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Health ebooks

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Category: Health

Hair Loss Prevention

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Title: Hair Loss Prevention
Warning: This report may be helpful to your hair!

In less than 5-Minutes&100-Brush Strokes, Get to the Root of Hair Loss Prevention

Do any of these "symptoms" sound familiar?...

You notice your hair "might" be thinning. Maybe someone said something to you about your looking different or (gasp) balding. Maybe someone looked at you differently, or you think they did because of your hair loss.

Maybe it was because of one or both parents? Maybe it was because of your shampoo? Your diet?

You don't know for sure. So you change your hairstyle, combing the longer, remaining strands over the thinning areas. You switch shampoos. And you don a hat. Or do hats increase the rate of hair loss?

You're not sure. So you shop for alternate solutions - just in case. You sample various medicated shampoos, conditioners and scalp tools. But they don't work, & in the meantime, you're out not only more hair but patience and money.

Late-night TV offers infomercials about "tried-and-true" methods of hair replacement with high-priced but supposedly professional tonics and message gadgets. So you rush to the phone and order yours.

However, these "funky" purchases turn into "frustration" garbage because they don't work. So now you're out more money, patience and probably more hair.

Well, look no more. Take root here and delve into the latest hair loss prevention research. Find solutions that work for you, solutions in your budget range.

Dear Proficient

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Category: Health, Medicine

All About Asthma

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Title: All About Asthma
Author: Sharon Wicks

Did You Know?

5,000 people die from asthma every year

470,000 receive asthma treatment

1.9 million treated in emergency rooms

While mild asthma isn't considered fatal, severe asthma can cause respiratory failure. Epidemic? Probably not. Disturbing? Absolutely! The last two decades have shown the fastest growing trend in the occurrence of asthma.

This is another of those diseases whose upward surge can find its roots in modern technology.

Environment has a huge role in triggering asthma attacks. For the majority of folks, we work, live and play indoors. Dust, carpet fibers, mold, weather, wood smoke and preservatives are just a few contributing factors. Even specific gastrointestinal infections can cause asthma.

If you or someone you love appears to exhibit symptoms of asthma but you aren't sure of what to look for then "All About Asthma - What You Need to Know" is just what the doctor ordered.

"All About Asthma - What You Need to Know" is not a textbook filled with medical jargon. Rather, it is written in plain English, straightforward and jam packed with just what you need to know before heading off to your physician.

Today's patients are a savvy lot who take control of their own health issues as never before in history. "All About Asthma - What You Need to Know" recognizes that and places you in the drivers seat. Take a look at what you will

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Category: Health

Arthritis Pain Relief & Prevention

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Title: Arthritis Pain Relief & Prevention

Warning: This report may be oh so welcome - - especially if there's no doctor in the house!
Take Charge of Your Arthritis!

Now in less than 5-Minutes & the time it takes to make an appointment with your healthcare provider...

You can Get a Grip on Arthritis Pain & Prevention

  • Maybe a little gentle, bedside manner in your battle for joint pain relief would be great?
  • Could you use some help understanding arthritis?

Well, even if you are not sure if arthritis is the issue with you or your friend or loved one... and you would like to learn more first ...

Or you have a great medical provider at hand but would still like up-to-date information to help with your understanding of arthritis healthcare options available today...

You've clicked on the right site!


Dear Health Warriors,

Life isn't easy. At any age.

Sometimes you or someone you may run into nagging joint problems or even once-in-awhile problems. Consider some of these, for example:

  • Typing on a keyboard at work or home causes wrist pain.
  • Getting out of the car triggers knee pain.
  • Bending over to tie your shoes or simply getting out of bed causes annoying, embarrassing pain.

Well, we're inviting you to take charge of your health and learn more now about arthritis pain relief and prevention. Team up with us,

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Category: Health, Medicine

The Complete Guide To Eczema And Psoriasis

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Title: The Complete Guide To Eczema And Psoriasis
Author: Robert Ashe
Prevention, Treatment and Remedies

Do you find yourself pulling on long sleeved garments even when it's sweltering outdoors? Do you avoid social gatherings? Do you chew your fingernails down to the quick just so you won't scratch until you bleed?

Well, if you can relate then chances are that you suffer from eczema or psoriasis.

Years ago there was a specific brand of shampoo that used the phrase "The Heartbreak of Psoriasis" to advertise their product. That phrase came to represent many situations in life that are seemingly uncontrollable.

Many people who suffer from eczema and psoriasis feel as though they are in a never-ending uncontrollable situation. Because there is no "cure" they suffer from embarrassment which can lead to lack of self-esteem and self-worth.

Having psoriasis or eczema does not make an individual a pariah. It is not contagious. They are actual diseases for which there are no specific cures but there are effective methods of treatment. Some of these treatments can even put the condition into remission.

If you or a loved one suffers from these skin conditions, what you need to do is arm yourself with information and "The Complete Guide To Eczema And Psoriasis" will give you just what you need to learn how to deal with the problem and how to go forward.

Here's a list of just a few of the helpful things you find inside:

  • What causes eczema?
  • What is
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Category: Body, Health, Women

The Sunless Tanning Guide

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Title: The Sunless Tanning Guide
Enjoy A Tan All Year Long! Sizzle without the Sun!

Now in under 5-Minutes & the time it takes to grab your tanning lotion, swim suit, and flip flops ...

You can lighten your tanning worries & darken your skin; in short....get help now with The Sunless Tanning Guide

Interested in getting a tan?

But maybe people have been telling you that you can get skin cancer if you're out in the sun too long?

So you think about a tanning booth or tanning lamp... But people say that they're not safe either.

So you check into other tanning solutions. You find there are many: tanning pills, tanning lamps, tanning lotions, tanning gels, tanning accelerators...ugh!

What happens over time? Maybe some of these:

  • Your hands and clothing, not to mention your favorite chair and bathrobe, were tanned - and stained - - in the process.
  • You try some tanning products. You turn orange.
  • Your tan starts flaking and you aren't sure what to do.
  • You aren't sure whether to moisturize first, exfoliate last, use tanning solution in the middle? You wonder what you really need. And in what order..?
  • You don't know how to tell which tanning products are safe. SPF stands for Should Put First, right? But you're still safe out in the sun, right?
  • You quit - - for now... and head back to the tanning booth, fully intent to pick up your sunless tanning research and experiment where you left off sometime next week. Or maybe next month over a
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Category: Health, Medicine

Living With Multiple Sclerosis

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Title: Living With Multiple Sclerosis
Author: Piet Mesmer
The Complete Guide To Treatment And Management Of Multiple Sclerosis

If you or a loved one suffers from multiple sclerosis, it's time you discovered life-transforming ways to cope with the disease...

2.5 million people worldwide and 350,000 Americans are diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) every year learn how to protect yourself and improve your quality of life!

Are you one of the millions of people living with MS? Are you constantly searching for cures, treatment options and information about your condition? Do you even know if you have MS?

Did you know that there are different types and symptoms of MS?

Did you know that common symptoms can be confused with other diseases? Here are just a few:

  • Double vision
  • Partial loss of vision or total loss of vision in one eye
  • General weakness
  • Unsteady walking with acute balance problems
  • Change in sensation of hands, legs, and face

These symptoms may not show to a great degree in some cases. Also, they may come and go. Many people only notice mild effects in the early stages which they either ignore or do not ask their Doctor about.

If you or someone you know suffers from or suspects MS, it is important to learn everything you can get your hands on about this life-altering condition.

MS affects an entire family, not just one individual. MS need not be deadly. There are available treatments that can help the person with this disease lead a normal, active

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Category: Health, Women

PMS and Women's Health

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Title: PMS and Women's Health
Author: Julie Parker
FINALLY! Secrets to Managing PMS Forever...

Discover How You Can Manage PMS and All Those Nasty Side Effects Once and For All!

Chances are, if you are female and living in the United States you may have seen the TV commercial where some demented woman is telling you to "have a happy period!"  What a load of you know what!

If you thought your PMS was just a painful condition that you have to try and live with, then there is good news!  The truth is, you can manage PMS and in some cases even eliminate the side effects completely.

Do you remember when your mother had that first conversation with you?  You know which conversation we're talking about.  It's the one about your body changing and becoming a woman.

The truth is that when it finally happened and you began your period, you were shocked and couldn't believe how painful it was. In fact, you were really angry that Mom hadn't prepared you better.  

Don't blame Mom.  Maybe she was one of the few women who breeze through their period each month with no complications, side effects or pain!  If you are one of those lucky women, then close this page because you don't need what we're discussing here.

Even if you experience just mild symptoms each month can you imagine another 30+ years of going through this month after month?

How Do You Fight PMS and Get Relief Fast?

Many jokes are made about women and PMS but it

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health

How To Stop Smoking In a Week!

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Title: How To Stop Smoking In a Week!

Have you been wanting to stop smoking, but havent really known the right way to stop? What if I told you that within a week from starting this one stop smoking program you could be smoke free forever? Its really not as hard as you may think. In this eBook you will learn how you can be smoke free forever!

If you smoke...

  • you will be ten times more likely to die from some form of lung disease.
  • you will be twelve times more likely to die from lung cancer.
  • you will be ten times more likely to die from cancer of the larynx.
  • you will be twice as likely to die of a stroke.
  • you will be six times more likely to die of heart disease.

If you stop smoking now you can increase your chances of living from two to twelve times longer and save thousands of dollars in medical expensive and the cost of cigarettes!

Smoking is a bad expensive habit. On top of that it makes you stink and turns your teeth yellow!

In this eBook you will learn why and how you should stop smoking today! You owe it to yourself and your family to stop smoking today!

Order today and find out just how easy you can stop smoking forever!



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Category: Body, Health, Women

Secrets To Looking And Feeling Younger

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Title: Secrets To Looking And Feeling Younger

There was a little boy who never wanted to grow up. He lived with a group of other little boys who felt the same way. This group of little boys thought they were happy until they discovered that there was something missing in their lives. They didn't have a mother. . . .

That's how the story of Peter Pan and the Lost Boys began. Wouldn't it be wonderful if a fairy tale like this came true? Sadly, we live in a world of reality.

Unlike Peter, we do grow up and as we do, we grow older.

Juan Ponce de Leon trekked across Florida and the Caribbean centuries ago searching for the illusive Fountain of Youth. Little did he know that he would leave behind a legacy that is still alive and well today!

In fact, this relentless search for youth can be traced back to ancient civilians who blamed the gods for old age.

Every day we are bombarded with the "not so subliminal" message that youth and good looks are all that matters. This message is coming through loud and clear at the same time that we are living longer than ever before.

Comedian George Burns lived to 100. When asked if his doctor knew he still smoked, Burns said, "No. . . he's dead! George was that rare exception to the smoking rule. But, he did beat all the odds!

Dylan Thomas had it right:

" Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

Yes, you can change your own destiny. The only question is whether you are

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Category: Cooking, Diet, Health

Fabulous Fruits & Vital Vegetables

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Title: Fabulous Fruits & Vital Vegetables
Author: Georgina Cundall
Eat Fabulous Fruits & Vital Vegetables For Fun and Vitality!

Not to mention a "leg up" during this economic crisis!

Is there anything more appealing to the taste buds than a bowl full of fresh, crisp salad greens topped with juicy tomatoes, snapping fresh cucumbers, brightly colored radishes and all garnished with your favorite topper?

The only thing that might be just as appealing is a plateful of your favorite fruits coupled with a tasty yogurt dip or tangy cheeses.

We've all had occasion to read books on nutrition, books on health and of course, recipe books.  But, just how easy is it to find a book that covers all three?  Pretty near to impossible!

There are tons of books about nutrition.  There are also hundreds of books on living a healthy lifestyle.  What most of them lack is the correlation between the two.

Sure, we all know how important it is to eat our veggies.  And, there probably isn't a soul among us that doesn't agree that fruits are yummy.  

However, do you have any idea of what fruit to eat if you need to reduce diarrhea, control your blood pressure, encourage good heart function, strengthen your bones or help a cough?  Yeah, that's what we thought.

Or how about this one?  What vegetable can help your body lower cholesterol, help protect you against some effects of diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes and retain your skin's smoothness?  Unless you are a nutritionist there's a

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