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Decorating ebooks

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Category: Children, Decorating, Parenting

Decorating Your Baby's Room: 45 Baby Nursery Decorating Tips

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-16
My Rate 5
I will give 5 stars to this book as it helped me in getting ideas in decorating my baby nursery how to decorate my baby rooms etc

Reviewed by a on 2011-01-24
My Rate 5

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Title: Decorating Your Baby's Room: 45 Baby Nursery Decorating Tips
Author: Niki Rodino
How to Decorate Your Baby's Nursery Room

A little bundle of joy will soon be joining your household. What better way is there to welcome your addition than with a beautifully decorated nursery? There isn't a nicer way, but how do you do it? What requirements does a nursery have? And most importantly, where do you start?

Dear Friend,

Congratulations on your big news -- a little gift from heaven is on its way to you! A new baby in the house is such a joy. You may be feeling a little bit stressed right now, trying to get everything in your home just perfect for your new baby's arrival. Many mothers experience this phenomena. It's called "Nesting."

Nesting, as defined by Pregnancy Weekly, is "an uncontrollable urge to clean one's house brought on by a desire to prepare a nest for the new baby, to tie up loose ends of old projects and to organize your world."

One of the biggest projects on your plate is preparing the baby's room for his or her arrival. When I was pregnant, I was unable to sleep at night, my mind racing with ideas for the nursery. I wanted it to be spectacular -- a welcoming, cozy place in which my baby would feel warm, safe, and happy. During my waking hours, I would search the internet looking for nursery decorating ideas. I went from store to store, overwhelmed by all the themes, accessories, and necessities.

If you are experiencing Nesting, you know what I'm talking about! It's a mother's instinct to make everything "just so" for

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Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Beauty, Decorating, Home

Interior Decorating: Decorate Like a Celebrity

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Reviewed by redone111 on 2015-12-19
My Rate 4
this is great things to read and have good ideas from i really find it helpfull

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Title: Interior Decorating: Decorate Like a Celebrity

"See How Easily And Cheap It Is Do Turn Your Ordinary House Into A Carbon Copy Of A Celebrity"

Stop Spending All Of Your Money Trying To Make Your House Look Elegant. Learn To Decorate Like A Celebrity At Only A Fraction Of The Cost

Dear Friend:

I opened up a magazine the other day and saw a picture of Faith Hill's home. The photos were amazing! Her home was amazing! I found myself wondering how I could get the same look in my own home without having to shell out the money she probably did for her professional designer.

As I sat and looked around my pretty boring living room, I became envious of Mrs. McGraw's floral couch, her cleverly placed centerpieces, and her tastefully arranged artwork. It made me sad that all I had was a few apples in a Tupperware bowl gracing my yard sale coffee table.

So I did what anyone would do - I went online and tried to find out how I could decorate just like the stars do. After checking out abut 10,000 Google matches, I gave up and had a sandwich instead.

Deciding to give it just one more try, I sat down again at my keyboard and asked the Internet how I could decorate like a celebrity. And then I found it! The answers I needed in one convenient place: "Interior Decorating: Decorate Like a Celebrity".

Once I Read The First Few Pages of This Book, I Was Hooked!

I started... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Arts, Business, Decorating

How to Start Your own Interior Designing Business

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Title: How to Start Your own Interior Designing Business
Are You Ready To Start Your Career In The Interior Design Industry?

I don't even know you...

...but I know your type. I bet you love to rearrange the furniture in your house. Even if it's only in your head. You say to yourself...

"I bet that'd look good over there. And this over here!" And you know what, you're probably right. You have it in your blood to be an interior designer.

Right now, you may not believe me. You may have never considered a career as an Interior Designer. But if you're already doing the work in your head for free...

...why not get paid for it! You're just doing what comes natural.

Being an Interior Designer can be well worth your time - and yes I am talking money. How would you like to work for yourself doing something that you enjoy?

Well you can. And I can show you how. It's something I call...

"How to Start Your own Interior Designing Business"

Greetings Friend,

If you are interested in Interior Design, you can start your own career with just a little guidance.

Has anyone ever told you that you have an eye for design? The last time you helped someone move, did people ask your opinion when trying to situate furniture? Maybe you just enjoy rearranging and decorating rooms in your head.

All the same... if you have the itch, or even an interest, you have already taken the first step to becoming an Interior Designer.

How would it feel to do something that you love... and get paid for it? Not many

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Category: Christian Books, Decorating, Holidays

51 Christmas Decorating Ideas

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Title: 51 Christmas Decorating Ideas

It's that time of the year again! Time to get out the tree, stockings and mistletoe! Don't know where to begin?

51 Christmas Decorating Ideas can help!

Did you know...

  • You can give breath the Christmas life into old candles with just ribbons and glitter
  • Just a roll of foil can bring Christmas dazzle all around your home
  • You can make a beautiful Christmas centerpiece with just one glass bowl
  • There are lots of uses for old Christmas cards
  • You can do a lot more with bulb decorations than hang them on your tree

Find all these ideas and more by grabbing your copy Of 51 Christmas Decorating Ideas -- Today!


1. Have More Than One
If you have room in your house, it's fun to put smaller trees in other rooms. A smaller tree in the kitchen, bathroom or bedroom can really unify your home. If you don't want to buy more trees, you can just save some branches from your big tree and put them in a flowerpot or decorated coffee can. Hang ornaments on the branches, and you instantly have a mini Christmas tree.
2. The More Decorations the Better
There's no such thing as too many decorations on your tree. If your ornaments are carefully selected and evenly spaced, the more decorated the better looking the

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Decorating, Home

Budget Home Decorating Tips

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Title: Budget Home Decorating Tips

Now You Can Redecorate With Amazing Styles at Bargain Basement Prices.

Don't waste tons of money on a professional interior decorator... Instead, grab the only source of quality information for doing it yourself for pennies on the dollar!

The Budget Manual to Home Decor

2 Of The Main Benefits to Do-It-Yourself Home Redecorating

1) Extremely Cost Effective

An interior decorator will charge tons of money just to TELL YOU what they think. It gets even more expensive if they are overseeing everything!

By doing it yourself, you have complete control over every facet of the project...including your budget. You can create things out of your old belongings, or decide to buy just small pieces of new furnishings. It's completely up to you!

2) You Will Have Created Something that ONLY You Can...and You'll be Much More Proud of it!

Sure, hiring someone else is easier, but it doesn't give much sense of accomplishment. Doing it yourself saves the money, it saves the hassle of dealing with a designer...but it also allows you to creatively express exactly what you want your room to look like. A designer will take your thoughts, and create what THEY THINK you want...

Here is what you will discover inside this manual....

  • The 11 low or no cost things you
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Decorating, Home

Interior Design on a Budget

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Title: Interior Design on a Budget

"Interior Design on a Budget - How to Tips and Tricks"

Nothing shouts "retreat" in the hearts of men (and women) more than the thought of picking up a paint brush and revamping old, tired walls!

Dear Interior Design Wannabe,

Okay, there is no guarantee that you will come out of this manual as the latest and greatest designer to the stars! But, if that is your goal, remember that you have to start somewhere, so why not with your old, dingy and outdated rooms?

First things first!

If you are a natural at creativity and have an eye for artistic design then you don't need this! However, let's take a look at reality. If you drool over those do it yourself shows that you see on TV every weekend and wish you could mimic the results then "Interior Design on A Budget - How to Tips and Tricks" is definitely for you!

Hey, there is no "magic bullet" that will make a professional interior designer out of you overnight. I hope we agree there's no such thing, right? But, even the tiniest of changes in your decor can make a huge difference.

Remember, the only difference between those TV designers and you is a little time and effort. So, why do you need "Interior Design on A Budget - How to Tips and Tricks"?

Because it works!

As of this writing, millions of people are looking for help with

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Decorating, Home, How To

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Reviewed by Ramramr on 2019-03-20
My Rate 4
I the Chief Author-Content Writer going to share book review by reading this book whose title is designing on a budget decorating your home interior cheap through this e library. net website by writing small article on book review which will include it s title,pros,cons and others .

So what are we waiting for here is the book review

Book Title Designing on a Budget Decorating your home interior cheap

Story of this book is as as follows

The writer and author of this book shared his own personal experiments on designing on a budget and decorating ones home interior at cheap prices which he experienced himself and which he described in this book seperated into various chapter starting with the first with the fraction of retail to the last how to decorate bedrooms in cheap way .

Pros of this book are that one can learn how to manage their budget while interior decorating ,
while cons of this book are that writer has not used images to describe its experiments while describing cheap budget for interior decorating .

Lastly the conclusion , i am giving 4 stars to it as overall rating and suggest to purchase this book who want to avail above given pros of it .


With Regards,

The Chief Author-Content Writer

Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-16
My Rate 5
I will Give 5 Stars to this book as it helped me to plan Designing the budget on following
such as purchased artwork,pillows etc

Reviewed by redone111 on 2015-12-19
My Rate 4
i find this ebook so good and have great ideas for decoration

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Title: Designing on a Budget. Decorating Your Home Interior Cheap!

Learn how to decorate and design on a dime! This budget interior decorating ebook will show you how to decorate cheap, for a fraction of retail prices! Includes everything you need to start your budget design project right away!

Includes Project Planning Worksheet & Budgeting Worksheets!

Have you ever...

  • Started a cycle of "buy & return" with accessories because you can't find the perfect item and everything you buy doesn't look quite right?
  • Put off decorating your home for so long that your friends & family begin wonder why you haven't decorated yet?
  • Purchased furniture that you thought was perfect, only to get it home and find out that it is totally wrong?
  • Purchased artwork, pillows, curtains, area rugs, etc. thinking they would coordinate beautifully in your room, but then you get them home and (you don't know why), but you really don't like them?
  • Had trouble finding things that fit your personal style and will match your decor?
  • Felt guilty because you know that you over-spent on decorative items for your home?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then this ebook is for you! This ebook is a valuable guide to budget decorating, and will guide you through lots of ways to save money and still get the professional look you desire.

Interior Design on A Budget Contains all the information you need to start making your home design dreams a reality!... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4.5 after 4 votes)
Category: Decorating

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Reviewed by Kathrine on 2008-12-29
My Rate 1
outdated material; pictures look like they should be viewed as "before" not "after" pictures; very disappointing

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Title: Awaken Your Interior Designer
Author: Michael J

The Awaken Your Interior Designer! Collection covers everything you need to know for confident and successful decorating. How does it do it? Consider these unmatched advantages:

  • Time-saving tips and techniques. Enjoy the helpful sidebars that disclose tips, shortcuts, and secrets you never knew...and won't find anywhere else. Also, there are over 800 links to helpful online resources and to suppliers of many of the items shown in the photos.
  • Photographs of "regular" homes. Finally, images that you can relate living color. You'll get lots of ideas that you can implement right away.
  • Personalized spiritual decorating approach. The BEST tool for easily creating inspiring rooms can be found inside YOU. The AYID! Collection shows you how to use your inner guide to create your dream by your own pace.
  • No decorating or artistic experience required. All you need to bring is a desire to create a unique, comfortable home that reflects your family's lifestyle.
  • Money-saving do-it-yourself projects. Create beautiful and stylish home d飯r items for a fraction of what it would cost you to buy them at regular retail prices. You'll get projects and ideas for enhancing just about any area of your home.
  • Interactive learning. By taking the fun, comprehensive quizzes, you'll identify your decorating preferences and personalize your journey through the e-guidebooks. In addition,... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (1 after 1 votes)
Category: Decorating

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Title: How to Create Rooms of Radiance
Author: Michael J. Holland

The Ultimate Collection of Easy & Inspiring Décor Projects (3 Volumes)

Inside, you'll get everything you need to complete quick and stylish décor projects for walls, furniture, windows, and accessories. Clear step-by-step instructions, photos, and supply lists ensure that you'll get the techniques right, every time. Included in this three volume set are:

  • Volume 1: Creative Stamping For Walls & Furniture

    Rubber Stamping is all the rage. You've probably seen colorful designs stamped on fabrics, cards, or small objects.

    However, in this 129 page volume (225+ color photos), I take stamping to a new level. It contains 15 exciting projects that you've never seen anywhere else. You can give your home that "one-in-a- million" look with very little time and money.

    As an added bonus, I've included 12 original stamping designs along with simple instructions to make your own stamps...even out of potatoes!

  • Volume 2: Quick & Stylish Decorative Crafts

    Want to dress up an old lamp? Or, make "no-sew" slipcovers? If you'd like to add style and flair to a room, but don't have the money to spend, this 118 page volume (275+ color photos) is for you.

    It contains 20 step-by-step projects and over 300 ideas of different ways to use the techniques in your home. If you did each project ONLY ONCE, you could save over $6,200.

  • Volume 3: Window Treatments Made Simple


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Category: Arts, Decorating

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Art Deco Decorating Ideas

DECORATIVE DRAPERIES & UPHOLSTERY is an answer to numerous requests, over a period of years, from home builders and interior decorators, for information and advice about color schemes, draperies, decorative furniture coverings and problems of interior decoration.

NOTE: This is a digital reproduction of Decorative Draperies & Upholstery, 1937 edition by Edward Thorne. 255 pages, including 64 Color Plates. The Bonus contains 34 pages including 17 pages of color illustrations.


  • Theatre Curtains
  • The Dining Room in the Home, Club, Hotel - Plates 30-39
  • Study, Office, Lounge, Billiard Room - Plates 22-29
  • Shop and Theatre - Plates 59-64
  • Living Room, Library, Hall, Sun Room - Plates 1-21
  • Kitchen and Bath Room - Plates 53-58
  • Draperies Through The Ages
  • Bed Room and Boudoir - Plates 40-52

Accordingly, Decorative Draperies & Upholstery offers solutions of familiar problems in decorative draping and upholstering, embodying complete color schemes and including many familiar decorative problems of background and furnishings.

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