Perpetual modernness is the measure of merit in every work of art.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Health ebooks

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Category: Beauty, Health

Ultimate Acne Relief

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Title: Ultimate Acne Relief
Could YOU Use Some Help Fighting Zits, Pimples, Whiteheads, Blackheads...... In Short: Want To Combat Unsightly Blemishes?

Well, Take a Time-Out And Get to The Root Of Your Relief And Avoid Further Distress

In About 4 Minutes &Less Time Than It Takes To Cover A Pimple with Makeup...

...You Can Discover Our Acne Treatment And Prevention Tips AND Stop Worrying About Hiding, Squeezing, Popping and Increasing Unsightly ACNE Right Now!

Could you use help with any of these embarrassing issues?....

  • Acne & Skin Care Products - - Sometimes you use tanning lotions or cosmetics (maybe even a little makeup, guys, to hide pimples or shaving nicks - -shhh!) But regardless, your skin still breaks out.
  • Acne & Diet - - You like to eat French fries and other greasy foods. But your skin breaks out.
  • Acne & Hygiene - - You shower or wash every day. But you still have difficulty with unwanted blemishes popping up.
  • Acne & Shaving - - You shave with a double-edged razor and you often have inflammation in areas afterwards.

Okay, it's time to quit popping pimples and start popping the lid on the cyber-jar of Acne Relief solutions!

Dear Acne Relief Seeker,

Ever notice how LIFE can be like one big pimple? It can be fine and dandy one day. Then it can turn ugly and irritate you. And then gradually everything clears up and things look rosy again.

Wouldn't it be nice, though, to get help BEFORE it turns ugly?

Or how about when LIFE DOES get ugly.... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health, Medicine, Mind

The Complete Guide to Migraine Headaches

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Title: The Complete Guide to Migraine Headaches
Author: Alice Peart
What Everybody Should Know About Migraine: Prevention, Treatment and Remedies

Prevention, Treatment and Remedies.

You are sitting at your desk reading your email. Nothing particularly exciting or irritating turns up in your inbox. Or, maybe you are packing up the car for a family outing, looking forward to a fun filled Sunday afternoon.

Suddenly, and without warning, bright, jagged edged lights appear in your line of vision. Closing your eyes you can see the outline of a pattern that stands out from the black background.

There's no pain, yet, but you know it's coming. Over the next few minutes or even hours, the image will slowly move across your field of vision until it disappears off the field. When it does, the excruciating pain strikes along with nausea and intense sensitivity to light.

If this sounds like you, it's a good bet that you are one of the more than 28 million Americans who suffer from migraine headaches. In all probability you are a woman because more women suffer from migraines than men.

The symptoms we mention are but a few more common pre-cursors to a full blown migraine headache. Other people might experience a tingling in the leg or arm and some experience nausea so severe it leads to vomiting.

If you or a loved one do suffer from migraine, here's some important information:

Many times, patients do not realize they have migraine headaches. Physicians prescribe different OTC and sinus medications and antibiotics. Patients are not clear in expressing their discomfort

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Category: Beauty, Health

Understanding Acne - Causes, Cures, & Myths

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Title: Understanding Acne - Causes, Cures, & Myths
Tired of Your Acne Problems? Isn't it About Time You Do Something About it?

If you are one of the millions affected by acne, or have a child who is, you need to read this entire page. Chances are pretty good that you've been lied to about what acne is, what causes it, and how to make it go away.

We've all experienced it at some point in our lives - you wake up in the morning, and when you look in the mirror . . .

A big pimple is staring right back at you!

It always seems to happen at the worst time. Like when you're getting ready for that first date, or going to that important job interview. The rest of the day you spend running around trying to figure out how to get rid of it.

Sound familiar?

Just like we've all experienced it, we've all heard the same myths about acne. When you were in High School, how many times did someone tell you that because you have acne you obviously have poor hygiene?

Most of what you've heard just isn't true - and its time to set the record straight . . .

Understanding Acne

  • How to decide what type of treatment is best for you
  • The REAL truth about acne
  • How to prevent acne from ever becoming a problem.
  • How to help your child get through acne problems.
  • And much more

Understand Acne to Defeat Acne

Are you suffering from a bad case of acne? If not you, how about one of your children? Do you feel like there is no good information available on acne? If this sounds

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Category: Computers, Health

Healthy Computing

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Title: Healthy Computing
Stay healthy and avoid injury while working long hours on Your PC

Who Else Wants To Stay Healthy, And Fit While Working In Front Of A Computer Day In And Day Out?

  • No gain of extra inches at your waistline....
  • No eyestrains, back pains, or other discomforts...

Dear Friend,

You have been using computers since your childhood. Now, you have a long list of discomforts and ailments to your credit.

Your doctor says that it is the nature of your work that has made you an unhealthy person through the years.

You are getting in worse shape mentally and physically as the years roll on, from the life you have chosen working in front of a computer!

What next? I have heard so many cases like this from people from different walks of life. Most of them are professionals like software engineers, transcriptionists, medical coders, data entry operators, secretaries, and animators who spend almost the entire day in front of computers.
I myself have been suffering from so many disorders at a very young age due to the simple reason of not taking much care of my health while sitting in front of the computer.

Now, I have learned the hard way from my own experience. I do give advise to my friends and relatives on healthy computing if this topic happens to come across in our conversations.

The first time I had to sit back and think if this machine was giving me more trouble than comfort, is when I had this flinching pain on my neck, which radiated down to

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Category: Health, Medicine

The Complete Guide To Treating & Coping With Alzheimer's Disease

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Title: The Complete Guide To Treating & Coping With Alzheimer's Disease
Author: Tim Wormald
What To Do When "Old-Timers Disease" Is No Longer Just A Joke

It's a good bet that you, like the rest of us, have forgotten something and then, jokingly, said, "it must be old-timers disease."

We didn't mean to be hurtful, but our comment can cut deeply if there is a person present who is trying to cope with the disease.

With more than 18 million known cases of Alzheimer's Disease world-wide, the odds are that you have had some contact with someone who is close to this horribly degenerating disease.
It may be a victim or a family member of a victim.

Maybe you even suspect that a loved one is exhibiting early stage symptoms of Dementia and/or Alzheimer's Disease. If you think that may be the case, The Complete Manual to Treating & Coping with Alzheimer's Disease is just what you need.

Learning what you need to know to understand the disease gives you a definite roadmap for how to cope, not only with the disease but with caring for your loved one.

Alzheimer's Disease is actually a form of dementia. What comes first - dementia or Alzheimer's? There are many conditions being investigated as possible causes of Alzheimer's Disease.

We are still exploring the possible causes of Alzheimer's Disease.

This disease affects vital areas of the patient's brain with serious effects on those parts which control long-term memory, motion, reasoning and thought.

If you suspect that a friend or family member is suffering from Alzheimer's, early detection is

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Category: Health, Weight Loss

The Weight Loss Primer

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Title: The Weight Loss Primer
Author: Richard Rigor
Essential reading for those beginning any weight loss program.

I have information that can save you the time and frustration that I've witnessed in many of those beginning virtually any weight loss program or diet system around. First, you have to determine what your goal is. Being specific will help you focus and achieve your desired results faster.

Okay, since you're obviously reading this, I know that your goal is weight loss. However, we have to take a deeper assessment:

  • What is your occupation? (It may seem like an odd question, but someone whose occupation involves prolonged sitting or repetitious bending and lifting will have different approaches towards their goal.)
  • How much are you looking to lose?
  • Do you know what your current body fat percentage is?
  • What is your current fitness level?
  • Do you have a past medical history that should be considered before starting a weight loss program?
  • What is your current knowledge of proper exercise?
  • Are you mentally prepared and excited to start a weight loss program?
  • How much time can you allot for exercising per week?

These are the questions that must be answered before beginning any weight loss program to increase your odds of success.

Prepare Your Body For Exercise

Prepare your body for exercise? That's right. Probably the biggest mistake I see with newbies is that they jump right into an exercise program with full effort like they've been working out for

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Category: Health

Vinegar For Your Health

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Title: Vinegar For Your Health
Old Fashion Remedies For Common Ailments

A resource for the many ways you can use Vinegar to improve your health!

Different Types of Vinegar, Methods of Making
Vinegar and Recipes
Benefits of Cider Vinegar
The Nature of Disease

Vinegar For Your Health

In today's society of miracle medicine, we often overlook things that have been around hundreds of years! Things like Vinegar!

Now I'm not going to tell you that vinegar can cure anything and everything that may be wrong with you, but it can help bring relief or cure for a lot of common ailments. Just take a look at small sampling below:

  • Asthma
  • Acne
  • Arthrits pain
  • Blood Pressure
  • Blood clotting
  • Glucose Levels
  • Weight Loss
  • Potassium
  • Colds
  • Ear Discharge
  • Cramps
  • Colitis
  • Ulcers
  • Gallstones
  • and more!

This little manual can show you some great ways to improve your health with Vinegar! But Vinegar isn't only good for health issues, it can also be used as a cleaner, so I'm also going to give you another manual "Vinegar for Cleaning" as a FREE Bonus with your purchase today!

Contents of "Vinegar For Your Health":

Cider Vinegar

  • Potassium

The Uses of Cider Vinegar
Effect of Cider

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Category: Health, How To

Stop Your Butt Kissing Habit

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Title: Stop Your Butt Kissing Habit
Author: Liz Tomey

"Here's Your Tested Battle Plan To Help You STOP Your Butt Kissing Habit TODAY!"

The Secret Is Out On How You CAN Stop Smoking For GOOD!

It's true.

I was in your shoes once... I'd picked up a smoking habit a long time ago that I just couldn't kick. It was embarrassing...

...But I quit and I quit in just 4 steps. I did it because I decided what I wanted to do and I got prepared. I feel great and you can too. How does it feel to know that the last cigarette that you had... could be the last cigarette you'll EVER have!? Scary? I would think so. But exciting?

DEFINITELY. Listen folks, If you want to kick the habit for good...

"You Can Do It! How To FINALLY Stop Smoking...Once and For All!"

My friends didn't think that I could quit smoking cold turkey, but they didn't know that I had already made up a battle plan to ATTACK my addiction to cigarettes.

No one WANTS to be a chain-smoker. Everyone knows that smoking cigarettes is a bad habit. But the only people who know how difficult it is to quit smoking are the people who have tried it. And I am one who knows.

I also know that YOU CAN DO IT, too!

How about a 4 Step Plan to defeat your nicotine dependency... starting today!

"How To Stop Your Butt Kissing Habit" is the exact system that I used to kick my habit to the curb. It's an easy to see, thoroughly researched, step by step, encouraging BATTLE PLAN to stomp out

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Category: Health, Men

Dealing with Prostate Cancer

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Title: Dealing with Prostate Cancer
Author: Norman Falconer
How to Fight Prostate Cancer and Win!

"You have prostate cancer and here is the prognosis...."

There aren't many men who can hear those dreaded words and not feel frightened and panic stricken.  And, with good reason.  US estimates for 2008 call for 186,000+ new cases and almost 29,000 deaths.

Many people assume that prostate cancer only attacks the elderly and figure they'll just wait and hope for the best.  Bad decision.  While the majority of cases do occur in men over 70, it has been known to attack men as young as 50.

The disease also crosses ethnic lines and is the second most common malignant cancer in men.  African American men are at a higher risk than white men including Hispanic men.  

According to the National Cancel Institute, "Dramatic differences in the incidence of prostate cancer are also seen in different populations around the world."  This is telling because there may be dietary or other environmental factors involved.

Getting all the answers

Just like any disease, the earlier the detection the better the chances of beating it. That's all well and good, but how do you know if you are at risk or heaven forbid, already showing symptoms?  What are the symptoms? You really need to have a good resource available for reference.  

That's where "Dealing With Prostate Cancer" rides in to give you all the

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Category: Health, Men

Dealing with Impotency Naturally

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Title: Dealing with Impotency Naturally

Put an end to the disappointment, frustration and embarrassment of...

Erectile Dysfunction

Have Sex Like You are 18 Years Old Again!

  • Eject volumes of semen!
  • Have a natural powerfully stiff penis.
  • Do it again and again night after night!
  • Never make another excuse for not being able to get it up!

Have you lost that special "showing" that you had as a young man?

Do you long for the good old days in college when you would have to cover your erection with a ebook binder the minute you stood up from a desk because it was so large and rude looking?

Have you practically given up sex because you can't get the same hard on that you used to and you are sick of disappointed woman smiling wanly and giving you comforting little pats on the back in bed?

In fact is there anything more distressing than that little pat on the back that says, "I know you tried ...I know you love me" while you tell her things like -

"This has never happened to me before...just this one time ...usually I can go and go and go."

Or how about -

"It's not you. It's me. HONESTLY! I am very attracted to you.

Also, does your loss of a firm erection coincide with a concern about being less virile and fertile than you once were.

Do you feel that your... Click here to read the full description!

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