Knowledge is like money: the more he gets, the more he craves.
Josh Billings

Hobbies ebooks

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Category: Hobbies, Mystery

Telescopes Mystery

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Title: Telescopes Mystery

"Learn The Mystery Of Telescopes That Everyone Can Enjoy A Challenging, Fun And Rewarding Hobby That Can Entertain You And Your Family All The Time"

If You Are Just For The First Time Gazing Up At The Stars With Your Naked Eyes, This Manual Will Help Put Your Telescope To Good Use

Dear Internet Friend,

Have you been wondering when we look at the stars with the naked eye, they are simply twinkling lamps that make for a pretty night.

What if I told you that now you are able to look at the stars and planets through the lens of a telescope and you'll see a much different sight then, would you be interested to learn on how to choose a good telescope on the market? or...

  • Are you fascinated by space and astronomy ?
  • Have you found that you are a stargazer?
  • Have you recently bought a telescope to expand on this fascination?

If so, pay close attention!

There's finally a new ebook created just for people like you!

And, if you really want to know the facts about telescopes, this ebook is definitely for YOU!

This Isn't Like Any Other Handbook On Telescopes You Can Find In Any Store..

...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!

This ebook covers everything there is to know about telescopes and it's easily... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Entertainment, Games, Hobbies


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Author: Howard Thurston




A Few Incidents in the Life of Howard Thurston.

HOWARD THURSTON, the Premier Card Manipulator of the World, and known throughout America as "The Man who Mystified Hermann," was born at Columbus, Ohio, on the l0th of July, 1869, and is therefore now in his thirty-first year.

Originally intended by his father-a gentleman of firm Christian principles-for the ministry, he entered the D. L. Moody College, in Northfield, Mass., and completed a course of five years' training. During this period he came to the conclusion that Providence had never intended him to go through life as a parson, and his natural love of Magic always predominated over his liking for the more serious subject he was studying.

Upon graduating with honors from the College, very much against his father's wish he decided to adopt Magic as his profession. (How many other well-meaning enthusiasts have adopted this procedure, and

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Category: Crafts, Hobbies


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Title: Needlework

Who Else Wants To A Full Course in Needlework?

Finally, An A-Z Needlework Course That Will Manual You To Start Creating Your Own Needlework Masterpieces!


Dear Friend,

Needlework, includes such varied occupations as sewing, cutting and shaping, and knitting. In this e-book, these subjects are developed in so far as they may be presented to anyone interested in learning this craft.

The techniques and styles suggested are as simple and straightforward as possible, so you can discover it easily as well as to become prepared, to attempt intelligently much more difficult tasks. The material of the ebook is arranged so as to avoid laying down hard-and-fast rules with regard to non-essential things.

For the sake of clearness, Sewing, Cutting Out, Decoration, and Repairing have been dealt with in separate sections, although in practical work they cannot be separated. In each section, the possibility of gradation from the simplest elements to the most difficult is made clear.

With the The Ebook Of Needlework you can now discover how to create needlework from patterns, reproduce Antique laces; Point Lace stitches, Old Lace, with patterns included in this illustrated Needlework e-book.


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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Adventure, Games, Hobbies

Hunting Game Adventuring

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Title: Hunting Game Adventuring

Play Beyond Duck Hunt for Fun Filled and Experience

If you're looking to find the best games that are fun yet challenging, then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!...

"In The Next 10 Minutes, You're About To Discover The Top Hunting Games, Where To Buy Them, And What Makes Them Better Than The Rest To Let You And Your Family Have The Most Enjoyable Leisure Time Forever!"

It doesn't matter if you are just started to play hunting games, this guide will get you on the right track to a fun filled experience.

Dear Internet Friend,

Need a new hobby? A hobby that also lets you release stress and tension?

Do you or someone you think you'd be interested in hunting games? If so, pay close attention!

There's finally an original new book created just for people like you!

And, if you really want to know the facts about hunting games, this book is definitely for YOU!

This Isn't Like Some Useless Guides On Hunting Games That You Can Find In Any Store..

...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!

This book covers everything there is to know about hunting games and it's understandable to the average person! In fact, some people have

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Games, Hobbies, Sports

Outdoor Sports and Games

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Title: Outdoor Sports and Games

Who Else Wants To Enjoy A Long and Healthy Life and "Enjoy Life As Well"?

Take A Vacation From The Rat Race & Starting Treating Yourself and Family To Healthy Living With Outdoor Sports and Games

Stop killing yourself with work, bad habits and Indoor Living!

This ebook is about Outdoor Lifestyle. Discover How To Vastly Improve Your Chance of Living A Long And Happy Life by cultivating a Healthy Outdoor Lifestyle!

Dear Friend,

Suppose you should wake up Christmas morning and find yourself to be the owner of a bicycle. It is a brand-new wheel and everything is in perfect working order.

The bearings are well oiled, the nickel is bright and shiny and it is all tuned up and ready for use. If you are a careful, sensible boy you can have fun with it for a long time until finally, like the "One Hoss Shay" in the poem, it wears out and goes to pieces all at once.

On the other hand, if you are careless or indifferent or lazy you may allow the machine to get out of order or to become rusty from disuse, or perhaps when a nut works loose you neglect it and have a breakdown on the road, or you may forget to oil the bearings and in a short time they begin to squeak and wear.

If you are another kind of a boy, you may be careful enough about oiling and cleaning the wheel, but you may also be reckless and head-strong and will jump over

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Hobbies

101 Scrapbooking Tips!

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Title: 101 Scrapbooking Tips!
Give Me Five Minutes and I'll Have You So Excited About Creating Your Own Scrapbook...You'll Start Immediately!

Don't let it happen!

Memories are the easiest things to lose. It's so hard to hold on! Don't forget your memories - CELEBRATE THEM!

Maybe you remember the last time your family got together for the holidays. You can remember whose house everyone met up at. But can you tell me what your little nephew was up to all night? Do I have to remind you of what your Aunt did to make everyone burst up with laughter?

Of course these are hypotheticals, but we both know I'm on the right track. No one can remember every single fun detail that life brings us.

Unless we let these memories live on in Scrapbooks!

People have been creating scrapbooks for ages! And they've come a long way. The scrapbooks made by professionals are truly amazing...

...And now you can create scrapbooks with that same professional feel with...

101 Scrapbooking Tips!

Greetings Friend,

Who else wants 101 tips and tricks for creating a professional scrapbook full of memories? Tell me something right now...

...Who do you know that would appreciate a scrapbook made just for them? I bet you could name several people.

A completed scrapbook is one of the most cherished items anyone can have. Honestly, if there's a fire, the first possessions people usually grab are photographs. And definitely a book full of them!

There's no better way to remember a trip then to take it again, page by... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Animals, Garden, Hobbies

Bee Keeping

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Title: Bee Keeping
Learn How to Keep Bees Successfully

Dear Friend,

Beekeeping can be a fascinating hobby or you can turn it into a lucrative business. The choice is yours. You need to know some basics to help you get started. The equipment needed to be a beekeeper. Where can you find the equipment you need? The best location for the hives. You can't just put bees in any spot. What needs to be considered when picking the location for your bees?

The best place to get your bees. How do bees come in a package? Or do you have to catch your own? What are the challenges of beekeeping? What are the special needs of the bee that will ensure a good honey crop? Will there be a return on my investment into beekeeping? You want to discover to be a beekeeper. You want to master the art of making honey. It is important to have the correct information needed to start your new hobby. Without information we would all be floundering in the dark.

Knowing where and how to start will prevent you from making costly mistakes. Where do you find the information you need to get started in beekeeping? When you do find the information, there are 10 different ebooks to read?

How can you get it all in one place?

You want the information to be easy to read simple to understand and all in one place. You need:

An easy to read summary...
And Beginner's Beekeeping Bible

With the Beginner's Beekeeping Bible you can discover to become a beekeeper. It will teach you the things you need

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Family, History, Hobbies

Genealogy: Uncovering Your Ancestry

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Title: Genealogy: Uncovering Your Ancestry

If you're wanting to learn about genealogy...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!

"You Are Going To Get An Extensive Look At One Of The Most Remarkable Genealogy Reference Books There Is Available On The Market Today"

It doesn't matter if you are just for the first time looking at your family lineage, this genealogy guide will get you on the right track to uncovering your heritage.

Dear Friend,

Wouldn't it be fantastic to find your family can be traced back to an ancient royal lineage?

Are you or someone you know interested in tracing your family background? If so, pay close attention!

There's finally an original new book created just for people like you!

And, if you really want to know the facts about genealogy, this book is definitely for YOU!

This Isn't Like Any Booklet On Genealogy You Can Find In Any Store..

...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!

This book covers everything there is to know about genealogy and it's easy for the average person follow! In fact, some people have called it the "Genealogy Manual "!

It's like having your very own genealogy expert that you can reference and ask questions anytime you need to!


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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Hobbies, How To, Jobs

Successful Beekeeping A-B-C's

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Title: Successful Beekeeping A-B-C's
Author: Terry Martyn Jr.

Find the Perfect Avocation Learning the A-B-C's of Beekeeping!

Eliminating Stress Has Never Been This Much Fun!

Without a doubt, you know that stress is a killer, and we know that you want to do something about it.

If you're here, then you're probably looking for something to relieve the stress. This is especially true when the economy seems to be pulling us in different directions.

So, what does this have to do with Bees? More than you might think.

If you have ever given any thought to a hobby that might just morph into an answer to your financial woes, you are in the best possible place you can be and at just the right time!

Now, beekeeping may not be what you imagined could be your ticket to leading a stress free life. It may not be what you thought of as a vehicle for adding supplemental income.

But, ask yourself this, if you continue doing exactly what you are doing now where will you be in six months? A year? Five years? You owe it to yourself to investigate every possibility.

If you are socially conscious about our environment, you need to know that you won't find a business more in tune with that responsibility than Beekeeping. Bees are active, natural pollinators.

Research shows that the dollar value of pollination by domesticated bees and beekeepers to a range of

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Hobbies

Stamp Collecting as Pastime

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Title: Stamp Collecting as Pastime
Alternate Work and Play With This Fascinating & Engrossing Hobby!

Who Else Wants To Find Out The Best Way To Enjoy A Hassle-Free and Truly Enjoyable Camping Trip?

Stamp Collecting for Beginners, Advanced Collectors and Investors.

Why you should seriously consider collecting stamps?

The Person who allows himself no relaxation, no recreation, loses his energy, and ages earlier than the man who judiciously alternates work and play.

Dear Friend,

Many people are at a loss to understand the fascination that surrounds the pursuit of stamp collecting. They are surprised at the clannishness of stamp collectors, and their lifelong devotion to their hobby.

They are thunderstruck at the enormous prices paid for rare stamps, and at the fortunes that are spent and made in stamp collecting.

This ebook, Stamp Collecting will afford a peep behind the scenes, and explain how it is that, after nearly over a century and a half of existence, stamp collecting has never been more popular than it is today.

If you are in search of a hobby I assure you none is more attractive or more satisfying than stamp collecting.

The literature of stamp collecting is more abundant than that devoted to any other hobby. You can find these volumes almost everywhere.

Governments and statesmen recognize, unsolicited, the claims of stamp collecting-the power,

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