If a law were passed giving six months to every writer of a first book, only the good ones would do it.
Bertrand Russell

Auto ebooks

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Category: Auto

The WHOLE TRUTH About Hybrid Cars

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-30
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this Book"The WHole Truth About Hybrid Cars" as it satisfys everyone curosity to get to know about the hybrid cars by all questions and answers related to it.

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Title: The WHOLE TRUTH About Hybrid Cars
Author: John Rogers

Is There One In YOUR Future?

Just What Is A Hybrid Car And Why Should YOU Be Interested In One?

Wow!! Is that a hot subject right now! There are some very good reasons why hybrids are so hot. If you've pulled your current car or suv or truck up next to a gas pump and inserted the nozzle, you know just what I mean!

I have written this ebook to give you some crucial information on some things you may have been wondering about.

I'm confident, if you've even thought about a hybrid car, you've possibly asked yourself the following questions: Just what is a hybrid car? How does a hybrid car work? Why should i be interested in hybrid cars? Is a hybrid car for me? Do i have to drive differently? Do they really save Gas? How can I get the best gas mileage? What's the potential for hybrid cars?

I've answered all of those questions and more in this great little ebook. It isn't a expert manual. By any means. This ebook is intended to answer your common questions, give you a general overview of hybrid cars and prime you to decide if you want to explore them further.

Some people think that hybrid cars can make an enormous difference in our world, while others think they're just a passing trend. This ebook will help you sort out how you feel and what to do next, if you like what you read. Discover a little, and get to know all about hybrid cars!

John Rogers discusses the truth about

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Auto

Choosing Alternative Fuel

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-12-19
My Rate 5
I will give 5 stars to this book because by reading this book one will get answers to the following questions which are given below,
• Has the rising fuel prices taken over your checkbook?
• Are you tired of paying these ridiculous high prices ?

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Title: Choosing Alternative Fuel

You're about to discover the most important tips and guides on choosing an alternative fuel to not only saving the environment but also save your checkbook...

"Discover How To Save More By Choosing Alternative Fuel And Get A In Depth Look At One Of The Most Noteworthy Guides..."

Choosing An Alternative Fuel Be An Advantage For The Environment And It Also Saving More On Your Monthly Issue Check.

Dear Internet Friend,

You may have noticed, gas prices are at an alarming rate these days and I wanted to ask you...

  • Has the rising fuel prices taken over your checkbook?
  • Are you tired of paying these ridiculous high prices ?

Are you or someone you know looking to save money? If so, pay close attention!

There's finally a new book created just for people like you!

And, if you really want to know the facts about alternative fuel, this book is definitely for YOU!

This Isn't Like Any Other Handbook On Alternative Fuel You Can Find In Any Store..

...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!

This book covers everything there is to know about alternative fuel and it's easily understandable to the average person! In fact, some people have called it the

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Auto, Law and Legal

How To Beat A Speeding Ticket

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Title: How To Beat A Speeding Ticket

Dear friend,

In todays world we have enough problems without the need to worry about the consequences of getting a speeding ticket. Did you know that if you get a ticket you could be facing a big fine, suspension of your license, higher insurance premiums, and even cancelation of your insurance. In extreme cases you could face jail time! Or you could...


Here's some of what you'll discover...

  • what to do when you are stopped!
  • about radar detectors and jammers!
  • if you should fight, plea bargain or pay the fine!
  • your basic rights!
  • how to plan ahead!
  • what to do in court!
  • about common cross examination questions!
  • about radar, laser and photo laser units!
  • and about other types of tickets like:
    • u turns
    • parking repair
    • red lights
    • stop signs

and more!

Order today and find out just how easy you can beat a speeding ticket!

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Category: Auto

Lemon Law

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Title: Lemon Law

How To Know if Your Car is Lemon Or Not!

Many people don't realize they have rights when they purchase a vehicle and then drive away to find out that is actually doesn't drive...

Learn if Your Car is a Lemon or Not!

Dear Friend,

You do have rights if you think you have purchased a lemon. You should know what your rights are and you should know if you really do have a lemon.

The views of a lemon are different in every state. You should find out what your state says about your car and if it constitutes under the lemon law. There are state laws and federal laws that protect the consumer from automobile fraud and from being sold a lemon.

Know the Lemon Laws of Your State

You might think you have a lemon and you don't. Know what constitutes as a lemon. You might have enough defects in your car that constitute it as being a lemon. Did you know that even though the car is drivable it may still be a lemon. There are many factors you should consider if you have a lemon and if you can do something about it.

If you sign the papers on a new or used car in a dealership and then drive away to find the car doesn't work you are not stuck...

How to Know if Your Car is a Lemon or Not provides all of the information you might need to see if your car qualifies as a lemon...

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Category: Auto

Definitive Guide To GPS Auto Tracker

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Title: Definitive Guide To GPS Auto Tracker
All You Need To Know About GPS Tracking System

If you're looking for the tracking solution to monitor your kids and your staffs movement, then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!...

"Discover How To Find The Exact Location From Point A To Point B Just By Using A Small Gadget Without Having The Needs To Flip Through Hundreds Pages Of Printed Maps!"

It doesn't matter if you completely new to GPS system, this guide will get you on the right track to a fun filled experience.

Dear Internet Friend,

Why waste time with maps? Why rely on word of mouth directions?

Do you or someone you know want a better way to navigate? If so, pay close attention!

There's finally an original new book created just for people like you!

And, if you really want to know the facts about GPS, this book is definitely for YOU!

This Isn't Like Some Useless Guides On GPS That You Can Find In Any Store..

...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!

This book covers everything there is to know about GPS and it's understandable to the average person! In fact, some people have called it the "GPS Bible"!

It's like having your very own GPS expert that you can reference and ask questions anytime you need to!

You'll uncover a wide array of tips, including selecting the GPS that's right for you today!

I myself traveled quite a bit. It was

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Category: Auto

Gas-saving Devices

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Title: Gas-saving Devices

Gas-saving Devices: Fuel Saver or Consumer Scam?

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Magnetic Devices
  • Oil and Gas Additives
  • Be Wary of the Testimonials that a Product Offers
  • Air Injection Products
  • Gas Saving Devices and Products that can Work
  • Conclusion
  • Save Money on Gas with Hypermiling Strategies

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Auto

Buying Your First New Car

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Title: Buying Your First New Car

"Who Else Wants To Discover The Insider Tips & Secret Strategies That Can Help You To Smoothly Buying Your First New Car Without Much Hassle & Avoid Getting Scam By Dishonest Car Dealer!"

If This Is The First Time You Are Planning To Buy A New Car, Then This Insider Tips & Strategies Are Just About To Show You Everything You Need To Know For Picking The Best Car To Meet Your Needs.

Dear New Car Buyer,

Are you looking to buy a new car?

Got no idea how to go about it and where to find information about what you suppose to know before proceeding the buying process.

Or maybe...

You interested in learning how to find your dream car without wasting much of your precious time and money talking to those fast-talking salesmen...

Then read further...

To learn how to know what kind of car you want and where to get the financing you need to succeed.

Buying a car for the first time is a daunting task. There are many important considerations a would-be car owner must take. Without proper knowledge, you could find yourself overpaying for a car or worse, buying a car that isn't worth it's weight in dollars.

What you need is information on car brands, how to negotiate car pricing, financing and information on what to look for when test-driving the car of your dreams.

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Category: Auto

Saving Money on Fuel Prices

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Title: Saving Money on Fuel Prices


  1. Put Money in Your Pocket, Not in Your Tank
  2. Old Fashioned Tips for Saving Money on Fuel Price s
  3. Saving Energy and Fuel Can Begin in your Home
  4. Saving Money on Fuel Prices
  5. Saving Money on Automotive Fuel
  6. Saving Money on Fuel Prices Year-round in the Home
  7. Saving Money on Fuel with Solar Energy
  8. Saving Money on Fuel Prices Year-round in the Home
  9. The Next Generation
  10. Ways to Cut Rising Fuels Costs for your Vehicle
  11. Ways of Conserving Energy and Fuel Consumption in your Home
  12. Ways to Make Your Car as Economical As Possible
  13. Are Tips Really Followed
  14. An Energy Efficient Home Will Use Less Fuel
  15. Credit Cards Can Help Save Money on Fuel
  16. Driving Smart Can Save You Fuel
  17. Drivers in Panic to Save Money on Soaring Fuel Prices
  18. Everything Is So Expensive
  19. Getting the Most Fuel for your Dollar
  20. Fuel Prices Skyrocketing: What's a Driver to Do
  21. Heating Your Home For Less
  22. Importance - Saving Money
  23. Gas Prices - I Remember When
  24. Learning about Energy Efficiency Ratings Can Help You Save Fuel
  25. Learning About Different Hybrid Cars for Saving Fuel

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Category: Auto

Water to Gas

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Title: Water to Gas

How to Make Your Car Run on Water!

Everything you wanted to know about...

Learn How To Make Your Car Run On Water!

Dear Friend,

Are you sick and tired of putting all of your money in your gas tank? If you are like most people, you want to know how you can save money when it comes to the gas you use for running your car. Each day the prices seem to be going up and up with no end in sight. Yet you have to pay - you are pretty much blackmailed into paying whatever is decided that you have to pay by big shots who couldn't care less about your worries. It makes you sort of sick, doesn't it?

You've probably wondered why there can't be a better way to get your car to run without costly gasoline. After all, if we put a man on the moon, why can't we make a car run on something that we have plenty of right here at home? And gasoline causes cars to emit fumes that are toxic to the air as well. Surely there must be something that can be done, isn't there?

You don't need to run your car on gasoline. Using gas to run our cars is a choice that we make, not something that is mandatory. There is one substance that you can use that is plentiful and costs practically nothing but can allow your car to run just like it does on gasoline

Sound too good to be true? It's Not!

You can run your car on a

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Category: Auto

Auto Sound System Basics

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Title: Auto Sound System Basics

Discover the basics of auto sound system with ease and short within 38 pages only.

Table of Contents

  • How to: A Car Stereo Installation Manual
  • Duh, It's A Car Stereo!
  • Pimp Up Yo' Ride! Why You Need A Good Car Stereo System
  • Great Brands For Good Prices On Auto Sound Systems
  • Ebay Has Surprising Bargains On Auto Sound Systems
  • Professional Installation Of Auto Sound Systems Imperative
  • The Ipod And The Auto Sound System
  • Speakers Play the Sound but Auto Sound Systems Make It
  • The Reasons Why You Should Add A DVD Player To Your Auto Sound System
  • A Pioneer In Their Own Right: The Pioneer Car Stereo
  • XM Satellite Or Sirius For Your Auto Sound System
  • It's A Sony Car Stereo
  • Choosing The Right Amplifier For Your Auto Sound System
  • Auto Sound Systems Are Becoming Entertainment Systems
  • Technology Spending Limits And The Auto Sound System
  • Is Auto Sound Systems Latest Technology A Necessity?
  • The Importance of a Good Auto Sound System

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