A little learning is dangerous thing.
Alexander Pope

Programming ebooks

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Category: Computers, Manuals, Programming

The Secrets of Microsoft Word

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Reviewed by tajinder on 2010-07-24
My Rate 3
one can enhance business opportunities

Reviewed by rakesh on 2009-10-05
My Rate 4
its a great linik on web to fine someting spcl

Reviewed by rakesh on 2009-10-05
My Rate 4
its a great linik on web to fine someting spcl

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Title: The Secrets of Microsoft Word
Hidden Within Microsoft Word Is A Powerful Set Of Features Capable Of Helping Your Business In More Ways Than You Ever Thought Possible...

Learn These Amazing Key Features That Most Microsoft Word Users Don't Have a Clue About And Obtain A Powerful Advantage For Your Business

Dear Friend,

How much is professionalism worth to your business?

Suppose you could just open up Microsoft Word and use it to solve tons of small business problems.

Imagine...You need a business card, or want to design a fancy brochure for your business.

Sounds difficult?

Well, it isn't if you have the right guide.

Think about it...

Microsoft Word is one of the most powerful software programs around --And it's probably just sitting there on your computer, waiting for you to explore it!

There's tons of hidden features that you can use to save money in your business.

But Learning How Is The Hard Part...

It could take you a lot of exploration and experimentation to figure out to put it's full potential to work for you.

But instead of knocking yourself out trying to find these solutions yourself, you can now find them quickly and easily inside this brand new manual...

"The Secrets of Microsoft Word."

This short, easy to see manual contains tutorials that will help you...

  • Make impressive sales charts and presentations with a few clicks
  • Save money on ink cartridge costs with 1 simple step that takes about 12 seconds - and it even makes your printer print faster
  • Make Business
... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (3.66 after 3 votes)
Category: Computers, Programming

Java Scripts Magic

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Reviewed by The AH Basic Company on 2018-11-04
My Rate 5
THis such a nice book "Java Scripts Magic"as it has various things relating to Java Scripts such as Java Script,Dynamic HTML,CSS and more.

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Title: Java Scripts Magic
Author: Greg Fisher
Super-Charged Web Design At The Touch Of A Button

Now you can add cutting-edge design wizardry to your web pages for less than the price of a large pizza without deciphering programmers 'techie' manual, wasting time searching for scripts, or taking a three month $1,000 web design course...

  • Java Script
  • Dynamic HTML
  • CSS
  • and more

Learn all the latest techniques without confusion

ADD them to your web pages in a flash, effortlessly

Makes web design so much fun you'll be glued to your computer uncovering the possibilities

Turnkey examples kick out perfect web pages in minutes

Simple to understand fool proof manual make it the perfect expert solution for screaming fast results

Re: NEW Website Magic With Easy 'Paste-In' Java Scripts!

Have you ever tried to follow a programmer's "simple" manual?

It's like they talk a different language than the rest of us.

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE all the cool stuff they come up with. But why can't they explain how to use their latest inventions so the 'normal' person can understand?

Now picture this. Imagine yourself using the latest breakthroughs to make your web pages come alive without hours of frustration trying to get the techniques to work right.

Push-button success. Without confusion. Without hassles.

Stop Them In Their Tracks...Or Else!

The web is a graphic medium. Besides offering compelling... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Computers, Internet, Programming

Newbies Guide To Making Software

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Reviewed by sourav choubey on 2008-10-06
My Rate 5
this is so good but student are very poor i mean they hade not purchase all books, so u can free thare all books

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Title: Newbies Guide To Making Software
Give Me 45 Minutes And I'll Teach You How To Start Cranking Out Custom Software That Sells Like Crazy - Without Ever Writing A Single Piece Of Code!

Who Else Wants To Start Generating Wild Profits Creating In-Demand Custom Software?

Thousands now create software (for insane profits) who never thought they could! Click on the button below and I'll give you a crash course on how you can too start creating custom software and profit wildly doing it. Or just keep reading to discover more!

Dear Internet friend,

Would you like to make millions in the software industry?

Or maybe just start another modest income stream? Technology like broadband Internet and simple programming languages have made creating custom software a reality for literally EVERYONE.

You'd be surprised to know who is making money selling software! And you can too when you find out that...

  • Tens of thousands of new software products are released each year by developers who are making lots of money doing it!
  • Bill Gates isn't the only one making megabucks from software!
  • Anyone can create software if they can use their imagination just a little bit.

One thing is certain... Now is the perfect time in history to create custom software products (for cheap) that sell like crazy! Just look at the benefits of acting now...

  • Cheaper than ever before now that the Internet has eliminated the need for packaging, printing, and guides (everything can be downloaded!)
  • Unlimited marketplace and thousands of hot niches just waiting for new software to... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Computers, Programming

HTML Fast Track 101

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Title: HTML Fast Track 101
Stop Putting Up With The Hassles of Learning Web Design...

This Set Of Over 35 Fantastic Tools And Tutorials Will Help You Discover How To Create Profitable Web Sites Instantly With Ease!

Dear Friend,

How much is learning html worth to your future?

Suppose you could see a short tutorial, and be able to upload your web pages tonight!

Imagine... you see the short tutorials, use the dynamite software that we include, then you make a quick webpage and upload it...Your site is up and running!

Sounds too good to be true?

Well, it isn't if you have the right training resources.

Think about it. HTML is one of the most powerful skills you could ever discover. It's so wonderful because every business needs a webpage. Simply put, HTML is easy to discover and can be a very profitable skill.

But Learning HTML Quickly Is The Hard Part...

It could take you months and can cost you a small fortune in software and training to figure out just the right methods that make some web pages work well - while others fall flat on their face.

But instead of knocking yourself out trying to come up with just the right html training solution, you can now have it inside a new product called:

"HTML Fast Track 101"
At last! Every secret to learning html and web pages quickly is here!

I know you're probably still skeptical and a bit on the conservative side, but think about this - if you keep doing the same things over and over

... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Internet, Programming

Simple PHP

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Title: Simple PHP
Author: Robert Plank
How To Master Simple PHP In 17 Easy Lessons

Simple PHP with Robert Plank

You know his name. . .and, unless you've been hiding under a rock, you have seen his work (Lightning Track, RedirectPro, TurboThanks, CodeWarden, Ezine Rocket, and Hypersplitter.) Now, he shows you how he does it!

Not only can you see how he does it, but each chapter uses intuitive, interactive manual, closing with an assignment to complete before progressing to the next chapter.

As if that wasn't enough, you also get to take a quiz after each lesson and grade it yourself. You will discover why PHP is the preferred choice by programming professionals.

Ever wonder how come your name shows up peppered throughout a sales page or html email? Simple PHP teaches you how to do that.

What about protecting your content with password protection? Or an up to the minute calendar?

Discover how to create your own simple Autoresponder program.

How about this: Have you ever wished you could have one of those neat "Joke of the Day" or "Quote of the Day" features that you see on so many sites? Well, now you can and you'll be amazed at just how simple it is with Simple PHP.

Learning to use Simple PHP on your web site will save you tons of cash in the long run. The conversational tone of the lessons is shear brilliance. These lessons are written just as if Robert was sitting right next you, guiding you all the way through.

Having a copy of... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business, Programming

Membership Millionaire software to create a membership site

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Title: Membership Millionaire software to create a membership site
Author: Simon Hodgkinson
Discover The Lazy Way To Building A Profit Boosting Paid Content Membership Site In Less Than One Hour

Dear Future Membership Site Owner,

Are you frustrated by uncertain sales? Do you hate not knowing how much money your Internet business will bring in from week to week?

If it seems like you have to go faster and faster each month just to keep up then I know you'll be amazed when you learn how to build up a guaranteed residual income at the click of button.

Paid content membership sites are the solution.

Paid content, it's the biggest opportunity to hit online marketing in the last five years and I'm going to reveal to you just how easy it is to start your own private membership site in less than an hour.

If you're into trend spotting, you'll already know that the smart marketers are catching on fast. This coming year you're going to see headlines proclaiming the benefits of residual income creation . . . Well now's your chance to be part of the news rather than just reading it! . . .

Think about it . . . Why should you settle for just one or two orders each week. Why must you spend days promoting single products for minimum margins - when you can practically guarantee secure, regular, income from an army of members and subscribers each and every month.

If you're 'In the Know' you'll have already seen that times are changing, the profit generated by paid content membership sites is guaranteed to eclipse everything that has gone before it.

Membership Sites are Hot!

Consumers want

... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Internet, Programming

Redirect Pro (PayPal Protection Scripts)

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Title: Redirect Pro (PayPal Protection Scripts)
Author: Teresa King, Robert Plank
Stop PayPal Download Thieves in their Tracks! "Don't let them Steal from you!"

Do you Use Paypal to sell your products on the Net?

We do, too. However, we got DARN tired of finding our products on the net being used by PayPal Download Thieves.

We bet you are sick to death of it too. After all, how come they can just walk in and take what is not theirs and take it from you? They don't deserve it, they didn't work for what you worked so hard for.

You don't deserve to be victimized.

That is why we have developed Redirect Pro just for the very purpose of stopping people who steal from you.

Did you know that is more likely for thieves to share their loot with their stealing pals? Your downloads are fair game for those unscrupulous people.

Soon your product is all over the net being given away. It hurts
your profits. What right do they have to get away with that?

They don't have the right, but they do it anyway. And, they get away with it!

The thieves have had an unfair advantage. That is until NOW.

With Redirect Pro you can protect yourself.

Here's how:

  • You don't need a secure server, or that hassle because Redirect Pro has hidden feature secrets that work with Paypal's IPN to give you full protection.
  • Redirect Pro is secure, it uses the IPN feature in your PayPal account. It's easy to turn it on.
  • This easy php script with simple installation directions, has a paypal code generator that you can just copy... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Computers, Programming

Absolute Beginners Guide To CGI

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Title: Absolute Beginners Guide To CGI
Author: Radhika Venkata
Finally, A TRUE Beginners Guide to CGI!

Can you count the number of hours you have sat in front of your monitor trying to figure out what CGI means, let alone what it does?
Well, you're not alone and someone has finally done it and here it is!

The Absolute Beginners Manual to CGI!

This is not just another jumble of cgi scripts that have been thrown together in a hasty attempt to increase page count or add value to a poorly written product.

The Absolute Beginners Manual to CGI! literally takes you by the hand and manuals you step-by-step through the mysterious land of scripting. And, it is written in a style that guarantees understanding by any novice.

Here's a sample of what you'll find:

  • What is a cgi-bin?
  • What is CGI and how does it work
  • What to look for when buying a script
  • Where to find scripts
  • How to install a cgi script
  • What is Perl
  • Telnet explained
  • What are file permissions
  • What is SSI and what does it mean to you
  • Common errors and debugging.

Written specifically for the novice, The Absolute Beginners Manual to CGI, even provides you with charts and graphs that explain how the flow of information integrates through your browser.
This is a definite "must-have" addition to the arsenal of any webmaster. All too often seasoned veterans forget just how daunting a task it is for the novice to sail through

... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Internet, Programming

Instant Web Master Video Set!

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Title: Instant Web Master Video Set!
12 Videos

In this step by step easy video download, take you from a total beginner to a capable web master in minutes.

Here's just a fraction of what you'll master:

  • How to set up an AUTO-PILOT ordering system so you can take credit cards from your web site...FREE!
  • How to be NUMBER ONE on top search engines like AOL, Lycos, And AltaVista in four days or less!
  • How to register your own domain name in no time flat!
  • How to get set up with super low-cost web hosting!
  • How to edit your web sites using free trial software you can get on the Internet!
  • How to publish your web sites to the Internet!
  • And much more!

You'll discover so much from these videos that your friends will think you've been spending all of your nights and weekends in some high-priced computer class!

Download Titles

  • How To Get Your Own Domain Name
  • How To Download Your 5 Instant Internet Businesses (Example product for this video is 'Instant Internet Empires' package)
  • How To Get Set Up For Low Cost Web Hosting
  • How To Set Up Your Automatic Ordering System
  • How To Set Up Free Hosting
  • How To Edit And Personalize Your Web Sites... And How To "Plug In" Your Ordering System
  • How To Be #1 On Top Search Engines Like A.O.L., Alta Vista, And Lycos In 5 Days Or Less, Guaranteed!
  • How To Publish Your Web Sites To The Internet
  • How To
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Internet, Programming

The Genius Guide to Website Design V2.0

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Title: The Genius Guide to Website Design V2.0
Finally! An Information Package with a Purpose! All the Resources and Tools You will Ever Need to Build and Maintain a Great-looking, User-Friendly Website

Do you want to discover how to build a great-looking website in a short time? Or perhaps improve your existing website without having to look all over the web for the resources you need?

Well, you're about to find out why website designers are very busy people!

Why? Because it can take forever to find the right scripts, templates, software, graphics to build a great website, and even longer to maintain it and keep it fresh.

FACT: Whether you're building your first website or enhancing your existing one you'll most likely spend more time SEARCHING for the information you need, than actually putting it to use on your site.

Now, how would you feel if I showed you where to get all the BEST resources you will ever need to build and maintain your website?

Or even better - an All-in-One Package that even PAYS FOR ITSELF?

The Genius Manual to Website Design V2.0

That's the amazing part about products with Resale rights. You can get all the information you need and RECOVER your investment completely with just ONE sale.

The Genius Manual to Website Design is THE Most Comprehensive Resale Package on Website Design and Development. You won't find another product like it online!

I guarantee it will prove invaluable to you, whether you are planning on building your first website or improving your existing site. Or even as a resale product if your site's main traffic comes from potential website

... Click here to read the full description!

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