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Albert Camus

Dogs ebooks

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Category: Animals, Dogs

BIG Book of Puppy Names

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Title: BIG Book of Puppy Names
Picking Your New Puppy's Name Doesn't Have To Be A Chore Any Longer!

Your Puppy's Name Says A Lot About Them...And YOU...Get It Right The First Time!

Choose The Perfect Name For Your New Pup, No Matter What Their Breed, By Having Hundreds Of Names Right At Your Fingertips To Select From!

Dear New Pet Owner,

Deciding on a brand new pet's name can be a daunting task. Especially when you really don't know what names are available. There are literally thousands of names to choose from! So you can see how this becomes less fun and more of a "chore" when trying to pick the one and final name for your new family member.

Well, this task has just become fun again!

With the BIG Book of Puppy Names, you can sit down with all your family members and look over this extensive list together. Then come up with the names you like best from our list of hundreds of fun pet puppy names. Even print out a copy or copies right from your printer so that everyone can see the super list and pick their favorites.


With this little ebook, you'll never be at a loss when trying to choose a name for your new puppy. And, you don't have to be a Pit Bull pup owner to find a name for your puppy with this ebook. You can find a name for any puppy or breed of puppy from inside these pages.
As a matter of fact, you will see different dog breed images throughout this ebook. So, this naming guide is for anyone and everyone who owns a dog!
The names have been... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Dogs

Pamper Your Dog

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Title: Pamper Your Dog
130 Recipes For your Canine Friend

The cookbook that your dog and dogs everywhere have been waiting for has finally arrived. Pamper Your Dog unleashes 130 recipes for tasty treats and meals for your canine friend that are sure to have your dog salivating. You cook for yourself and your family, so don't ignore your most faithful of friends. Pamper Your Dog will show you how to prepare tasty and healthful treats and main meals for their dogs without a lot of cost or work.

This great collection of recipes features 130 tempting and tasty treats for your dog.

Order Pamper Your Dog today and give your faithful friend what it really wants... A home cooked meal!

Table of Contents:

  1. Alfalfa Hearts
  2. Ace's Favorite Cheesy Dog Biscuits
  3. Alfie And Archie's Dog Biscuits
  4. Apple Cinnamon Doggie Biscuits
  5. An Apple a Day Dog Treat
  6. Apple Crunch Pupcakes
  7. Baby Food Doggie Cookies
  8. Aunt Bianca's Dog Biscuits
  9. Bacon Bites
  10. Baker's Bagels
  11. Bacon Bits for Dogs
  12. BARF Breakfast (med size dog)
  13. Barking Barley Brownies
  14. BARF Dinner (med size dog)
  15. Basenji Stew
  16. Beef Twists
  17. Beef and Rice Moochies
  18. Birthday Cake for Pups
  19. BJ'S Peanutty Pupcicles
  20. Biscuits For Dogs
  21. Bone A Fidos
  22. Boo's Biscuits
  23. Bone Bonanza
  24. Bow Wow
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Category: Animals, Dogs

BIG Book of Pit Breeders

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Title: BIG Book of Pit Breeders
Author: Tracy Yates
Find The Perfect Pit Pup!

See Firsthand Why Pit Bulls Are NOT Vicious!

By Purchasing Your Very Own Pit Bull Puppy!

Find the perfect, well behaved, loveable puppy from a list of more than 247+ Online Kennels and Breeders!

Dear Future Pit Bull Owner,

Making the decision to own a dog breed that has been dubbed a "vicious killer" is a big step! Even though the previous name-sake is completely false, there are some "backyard breeders" that don't make this glorious breed's temperment a high priority.

Or worry about such imperative things as championship bloodlines, health, and most importantly behavior! Reputable, reliable Breeders and Kennels DO! But finding the right one can be a time consuming task.

That's exactly why I have compiled this list of quality breeders for you!

With the BIG Book of Pit Breeders, you can search every Kennel or Breeder listed and find just the right one that carefully breeds each and every litter of Pit pups ensuring high quality and low ferocity! There are 263 different listings to browse through, so you are sure to find just the right Kennel to purchase your pup from.

This phenomenal list of Pit Bull Breeders and Kennels would have taken you long hours of tedious searching to compile yourself. But, not any more! Get each of these fantastic website listings all in one, easy to browse PDF ebook. Making it available to everyone no matter what computer operating system you run!


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Category: Dogs

How To Have A Healthy Dog

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Title: How To Have A Healthy Dog

"Discover How You Can Insure That Your Dog Is The Healthiest Pet Alive!"

If You Were Asked If Your Dog Is Healthy And Happy, How Would You Respond?
Do You Really Know How To "Read" Your Pet?
"Fido" can't speak for himself and relies on you to be his eyes and ears for everything in his or her world.

That means everything, from what is the best diet to reading the signs of illness.

Dear Dog Owner,

Sounds like "easier said than done," doesn't it?

Well, we can't teach you how to speak "canine," but we can give you the tools to reach a better understanding of what life is like for your pet.

Starting today, learn the facts about what your dog really needs to survive longer and healthier.

If you are looking for a book on how to train your pet or how to engage in obedience training, this is not the book for you.

How to Have a Healthy Dog is for the dog owner who wants to better understand the health of their pet so they know when it is appropriate to take serious action to assist a vulnerable or ailing dog.

Did you know?

  • Dogs get allergies just like people. Can you identify them?
  • Dogs shouldn't be given chocolate? Do you know why?
  • How to give your dog CPR?

Are you giving your dog nutritional food? Walk down... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Dogs

Dog Owners Guide

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Title: Dog Owners Guide
Owning and training your dogges

A MUST-HAVE if you own or plan to own a dog

This is a GREAT guide for you if you:

  • Wants to train a dog
  • Plan to own a dog
  • Wants to teach your dog various tricks

What do you learn GREAT ebook:

  • Where to find a dog you want, sometimes for FREE
  • Find out what dog fits your lifestyle (Not every dog is suitable for you!)
  • What to expect from a new dog
  • Teach your dog how to shake hand, play dead, say a prayer, crawl and MORE!
  • Can you "teach an old dog new tricks"? Sure you CAN!

This is a 30+ pages ebook and will be a great resource for new dog owners or experience dog owners.


Ah, the humble dog. Furry bearer of unconditional love, affection, companionship - and a rocket-powered babe magnet to boot. You can almost see your new dog right now . . . running in the sun, chasing Frisbees, doing adorable tricks, puking on the rug at 3 a.m., chewing up your entire porno collection, shedding on everything in sight . . . Still want a dog? Then step right up, you've come to the right place.
Rearing a dog is like rearing a kid. Some dog owners PREFER to rear dogs than kids. But rearing & caring a dog take up a lot of your time. That is why you got this ebook for more information about rearing a dog for the first time, or just wanted to get more information.
Enjoy this ebook. Enjoy the journey. Enjoy

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Category: Dogs

Perfect Handbook for Imperfect Dog Owners

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Title: Perfect Handbook for Imperfect Dog Owners
Handbook for Dog Owners

This ebook has everything you need to know on how to care for your dog.

Also includes a bonus with 35 articles on pet care and products.


Dogs are an integral part of human society on every inhabited continent on Earth. They drive livestock and protect it; police property; scent and detect illicit substances; haul sleds; retrieve game; guide the blind; search for and rescue the lost and injured; comfort the lonely; hear for the deaf; or simply add a sparkling natural reality to the lives of hundreds of millions of people throughout the world.

As we move from an agrarian to an urban culture, dogs are in many ways one of our last and most important links with the natural world. We get pleasure from caring for our gardens and for our pets.

This e-book on "Perfect handbook for imperfect dog owners" emphasizes the pet owner to offer good care to his or her pet and also gives solutions for unresolved problems.

Table of contents:


  1. Dogs need different diets at different ages
  2. Understanding ingredients
  3. Vitamin and mineral supplements
  4. Cost of feeds
  5. Boredom and variety
  6. Dry Vs. Canned food
  7. Food allergies
  8. Home made diets
  9. How much should I feed my dog?
  10. Signs of Ill
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Category: Dogs

Chow Chows Revealed

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Title: Chow Chows Revealed
Discover Everything You Need To Know About Chow Chows!

Who Else Wants The Happiest, Healthiest, Most Well-Behaved Chow On The Block And Keep Them From Biting The Mailman?

That's Right! In Less Than 90 Seconds, You Can Have Instant Access To A "Back-Stage" Pass To The Real World Of Chow Chow Dogs... And How You Can Fully Understand Them!

Dear Fellow Chow Lover,

Do you own or are thinking about owning a Chow Chow? If so, pay attention!

There's finally a new, breakthrough book created just for chows and their owners!

And, if you really want to have the most healthy, and well-behaved chow, then this book is definitely for YOU!

I myself have always loved Chows, but information on these dogs is pretty hard to come across. Especially the kind of information I wanted to know more about. To be quite honest with you, I got tired of looking and searching all over the place, so I decided to create the definitive book on Chow chows!

This Isn't Like Any Other General or Generic Book On Chows You Can Find In Any Pet Store..

...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!

This book covers everything there is to know about Chow chows. In fact, some people have called it the "Holy Grail Of Chows"!

It's like having your very own Chow expert that you can reference and ask questions anytime that you need to!

You'll uncover a wide array of tips including interesting facts that made them what they are today! For

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Category: Dogs

90 Dog Training Tips

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Title: 90 Dog Training Tips



General Dog Training Tips

1. Concentrate on what your dog is doing right.
Professional dog trainers everywhere tell their students to reward their dogs when they do something right. This "positive training" method is in contrast to training that centers on punishment. Trainers recommend that owners praise and reward their dogs with treats and affection for good behavior instead of just scolding them for bad behavior.

2. Be proactive and keep your dog from behaving badly in the first place. One of the most important tips that a professional dog trainer will tell his or her students is that good behavior is not just the responsibility of the dog. The owner must make every effort to avoid giving the dog the ability to engage in bad behavior while they are still learning the ropes. For example, if you notice that your dog likes to chew, it's important to make sure that everyone in the home puts their shoes behind closed closet doors to remove temptation.

3. Stop saying NO! One of the biggest mistakes that people make when training their dogs is saying NO without giving the dog an explanation of some type. Dogs, much like children, will become confused with a simple command of NO! Here's what you should do instead. If your dog is stealing the cat's food, tell him NO and then gently

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Dogs

How To Be A Top Dog Owner

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Title: How To Be A Top Dog Owner
Author: Karl Matthews
How To Raise Well - Trained Dog Owners

NEWS FLASH: Attention all dogs seeking owners. #1 Rule - make sure you interview your potential owner extensively and make certain they are totally committed to being trained as dog owners!

All kidding aside if you really want to learn about owning a dog the first criteria is to decide why you want one and make sure it's for all the right reasons.

Once you've got that figured out then your next step is learning "How to be a "Top Dog Owner." You do that by reading this terrific manual for dog owners. You would swear that this guide is written by Karl Matthews dog.

It's jam-packed with everything your dog wishes you knew but couldn't ask you himself. Take a gander a what Karl covers:

  • Where to find the perfect pal for you - classified ads - breeders - what to look for when shopping around
  • Purebred or Heinz Variety - this goes back to the reason you want a dog in the first place
  • Human. . .er. . .dog training - an obedient owner is a happy owner
  • Making the adoption work - integrating into your family unit - who is the leader of the pack?
  • How to select the correct toys for your dog - some toys can actually be harmful - learn how to select the appropriate toys for your canine
  • House training - an important part of training - Karl includes hints on getting rid of stains - just in case
  • When to see the vet - vaccinations of course - but what about illness?
  • Feeding time
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Category: Cats, Dogs

Happy Tails: Your Cat & Dog Care Guide

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Title: Happy Tails: Your Cat & Dog Care Guide

Did You Know That Improper Diet And Overfeeding Can Actually Lie At The Root Of Most Of Your Pet's Ailments?

Dear Fellow Cat/Dog Lover,

Would you mind if I asked you a question?

A trip to the vet - a thing no pet owner should dread but does, perhaps more than his or her pet! Reason? Astronomical bills, of course, and not always for something that needed veterinary attention in the first place, so why did you go to the vet?

Let's face it, most of us are completely ineffective when it comes to dog or cat care at home, beyond the commonplace routines of feeding, de-worming, bathing, and dishing out the water.

But don't we all want our cats and dogs to be healthy?
Of course we do!

As any vet will tell you, the care your dog or cat will get at home will benefit him/her far more than a vet exam. Frankly, most of us go to the vet because we simply don't know what else to do when our dogs and cats fall ill. So what you pay for is essentially those few words of advice that, had you known earlier, would probably have prevented the illness!

Most illnesses often are caused by overeating and dietary issues... if you understand your dog's or cat's dietary needs, you can give him/her a healthier and happier life, and save a ton of money on all those visits to the vet.

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