Everything You Need to Know About Common Mental Illnesses - Including How to Help Yourself, Or Others, Cope With the Associated Problems & Symptoms!
Dear friend,
If you or a loved one is currently struggling with a mental illness, this may be the most important letter you ever read.
Here's why:
There is a new e-book available that has been carefully crafted to help you understand the various diagnoses and mental health problems that are common today.
On the pages of this concise, yet comprehensive e-book you will also find many remedies to assist you in supporting individuals who suffer from these conditions.
Here is just some of what you will discover:
- Common mental illness triggers - and how to avoid them!
- What mental illnesses really are - we all experience stress, trauma and drama in our lives, find out here why some people are able to handle it well and others aren't!
- The three most common cognitive mental health disorders - find out what these conditions have in common as well as how they differ here!
- 6 common "root" causes of mental illness - discover how to identify these causes and determine whether yourself or a loved one is at risk for developing a mental illness!
- Common physical conditions that can cause the onset of dementia - plus, why people who suffer from
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Beginners Guide To Healthy Running
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(priced for $17.00 or less).
Title: Beginners Guide To Healthy Running
Author: Amanda Whiston
- What do you know about exercise?
"Are You a Couch Potato?"
- The Truth About Running for Good Health!
Dear Reader,
Well, you have finally made a decision. You're sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all the time. You know you have to eat right and you know you have to start an exercise program.
Finding a diet plan is easy. There are tons of recipes and charts available that help you identify what your dietary goals must be. When it comes to exercise, however, it starts getting difficult.
Oh, there are also many exercise programs out there. The problem is usually cost. You can join a fitness club. You can build your own exercise gym at home. You could buy one of those machines that are advertised on the TV.
Again, all great ideas. The problem is that each would probably cost you your first born child! Fitness clubs and gyms require a monthly fee and a long-term contract. Each of the other two plans have equally prohibitive costs.
So, What's the Alternative?
Well, it's running, of course! It might cost you a new pair of shoes if you don't already own a good pair of running shoes. Other than that the cost is measured in the amount of time you are ready to invest in your good health.
There are club dues to pay. You don't need to buy high-priced exercise equipment. All you need
Ebook Type: PDF

From PMS to PPD: Understanding the Phases of the Female Body
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: From PMS to PPD: Understanding the Phases of the Female Body
The Stages Of A Woman's Life Are No Longer A Mystery!
Valuable Information on all the Phases of the Female Body For a Low, Low Price!
Dear Friend,
Have you ever wondered why some women suffer from PMS? Or, do you want to know more about postpartum depression? What about the changes menopause incurs? If you spend all your time getting one task done just so you can move on to another, you need to make sure you don't waste one minute. Any time spent dilly-dallying is time you don't get to sit back and relax.
If you answered "yes" to these questions, I have a special product for you! "From PMS to PPD: Understanding the Phases of the Female Body" offers up detailed information on anything and everything related to women's bodies!
You'll learn everything you need to know about the phases of the female body with this fantastic e-book.
From Menstruation to Menopause and Everything In Between!
- The process of menstruation.
- Here is just SOME of the information you will find inside:
- PMS causes and cures.
- How to lead a healthy pregnant lifestyle.
- A fetal development guide.
- Treatments for menopause symptoms.
Plus MUCH more!
Start Your Female Phases Education Now and Learn What Makes Women
... Click here to read the full description!Ebook Type: PDF

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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: Autism
Is there a cause or cure for autism?
The Complete Guide To Finally Understanding Autism
Dear Friend,
Do you have an autistic child or know someone who has autism? Do you understand the special needs of an autistic person? Sometimes it is hard to understand that an autistic child is trapped within themselves without the ability to communicate or socially interact with others. While there is no cause or cure yet, autism can be treated and according to the level of severity, many adult autistic people can enjoy a rich, fulfilling life.
To most people autism is a mystery. Over the past 20 years cases of autism has jumped an amazing 172%. Ninety people out of every ten thousand born this year will be diagnosed with autism. Where did this strange disorder come from and why is it affecting more and more of our children each year? Parents and doctors have pondered this question for decades and very few details are sorted out. How do you teach an autistic child?
How do parents cope with a lifetime of caring and nurturing an autistic child? You can scan a thousand websites and read hundreds of books and most people will still not have a completer understanding of autism and how it affects the child...
Now you can save time and money and stop searching for information on autism
Wouldn't it be nice to have
Ebook Type: PDF

30 Days to Lower Cholesterol
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(priced for $4.95 or less).
Title: 30 Days to Lower Cholesterol
Warning: If you're suffering from high cholesterol you may not be able to afford passing this letter up!
Who Else Wants To Lower Their Cholesterol Safely, Quickly, And Painlessly So You Can Live A More Healthy, Carefree Life?
The doctor didn't even have to say a word.
You saw it in her eyes. Your cholesterol levels were high enough to cause some real concern. And she had to let you know that something needs to be done to reverse the situation before it becomes dangerous.
It's hard for busy people to be worried about their cholesterol at every meal. And since your cholesterol naturally rises as you get older, it seems to sneak up on you without warning.
Reversing rising cholesterol levels can be done safely, quickly, and painlessly if you know what you're doing. With a few expert tips you can balance those cholesterol levels and put your doctor at ease. (Along with your loved ones.)
You don't have to spend your life concentrating on what will or will not raise your cholesterol levels. All it takes is some solid, truthful information to put in the back of your mind when you go through life. Then you can balance your cholesterol levels faster than you thought possible.
Follow me, and I'll show you how to successfully dedicate the next...
30 Days To Lower
Ebook Type: PDF

Natural Cures For The Menopause
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: Natural Cures For The Menopause
Are Menopause Symptoms Playing Havoc With Your Health and Relationships?
Are you tired of the mood swings, dryness, hair loss and wrinkles that come with the "change of life"?
Do you want to do something about it but are wary of taking the estrogen or antidepressants usually prescribed for menopause symptoms?
Then you need to read...
Natural Cures For The Menopause
Deal with your symptoms without drugs or hormones!
Stop Upsetting Yourself and Others With Your Moods and Feel Better Within Days!
Dear Friend,
If you are reading this page then it is very likely that you are already experiencing some of the more uncomfortable symptoms of menopause.
Although menopause is supposed to be a natural occurrence it is clearly distressing for many women to go through.
Normally a condition that causes the following symptoms might have you worried that you are suffering from a serious or even fatal disease...
- Menstrual spotting
- The cessation of the menstrual period
- Irregular or sporadic periods
- Increased incidence of bladder infections
- Increased incidence of yeast infections
- Headaches
- Wrinkles
- Hair loss
- Dry
Ebook Type: PDF

The Handbook Of Relaxation!
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Title: The Handbook Of Relaxation!
Ever wondered what guided relaxation is all about?
Here are some invaluable informations about guided relaxation!
Do you find it difficult to relax? If so, you are not alone. Relaxing can be difficult for most of us.
A few years ago I began having major problems with stress. I knew I needed to calm down and relax but I just couldn't seem to find relaxation. As time went on the stress began to affect my health.
I knew I had to do something.
That's when I decided I had to find out how to relax. I knew I owed it to myself and my family to get a handle on this once and for all!
What I discovered completely changed my life!
How did I do it?
I would love to share my secrets with you and my new special report on guided relaxation does just that!
The Handbook Of Relaxation!
Everything you need to know about guided relaxation is included in this special report:
- How Guided Relaxation Can Help You
- Tools for Relaxation
- How Stress Affects You
- Restful Sleeping with Guided Relaxation
- Yoga
- Imagery Guided Relaxation
I leave absolutely nothing out! Everything that I learned about guided relaxation I share with you.
This is the most comprehensive
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Anti-Aging Treatments and Top Spas in the USA
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: Anti-Aging Treatments and Top Spas in the USA
Are You Striving To Look And Feel Youthful? Wish You Could Add 20 Years To Your Life?
Learn the Secrets to a Longer, Healthier Life With This Fantastic Anti-Aging Resource
Greetings Friend,
You might be feeling and looking great now, but have you ever thought about what you'll feel and look like several years from now? Have you ever considered that the choices you make today directly influence how well you age?
If you're intrigued, "Anti-Aging Treatments and Top Spas in the USA" is sure to satisfy your appetite for knowledge. You'll discover exactly what you can do to ward off aging and keep looking and feeling good for longer!
The Earlier You Start Taking Preventative Aging Measures, The Better Results You'll Get!
You may think you're taking good care of yourself, but there's a possibility how you're treating your body is causing damage that will show itself years from now in the form of wrinkles and bodily wear and tear.
This ebook will show you:
- How to create a balanced diet that promotes youthfulness
- The foods to avoid to prevent aging
- Exercise tips to keep fit and flexible
- The skin treatments to literally rid yourself of the years
- Stress relievers to get rid of those worry lines
- The top spa resorts in the
Ebook Type: PDF

Bad Breath
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(priced for $4.95 or less).
Title: Bad Breath
Have You Ever Noticed Why People Keep Their Distance From You?
Learn How You Can Combat Bad Breath!
Dear Friend,
Do You Find That you're Not Able To Hold A Face-To-Face Conversation For A Certain Period Of Time?
Well, you may have bad breath, but you probably already know that by now. Having chronic bad breath is not only embarrassing, it is also frustrating. You have tried things like mouthwash and the like, but it doesn't seem to be working for you. Maybe mouthwash is not the answer for you. Don't despair-there are other effective ways that you can get rid of bad breath!
In this manual, Bad Breath "Tips & Tricks to Help Combat Bad Breath!", you will learn effective ways to get rid of chronic halitosis. Chronic halitosis can be a pain in the butt. However, that doesn't mean that you have to suffer forever. You don't have to keep spending money on solutions that don't work. At this point, you probably feel that you have tried everything. That is not the case.
After years of trying different remedies and solutions, I'm here to tell you that there are fool-proof tips and tricks to make your breath smell fresh.
In this report, you will learn the following:
- Four ways to check to see if you have bad breath
- What is bad
Ebook Type: PDF

Natural Treatments for Dandruff
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: Natural Treatments for Dandruff
Stop Your Scalp From Snowing!
Finally ... A Real Cure for Dandruff!
No medication! No weird cures!
No messy creams, smelly solutions or strange diets!
- Are you sick of the shampoos and conditioners that make your head smell like sulphur?
- Are you sick to death of being sold products that could make the problem worse?
- If so then try a permanent revolutionary treatment for dandruff!
Natural Treatments for Dandruff
Dear Dandruff Sufferer,
It is a widely recognized fact that the population of most developed Western countries has a dandruff problem. Procter & Gamble (who manufacture one of the best known commercially produced anti-dandruff shampoos in the world) suggest that perhaps 60% of US citizens will suffer from dandruff at one time in their life or another.
That is a lot of people dealing with a dandruff problem. If you are reading this newsletter chances are that you are one of the millions of people who suffer from this annoying affliction.
If you suffer from dandruff, I would like to congratulate you for grabbing your copy of 'Natural Treatments for Dandruff" because this one simple act represents YOU taking a big step forward towards taking care of what basically amounts to being an embarrassing social
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