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Oliver Wendell Holmes

Photography ebooks

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Category: Photography

Wedding Photography Tips

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-12-07
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book "Wedding Photography Tips" as by reading to this book one will get answers to the following questions which are :
• Wedding Photographer Gets Up High
• Wedding Photography With Two Cameras?
• Wedding Photographer Tips For Changing Things Up
• Selecting Property Wedding Photo Backgrounds
• Wedding Photographers Should Check Out The Location
• Wedding Photography And The Second Photographer

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Title: Wedding Photography Tips

As a wedding photographer, you spend a lot of your time focusing on the business side of it. You want to provide your clients with the most beautiful pictures and you want to turn a profit for yourself. Beyond that, though, you should think about some other things. For example, as a photographer, you should know why someone should hire you over having his or her Uncle Vinny take charge of the photographs themselves. Do you know why hiring a professional wedding photographer is best?

As you look for a few wedding photography tips, remember this one, which may be the most important of them all. Ensure that each of your brides, grooms and their families create what is called a shot list. You do not read minds, so you do need to know what they are expecting from you. No matter if this list is large or small, it will play an integral part in the success of your photo shoot. However, it can be difficult to approach a couple about such a list. Before you take the plunge, consider these helpful tips.

As you prepare for your first wedding shoot, be sure you have done everything to be ready for this event. There are plenty of things for you to do, including having a lot of fun. Although you may be very prepared for this event, and have done all of your homework, there may be a few things that you forgot about. It is actually common for first time wedding photographers to make a few mistakes along the way.

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Category: Photography


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Title: The Hobby Of *PHOTOGRAPHY*
Author: Richard

Dust Off Your Camera, Then Point & Shoot Your Way To Cash!

"How To Go Out With Only Your Camera & Come Back Home With Cash In Your Pocket"

Get This Report Now, Start Taking Photos & Fill Your Pockets With Cold Hard Cash!


  • Are you the kind of person who brings the camera everywhere you go?
  • Do you enjoy taking photographs?
  • Do you never miss an opportunity to take a picture?
  • How good are your photographs?

If you possess some skill at camera work and love doing it, then you have a marvelous opportunity in front of you if you wish to take it. There are many people who have taken an enjoyable hobby and turned it into a thriving business. There are others who have simply made a lot of extra cash doing something they would have been doing anyway, pay or not. What about you? If photography is your hobby, your passion, what about exploring the numerous openings out there for good photographic work? People love pictures and virtually any occasion for picture taking is an opportunity for the photographer to earn some extra money.

Camera, Camera, Camera!

Cameras are so sophisticated today, you don't even have to be an expert at picture taking- just be able to read and follow directions. If you have the motivation, this is an area that has plenty of room for new blood.

Your... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Photography

Make 300/Week From Your Digital Camera

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Title: Make 300/Week From Your Digital Camera

Do you have a digital camera?

It doens't matter if it's old or new, and it doens't have to be the latest model.

You could pick up a similar one second hand for maybe £20.

But it can still make you £££££

What it does have to do is be able to take pictures and if so, it can make you £300 per week.

This manual shows you how.


This is a digital photograph of my desk (picture not shown here) at home, where I'm based. As you can see it's not a high-tech or custom-built state of the art home office. In fact it's an Ikea 'office in a cupboard'. I'm not the world's tidiest home worker either, but I AM successful. And getting more so every month.

I'm earning a minimum of around ?1000 a month and last month I earned over ?1600 (at the time of writing June 2004). I can't see this decreasing, but most important of all - I can NEVER see myself working for anyone else as long as I live!

It's a well-known fact that you'll never get rich working for someone else. But it's very hard to see this until you are self-employed. When you actually get around to making the move and start working for yourself you will ask yourself, as I do, each and every day, why didn't I do this years ago?

Well put that thought on hold for a while until you've see through this publication. You may just find that you're in a better position to fully... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Photography

Digital Cameras for Beginners

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Title: Digital Cameras for Beginners

The Right Camera for Professional Digital Photography 

Like its predecessor, the film camera, digital cameras have different models for different purposes. If you are taking pictures for personal use, you can use a basic digital camera but for professional
photography, you need something more sophisticated with higher megapixels and more memory. It is imperative you choose a professional capacity digital camera if you are going to be doing professional digital photography. Although as a beginner you may not see the importance of having a different camera for professional and personal use, it is imperative. Although you could use your professional camera for personal use as well, you do not want to cause it to wear out sooner than necessary.

Another thing with professional photography is you will have features that you may not use in personal use cameras such as more capacity for videos and longer battery life. You may also find a larger camera that you can place on a tripod much like the 35mm that used to be in use for professional photography. You have to make sure your professional digital camera can handle the types of shots you take. You might need something different if your specialty is portraits instead of outdoor or indoor scenes. Portraits must be more precise and have more clarity, so you have to keep that in mind when you choose a camera for professional use. If you enjoy shooting outdoor scenes, you may be... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Photography

Digital Photography 101

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Title: Digital Photography 101
Author: Liz Tomey

Who Else Wants to Discover More About the Wonderful World of Digital Photography?

Digital photography has revolutionized the way we document and share our lives. Everyone can benefit from learning more about digital photography. Whether you are a photo expert, a novice, or are trying to seek out an invigorating new hobby, you simply cannot miss out on this "digital wave."

Dear Friend,

The grainy Polaroids and snapshots that our parents used to record our first steps are a thing of the past. Now anyone can take amazingly crisp, sharp and beautiful photographs to document all of life's most important moments.

Making the jump from sub-par, out-of-focus pictures to breathtaking images doesn't require investment in high-end 35mm equipment. One does not need to be a professional with tens of thousands of dollars invested in gear and accessories. The future of photography has finally arrived and film has been completely removed from the equation. Digital photography has arrived.

Maybe you have wisely jumped on the digital photography bandwagon already and are thirsting for more information on how to turn your already-superior photos into something more memorable.

Perhaps you have been waiting to join the digital crowd, unsure of what equipment will meet your needs and whether or not you have the technological savvy to... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Photography

Digital Photography: Take Pictures Like a Pro!

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Title: Digital Photography: Take Pictures Like a Pro!

" Tired Of Regular Pictures? Discover the Secrets of Digital Photography and Start Taking Pictures Like a Professional TODAY"

You Don't Have To Be Satisfied With Less-Than-Perfect Pictures. With Digital Photography, You Can Become A Great Photographer!

Dear Friend:

Starting in the early 1900's, photography became a pastime that grew quickly in popularity. Back then, people had very primitive equipment that required quite a hefty investment and a lot of time to take good pictures.

Over the years, photography has evolved into a million-dollar industry and something that nearly everyone participates in for different reasons. Most often, pictures are taken to capture memories and suspend them in time. If we didn't have pictures to remind us of times past, how would we be able to share our life moments?

Now that computers have become mainstream, it only naturally follows that cameras would go the way of technologically advanced as well. Digital photography has grown to obsessive proportions in the last few years. It's now considered outdated to have a camera that actually holds film.

There are some very good reasons for that. Digital cameras allow us to capture all the right images at the right times. We can delete the pictures that we don't like and re-take them as often as we want. We don't have to worry about wasting film when there is no film to be... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Photography

Taking the Perfect Camera Shots

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Title: Taking the Perfect Camera Shots

Do you want to take photos like the pros? It's not hard if you know some of the secrets of the pros. If you really want to know how to take good photos read on....

"Who else wants to discover how to take photos that will stun your friends with your photography skills?"

It's not all that hard to do, as long as you know how.

Dear photographer,

Are you tired of taking photos that seem dull and lifeless when you look at them later?

Are you tired of taking photos that you really don't want to hand around at parties because you're embarrassed that they're so average?

Do your photos fail to capture what it was that you wanted to capture when you took the shot?

Are you just plain disappointed every time you look at your photos and wish you knew more about how to take good photos?

Then welcome, and read on, find out why you'll go from photo failure to photo pro with my ebook "Taking The Perfect Camera Shots" full of photography tips and tricks for the budding photo pro.

Would you love to:

  • Find that friends ask you for copies of your photos
  • Feel great about how good your photos come out, every time
  • Feel so confident in your photographic abilities that you actively look for opportunities to take more
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Photography

Lights, Camera, Action!

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Title: Lights, Camera, Action!

If you've ever wanted the secrets to making your own film, here it is:
Lights, Camera, Action - Your Manual to Filmmaking!

Dear Friend,

Have you ever wanted to make your own film? Is there a story you want to tell? You might even think that this is impossible. "Studios make films, not the little guy". This is probably what you tell yourself. Do you watch films with more than a casual eye? You probably want to know how they were able to get perfect lighting in your favorite scene, or how to write a professional screenplay. Do you watch the Actor's Studio and hang on every word they say? My last question is, do sit in your seat at the movie when it's over watching the credits as everyone else files out the door .

Why Don't You Make Your Own Movie?

I know you have dreamed about it, but have you ever seriously contemplated making your own film? Yes Virginia, you too can make your own film, all on your own. If you have played with the idea of what it would be like to direct a film then you have already made an imaginary plan. Why not make it a reality. What else are you doing with your time, going to work at the factory everyday?

Are you thinking that Filmmaking is only for studios and professionals? I believe that Independent film has changed all the rules. Doors are opening all over for aspiring filmmakers. Why not give it a try, what

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Dogs, Photography

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Title: Start a Dog & Pet Photography Business

A hot business!

As more and more people are delaying parenthood, or deciding to not have children at all, people are spending money on their pampered pooches and pets instead. And getting professional portraits to hang in a prominent spot in the living room (not to mention those wallet sized photos!) is the latest way for owners to express their love for their pets.

Did you know that pet photography is an extremely lucrative business? There is a need for photographers who specialize in taking prized photographs of the most pampered member of the family - the beloved and spoiled family pet. And surprisingly, most people are willing to pay far more for their family pet's portraits than they are willing to spend on the rest of their family's portraits! And you can even make the homliest mutt look like a top dog when you take special and memorable photographs.

There are very few photographers who specialize in taking photographs of dogs, cats, birds, and other animal members of the family. And there is one huge bonus for photographers, or want-to-be photographers - most pets are much more obedient and behaved than their human counterparts - which make for... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Home Business, Photography

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Title: Make Money With Your Digital Camera
Author: Terry Gibbs

Would You Like To Make $50, 100 Or Even More Every Week With Your Digital Camera?

A few years ago I bought my first digital camera. My digital camera cost me over 430 dollars. You can get a better quality camera with more features today for under $200. This was the opening of a series of profitable money making ventures for me.

Twelve Ways To Profit With Your Digital Camera.

I'll show you other ways to make even more money with your digital camera. Last year I made over 50,000 dollars using my digital camera. You can do this. It's easy once you know how. I had to learn by doing it. You can learn by reading my ebook.

  • Your digital camera is a money making machine.
  • You'll learn to create products and sell them over and over again.
  • You'll learn how to get paid for taking pictures.
  • You'll learn how to get businesses to pay you every month for taking pictures
  • You'll learn 12 easy ways to profit with your digital camera.

It doesn't matter what your skill levels are. Whether you just took your digital camera out of the box and haven't read the instructions yet or are a seasoned photographer, these money making methods will work for you.

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