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Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Home Business ebooks

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Category: E-Business, Home Business

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Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-08-23
My Rate 5
this book is inspiring becouse of this book im getting more confidents not im being more positive,good job ebook

Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-10-25
My Rate 5
Feel Richer and More Abundant Enjoy Your Life and Relationships More Expand Your Vision of What is Possible for You Increase Your Passive Income Feel More Confident in Your Money Skills Think of (at least) Twenty Ways to Increase Your Money Flow

Reviewed by gino ain on 2015-08-06
My Rate 4
good ebook. Most people want to be a millionaire and this book is right for them.

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Title: I Create Millions (Free version)
Author: Christopher Westra
How You Can Manifest Your Millions with 34 Specific Money Mastery Methods!

FREE Version with 34 Money Mastery Methods

Discover the secrets to having the resources you need to live the life you've always dreamed of. Learn the 34 practices, attitudes, and programs that the experts use to increase the flow of money.

Now You Can Use Them Too!

Take The 30 Day Challenge and You Can Begin Money Flow by

Just 30 Days From Today! This is the 30 Day Challenge. I'll pay you double your money back if in 30 Days you don't receive all six of the benefits below.

Feel Richer and More Abundant Enjoy Your Life and Relationships More Expand Your Vision of What is Possible for You Increase Your Passive Income Feel More Confident in Your Money Skills Think of (at least) Twenty Ways to Increase Your Money Flow

Yes, not just one benefit, but all six, or I will pay you!

I'll send you a personal check - guaranteed.

With I Create Millions, You Will ...

Discover the Mental Shifts necessary for your Million!

Learn why Ten Million New Millionaires are being created

Know and Use the specific Money Mastery Methods of 13 Creators

Increase your Imagination, Creativity, Confidence, and Skill

Learn the real difference between Money and Wealth

Experience an amazing Variety of Practical Money Ideas

Dear Friend,

If you want the extra money flow and feeling of wealth that

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Rating: (4.5 after 4 votes)
Category: E-Business, For Authors, Home Business

Instant PLR Author

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-11-01
My Rate 5
Instant PLR Author is a 26-page power packed report that covers everything you need to know to start pumping out top quality, high demand Private Label Rights so am giving 5star as per my reading experience.

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Title: Instant PLR Author

"Learn How to Crank Out Hot Selling Private Label Rights Products One After Another in Record Time And Make a Fortune, Even if You Have NO Experience, NO Product Ideas, and NO Tools!"

There is a HUGE demand for hot Private Label Rights products, and I'm here to tell you that you can CASH IN if you want to. Why are these products being gobbled up as fast as they hit the "online marketplace"? Simple--more and more marketers are entering the online world everyday, and they all face the same biggest challenge:

How to develop fresh, high-demand, professional products.

That's where you come in. You don't need to be skilled at ANYTHING marketing related if you can produce great Private Label Rights products because marketers will beat a path to your door with cash in hand ready to buy. They know they can profit from it, so why not?

Even if you have no idea what these products are, have no experience, no website, or this is the first marketing letter you've ever read, YOU can generate products again and again with a simple step-by-step process and start earning big time profits.

Introducing Instant PLR Author...

Instant PLR Author is a 26-page power packed report that covers everything you need to know to start pumping out top quality, high demand Private Label Rights

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Category: Home Business, How To

How To Get Paid To Watch TV

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Title: How To Get Paid To Watch TV
Author: Richard Dean
Earn money while viewing Your favorite shows!

"Grab The Chips & Soda, Curl Up On The Couch And Lets Make Some Money Watching TV"

"Making money watching TV is as simple as changing the channels!"

TV Is Born

Television pounced upon the scene during one of the worst economic periods in our country's history- the Great Depression. As a result, TV's introduction to a potential viewing public went largely unnoticed. People had more than enough to do trying to provide for their families.

Despite that timing, a few people had a chance to view the future. That's exactly what they thought TV was, but even they could not have dreamed of the successful industry television has become. With the advent of cable television, there are dozens of stations now competing for the viewer and showing an extraordinary range of programming from week to week.


Early on, there was only one station. NBC (The National Broadcasting Company) was the first to broadcast programs a few hours a week on the television set. It's hard to imagine TV today on such a limited basis, but every industry has to start somewhere. Within a couple of years, there were a number of stations joined NBC and programming was expanded.

Television flourished in the fifties and new programming was the rage of the industry. Each year many of us looked forward to the introduction of new shows to watch along with our favorites held over from the previous

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Category: Home Business

The Home Business Startup Guide

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Title: The Home Business Startup Guide
50 Things You Should Know Before Starting Your Own Online Or Offline Home Business

Dear Friend,

The fastest-growing segment of today's economy is the home business, but "firing your boss" is not as easy as some would have you believe.

To succeed - and you can succeed - you will need help.

Whether you want to start an online web business, an offline mail order business or even a local service business, the valuable information in your copy of The Home Business Startup Guide will help you to get started.

Here's a summary of everything you will learn in this essential guide...

Getting Started:

  • Is it legal where you live? Do you need a license? How to find out
  • Working from home: The pros and cons
  • Researching and developing your idea
  • Preparing yourself for business - mentally, financially, physically
  • Identifying - and understanding - your competitors

What You Need - And Where To Find It:

  • Creating "The Plans"

Your business plan
Your marketing plan
Your disaster plan

  • Finding the money you need

Venture capitalists
Financial "angels"
Government and private grants

  • Creating your company

Choosing a name
Choosing a legal form - Sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation
Know the law

  • Work where you live - but don't live where you work

Creating a work area
Furniture,... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Home Business

Setting up your own business at home

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Title: Setting up your own business at home
Author: Richard Dean
Your Guide To: Setting Up Your Own BUSINESS AT HOME !

"Dream of owning your own home business but don't believe it will ever happen? You Need To Read This Report Today!"

Self-employment work the hours you want

The world of self-employment can be a personally and financially rewarding one for the right individual. Many people dream of owning their own business but don't believe it will ever happen for them. The majority of these folks see all the positives of working for themself, but lack the drive and determination to make the transition from employee to employer. You have it right in the palm of your hand don't let it slip away.

Self-employment is the ticket to higher earnings without limit and the right to control and work your own schedule. A lot of self-employed people are working their hours and weeks they want in their own business. Theere doing work they truly enjoy, and are getting paid for it. You should too!

Work at home, Work at home!

You have the talent and ability to work on your own! Perhaps you're just not sure what business you'd like to specialize in. That's where this report can help!

In Side is a number of home-based business and franchise opportunities based on the latest information available to us. From this assortment of listings, you will probably recognize some that will have a definite appeal to you. This is the first step to taking off with your own business: knowing what you want to do. Beyond that, if you have the fortitude

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Category: Business, Home Business, Real Estate

Residual Income Through Real Estate

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Title: Residual Income Through Real Estate

If You Want To Join The Thousands Of People Making A Fortune In Residual Income From Investing In Real-Estate, Keep Reading Because You Are About To...

"...Find Out Everything You Need To Know To Start Investing In Real Estate And Set Up A Comfortable Residual Income That Will Give You The Freedom To Do What
You Love!"

Don't want to work 9 - 5 for the rest of your life? Keep reading and find out exactly how thousands of people just like you are becoming fanatically free by investing in Real-Estate.

Dear Friend,

Linear income, it's what keeps most of us from having the free time to do things we love, spend time with our friends and family and just plain enjoy time off any time we like. For most of us, linear income keeps us from trying new things and realizing our dreams.

So what exactly is linear income?

Linear income is the type of income where you get paid an X amount of dollars per every hour you work. It's the most common type of income among average income persons.

What's wrong with this?

First, working 40 hours a week does not give you a lot of time to commit yourself to something you might want to do. Second, if you want a roof over your head and food on the table you can't simply stop working because if you have a linear income, you would

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business, Home Business

Insiders Guide For Making Money- Flea Markets,Garage Sales,Swap Meets

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Title: Insiders Guide For Making Money- Flea Markets,Garage Sales,Swap Meets
Author: Richard Dean

Table of Contents:

  • Overview
  • Making Money At Garage Sales
  • Setting Up
  • Advertising
  • Selection and Pricing
  • Bookkeeping
  • The Sale


On almost any given weekend across the country, someone is holding a garage sale, attending a swap meet or setting up a booth at a flea market. The quote "someone's junk is someone else's treasure" makes these events both plausible and plentiful.

Most of us are accumulators. We pack what we can into our house without regularly taking inventory until it's busting at the seams. Then it's time to decide what to keep, what to throw out and, more importantly, what to sell.

So many people spend their weekends out looking for bargains at these types of events and there are plenty of opportunities to make money. Much of it will be clear profit since there is virtually no overhead cost involved- certainly not the same as in a retail shop.

Your first garage sale can be to clean out your "junk". Your subsequent sales can be for items you pick up at bargain prices at flea markets, swap meets and auctions, which you then turn around and sell out of your own garage. You can still give someone a bargain and make a profit on the merchandise turnover.

Why not you? If you've ever had a garage sale, you must have realized the potential involved. All of these customers come to you... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Business, Home Business

How To Make Money Without Leaving Your House!

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Title: How To Make Money Without Leaving Your House!
Author: Richard Dean
An Insider's Guide

Be Your Own Boss!

Table of Contents:

  • OVERVIEW Make Money Without Leaving Your House

OVERVIEW OF Make Money Without Leaving Your house

When Ronald Reagan took the oath of office for the Presidency in January of 1981, one of his earliest pledges was to make life a little easier for the small business person. Reagan believed that America was founded on the backs of intrepid folks who took a chance and gambled everything they had on a chance to start fresh. Small business today is the embodiment of that idea.

Less regulation and lower taxes during the former California governors first term in office sent the number of small business formations skyward and the industry, despite increased taxes and regulation, has never looked back. Today, as much as ever, there are outstanding opportunities in the small business market.

Think about it. Big business puts out a controlled product that appeals to the masses. When selling nationwide, little attention is paid to particular regional differences. Small business fills this void. Its not necessary, in an environment of lower overhead and more flexibility, to have a product that necessarily appeals to the masses. You might produce T-shirts and apparel with local

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Category: Home Business

CamCorder Profits!

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Title: CamCorder Profits!
Make Your Camcorder Pay

Earn $30 per hour with your CamCorder.

If you got a Camcorder for Christmas then start making money with it.

This eBook will show you how to earn $30 per hour.

If you have a video camera and a Computer ,you can get in on an incredible new field of home enterprise that is one of the most lucrative for the rank amateur.

Be the FIRST in your area to capitalise on this great opportunity.

This is NOT about making Wedding Video's but the eBook does include a chapter on Wedding Video's.


  • Special Interest Video's - Hobbies
  • Earn $30 per Hour with your Camcorder
  • Special Event Video's
  • Copying & Duplicating
  • Wedding Video's


  • Allways have sufficient Batteries with you.
  • Allways have plenty of spare Tape with you.
  • Allways use a tripod where possible, even a Monopod can make a difference, your shots will be so much steadier.
  • News satations will pay very high fees for an exclusive shot of happening news.
  • Allways carry a fully loaded, fully charged camcorder with you even in the car. You never know when you will be in the right place at the right time.
  • Remember the horific concord crash in Paris. Well the 30 seconds of Amateur Video shot from a moving vehicle made the camerman thousands of pounds.


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Category: Arts, Home Business

Film Making

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Title: Film Making
Learn Basics to Becoming a Film Maker

If you've ever wanted the secrets to making your own film, here it is:

Indy Film Insider Tips And Basics To Film Making

Dear Friend,

Have you ever wanted to make your own film? Is there a story you want to tell? You might even think that this is impossible. "Studios make films, not the little guy". This is probably what you tell yourself. Do you watch films with more than a casual eye? You probably want to know how they were able to get perfect lighting in your favorite scene, or how to write a professional screenplay. Do you watch the Actor's Studio and hang on every word they say? My last question is, do sit in your seat at the movie when it's over watching the credits as everyone else files out the door .

Why Don't You Make Your Own Movie?

I know you have dreamed about it, but have you ever seriously contemplated making your own film? Yes Virginia, you too can make your own film, all on your own. If you have played with the idea of what it would be like to direct a film then you have already made an imaginary plan. Why not make it a reality. What else are you doing with your time, going to work at the factory everyday?

Are you thinking that Filmmaking is only for studios and professionals? I believe that Independent film has changed all the rules. Doors are opening all over for aspiring... Click here to read the full description!

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