Art is an effort to create, beside the real world, a more human world.
Andre Maurois

Garden ebooks

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Category: Animals, Garden, Nature

How to Build Your Birdhouse

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Reviewed by radheradhe on 2019-01-25
My Rate 4
If you are the Animal Lover specially the bird lover and you have birds in your house and you want to build house for them then this book"How to build Your Birdhouse "is for you as it gives detail about the building of bird house.

Reviewed by ENTR AVINASH HASIJA on 2018-10-14
My Rate 5
I love this book Trees and how to build your bird house as it has given lots of ideas to make house of bird which i have which previously i didnot have great ideas
thats why i will give 5stars to it

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Title: How to Build Your Birdhouse
Author: Peter Wodehouse
Housing Our Feathered Friends!

Endless ideas and easy to follow birdhouse construction plans

If you are someone who loves wild birds how would you like to attract different species to your own back yard? Just like the movie classic, if you build the right house they will come.

It's true. If you create the right environment for a particular bird it's as if you sent out engraved invitations to the right birds. And as any guest, they will welcome your hospitality.

Our environment continues to become degraded with natural habitats for wildlife declining at an alarming rate. Beginning a hobby that leads to helping our feathered friends to flourish is not only personally rewarding but is also environmentally sound.

What you need to know!

First you must know what birds you would like to attract. That entails a bit of research. Fortunately, everything you need to know to develop this hobby is available in "How to Build Your Birdhouse."

Did you know that every species of bird has special preferences about the type of nest or birdhouse that it will use? Tree swallows, wrens, and bluebirds prefer single unit, enclosed birdhouses.

Bluebirds and tree swallows prefer open areas with fewer shrubs and trees while wrens prefer nesting in boxes close to shrubs. Phoebes and robins like a sheltered platform, rather than closed nest boxes.

Anyone can do it!

Building birdhouses is very easy when you know how and "How to

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Rating: (4.5 after 2 votes)
Category: Garden, Nature

TREES and HOW to paint them in Watercolours!

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Reviewed by ENTR AVINASH HASIJA on 2018-10-14
My Rate 5
I love this book Trees and how to paint them with water colours it has given me lots of idea to paint
The Beech TreeThe Oak Tree Scotch Fir
thats why i will give 5stars to it

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Title: TREES and HOW to paint them in Watercolours!
Author: W.H.J. Boot
Learn how to paint trees

Do your paintings never seem to look right?
Calling all Artists and Painters, do you have trouble painting trees and foliage?
Are you spending hours painting leaves only for your paintings to STILL look lifeless and flat?

  • Learn how to paint . . .
    • The Beech Tree
    • The Oak Tree
    • The Willow Tree
    • The Ash &
    • The Elm
    • The Scotch Fir
  • Learn how to build up your paintings piece by piece to acheive the results you really want.
  • Learn which brushes, paints and pencils are best and why.
  • Learn what to draw or paint and what NOT to draw or paint and why!

Learn how to get your paintings right from the beginning and transform your painting skills. This ebook includes many two-stage pictures showing you exactly HOW to paint trees properly. It also includes black and white close up sketches of each trees individual leaves.

This is an excellent BRAND NEW ebook designed to help you get the most out of painting trees to enable you to become a better artist!


  • Introduction
  • The Elm
  • The Oak
  • The Scotch Fir
  • The Ash
  • The Willow
  • The Beech

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Garden, Green Products

Building Your Own Greenhouse

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-11-02
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book"Building Your Own Green House"as it tells various ways in building Greenhouse which are very helpful in living our daily routine life.

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Title: Building Your Own Greenhouse
Author: Max Clarke

. . .become the envy of your neighborhood with

The Complete Guide to Building Your Own Greenhouse

Picture this. Out your kitchen window there's three feet of snow on the ground and the thermometer reads five degrees below zero. You have guests coming for dinner and you really want to impress them.

With a smile, you walk to your frig and pull out fresh lettuce, home grown tomatoes, fresh radishes and green onions. These veggies aren't pre-washed, treated with preservatives or vacuum packed for extended shelf life!

And no, you didn't get them from the grocery store where they were shipped from south or north of the equator (depending on where you live.) So where did they come from? Your own backyard!

Listen, it's amazing what inroads we've made in the growth and delivery of fruits and vegetables. Take a stroll through the produce aisles of your favorite supermarket during the winter months and you can find plums from Chile, avocados from Guatemala and ready-made salads sealed in plastic.

BUT, if you enjoy truly fresh fruits and vegetables take the step and learn how you can have these tasty commodities year round!

Building your own greenhouse may sound like a daunting task, but it really isn't.

Whether you are an avid gardener or a gardening wannabe, there is something for everyone in The Complete Guide to Building Your Own Greenhouse

  • How do they store heat
  • What
... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Garden, Health

Organic Secrets

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Title: Organic Secrets
Author: Pauline Hodgkinson
Anyone Can Grow Organic Fruit And Vegetables At Home

Gardeners, Learn The Easy Way To Save Money and Eat Healthy For Life With Organic Secrets.

Organic Secrets is an amazing fact filled ebook. Over two years to research and write and now for the first time available as a digital download. You will be able to start reading this "comprehensive guide to everything organic" in less than five minutes.

Order Organic Secrets and you'll have the plain, simple facts about growing your own healthy organic produce in your garden.

You'll get over 40 chapters that explain in plain and simple terms how to become 'Organic' - You will see about the basics including: creating the best soil, when and how to plant seeds through to great time and labour saving ideas on eradicating garden pests safely and choosing the perfect tools to make light of any task.

"This fantastic, easy to follow manual ebook is written for both the amateur gardener and the enthusiast alike."

If your new to organic gardening the in-depth advice on growing over 36 different types of vegetables will be indispensable - find out when to sow, maintain your crop and when to harvest to get the very best from your garden.

Here are just some of the delicious, healthy, vegetables covered in this great ebook:

  • Beetroot
  • Broad Beans, French Beans, Runner Beans
  • Broccoli & Calabrese
  • Spring, Summer and Autumn... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Garden

The Weekend Gardener

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Title: The Weekend Gardener
Author: Victor K. Pryles
The Busy Persons Guide To A Beautiful Backyard Garden

Brand New
Step-by-Step Manual Reveals How You Can Have A Beautiful Garden That Almost Takes Care of Itself!

". . .and believe it or not you can do
it in just a few hours on the weekend!"

The Lost Weekend

Meet Fred. He used to spend every daylight hour on Saturday and Sunday doing back breaking work in his garden. Dirty, disheveled and perspiring he was not a happy camper.

By the time Monday rolled around, Fred would drag his aching back and muscles off to his job and prepare to do the same thing all over again when the next weekend arrived. Sound familiar?

The really sad part about his story, is that even after putting in all that hard work, his yard really didn't look all that great!

You see Fred isn't any different than most property owners. Just like you, he wanted to have a garden that would bring pleasure and satisfaction. The only problem is time. . .the lack of it!

A Better Weekend

What if you could have it all? A beautiful, restful garden that beckons to be enjoyed. And, what if you could do it in just a few hours every weekend? Impossible? Not at all!

The Weekend Gardener truly is the busy persons manual to a beautiful backyard garden. You can have it all! Jam-packed with 155 pages you'll learn everything you need to know, such as:

  • Grass versus ground cover
  • Taming the lawn beast
  • The proper grass... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Garden

Your Perfect Lawn

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Title: Your Perfect Lawn
Author: Pauline Hodgkinson
You Deserve The Lawn Of Your Dreams

Be The Envy Of Your Friends And Neighbours, Save Time, Effort & Money When You Learn How To Create The Perfect Lawn.

Dear Garden Owner.

In the next five minutes you will be reading acres of great gardener's secret tips, that have been put together to give you the ultimate manual ebook to creating a beautiful, problem free lawn. You'll learn amazing time savers that mean you can spend more time relaxing and entertaining in your garden rather than working in it.

It doesn't matter if you're a complete amateur, a budding enthusiast or a gardening professional I know you'll find lots of new ideas to create the perfect lawn.

". .This New ebook contains all the information you need to create a perfectly manicured lawn Just like the Pro's"

For the first time we are offering Pauline Hodgkinson's latest ebook 'Your Perfect Lawn' in digital format - this means you will be able to order it securely online and start reading in just minutes.

'Your Perfect Lawn' is an amazing ebook, many of those must do jobs you've been putting off will seem much less daunting and will take far less time. You'll refer back to it again and again as you build towards 'the green of your dreams'. It's like having a professional gardener to help every time you venture outside.

Your Perfect Lawn

It's Brand New!

Hundreds Of Easy To Follow Ideas, Tips and Shortcuts To Create The... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Garden

Wild Flowers Worth Knowing

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Title: Wild Flowers Worth Knowing


A still more popular edition of what has proved to the author to be a surprisingly popular ebook, has been prepared by the able hand of Mr. Ma Don Dickinson, and is now offered in the hope that many more people will find the wild flowers in Nature's garden all about us well worth knowing. For flowers have distinct objects in life and are everything they are for the most justifiable of reasons, _i.e._, the perpetuation and the improvement of their species. The means they employ to accomplish these ends are so various and so consummately clever that, in learning to understand them, we are brought to realize how similar they are to the fundamental aims of even the human race. Indeed there are few life principles that plants have not worked out satisfactorily. The problems of adapting oneself to one's environment, of insuring healthy families, of starting one's children well in life, of founding new colonies in distant lands, of the cooperative method of conducting business as opposed to the individualistic, of laying up treasure in the bank for future use, of punishing vice and rewarding virtue - these and many other problems of mankind the flowers have worked out with the help of insects, through the ages. To really understand what the wild flowers are doing, what the scheme of each one is, besides looking beautiful, is to give one a broader sympathy with both man and Nature and to add a real interest and joy to life which cannot be too widely

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Category: Garden, Home

Guide To Landscaping

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Title: Guide To Landscaping
How would you like to save a ton of money and increase the value of your home by as much as thirty percent!

If your homes landscape is designed properly it will be a source of enjoyment for your entire family, it will enhance your community and add to the resale value of your property. Landscape design involves much more than placing trees, shrubs and other plants on the property. It is an art which deals with conscious arrangement or organization of outdoor space for human satisfaction and enjoyment. In Homeowners Guide To Landscaping you will learn how to:

  • Create a visual relationship between the house and the site and
  • Organize and developing your yard for maximum use and pleasure.
  • Reduce landscape maintenance to a practical level.

Americans spend tremendous amounts of money landscaping their homes. Much of this money is wasted, however, because of little or no planning. Homeowners Guide To Landscaping will guide you every step of the way, from creating a base plan to choosing plants and trees and landscaping for energy savings. Here are the chapters you will find inside this comprehensive manual:

  • The Base Plan
  • Planning The Home Landscape
  • Planning For Your Needs
  • Landscaping Materials
  • Studying The Site
  • Placing Your Plants
  • Landscape Construction
  • Choosing And Planting Your Plants
  • Terracing
  • Landscaping For Energy Savings
  • Backyard Ponds

You can discover the joy and beauty of having a wonderfully

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Category: Garden

Home Vegetable Gardening

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Title: Home Vegetable Gardening
A Complete And Practical Guide To The Planting And Care Of Vegetables, Fruits And Berries

No patch of land is too tiny to create a superb home vegetable garden. And Home Vegetable Gardening is the perfect book to help you get started on the right foot. If you have always wanted to grow your own delicious, mouthwatering vegetables, fruits and berries now you can do it with a little planning and care and the excellent advice you will find inside this book!. After you have tasted how delicious homegrown vegetables are, you will never settle for that ordinary store-bought produce again!

For some, the home vegetable garden is a hobby, for others especially in these days of high prices, a great help. There are many in both cases whose experience in gardening has been restricted within very narrow bounds, and whose present spare time for gardening is limited. It is as a "first aid" to such persons, who want to do practical, efficient gardening, and do it with the least possible fuss and loss of time, that this book is written.

In my own experience I have found that garden books, while seldom lacking in information, often do not present it in the clearest possible way. In Home Vegetable Gardening I have aimed to give you first of all practical information, and in addition to that, make it comprehensive, yet simple and concise.

Home Vegetable Gardening will guide you every step of the way with detailed instructions for everything from garden planning and preparing to planting, protecting, and harvesting.

If you want to learn how to... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Garden

How To Create A Garden Pond

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Title: How To Create A Garden Pond
Author: John Daly

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • Where to site the Pond
  • The Size of the Pond
  • Fish
  • Constructing the Pond
  • How many fish
  • Pond Plants
  • Looking after your fish
  • Pond Maintenance
  • Wild Life


A garden pond, with the right planning and stocked with the right kind of aquatic plants and fish, will be a marvellous asset to your garden, attracting a great many wild animals and eventually becoming a miniature nature reserve. It is possible to have a pond which is self sustaining, requiring only the occasional maintenance to keep it in good condition.

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