All wish to possess knowledge, but few, comparatively speaking, are willing to pay the price.
Juvenal, (Decimus Junius Juvenalis)

Travel ebooks

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Category: Travel

A Day In Your Favorite City

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Reviewed by radheradhe on 2019-01-25
My Rate 4
If you are one of the person who want to travel all over the world then this book"A day in your Favorite City " is for you which will tell you where ,how and why to travel in that place and all other important things you get to know.

Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-16
My Rate 5
I love this and will give 5 star to this book as it has helped me to develop & Create various ideas in my mind which always help me to answer various questions like What city do I fly into?
How do I get there?
Once I am there, how do I get around? walk, subway, bus, car??
What should I see?
Where should I stay?
Where do I eat?
What entertainment is there?
Where do I shop? ;)

Reviewed by charlie cannon on 2012-03-02
My Rate 4
this book made me deposit semen in my pants.

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Title: A Day In Your Favorite City
Author: June Campbell
Prepare for Your Vacation Before You Leave

Learn Where to Go, How to Go, Where to Eat and Much Much More Before You Step on that Plane.

Plus Tips on Simple Travel Planning, Cheap Air Tickets and More.

Have you ever considered going on a vacation to some well known location like, London, New York, France, or wherever ..... but then got to thinking about all the details of your trip.


  • What city do I fly into?
  • How do I get there?
  • Once I am there, how do I get around? walk, subway, bus, car??
  • What should I see?
  • Where should I stay?
  • Where do I eat?
  • What entertainment is there?
  • Where do I shop? ;)

To have all these questions answered you could hire a travel agent or, better yet, purchase this eBook of "A Day in Your Favorite City."

This ebook will go into the details of all these questions, and more, for these famous cities:

  • London
  • New York City
  • Paris
  • Sydney
  • Christchurch
  • Rome
  • Amsterdam
  • Singapore
  • Prague
  • Vienna

And there are tips for:

  • Money saving airfare tips
  • How to have a safe road trip: Prepare yourself, your passengers, your vehicle
  • Protecting Your Home While on Vacation
  • 10 Tips for Hassle-Free Business Travel
  • Simple Planning Makes for a More Enjoyable Vacation!

You could easily... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (4.33 after 3 votes)
Category: Manuals, Travel

Language Learning

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(priced for $27.00 or less).

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-12-04
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book "Language Learning " as by reading this book one can know various tricks and ideas of learning so many languages .

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Title: Language Learning
Become An International Conversationalist!

Teach Yourself Eight Languages All At Your Own Pace And From The Comfort Of Your Favorite Easy Chair

Using Only Your Computer And This Sensational E-book Learning Package!

Dear Online Friend ,

If you have ever thought it an impossibility to discover a second language, then I have some exciting news for you! With eLanguage Learning E-book Package, you will be able to discover not only a second language, but a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth! And it won't take you years to begin speaking conversational sentences either.

  • A Few Months?
  • Just how long will it take?
  • A Few Weeks?
  • How About A Few Hours?!

Yes, you see right. A Few Hours. Each e-book in this unbelievable package gives you the power to discover what you like and for as long as you like. You set the rules. You are both the teacher and the student! But without all the exam cramming!

Please keep reading to find out what's inside this incredible, and brand new, foreign language toolkit including what types of things you can discover with it.

Who Is eLanguage Learning E-book Package For?

eLanguage Learning E-book Package is for anyone interested in learning a second language. The e-books included are for all skill levels of readers. If you can see, that's all you need to begin! These e-books flow in such a way that makes it easy to discover simple words and... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Travel

Party Travel

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(priced for $19.95 or less).

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-12-04
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book "Party Travel"as by reading this book one can learn how to travel while going to party to whole the world ,where to stay ,how to stay . . . .

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Title: Party Travel
Author: Henry Gold
Are You Tired Of Being Bored, Wishing You Were Somewhere Fun And Exciting Along With Other Young Singles Just Like You?

"Discover The Fun, Exciting And Wild World Of Affordable Singles Travel...And Start Partying In The Worlds Hottest Party Destinations With The Worlds Most Beautiful And Sexy Singles!"

WARNING: This letter is not for everyone, so unless you are between the ages of 18-35, are single and crave fun and excitement in the worlds hottest party destinations...this letter will probably be of no interest to you.

Dear Friend,

I'd like to get something out of the way right now...

There seems to be a "myth" going around about fun travel that most people believe in. What I'm talking about is most people think that to have a great time, being around sexy, fun singles while traveling all over the world costs a fortune...But that couldn't be further from the truth!

Sure, it's expensive to take a limo to the air port, fly first class to a hot party destination, stay in a 5 star hotel and have a personal assistant follow you where ever you go...but who the hell actually wants that?

I mean most people just want to party and have an amazing time while seeing the world, and that can be done for a lot cheaper than most people think. In fact...

"The Experience Of A Lifetime Can Be Had For Under $300!"

That's right, you can party with fun and exciting singles just like you for what you would expect to pay for a nights stay in a fancy hotel...and it's all thanks to something called singles... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Entertainment, Travel

Travel Cheap! Travel Well! Confessions of A Traveling Pauper

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Title: Travel Cheap! Travel Well! Confessions of A Traveling Pauper
Author: Victor K. Pryles
Travel Like The "Rich and Famous..." Discover How A Pauper Travels Like A King!

What a smorgasbord of travel information awaits you!

All in one place, right in front of your eyes, instantly available, --- all the travel hot spots, ---the unknown secrets, ---the special deals and comprehensive travel savvy, --- knowledge that would take you years to discover on your one location, on your hard drive, in this PDF document!

Need to know the best day of the week to rent a car? It's in here.

Worry about what you need to say to the desk clerk at the hotel when you arrive, so the desk clerk doesn't take advantage of you? It's in here, (This one saves you tons of money and gets you the best room in the hotel!)

Do you know the best time of day to make a plane reservation to save hundreds of dollars? It's in here.

How about a way to get a FREE airplane ticket nearly every time you travel? The answer is in this ebook.

What if you could learn exactly how the airlines are vulnerable, so you can take advantage of them? It's in this ebook.

What if you could find 20 ways to outsmart the multi-billion dollar travel industry? Little ol' you! It's in these pages!

We give you a 10-step program to get yourself BUMPED from a flight so you can have the airline ticket agent eating out of your hand and begging you to take another flight for FREE! Right away, in chapter #1.

This isn't rocket science. See the ABC's of air travel and get all of the major

... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Classic, Travel

Tour through the Eastern Counties of England

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Title: Tour through the Eastern Counties of England
Author: Daniel Defoe

I began my travels where I purpose to end them, viz., at the City of London, and therefore my account of the city itself will come last, that is to say, at the latter end of my southern progress; and as in the course of this journey I shall have many occasions to call it a circuit, if not a circle, so I chose to give it the title of circuits in the plural, because I do not pretend to have travelled it all in one journey, but in many, and some of them many times over; the better to inform myself of everything I could find worth taking notice of.

I hope it will appear that I am not the less, but the more capable of giving a full account of things, by how much the more deliberation I have taken in the view of them, and by how much the oftener I have had opportunity to see them.

I set out the 3rd of April, 1722, going first eastward, and took what I think I may very honestly call a circuit in the very letter of it; for I went down by the coast of the Thames through the Marshes or Hundreds on the south side of the county of Essex, till I came to Malden, Colchester, and Harwich, thence continuing on the coast of Suffolk to Yarmouth; thence round by the edge of the sea, on the north and west side of Norfolk, to Lynn, Wisbech, and the Wash; thence back again, on the north side of Suffolk and Essex, to the west, ending it in Middlesex, near the place where I began it, reserving the middle or centre of the several counties to some little excursions, which I made by

... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Education, Travel

The Spanish Language Speed Learning Course

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Title: The Spanish Language Speed Learning Course

Attention: This report could make you a confident Spanish speaker in no time at all!

"Who Else Wants to Speak, Write, and Understand Spanish Using Outrageously Easy and Creative Techniques ... in Just 12 Days or Less?"

Only 12 days in your hectic schedule - that is all you need to allot in order to become an efficient Spanish speaker or conversationalist. You don't believe it?

First of all, I am aware of the fact that people's lives are getting busier and busier everyday. We are forced to fit tons of activities in a day. Sometimes there's no time left for ourselves.

Time is indeed essential to most of us. The fact that you're canvassing Spanish books in the internet means you have no time to go to any bookstore or library to acquire one. You may want to do things in the least possible time, using the easiest and most effective ways, in order to make the most out of your busy schedules.

And that works for this report as well - to help you become the Spanish speaker you have always wanted to be in the shortest time possible, yet in the most efficient way.

Greetings Future Spanish Speakers!

Learning a foreign language can be a frightening thought for many. According to them, it will just take up a lot of their time. They often disregard the... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Travel

Cyprus Properties Report

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Title: Cyprus Properties Report
Who Else Wants To Learn Everything They Need To Know About Buying Property In Cyprus, And Avoid Getting Ripped Off From Costly Mistakes, By Downloading This 50 Page Comprehensive Report Which Explains Every Single Detail?

If You Answered "I Do" To The Above Question Then Read On To See What You Will Learn, And Enter Your Details To Get Your Free Report Instantly...

Dear Friend,

If you are thinking about property in Cyprus, then this report is to you what is the Bible to Christians.

With this report you have an unfair advantage over other foreigners wanting to buy a house or invest in property in Cyprus.

Everything you need to know about Cyprus, its people, its history, its contemporary life, its laws related to buying properties, tax related information and how you can save tons of money by being informed.

We've done the homework for you. Your search is now simplified with this comprehensive, 'A to Z' report.

You will learn:

  • How to gain a tax advantage
  • Everything you need to know about living in Cyprus - From electric current to food safety and water quality
  • What you should know about mortgages in Cyprus
  • Activities and Clothing - What to wear and when
  • What expenses will you have after you purchase
  • All the legalities concerning permits you will need
  • Banking in Cyprus - What you need to know
  • Where to go online to find the current exchange rate between your country and Cyprus
  • What you need to know about importing your pet in Cyprus
  • Where to go to enjoy the island's delicious cuisine
  • How to book a property viewing
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Travel

Party Travel - A Day In...

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Title: Party Travel - A Day In...
Author: Henry Gold

This great little eBook includes 24 hour guides to world class cities suck as Paris, London, New York and many others!

Money saving airfare tips

Competition in the airline industry has pushed down some airline fares to incredibly reasonable prices. The key word in the previous sentence being "some." What if the fares for where you want to go are painfully high? Well, if you can be flexible about when you travel, your chances of finding a bargain airfare are very good.

Pick off-peak seasons to go to your destination. Not only will airfare be cheaper during off-peak times, but so will your hotel and car rental. You'll also benefit from lighter crowds. If you can be flexible about when you go, traveling during off peak seasons (for your destination) is the best way to get a good deal.

Explore alternate days of the week and times of day to travel. Even moving a flight from morning to afternoon or from Monday to Tuesday can save you significant dollars.

When booking online or going through a travel agent, don't use specific dates, but rather give a timeframe of when you would like to travel. Then you can see the full variety of fares available.

Use alternative airports. Most major metropolitan areas have more than one airport serving them. Traveling to and/or from the lesser used airports can make a big impact on your fare.

If you're concerned about winding up too far from your intended destination,

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Category: Travel

8 Languages Phrases

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Title: 8 Languages Phrases


  • German Phrase Mini-Ebook
  • French Phrase Mini-Ebook
  • Italian Phrase Mini-Ebook
  • Swedish Phrase Mini-Ebook
  • Spanish Phrase Mini-Ebook
  • Dutch Phrase Mini-Ebook
  • Japanese Phrase Mini-Ebook
  • Romanian Phrase Mini-Ebook

Dear Internet Friend,

This is going to be very brief. I don't want to waste any of your valuable time on huge amounts of 'explanation text' that does just that. So, if you have been looking for an easy to see and understand guide that will give you some short, but effective phrases you can use when travelling, this is your solution!

Here's a short and simple list of what you will find inside this little gem:

  • Pronunciation Tables For Vowels and Consonants In The Japanese Language
  • Learn Basic Coversational Phrases Like: 'How Are You?', 'My Name Is', 'What Is Your Name?', 'Do You Speak English?', 'Hello', 'Goodbye', 'Please', 'Thank You', 'I Don't Understand', and Many Others
  • Learn How To Say Specific Words Such As: Colors, Telling Time, Days of the Week, Months, Plus Numbers and Counting
  • Learn How To Ask About Hotel Accomodations, How To Order Specific Food And Drink In A Restaraunt, And Even Questions About What Types of Payments Are Accepted!
  • Learn Helpful Travelling Phrases Like How To Hail A Taxi Cab, How To Ask Questions Regarding Bus and Train Travel, And Great Phrases To
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Travel

101 Tips For Traveling On A Budget!

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Title: 101 Tips For Traveling On A Budget!

Who Else Wants To Plan Their Next Vacation With The Suave Insider Techniques Only A Professional Travel Agent Would Know? Where do you wish you were right now?

Hawaii? The Bahamas? New Zealand? If you could choose one spot in the world to be your dream vacation destination...

...where would it be? Second question. Do you think you'll ever get there?

Travel can be expensive. Airline tickets, steep hotel rates, the hidden cost of meals and more. Will you ever have the money to pick up and leave for your dream destination?

YES! You will if you plan ahead using the insider techniques of professional travel agents. Inside my report, you'll find out how you can make it to your first dream destination a lot sooner than you think.

I've put down all the tips, tricks, and tactics to making dream travel possible in one easy to read report. You can find all my secrets inside...

101 Tips For Traveling On A Budget!

Greetings Friend,

Give me 50 minutes and I'll have you planning your next trip like a professional travel agent.

Money stops most people from traveling to their dream destinations. Or at least the misconception that they can't afford to travel to the places they'd love to see most.

The secret inside the travel industry is that traveling can be VERY affordable when you plan ahead. Preparation is the key to traveling to... Click here to read the full description!

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