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Games ebooks

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Category: Entertainment, Games, Manuals

Competition Commando

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Reviewed by john on 2011-09-27
My Rate 1
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Title: Competition Commando
Author: Shaw Finn
A Comprehensive Guide To Winning Contests

Discover how to win even if you've never won anything before!

How many times have you said, "I never win anything?" If you're like most folks it's probably every time you buy a lottery ticket or fill out one of the tear off forms at a PTA meeting!

The time has come to change that to "I win all the time!"

Competition Commando is just what you need to turn contests into your own lucrative hobby or avocation. No matter where you turn you will find opportunities to enter a contest. Doesn't matter if it's tickets to a first run movie or a chance to win a brand spanking new car. Contests can be fun and profitable!

You can discover how to win. New cars, clothes, luxury vacations. . .all are there for the winning and it really has nothing to do with luck. Other people win these things, why not you? The primary differences between "you" and "them" are:

  • They enter them more often.
  • They enter more contests than you.
  • They are more methodical.
  • They put more effort into it.
  • They are selective.

Are there some "insider tips and tricks" that you can put to work? Yes, of course there are, and Shaw lays them out for you.

Some contests require that you "fill in the blanks in your own words." Shaw teaches you how to prepare the answer just right and boost the odds of winning. And, that's before you even get to using "winning words" that teach you how to tie in

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Category: Children, Entertainment, Games

Ezy Magic Fun Book

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Title: Ezy Magic Fun Book
Author: John Williams
Who Said Fun Is Just For Kids? . . .Full of Fun For The Whole Family

If you thought Ezy Magic was filled with fun, here is John's ebook for 2003, Ezy Magic Fun Ebook!

It's full of fun tricks, puzzles and projects. There is definitely something inside for every member of your family!

. . .Sssh, you could keep all these secrets to yourself and absolutely amaze everyone! But, isn't it better to share the fun?

How about this fun-filled lineup:


Simple juggling, jokes and other stunts that get laughs from everyone.


Bring the classic entertainment, chalk-talking, up to date and find crafty bugs in your friends' names.


Build your own puppet theatre and make puppets. Some full-size and some you can carry in your pocket.


Use matches, coins, a bottle and straw and some cups to baffle your friends!


Tricks to amaze and amuse with everything from cards to eggs.

You can be the hit of your next party! Headline at the kids' school talent show! Enjoy hours of quality time with your family!

Get Ezy Magic Fun Ebook to make the occasion fun! Add this to your library or make it a favored gift, today!



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Category: Children, Entertainment, Games

Ezy Magic

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Title: Ezy Magic
Author: John Williams
You're the Magician

With "Ezy Magic"

Everyone loves to watch Magic shows. We see them on television and occasionally you might see one "live" in your city. They are always great fun.

You wonder, "How do they do that?" Maybe you thought, "Could I do that?"

Yes, you can! "Ezy Magic" is packed with simple tricks you can amaze and amuse your friends (and yourself) with - over a hundred pages of tricks with cards, candy, matches, money, rope and even mind reading so you can impress everyone with your superior mental powers!

You also get the essential tips on presentation that make your tricks impress, not just puzzle your audiences.

Magic is a great hobby for people of all ages and abilities. Learning and performing can improve almost anyone's confidence, dexterity and social skills.

It's a fantastic family activity, either discover with your children or discover the tricks yourself, then perfom for your family and friends.

You can even make money with your shows.

Speakers, sales-people. educators. medical professionals, all people who interact with others in their business lives will find great ice-breakers to add a little fun to meetings and consultations.

There is a special section of unbeatable bets you can't lose unless you want to. A favorite is the one you win every time just by making sure you give the wrong answer!

You do NOT have to buy any special props or accessories. You have everything you need to become a

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Category: Games, Sports

Bringing Your Golf Scores To Life!

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Title: Bringing Your Golf Scores To Life!
How to LOSE...Several Strokes Off Your Game Quickly and Easily...


Remember what it was like the first time you picked up a golf club?

The first time you took a swing at a golf ball?

Chances are, if you're like me it was at a driving range. What a fantastic place!

Where else can you go and let our your frustrations, by swinging a club at a ball and driving it 200 yards downrange, and have a ton of fun at the same time?

That's what getting started with golf was like for me. I went to the driving range two to three times a week and spent hours just having fun. I wasn't thinking about what club I was using, what the best approach to the green would be, or trying to see the green to make birdie with one putt.

I was having a blast smashing that little white ball and driving it as far as I could.

Then I got the idea that it would be a great time walking all over golf courses chasing that little white ball and trying to put it into a small cup.

It sure wasn't just taking a whack anymore. Now it was about strategy and scores. Now it was about choosing which number club to use. What approach do I take in reading my next putt?

I love golf, but it was more like operating a business than spending time playing my favorite sport.

Decisions, strategies, trying to think two strokes ahead.... it was work. I wasn't relaxed. I didn't feel refreshed after each round. I even started struggling with my scores. Instead of making par or under most of the time, I

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Category: Entertainment, Games

David Blaine's Mega Magic

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Title: David Blaine's Mega Magic
Author: Lance Lines
The Secrets of David Blane Revealed...
  • Coin Tricks
  • Card Tricks
  • Bar Magic
  • Mind Reader
  • Street Magic
  • Levitation
  • Optical Illusions

Table Of Contents:

Card Tricks 2 of a Kind

  • Ace Party
  • 49er Fools Gold
  • All The Aces
  • Assistance Needed
  • Any Way You Count 'Em
  • Best Friends
  • Card Transposition
  • Build The Houses
  • Count Down
  • Deck Predictor
  • Cut To It
  • Double Turnover
  • ESP
  • Easy Pick
  • Find The Card The Hard Way
  • A Poker Player's Picnic
  • 4 Friendly Kings
  • After Drinks
  • Appearing Card
  • Amazing Ace stopper
  • Back Flip
  • Calling the Shots
  • Bottoms Up
  • Chased
  • Cutting the Aces
  • Criss Cross
  • Do It Yourself Discovery
  • Eight Threatening Kings
  • Easy Eights
  • Find Card The Easy Way
  • Four in a Row
  • Fool-Proof Reversed Card
  • Four Kingdoms
  • Gladlock the Great Knows All
  • Gemini Twins
  • Haphazard Cards
  • In My Pocket
  • I Can't Believe They Don't Get It!
  • Keith's Trick
  • Magic Breath
  • Liar, Liar
  • Magic Magnets Colour Separation
  • Magical Cut
  • Magic Pockets
  • Math-magic
  • Mind Reader II
  • Mental
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Category: Games, Sports

700 Chess Problems

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Title: 700 Chess Problems
Author: W. J. BAIRD

The Chess Problems contained in this volume are the product of
the labour and recreation of some fourteen years. I say "labour,"
because I am not such a Chess enthusiast as to believe that a collection
such as this can be produced without persistent application
partaking of the nature of work; and "recreation," because
the work has been a pleasure-how great a pleasure only a composer
can fully realize. Although a large number of the problems
have been republished in numerous papers at home and abroad,
only the name of the publication in which each originally appeared
is given. Exclusive of the prize list, in about a dozen cases
with a view to an improvement, they have been more or less reset
since their first appearance. The six added to this collection in letterpress
at the end of the Solutions are the last composed.
To the best of my belief there is not a single instance of a dual
continuation, and not being an admirer of dual mates, they are
very few and far between.
A list of prize problems will be found, but it must not be taken
for granted that it contains the essence of the volume.
Solutions are given in full for the benefit of those who are not far
advanced in the Problem Art. As will be seen, red represents the
White, and blue the Black pieces.
1st May, 1902

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Category: Entertainment, Games, Hobbies


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Author: Howard Thurston




A Few Incidents in the Life of Howard Thurston.

HOWARD THURSTON, the Premier Card Manipulator of the World, and known throughout America as "The Man who Mystified Hermann," was born at Columbus, Ohio, on the l0th of July, 1869, and is therefore now in his thirty-first year.

Originally intended by his father-a gentleman of firm Christian principles-for the ministry, he entered the D. L. Moody College, in Northfield, Mass., and completed a course of five years' training. During this period he came to the conclusion that Providence had never intended him to go through life as a parson, and his natural love of Magic always predominated over his liking for the more serious subject he was studying.

Upon graduating with honors from the College, very much against his father's wish he decided to adopt Magic as his profession. (How many other well-meaning enthusiasts have adopted this procedure, and

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Category: Games

Fantastic collection of Sony PSP Tips & Tricks!

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Title: Fantastic collection of Sony PSP Tips & Tricks!
  • Did you know that it can do so much more than just play high quality 3D games?
  • Are you getting the full benefit from your Sony PSP?

In this fantastic new guide we will show you some hidden tips & tricks that most PSP owners dont even know exist. Make your friends green with envy when you show them what your PSP can do compared to theirs!

Have a look below for the full contents of this eBook:

  • Did you know that there is a hidden web browser in your PSP? If you didnt then this guide shows you how to browse the web using your Sony PSP! (The game Wipeout Pure is required for this to work)
  • We will show you how to convert your current DVD collection into Sony MP4 video format so you can view them on your PSP.  Why pay for a UMD movie that you already own on DVD! We show you what software to use, and how to use it. Best of all it is 100% legal!
  • Have you cracked your LCD screen and need to replace it? Let us show you how to take apart your PSP without breaking it!
  • Do you know how to check your PSP for dead pixels?  This guide provides you with software that will identify dead pixels of ANY colour.
  • Have you ever bought an eBook on eBay? I you haven`t have a look at my other auctions! : ) I bet you didnt know that you can view these eBooks on your PSP. Again we give you detailed instructions
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Category: Adventure, Games, Hobbies

Hunting Game Adventuring

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Title: Hunting Game Adventuring

Play Beyond Duck Hunt for Fun Filled and Experience

If you're looking to find the best games that are fun yet challenging, then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!...

"In The Next 10 Minutes, You're About To Discover The Top Hunting Games, Where To Buy Them, And What Makes Them Better Than The Rest To Let You And Your Family Have The Most Enjoyable Leisure Time Forever!"

It doesn't matter if you are just started to play hunting games, this guide will get you on the right track to a fun filled experience.

Dear Internet Friend,

Need a new hobby? A hobby that also lets you release stress and tension?

Do you or someone you think you'd be interested in hunting games? If so, pay close attention!

There's finally an original new book created just for people like you!

And, if you really want to know the facts about hunting games, this book is definitely for YOU!

This Isn't Like Some Useless Guides On Hunting Games That You Can Find In Any Store..

...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!

This book covers everything there is to know about hunting games and it's understandable to the average person! In fact, some people have

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Games, Hobbies, Sports

Outdoor Sports and Games

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Title: Outdoor Sports and Games

Who Else Wants To Enjoy A Long and Healthy Life and "Enjoy Life As Well"?

Take A Vacation From The Rat Race & Starting Treating Yourself and Family To Healthy Living With Outdoor Sports and Games

Stop killing yourself with work, bad habits and Indoor Living!

This ebook is about Outdoor Lifestyle. Discover How To Vastly Improve Your Chance of Living A Long And Happy Life by cultivating a Healthy Outdoor Lifestyle!

Dear Friend,

Suppose you should wake up Christmas morning and find yourself to be the owner of a bicycle. It is a brand-new wheel and everything is in perfect working order.

The bearings are well oiled, the nickel is bright and shiny and it is all tuned up and ready for use. If you are a careful, sensible boy you can have fun with it for a long time until finally, like the "One Hoss Shay" in the poem, it wears out and goes to pieces all at once.

On the other hand, if you are careless or indifferent or lazy you may allow the machine to get out of order or to become rusty from disuse, or perhaps when a nut works loose you neglect it and have a breakdown on the road, or you may forget to oil the bearings and in a short time they begin to squeak and wear.

If you are another kind of a boy, you may be careful enough about oiling and cleaning the wheel, but you may also be reckless and head-strong and will jump over

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