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Josh Billings

Health ebooks

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Category: Body, Health, Sports

Steroids - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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Title: Steroids - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Author: Crosier Sullivan
A Complete Guide to the Use and Abuse of Steroids

You hear it on the evening news. You see it in the newspaper headlines. Another young athlete loses his life as a result of illegal steroid use. He may be a friend of your own child or even a family member, bringing the tragedy that much closer to home.

It's no surprise why our children are falling prey to the lure of enhanced performance. They are bombarded with images of their favorite athletes mocking the rules and blatantly espousing the use (or should we say abuse) of these deadly concoctions.

Let's not confuse the positive uses for steroids. Doctors often recommend them to patients for treating diseases like:

  • Osteoporosis
  • Breast Cancer
  • Hereditary Angioedaema
  • Anemia
  • Inflammation,
  • Thrombosis
  • Endometriosis

These and many other conditions benefit from the use of anabolic steroids. They are especially helpful in the treatment of AIDS wasting syndrome. In this case, they help to rebuild muscle.

They are also used in fighting HIV infections and hormonal deficiencies in men. Steroids reduce joint pain in women due to osteoporosis in the joints like knees, elbows, hips and more.

Our problem isn't with the curative effects of steroid use, rather, the abuse of steroids.

If you suspect that someone you care for may be heading down the slippery slope of steroid abuse, you need to arm yourself with the most effective weapon available. That weapon is

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Category: Health, Humor

The Power of Laughter

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Title: The Power of Laughter
Author: John Williams

How to be Happier, Healthier and Have More Fun!
Laughter IS The Best Medicine!

Picture this. You're standing around the water cooler at the office, sharing comments about last nights favorite sitcom. Here comes "Joe the Jerk," the buffoon of the office staff.

He butts in with, "have you heard the latest about the farmers daughter?" He launches into his latest off color joke completing ignoring the gender or makeup of his audience.

When he finally finishes, an uncomfortable silence falls across the group. Moments later one or two people may offer a half hearted chuckle and the group breaks up heading back to their workplace amid an uncomfortable atmosphere.

Unfortunately this, or something similar, happens every day around the globe.

There's no doubt about it, laughter truly is the best medicine. You probably have your own personal "library" of jokes that you roll out when the occasion arises.

However, have you ever given any thought to "joke etiquette?" Probably not, because until now there hasn't been any guidelines written on the subject.

That's no longer the case. "The Power Of Laughter" brings you a long list of wonderfully laughable jokes. . .however. . .it doesn't stop there.

Not just another overdone "joke ebook,"The Power Of Laughter" explores the anatomy of a joke from introduction straight through to delivery.

He discusses the right and wrong way to tell a joke and

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Category: Health, Medicine, Women

How To Overcome Dandruff And Other Scalp Disorders

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Title: How To Overcome Dandruff And Other Scalp Disorders
Author: Sylvia Sage
Are You Embarrassed By Unsightly Dandruff?

New Hair Care Secrets Leave Your Hair Shiny, Silky And Easier to Manage

This is it! The big night. You waited weeks for him to ask you for a date and the waiting is over. Overcome with excitement, you nervously tap your foot on the pavement watching for his car.

Here he comes. You open the passenger door and slide in quickly. He smiles and nods appreciatively. Making light conversation during the short drive to the restaurant, you know the evening is off to a grand beginning!

He parks the car and walks around to help you out. During the short walk to the restaurant door his arm protectively encircles your waist. Suddenly you're inside and the bright lights reflect off the mirror in the entryway.

As he turns you around to help you remove your coat, you catch his image in the mirror and your blood runs cold. Where there should be sparkling glints of appreciation in his eyes, you see disgust.

Following his gaze you see it. . .telltale white tracks. . .sprinkled across both your shoulders like frozen snowflakes. But it isn't snowing. Your secret is revealed and the evening is over before it's begun. Embarrassed, humiliated and defeated again. . .by dandruff!

Okay, so maybe our story is a bit dramatic. But no less hurtful if you have ever had a similar experience. The truth is, we've all had the problem at some time and to one degree or another.

Maybe you've tried some of the special shampoos and other hair care

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Category: Health, Medicine

The Truth About Diabetes

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Title: The Truth About Diabetes
Author: Geoffrey Leigh
Diabetes Reaching Epidemic Proportions?

Over 300 Million At Risk Globally!

What you don't know can kill you!

Do you find that headline alarming? If you did, good for you! This silent killer must be stopped. The only way that can happen is by each of us taking personal responsibility for ourselves and those we know and love.

Let's take a look at some facts:

According to endocrinologist Frank Vinicor of the CDC (Center For Disease Control):

  • "We're seeing the greatest increase in obesity and lack of physical activity in people in their 30's, so therefore it is not surprising to find the 70% increase in just 8 years.
  • We are now beginning to see the consequences of physical inactivity and weight gain that go well beyond feeling good about yourself or cosmetic issues."

Did you know that approximately 17,000,000 Americans have diabetes? This equates to 6.2% of the population. And, at the current rate of increase, there are about one million new cases per year.

The really frightening part of this is that this is probably an "under estimation" because it is not uncommon for diabetes to go undetected for as long as 12 years before being properly diagnosed.

Sadly, many of us will lose friends and family before they are even diagnosed! Why? Because research shows that the following consequences of diabetes occur statistically in the USA per annum:

  • Amputations of the lower limbs - 80,000+
  • Premature... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Garden, Health

Organic Secrets

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Title: Organic Secrets
Author: Pauline Hodgkinson
Anyone Can Grow Organic Fruit And Vegetables At Home

Gardeners, Learn The Easy Way To Save Money and Eat Healthy For Life With Organic Secrets.

Organic Secrets is an amazing fact filled ebook. Over two years to research and write and now for the first time available as a digital download. You will be able to start reading this "comprehensive guide to everything organic" in less than five minutes.

Order Organic Secrets and you'll have the plain, simple facts about growing your own healthy organic produce in your garden.

You'll get over 40 chapters that explain in plain and simple terms how to become 'Organic' - You will see about the basics including: creating the best soil, when and how to plant seeds through to great time and labour saving ideas on eradicating garden pests safely and choosing the perfect tools to make light of any task.

"This fantastic, easy to follow manual ebook is written for both the amateur gardener and the enthusiast alike."

If your new to organic gardening the in-depth advice on growing over 36 different types of vegetables will be indispensable - find out when to sow, maintain your crop and when to harvest to get the very best from your garden.

Here are just some of the delicious, healthy, vegetables covered in this great ebook:

  • Beetroot
  • Broad Beans, French Beans, Runner Beans
  • Broccoli & Calabrese
  • Spring, Summer and Autumn... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Cooking, Diet, Health

Delicious Diabetic Recipes

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Title: Delicious Diabetic Recipes
Over 500 Yummy Recipes

Over 500 Tasty Diabetic Recipes, sure to please your tastebuds and satisfy your diet restrictions!

Millions of people have Diabetes and have to maintain a special Diet. But this doesn't mean you can't enjoy the things you like, you just have to make them a little differently.

"Delicioius Diabetic Recipes" gives you an awesome collection of over 500 recipes! You'll find recipes for things you may have thought you couldn't have any more, like Fudge, Cakes and Cookies. Well the good news is you can still have all those things you just need some recipes that tell you how to make them!

With this collection of recipes you shouldn't have any trouble coming up with something you like and also fits your diet restrictions!

You don't even have to be a Diabetic to enjoy these recipes, anyone wanting to cut down on the sugar in their diet will benefit from these recipes! Take a look at the list below for just a small sampling of what's included in "Delicious Diabetic Recipes"!

Table of Contents

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Category: Health, Self Help

Natural Pain Management

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Title: Natural Pain Management
Author: Teresa King
How to Conquer Pain Once and For All by Attacking the Source and Do It

- A Practical Handbook For Self-Help

Chances are, you may have heard the story about the guy who goes to his doctor and tells him, "Doc, it hurts when I lift my arm this way," as he twists his arm in an awkward position.

The doctor responds, "then don't move your arm that way," and hands the guy a bill for $100!

Plenty of people have laughed at that joke, but if you suffer from acute or chronic pain it's no laughing matter!

It's all in your head?

Have you heard that one before? Maybe it's a backache, or a headache or a throbbing joint or muscle. You go to your doctor and he can't find anything wrong. He writes you a prescription for pain medication and suggests you see a neurologist.

The neurologist does an exam and tells you that you need to see a specialist and writes you another prescription for pain medication.

The specialist tells you that all you need is physical therapy, writes you another prescription for pain medication and sends you off to see a physical therapist.

Am I crazy?

By this time you probably feel like the doctors are right and maybe you are nuts! No, you aren't crazy but you do need help.

If you have ever been on a medical merry-go-round like this you understand the frustration. Pretty soon, instead of feeling better all the aggravation has just contributed to the original problem.

Okay, I'm not crazy, so what's next?

First, what

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Category: Health

7 Ways to Live Life to the Max

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Title: 7 Ways to Live Life to the Max
Author: Dennis R. Curyer
Follow The Oracle Discover The Secret Wisdom and DARE To Live Life To The Max!

Once upon a time, there was a fisherman who never put a lid on his basket of lobsters. When asked was he not afraid of them climbing over the edge and getting away, he said, "Heck no, the moment one makes a bid for freedom all of the others drag him back in".

Do you have lobsters in your life?

The lobsters are in the form of parents, children, relatives, friends, work associates, those in authority, etc. who, though well intentioned, will attempt to discourage you from your ambitions.

The greatest gift you have been given is the freedom to make choices. Use this gift to its maximum. You have in front of you the key to secret wisdom. If you use it, you will unlock the secret to having all your dreams come true.

7 Ways To Live Life To The Max is that key and it's just within your reach! Within the bytes and bits lies wisdom for the ages. Not just a manual to happier living, it is a treasure chest of principles that will make your every wish come true.

Are you down in the dumps?
Do you suffer from depression?
Are you burnt out?
Looking for a new lease onlife?
Are you lacking goals or direction?
Wondering what life is all about and what your role is?

This ebook has been written to empower people to live with excitement and energy. What are the 7 Ways To Live Life To The Max ?

  • Maxers Live In The Real World
  • Maxers Know the Big Picture While Not Ignoring The Small... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health, Medicine

Understanding Incontinence

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Title: Understanding Incontinence
Author: G. Fairweather
End The Embarrassment Once and For All

Keeping Control

The phone rings. You check your caller ID and see the incoming call is from your sister. Glancing at the calendar next to the phone, you see the upcoming Saturday is circled in red. You know it's your sister's birthday. And, you know she is calling to invite you to a birthday celebration.

As the phone continues to ring, one small tear escapes and rolls down your cheek. You won't take the call nor will you return it. You just add that family celebration to the growing list of events that you will have to avoid.

Your social life has disintegrated to what's on the television and takeout from a fast food restaurant.

At your workplace, you avoid making friends with co-workers because that might have put you at risk of a relationship that you can't participate in.

If this describes you, understand that you deserve better and it doesn't have to be that way. No longer do you need to be a slave to this condition. You can live a happy, productive life. You just need to. . .

Take back control

Urinary incontinence need not control your life. First, you need to grasp an understanding of how the urinary tract works and an understanding of why you are unable to control passage, either in small leakages or larger amounts.

The process should be simple, but when these involuntary leakages happen it can be due from any number of factors. Incontinence is not necessarily due to old age or... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health

A Healthier You!

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Title: A Healthier You!

Dear friend,

In todays world we need our health. Sometimes its all we have. Are you as healthy as you could be? I would be willing to bet that you arent. Dont worry though because with this e-Book you will be able to have a healthier lifestyle and live longer!

Order today and find out just how easy you can live a healthier life!

54 pages.


A Consumer's Manual to Fats
The Positive Weight Loss Approach
Exercise Melts Body Fat
Walking and Weight Loss
Sensible Diet Tips
Where Diets Go Wrong
Alcohol and Society Today
Aids and Drug Abuse
Conquering the Smoking Habit
Fueling Up On Water
Coronary Heart Disease
Facts About Alzheimer's Disease
Ulcers Are No Laughing Matter
New Therapy for Heart Attacks
Hay Fever, Allergy and Asthma
The Radon Problem
The Dangers of Household Garbage
Lead Can Be Dangerous
Safeguarding Your Food
Healthy Lawn Healthy Environment
Unique Ways to Obtain A Good Night's Sleep
Fifty Useful Tips For Better Sleep
Get An Extra Hour Out Of Every Day
A Short Memory Course
Be Your Own Psychic 

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