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Samuel Johnson

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Category: Home, Investing

Real Estate Investment for Beginners

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-20
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book "Real Estate Investment for Beginners"as this book helps the beginners in real estate investment.

Reviewed by francis mugo on 2007-06-23
My Rate 4
This is an informative book and it looks like an encyclopedia in both private investment and the investment business.

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Title: Real Estate Investment for Beginners
Author: Sal Vannutini
Veteran Real Estate Investor Shares 101 Insider Secrets!

. . .discover how to create a fortune in real estate and quit your job forever!

Listen, let's just cut to the chase here. You're reading this because you like the idea of learning how to create a fortune in real estate and quit your job forever!

There's no reason to beat around the bush and there's no reason to feed you a stale meal of the same old hype you see at every click of your mouse.

Let's face it. All the so-called "new" ideas have already been done, haven't they? Or have they?

Have you ever wondered about investing in real estate? Maybe one sleepless night you tuned in to one of those infomercials that promises you the moon.

You know the ones we're talking about. They always show "Joe Slick" and his blonde wife and 1.5 kids basking by their olympic sized swimming pool behind a mansion that makes the Taj Majal look like a chicken coop!

They tell you that you, too, can live the life of luxury in just 30 days by purchasing their sure-fire course for a measly $5K. Ouch! They wanna send you a gazillion video tapes, pounds of paper and a whole slew of audio tapes too!

Sound familiar?

If it does, then you should really appreciate what's available to you here. Real Estate Investment for Beginners is just what you need to get the straight scoop on what you need to do. And you'll get the info in one very compact, informative e-book. It won't cost you $5K either.

The truth is you can

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Rating: (4.5 after 2 votes)
Category: Home, Manuals, Women

Handywoman's Home Repairs

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-11-15
My Rate 4
I will give 4stars to this book "Handy womans Home Repairs " as i came to know various homemade repairs ideas after reading it.

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Title: Handywoman's Home Repairs
Author: Gloria Rae
How To Eliminate Your "Honey Do" List Once And For All!

Even some MEN could do them!

It was one of those hot, sultry days in mid-August. The air was so humid each breath felt like a warm drink of water. Suddenly, a piercing scream interrupted the buzz of the fly that I felt too tired to swat.

Mopping the sweat off my brow, and with a deep sigh, I managed to maneuver my eight and a half month pregnant, tank like frame out of the chair and negotiate down the hallway. Mommy! Mommy!

The two year old had just flushed his "Sponge Bob Square Pants" action figure down the toilet. Rather than regurgitating the plastic figure, the porcelin monster was spewing forth like Old Faithful. If something wasn't done soon, our neighborhood would be offering beach front property in the middle of the desert!

Where was my hero? Where was that knight in shining armor who promised to love, honor, cherish and repair all things broken til death do us part?

He's where any other red-blooded man was on a Sunday afternoon in the summer. . .braving the wilds 50 miles away on some stupid boat trying to catch a stupid fish!

Hi Ladies,

Can you relate? Maybe you've "been there and done that?" Whether it's painting or plumbing chances are you've had a similar experience.

If your "honey do" list is longer than a jumbo sized roll of toilet paper, you need help. If you wait for Prince Charming your kids will be in college before he gets "a round tuit."

  • Never again do
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Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Beauty, Decorating, Home

Interior Decorating: Decorate Like a Celebrity

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Reviewed by redone111 on 2015-12-19
My Rate 4
this is great things to read and have good ideas from i really find it helpfull

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Title: Interior Decorating: Decorate Like a Celebrity

"See How Easily And Cheap It Is Do Turn Your Ordinary House Into A Carbon Copy Of A Celebrity"

Stop Spending All Of Your Money Trying To Make Your House Look Elegant. Learn To Decorate Like A Celebrity At Only A Fraction Of The Cost

Dear Friend:

I opened up a magazine the other day and saw a picture of Faith Hill's home. The photos were amazing! Her home was amazing! I found myself wondering how I could get the same look in my own home without having to shell out the money she probably did for her professional designer.

As I sat and looked around my pretty boring living room, I became envious of Mrs. McGraw's floral couch, her cleverly placed centerpieces, and her tastefully arranged artwork. It made me sad that all I had was a few apples in a Tupperware bowl gracing my yard sale coffee table.

So I did what anyone would do - I went online and tried to find out how I could decorate just like the stars do. After checking out abut 10,000 Google matches, I gave up and had a sandwich instead.

Deciding to give it just one more try, I sat down again at my keyboard and asked the Internet how I could decorate like a celebrity. And then I found it! The answers I needed in one convenient place: "Interior Decorating: Decorate Like a Celebrity".

Once I Read The First Few Pages of This Book, I Was Hooked!

I started... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Home, Manuals, Self Help

Home Remodeling Secrets

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Title: Home Remodeling Secrets
Author: Sal Vannutini
How To Create A Beautiful Home...On A Shoestring Budget!

Dear Friend,

If you'd like to get a fixer upper ready to sell, increase market value or just make your own home more comfortable, you're in the right place and here's why:

Home Remodeling Secrets will help you choose inexpensive remodeling and renovation projects with little expense or your money back!

Why should you consider Home Remodeling Secrets?

Reason one: Sal Vannutini has successfully renovated real estate for personal and professional purposes for over 10 years.

Reason two: 11 years in the real estate profession where he has witnessed what works, and what doesn't work when remodeling a home, and the effect this can have on the eventual selling price; as well as his "in the trenches" experiences as a full time renovator.

Reason three: He is also an international author and highly respected speaker on the topic of investing in fixer-uppers.

Here is a summary of some of the things you will discover

  • What about wallpaper? - How to measure, purchase, apply or remove wallpaper dressing.
  • A fresh coat of paint makes your home look clean and fresh. - Take the guesswork out of colors, types and amount of paint required.
  • Do the floors need attention? - How to rejuvenate wood floors, repair or replace carpet or tile.
  • Are updated window treatments are in order? - Discover how to clean or upgrade window coverings.
  • Is
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Category: E-Marketing, Home


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Author: George Chapin
7 Simple Steps to Owning a Home Without a Down Payment

Don't Have a Down Payment?
Credit Less Than Perfect?

Not to worry. . .this mortgage industry professional shares the secrets of getting absolutely free money to purchase a home.

This easy to follow, step by step manual takes you by the hand and walks you through the steps of going from renter to owner in 60 days or less.


Everyone wants to own their own home, but thousands of people don't have the money for a down payment. This ebook shows you how to get the money honestly, legally and simply!

Learn little known secrets like this:

  • 3 ways to purchase a home without ANY cash!
  • Information on 5 non-profit sources that will GIVE you the money for your down payment. MORE THAN $5000!!!!
  • How you don't have to have good credit to purchase a home.

Everyone qualifies!

No income limitations!

5 sources that ***give*** you the down payment to buy a home!

  • you don't have to borrow the money
  • you don't have to be a first time buyer
  • you don't have to arrange some shady deal with the seller
  • works in all 50 states!
  • this is a new program that most realtors and loan officers don't even know about!

Are you tired of renting and paying someone else's mortgage?

Why is your landlord getting the equity and tax benefits while you get an

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Category: Home

Selling Your Own Home Made Easy

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Title: Selling Your Own Home Made Easy
Author: Laurie A. Wall
Secrets That Real Estate Agents Don't Want You To Know

Great News! Your company just gave you a promotion. But, in order to take it you have to move 3,000 miles away! Sound familiar? Chances are you've either been faced with this situation yourself, or know someone who did.

First thing you think of is to call a real estate agent. While you're hyperventilating and your blood pressure rises, the oh so cheerful voice on the other end of the phone tells you that they would be happy to handle the transaction for you. And, they'll do it for just 25% of the national debt!

That might be a bit extreme, but you get the picture. Why is it that most folks automatically pick up the phone and hand over 6% of the sale of their home without batting an eyelash? Because that's what you've been programmed to do!

Hey, let's face it. There are certain situations in life that we just don't feel equipped to handle. Like death, taxes and selling your property. The truth is, there isn't any mystery to selling your own home. You just need the right tools and information.

. . .and here it is!

Laurie Wall strips away all the smoke and mirrors. And what she has to say is striking fear in the hearts and minds of real estate agents everywhere! She removes the blinders and sheds a shining beacon into the dark corners of this "mysterious" business. Here is some of what she exposes in this must have guide:

  • How to prepare the property
  • How to turn an ordeal into a real deal
  • The best way... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing, Home

Internet Strategies Of The MASTER REALTOR

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Title: Internet Strategies Of The MASTER REALTOR
Author: Stan Smith
Discover The 4 Step Secret To Becoming A Master Real Estate Professional

You are about to become one of the elite real estate professionals who are quietly making a fortune. But first, ask yourself this question. . .what do you like best about your real estate career. . .is it:

The "feast to famine" income cycles?

Is it wasted weekends sitting in someone else's home making sure strangers don't muddy the carpet?

How about the boring sessions working the floor - answering phone calls for other Realtors?

Okay, it was a trick question. You obviously answered with a resounding "NO" to all of the above. So what is it that sets certain realtors apart from all the others?

This master class of professionals are recognized by the tell-tale signs of success. These Top Producers:

  • Never work weekends
  • Never sit an Open House
  • Never do floor-time
  • Make selling real estate look easy
  • Are consistently #1 producers. . .and

These realtors work less and make more because they have hired the world's most relentless, methodical, tireless, home selling tool ever devised - the Internet.

But, hold-on a second! Don't be fooled. They don't just throw up a brochure and dabble with the web. No, they have gambled big on the Internet and they are winning! The good news is, so can you.

Finally, all the secrets are revealed in a 4 Step Program you can begin using immediately. Once you've finished reading Internet Strategies of the Master Realtor,

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Category: Home, Manuals

How to Save upto $100,000 on Your Mortgage Payments

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Title: How to Save upto $100,000 on Your Mortgage Payments
Author: Don Lapre

Info Reports From Self Made Millionaire!


In our country's economic system of free enterprise it is the right of each and every individual to enjoy life and liberty to the fullest as long as in the process they do not impose on those very same inalienable rights of other individuals. To enjoy our freedoms is a privilege we all share and cherish. Perhaps one of the greatest of these numerous privileges is the right to control and manage our finances for personal gain and profit.

Perhaps the greatest personal investment any individual could make is the purchase of a single-family residence. The ownership of a residence is a dream shared by many and once realized appreciated and cherished as a prized possession. Since the beginning of time humans have taken pride in where they dwelled and created environments within these spaces that they call "home."

The "home" is the investment that benefits its owner(s) with not only a place to live and sleep, but with many financial rewards ranging from appreciation and equity to tax savings and profit. We continually improve our dwellings under the "pride of ownership" such that we have created entire industries that exist under the banner of "home improvement." The industries flourish as we continually improve our homes for our own aesthetic pleasure and hope that it will aid in its appreciation.

Real estate is unique in that unlike other tangibles that we may purchase

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Category: Home, How To

The Essential Guide To Organizing Your Home

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Title: The Essential Guide To Organizing Your Home
Jam-Packed With Tips And Techniques

Unless you have some magical powers like Mary Poppins, you know that cleaning and Organizing Your Home can be a daunting task. With The Essential Manual To Organizing Your Home that task will become much easier. Inside you will find practical tips and techniques to rid every room in your house of clutter and keep it that way.

Do you shudder when you think of people coming over to visit unannounced? Do you panic when you get a message on your answering machine that family is coming-and they left 4 hours ago (and it's a 5 hour trip)? Do you try to "clean" before your cleaning lady comes? Can you not afford a cleaning lady and try to do it yourself, ending up discouraged, frustrated, and thinking it's just impossible? The Essential Manual To Organizing Your Home is your solution. Now you can dive right in with this easy to follow, room by room manual to a clean and organized home.

The Essential Manual To Organizing Your Home is the ultimate manual to maintaining a clutter free home.

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Category: Home

How to Buy a House Without Qualifying

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Title: How to Buy a House Without Qualifying
Author: Don Lapre
Don Lapre Info Reports

Info Reports From Self Made Millionaire!


Real estate is one of the only assets in the entire world that appreciates, or goes up in value reliably. As a matter of fact, real estate consistently appreciates between 7% and 12% in most areas of the country and even higher in others.

Real estate is perhaps the single most important investment that individuals will make in their lives for themselves and/or family. A home is where we live and our family grows. There are many types of real estate that can be purchased and they can be purchased for a variety of reasons ranging from rental income to value speculation.

For the intents and purposes of this guide we will discuss the purchase of single family residences for individuals or families to personally occupy them. More important, this guide will focus on purchasing a single family residence without qualifying and "nothing down" purchasing techniques.

Ordinarily, the home purchase process works like this:

The buyer locates a home that he or she wants to purchase that is on the market by a seller. The buyer makes an offer to the seller for either the amount the seller is asking for and terms or a lower price and different or modified terms. If the seller does not accept the buyer's offer, the seller may counter the buyer's offer. If the buyer does not accept the seller's counter offer, the buyer may counter the sellers counter offer. This process may continue

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