Nature ebooks

How to Build Your Birdhouse
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Reviewed by radheradhe on 2019-01-25
My Rate 4
If you are the Animal Lover specially the bird lover and you have birds in your house and you want to build house for them then this book"How to build Your Birdhouse "is for you as it gives detail about the building of bird house.
Reviewed by ENTR AVINASH HASIJA on 2018-10-14
My Rate 5
I love this book Trees and how to build your bird house as it has given lots of ideas to make house of bird which i have which previously i didnot have great ideas
thats why i will give 5stars to it
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Title: How to Build Your Birdhouse
Author: Peter Wodehouse
Endless ideas and easy to follow birdhouse construction plans
If you are someone who loves wild birds how would you like to attract different species to your own back yard? Just like the movie classic, if you build the right house they will come.
It's true. If you create the right environment for a particular bird it's as if you sent out engraved invitations to the right birds. And as any guest, they will welcome your hospitality.
Our environment continues to become degraded with natural habitats for wildlife declining at an alarming rate. Beginning a hobby that leads to helping our feathered friends to flourish is not only personally rewarding but is also environmentally sound.
What you need to know!
First you must know what birds you would like to attract. That entails a bit of research. Fortunately, everything you need to know to develop this hobby is available in "How to Build Your Birdhouse."
Did you know that every species of bird has special preferences about the type of nest or birdhouse that it will use? Tree swallows, wrens, and bluebirds prefer single unit, enclosed birdhouses.
Bluebirds and tree swallows prefer open areas with fewer shrubs and trees while wrens prefer nesting in boxes close to shrubs. Phoebes and robins like a sheltered platform, rather than closed nest boxes.
Anyone can do it!
Building birdhouses is very easy when you know how and "How to
... Click here to read the full description!Rating: (4.5 after 2 votes)

TREES and HOW to paint them in Watercolours!
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Reviewed by ENTR AVINASH HASIJA on 2018-10-14
My Rate 5
I love this book Trees and how to paint them with water colours it has given me lots of idea to paint
The Beech TreeThe Oak Tree Scotch Fir
thats why i will give 5stars to it
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Title: TREES and HOW to paint them in Watercolours!
Author: W.H.J. Boot
Do your paintings never seem to look right?
Calling all Artists and Painters, do you have trouble painting trees and foliage?
Are you spending hours painting leaves only for your paintings to STILL look lifeless and flat?
- Learn how to paint . . .
- The Beech Tree
- The Oak Tree
- The Willow Tree
- The Ash &
- The Elm
- The Scotch Fir
- Learn how to build up your paintings piece by piece to acheive the results you really want.
- Learn which brushes, paints and pencils are best and why.
- Learn what to draw or paint and what NOT to draw or paint and why!
Learn how to get your paintings right from the beginning and transform your painting skills. This ebook includes many two-stage pictures showing you exactly HOW to paint trees properly. It also includes black and white close up sketches of each trees individual leaves.
This is an excellent BRAND NEW ebook designed to help you get the most out of painting trees to enable you to become a better artist!
- Introduction
- The Elm
- The Oak
- The Scotch Fir
- The Ash
- The Willow
- The Beech
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes
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Title: 101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes
It's a fact that food just tastes better outdoors. Now with 101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes, even campers who have never cooked anything more complicated than S'mores can make great meals and snacks over the campfire. You no longer need to sacrifice eating well just because you are not in your home kitchen. 101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes provides you with 101 delicious, and easy-to-prepare recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that are sure to make you a hit around the campfire.
Below are some of the tasty recipes you will find inside the 101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes cookbook:
- Antiguan Charcoal Baked Bananas
- Minute Hamburger Skillet Stew
- Aunt Sarah's Chili Sauce
- Backpacking Simple Food Ideas
- Australian Grilled Fish
- Baked Stuffed Fish
- Biscuit And Pancake Mix
- Best Damn Peach Cobbler
- Blackened Fish
- Box Oven
- Blazing Trail Mix
- Buckwheat Pecan Pancakes For Camping
- Buttermilk Biscuits
- Burgers In Foil
- Camp Au Gratin Potatoes
- Camp Cobbler Delight
- Camp Chili
- Camp Hash
- Camp Potatoes
- Camp Past
- Camp Stew - Mr. B's Recipe
- Camper's Buckwheat Pancakes
- Camper's Baked Potatoes
- Camper's Cookies
- Camper's Stew
- Camper's Sausage
- Campers Hobo

The Birding Manual
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Title: The Birding Manual
As your appreciation of birding grows, as we know it will, so will the need for more advanced information on the different species of birds. The Birding Manual provides just that with over 700 pages of in-depth descriptions of every North American bird. The Birding Manual takes you from being the casual backyard birdwatcher to becoming an avid birdwatcher. It won't be long and you will be planning trips to bird sanctuaries and other parts of the country, so you and your family can hone your birdwatching skills and The Birding Manual will be one of the first things you will want to take with you.
Contents of "The Birding Manual"
LOONS-Order: Gaviiformes
Family: Gaviidae
- Pacific Loon Gavia pacifica
- Red-throated Loon Gavia stellata
- Common Loon Gavia immer
- Yellow-billed Loon Gavia adamsii
GREBES-Order: Podicipediformes
Family: Podicipedidae
- Pied-billed Grebe Podilymbus podiceps
- Least Grebe Tachybaptus dominicus
- Horned Grebe Podiceps auritus
- Eared Grebe Podiceps nigricollis
- Red-necked Grebe Podiceps grisegena
- Western Grebe Aechmophorus occidentalis
- Clark's Grebe Aechmophorus clarkii
Albatrosses-Family: Diomedeidae
- Black-footed Albatross Phoebastria nigripes
- Laysan Albatross

Common Birds of North America
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Title: Common Birds of North America
Common Birds of North America is the perfect beginners guide to identifying the most common birds. With this illustrated guide you will be able to readily identify everyday birds. The birds depicted in this book are valuable reminders. We need them; we need the same clean and wholesome environment upon which they rely; we must work to ensure their continued well-being (and that of other migratory and non-hunted species) so that our own future can be assured. You will find this guide to be your first step in appreciating the hobby of birding.
- Baltimore Oriole
- Barn Swallow
- Chickadee
- Blue Jay
- Blue Bird
- Bobwhite
- Brown Thrasher
- Brown Creeper
- Canada Goose
- Catbird
- Cardinal
- Cedar Waxwing
- Chipping Sparrow
- Chimney Swift
- Cowbird
- Downy Woodpecker
- Crow
- Flicker
- Grackle
- Goldfinch
- Green Heron
- House Sparrow
- Herring Gull
- House Wren
- Killdeer
- Junco
- Mallard
- Mourning Dove
- Mockingbird
- Myrtle Warbler
- Pigeon
- Nighthawk
- Purple Martin
- Red-headed WP
- Red-eyed Vireo
- Red-winged BB
- Hummingbird
- Robin
- Song Sparrow
- Starling
- Sparrow

Recipes For The Birds
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Title: Recipes For The Birds
Now that you know how to attract birds to your backyard and what birds you are attracting,why not treat them to some bird cuisine that you can cook up in your own kitchen? Recipes For The Birds gives you 50 easy to make bird treat recipes. Everything from bird cookies to bird salad, birdie breakfast to bird pizza, you can create a cuisine that the birds will just love! Recipes For The Birds will make you the envy of the neighborhood when the birds start flocking to your own 5 star restaurant for the birds in your backyard.
- A Fruity Taste
- A Slice of Heaven
- Homemade Bird Food
- Bird Bread
- Ambrosi
- Bagel Bites
- Birdie Bread
- Big Bird Salad
- Birdie Breakfast Cereal
- Bird Party Mix
- Birdie French Toast
- Corn Bread Squares
- Duck Treats
- Crunchy Cakes
- Fruit Salad
- Grapenut Crunch
- Fruity Ice Puree
- Green Eggs & Ham
- Sweet Potato Balls
- Munchy Seed Bagel
- Pancake Delight
- Tatar Melt
- Papaya Brittle
- Polly Wanna Pizz
- Pumpkin Muffins
- Polly's Pizz
- Berry Seed Mix
- Seed Mix
- Seed Cookies
- Shish Kabob for Birds
- Stink Bomb Bars
- Soft Food Stew
- Summer Suet
- Winter Suet
- Sweet Potato

Your Ultimate Guide to Family Camping
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Title: Your Ultimate Guide to Family Camping
Who Else Wants To Find Out The Best Way To Enjoy A Hassle-Free and Truly Enjoyable Camping Trip?
Finally, an E-book That Reveals The Secrets of A Hassle-Free Camping Trip. Learn the Boundless Joys & Benefits of Living Outdoors and Camping Out!
Don't start a Camping Trip without reading this complete ebook about camping!
Written by someone who has been there in the camping fields many times in his life, The E-book of Camping is your definitive manual to a hassle-free and enjoyable camping trip!
Dear Friend,
For many people none can compare with the fun and excitement of living outdoors and camping out!
Imagine discovering the wild, having a picnic, sleeping under the stars, enjoying God's nature in its purest form, and communing with it!
If you've lived most of your life in the city, inhaling its smog, listening to its noise, and staring at its concrete jungles, nothing can compare with the exhilaration of camping out!
But do not start a camping trip without having thoroughly prepared for it! Starting a camping trip without thorough preparation can easily turn your trip into a nightmare!
This E-book of Camping will educate and prepare you about camping and reveal what to expect when planning one. No doubt about it, The E-book of Camping is your definitive
Ebook Type: PDF

Building Your Own Greenhouse 2
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Title: Building Your Own Greenhouse 2
Attention: You Might Just End Up Spending More Time In Planning Your Greenhouse Than Your Home...
Don't Blame Us If Your Wife Gets Mad...!
Don't Be A Conventional Greenhouse Dreamer! Come Out Of The Mould, Build Your Own And Let Your Greenhouse Give A Better Yield Than Any Other In Town! Discover How You Can Start Your Own Greenhouse With Healthier Plants... Anytime Of The Year!
Finally! You Can Now Instantly Discover Some Awesome Tips To Take Greenhouse Growing To The Next Level! Learn How You Can Get A Better Yield, And Even Better Maintenance Ideas! And See Your Buddies' Jaws Drop To The Floor In Sheer Amazement...!
Valuable Information About Everything You Want To Know About Building And Maintaining Your Own Greenhouse.
Dear Friend,
Have you ever longed to have a greenhouse, but could not because you did not know much about it? The eBook, "Building Your Own Greenhouse," simplifies the task of greenhouse building and maintenance. The tips that this eBook presents not only inform you about the various types of greenhouses, but also about greenhouse equipment. In addition, it offers valuable tips on growing amazing greenhouse plants.
These Are Some Of The Tips You Will Find In The Book :
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97 Tips Environment
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Title: 97 Tips Environment
Household Energy Use
1. Keep your furnace running efficiently. Your furnace is the most expensive appliance in your house to run. In fact household heating accounts for 60% of all energy used in the average home. Make sure it is operating as efficiently as possible by replacing its filter every two months. A great option is to purchase one of the reusable filters that can be washed on a regular basis. You'll pay more for them but they last for years so in the end they cost less than disposable filters. The few minutes it will take you to properly care for your furnace can increase its energy efficiently by as much as 50 per cent.
2. Install a programmable thermostat. Heating and cooling your house when no one is home - or when everyone is in bed - uses an unnecessary amount of energy. This is bad for the environment and bad for your checkbook! Instead of wasting that energy, buy a programmable thermostat and set the temperature to be several degrees cooler (or warmer in the summer) during the night and when the house is empty. You can easily have it back to the temperature you like by the time you wake up or arrive home.
3. Wrap your hot water heater in a blanket. Every hardware store sells fiberglass blankets that you can wrap around your hot water tank to help it hold in heat. They are easily installed (you can do it yourself) and usually pay... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

Renewable Energy: How to Harness the Power and Help the Future
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Title: Renewable Energy: How to Harness the Power and Help the Future
How to Harness the Power and Help the Future
We have come along way in developing societies that have electricity and the power necessary to fuel vehicles and for industry to be successful. All of these efforts though rely upon the use of energy source that comes from fossil fuels.
They are found in the ground and have to be processed in order for us to have that fuel and that electricity. They are known as coal, natural gas, and fuel. We rely on them way too much for our own good and that is why change is so important.
The problem though is that our dependence on it continues to grow. As more people are upon the Earth than ever before we are using more every single day. People are living longer too due to advances in health care. We are certainly a society dependent upon our electronic gadgets as well.
While those are all good things for us to be happy about, the fact that we are depleting the fossil fuel available isn't. This type of energy source isn't one that we will be able to replace. When it is gone it is gone and that is the reality of the situation.
It won't all disappear during our lifetimes, but it is going to pose a problem for future generations. While efforts can be made to conserve fossil fuels, eliminating enough of the use in order to really make a difference isn't going to occur unless we take a close look at some alternative methods.
Ebook Type: PDF
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