Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don't know because we don't want to know.
Aldous Huxley

Relationships ebooks

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Category: Relationships

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Reviewed by Marcelo on 2019-01-22
My Rate 5
Ebook that brings together various paleo diet, with simple language and easy access you can lose your unwanted weight with this wonderful diet.

Reviewed by tiffany conn on 2018-11-17
My Rate 4
very informative and an interesting read for alternative dieting! Examples of foods and thorough explanations on what to eat make following the paleo diet effortless.

Reviewed by Jaya Chahal on 2018-01-28
My Rate 5
It is very awesome book. Everyone should try this on his/her own too.

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Title: The Paleo Diet

An amazingly concise yet comprehensive overview of the paleo diet. I discuss its inception, as well as how it could potentially revitalize you. I also discuss how the food pyramid differs from that of the traditionally accepted one by the CDC.

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Rating: (4.38 after 18 votes)
Category: Relationships

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Reviewed by Marcelo on 2019-01-24
My Rate 5
Great book to have wonderful ideas for your relationship getting stronger and more passionate every day. you will love all the ideas and put into practice.

Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-28
My Rate 5
I will give 5 stars to this book"101 Romantic Ideas"because it helps me making my own romantic ideas which are helpful to do romance

Reviewed by Diamond Sutherland on 2017-03-29
My Rate 5
What a great book to help keep the romance alive. Not all of us can have these great ideas.

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Title: 101 Romantic Ideas

Are You Running Out Of Ideas To Be Romantic? Have You Ever Tried Being Romantic And Nothing Ever Goes The Way You Planned It? Well You Are Not Alone! In This E-book You Will Learn 101 Romantic Ideas.
For Example...

Idea#21 -
Invite your partner to go for a walk. Get a back pack and pack the following items: A picnic blanket, a selection of fruit in small containers eg. strawberries, grapes, watermelon and kiwi fruit. Some cheese and crackers. Some sandwiches. A small tin of caviar. A half bottle of champagne and two plastic champagne glasses. If your partner asks what's in the backpack, just say a jacket and some lunch. When you find a romantic spot, ask if she would like to stop for a bite to eat. Open your pack and remove the items one by one to set up your picnic. The last item you remove should be the glasses and champagne.And This Is Just One Idea, You Get 100 More...

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4.47 after 17 votes)
Category: Parenting, Psychology, Relationships

Overcoming Attention Deficit Disorder

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-28
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book as it tells various ways to overcome attention deficit disorder such as Low Self-Esteem - Maybe you often feel frustrated,Substance Abuse A little alcohol.

Reviewed by redone111 on 2015-12-18
My Rate 5
this is really good thing to read and learn from it give your easy and good solutions to make your life easy with your kids

Reviewed by Sarah on 2013-01-09
My Rate 5
It was very interesting. Great Value!

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Title: Overcoming Attention Deficit Disorder
How to Conquer Attention Deficit Disorder!

Could You Use Some Help With...
Square Peg, Round Hole Syndrome?
Marching to the Beat of a Different Drum Dilemma?

Well, Take 5 and Read On..!
Now In Just A Few Quick Minutes & Less Time Than It Takes To Run Out And Fill A Prescription...

...YOU Can Dance To The Tune Of  Successful ADD / ADHD Music ...

...And Stop Worrying About Fitting In!

  • Low Self-Esteem - Maybe you often feel frustrated. Things keep messing up. You don't think you'll ever really measure up...Maybe Charlie Brown thoughts like these pop up, "What is wrong with me? Why can't I ever do anything right?"
  • Ever face any of these challenges? Or know someone close to you who does?...
  • Substance Abuse - A little alcohol, a little marijuana now and then should be OK, right? I can handle it. Everything's under control. But deep down inside, late at night when things get quiet, you wonder if everything REALLY is under control...?

Depression - "Everyone gets a little "down" once in awhile... Just need to decide to be happy, that's all," you say to yourself. Monthly. OK, truth be told, weekly. Or probably closer to daily, really. Things just seem so depressing and hopeless sometimes...

Moodiness - Some days are the BEST. But just as quickly, they can become the WORST. Life sure can be one big roller coaster of ups and downs. If only things could be a little more stable, predictable... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (5 after 4 votes)
Category: Relationships

102 Dating Tips

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Reviewed by Albert Isaac on 2016-06-03
My Rate 5

Reviewed by Albert Isaac on 2016-06-03
My Rate 5

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Title: 102 Dating Tips

102 Dating Tips To Help You Find The Love Of Your Life

Dating Tips for Women

1. Remember to keep your ears open more than your mouth.
Your date is not one of your girlfriends, and he probably would enjoy a chance to talk about himself and his interests for a little while too. If he seems uninterested in sharing, it may just be that he's quiet. Ask questions to get him talking about himself and what interests him.

2. Get dressed up. Nothing says "I'm not interested" quite as loudly as showing up for a date poorly dressed. You don't have to be a fashion diva, but make a little extra effort to show your date that you took time with him in mind. Dress appropriately for the activity of the day and always be prepared for the unexpected.

3. Avoid talking about your past dates and ex-partners. Should the relationship progress past a few solitary dates, you might be in a place where it is ok to talk about these people, but in general you should steer clear of mentioning them as much as possible. If you do mention previous partners, you are risking giving your date the impression that he might never live up to your memories or that you are still hung up on an ex.

Dating Tips for Men

52. Be witty with your pickup lines.
The first time you approach a woman; don't try to impress her with intelligent conversation right

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Relationships

Online Dating Guide For Men

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Reviewed by redone111 on 2016-01-17
My Rate 5
This is really great ebook and like how simple but straight to the point

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Title: Online Dating Guide For Men
Author: Shane Pearce

Online Dating Expert Spills All In Candid, Easy To See E-book!


"How A Pasty White Computer Nerd Got 14 Hot Dates In 47 Days With The Power Of Online Dating!"

"Dating Isnt Fair - Find Out What Women REALLY Want!"

Dear Friend,

Women are literally laughing at 95% of mens online dating profiles and it's not because these guys are ugly or funny lookin, it's because of the attitudes these men have to dating and women.

Their online profiles scream to women that they are wussies and desperate and they don't even know it, they think this is what women want and then they scratch their heads when women turn around and tell them, "let's just be friends" or "I'm not in the right place in my life for a boyfriend, but you're a really nice guy tho".
I bet some of this sounds familiar to you, which is nothing to be ashamed of....

Because this use to be my life's story!

Haha, it's funny when I think about it now mate, but at the time I had no idea what I was doing wrong. I'm not just talking about online dating here, I'm talking about dating in general. I HAD NO CLUE AT ALL!

But I started reading everything I could get my hands on (I spent thousands of dollars on tapes, courses, you name it), I tried every possible technique under the sun, I got rejected 100 times over all in the name of trying to discover how to be successful with women.

It wasn't just like I woke up oneday and

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Relationships

Bring Your Marriage Back to Newlywed Again

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-12-07
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book "Bring your Marriage Back to Newlywed Again " as by reading to this book one will get answers to the following questions which are :

What the warning signs are that your marriage might be in trouble
Why marriages fail
How to get the romance back
Ways to reconnect with your spouse
Adjusting your thinking to work for a healthy marriage.

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Title: Bring Your Marriage Back to Newlywed Again

"Is Your Marriage Less Than What You Expected It To Be? Have You Ever Wished You Could Feel The Way You Did When You Were Newlyweds?"

Don't Worry, We're Here To Help! You Can Bring Your Marriage Back To Newlyweds Again! Just By Simply Reading This Easy Step-By-Step E-Book That All Married Couples Should Have!

Dear Friend:

At some point, it happens to everyone: You wake up one day and suddenly your once-blissful marriage is shattered. The spark is gone. And the love of your life wants nothing to do with you.
You yearn for those feelings you had on your wedding day. When you were both filled with hope and possibilities of what was in store for the future. Do you wish you could have those feelings back again?

Don't Worry - You Can!

Look - there's no such thing as a perfect marriage. Life isn't all sunshine and buttercups. But a happy marriage is a very real thing, and you deserve a happy, healthy marriage. I can show you
exactly how to win back your partner and re-ignite the passion in your once happy marriage.

You remember the feelings you shared when you first fell in love when it was impossible to look at each other without smiling. Just spending time alone together was the perfect night. And the animal attraction between the two of you was white hot.

You were happy together once. And

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Mind, Relationships, Women

Law of Attraction

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Reviewed by haaraan on 2009-01-24
My Rate 4
it is nice

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Title: Law of Attraction
Learn the Secrets of the Buddha...

The Law of Attraction: The Secret to Fulfilling Your Heart's Desires Without Ever Leaving the Privacy of Your Own Mind

Dear Friend,

Have you ever wondered what it is about some people that they find success so easy? Why it seems as though everything they've ever touched in their lives has turned to gold? Have you ever sat and watched them jealously, wishing you too could find success that easily in your life?

What would you say if I told you that there was a way to achieve anything that you had ever wanted from life just by using the power hidden within the depths of your own mind? What if I said that I could teach you how to overcome all of your inhibitions and fears and use the laws of nature to draw success to you rather than you running after it? What would you say if I said that everything that had occurred to you in your life prior to today was entirely the result of your thoughts and actions, and everything that happens to you from here on out is entirely in your hands?

What would you say if I told you that I could teach you the secret handed down from the greatest minds of all time, reaffirmed by the spiritual leaders throughout history, and that with this information you could change your very destiny?

You would probably tell me that I'm crazy, that I've been watching far too much late night television and that I should get myself to a therapist as

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Relationships, Women

Planning Your Perfect Wedding Reception

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Reviewed by Phillip Maxwell on 2010-01-10
My Rate 4
My Name is Dr.Phillip Maxwell,
I am looking for an experienced wedding planner

who will handle my wedding and arrange dinner

for a group of people who will be attending the

wedding ceremony.Seven will arrive few days

before the we

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Title: Planning Your Perfect Wedding Reception
Author: Mary Wells
Amazing New Guide Shares Secrets to Successful Wedding Reception!

It's the day you've dreamed of your entire life. The wedding has come off without a single problem. The bridesmaids looked beautiful and the groomsmen were dashing. The ceremony was heartwarming and your exchange of vows were timely.

One more hurdle and the day will go down in your personal history as momentous. If you've done your homework and planned properly the reception should be as memorable as the wedding ceremony.

Forget about all those horror stories you've heard of from other brides. The cake has been delivered and is exactly to your specifications. The caterers have been hard at work since early morning. Everything is under control. . .or is it?

It is if you consulted your copy of Planning Your Perfect Wedding Reception. Are you in the planning stages of your wedding? If so, you have to put this at the top of your "must have" list. Why? Let's take a look.

  • Establishing the budget - how to tips for saving money
  • Finding the perfect location - traditional and non-traditional receptions, outdoor versus indoor
  • Basic Etiquette for a receiving line - who stands where and why
  • Planning the drinks
  • DJ and Music - live music or DJ - tips on both venues and how to save money on music arrangements
  • All about the dancing - the first dance and learning the rules
  • Wedding reception food - planning your menu
  • Photography and/or videography
  • Choosing the theme
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Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Psychology, Relationships

Nice Guys, Shy Guys and Good Guys Are Not Doomed To Finish Last With Women

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Title: Nice Guys, Shy Guys and Good Guys Are Not Doomed To Finish Last With Women
Author: Shawn Nelson

There are three types of men in this world:

  • Those who wish they can get the women
  • Those who get the women
  • Those who get rejected by women constantly

Yet, there is hope for you if you're a nice guy, shy guy or good guy who seems to finish last!

There's a fundamental shift occuring within the United States, and around the world, that will assist nice guys, shy guys and good guys like you to stand out as potential mates for women looking for a man.

First, mature women are considering younger men as potential candidates.

Second, millions of beautiful, intelligent and single women are tired of playing games with men. They want to settle down and lead a happy life with that special someone.

Yet, you have to understand how to use this information to your advantage to get the woman you desire.

The report doesn't deal with trickery, lying or scaming women. It's an honest approach for nice guys, shy guys and good guys to get women who will be interested in them for telling the truth and being themselves.

I know it works because I've used the approach for seven years successfully to meet tons of beautiful and intelligent women! However, my goal was to have friends only!

Here's what you'll discover:

  • Why it's the little things that will make you stand out from the crowd
  • The three things you must do to attract beautiful, sexy
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Category: Family, Relationships, Women

Wonderful Wedding Favors And Gifts

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Title: Wonderful Wedding Favors And Gifts
Author: Maria Vowell
Now You Can Have The Wedding Of Your Dreams Without Spending A Small Fortune !

Make Your Own Wonderful Wedding Favors And Gifts For Pleasure, Profit, Joy and Happy Memories!

Every blushing bride wants to have a memorable and romantic wedding that will be remembered for years with pleasant memories by all that attend.

The purpose of "Wonderful wedding favors and wedding gifts" is to help accomplish this, even if you or the bride to be is on a tight budget. It is not expensive catering and thousand dollar dresses that create lasting memories.

It's the beauty of the day, the sunshine smile of the bride and the feeling of being special for that one moment in time, no matter if you are a guest or the bride herself. This is what makes weddings special, romantic and memorable.

Many brides spend a lot of money on expensive plastic wedding favors and gifts for the guests that have no sentimental value. Many guests also spend lots of money on new gifts for the bride and groom that really do not hold special meaning at all.

It's rare that you see a true heirloom shared at weddings these days.

In a world full of manufactured material, it's so much easier to just purchase something quick just so you can say you care, instead of actually making an attempt to show how much you actually do care.

"Wonderful Wedding Favors And Wedding Gifts" not only provides crochet patterns for true heirloom gifts, but also provides sweet memories as you crochet lovely sachets for your bridesmaids,

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