Men learn while they teach.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Men ebooks

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Category: Health, Men

Dealing with Prostate Cancer

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Title: Dealing with Prostate Cancer
Author: Norman Falconer
How to Fight Prostate Cancer and Win!

"You have prostate cancer and here is the prognosis...."

There aren't many men who can hear those dreaded words and not feel frightened and panic stricken.  And, with good reason.  US estimates for 2008 call for 186,000+ new cases and almost 29,000 deaths.

Many people assume that prostate cancer only attacks the elderly and figure they'll just wait and hope for the best.  Bad decision.  While the majority of cases do occur in men over 70, it has been known to attack men as young as 50.

The disease also crosses ethnic lines and is the second most common malignant cancer in men.  African American men are at a higher risk than white men including Hispanic men.  

According to the National Cancel Institute, "Dramatic differences in the incidence of prostate cancer are also seen in different populations around the world."  This is telling because there may be dietary or other environmental factors involved.

Getting all the answers

Just like any disease, the earlier the detection the better the chances of beating it. That's all well and good, but how do you know if you are at risk or heaven forbid, already showing symptoms?  What are the symptoms? You really need to have a good resource available for reference.  

That's where "Dealing With Prostate Cancer" rides in to give you all the

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, Men

Dealing with Impotency Naturally

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Title: Dealing with Impotency Naturally

Put an end to the disappointment, frustration and embarrassment of...

Erectile Dysfunction

Have Sex Like You are 18 Years Old Again!

  • Eject volumes of semen!
  • Have a natural powerfully stiff penis.
  • Do it again and again night after night!
  • Never make another excuse for not being able to get it up!

Have you lost that special "showing" that you had as a young man?

Do you long for the good old days in college when you would have to cover your erection with a ebook binder the minute you stood up from a desk because it was so large and rude looking?

Have you practically given up sex because you can't get the same hard on that you used to and you are sick of disappointed woman smiling wanly and giving you comforting little pats on the back in bed?

In fact is there anything more distressing than that little pat on the back that says, "I know you tried ...I know you love me" while you tell her things like -

"This has never happened to me before...just this one time ...usually I can go and go and go."

Or how about -

"It's not you. It's me. HONESTLY! I am very attracted to you.

Also, does your loss of a firm erection coincide with a concern about being less virile and fertile than you once were.

Do you feel that your... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Men, Relationships

Be Yourself Seduction

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Title: Be Yourself Seduction

Gets HOT Women Into Your Bed Without Acting Fake, Without Following A Complicated System,
And Without Being A "Weirdo."

No phoney routines. No stress. No feeling rejected.

It's Being Called "The Holy Grail" Of Seduction For A Reason!

Dear friend,

Finally, you CAN attract sexy, fun-loving, interesting women -- total "10's" -- WITHOUT any of the difficulties of traditional dating or "pick-up" game.

How I stumbled upon this "rogue" seduction system is very interesting ...

Just a few years ago, I was a LOSER when it came to women.

I wasn't "the 40 year old virgin", but my success with women was well below average.

Around my friends, I was fine. I was relaxed and sociable. Hell, I was just FUN to be around.

But whenever I was near an attractive woman, I became NERVOUS and AWKWARD.

I would FREEZE UP, forget what I "should" say, or else I would talk too fast and make a fool of myself.

It got so bad -- the nervousness, the pain of rejection, the lack of control I felt -- that I decided to NEVER approach an attractive woman.

I'm guessing you can relate to this ... (all men have felt this way at some point in their lives.)

I Was Lonely. I Was Sexually Frustrated.
And Deep Down Inside, I Hated Myself.

Are... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Body, Fitness, Men

How to Get Perfect Abs

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Title: How to Get Perfect Abs

Want to lose the wobbly belly?...

"Learn The Secret of How to Get Perfect Abs!"

Dear Friend,

Do you want to have the body of your dreams, including six pack abs that are sculpted and perfect? Do you look at other people on the beach and envy their good bodies and wish that you had the body to wear the bathing suit you have always wanted? Have you tried starving yourself and exercising, only to find out that you did not achieve any sort of results?

You are not alone. There are a great many people out there who would love to have perfect abdominal muscles. A flat stomach and perfect abs not only make you look nicer, but they make your clothes fit better, too.

There are plenty of abdominal machines and exercise gadgets that promise results, but fall flat. How much money have you wasted trying to get the perfect abs, only to have some gadget sit in the back of your closet? This can be very frustrating, especially when you feel as though you are throwing your money away and not getting results.

Most of these products fail because they only give you one way to get to the abs of your dreams. And if this way doesn't work for you, you're out of luck. But it seemed that all of the advice to get flat abs was geared towards buying some type of gadget or some magic pill.

The only advice....until now!...

What if someone

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Men, Wedding

Wedding Speeches for the Groom

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Title: Wedding Speeches for the Groom

Stuck for words with your Groom's speech?

"How Would You Like To Choose From 10 Pre-written Inspiring, Sentimental and Funny Groom Speeches That Will Surely Be Memorable..."

These 10 Wedding Speeches Can Be Downloaded To Your Computer Within Minutes From Now!

Dear Groom to be,

  • Are you frustrated and stuck for words?
  • Are your stressed about what to write?
  • Are you worried about whether your speech will be good or not?

Giving a groom's speech is no piece of cake.

In fact, if you don't do a good job of planning for it, there's a good chance you could end you flopping.

Either you'll do a bad job of writing the speech, so that it doesn't contain beautiful anecdotes, thoughtful and charming comments about your bride, and praise and thanks for your parents, friends, and best man; or you'll deliver it poorly, so it sounds wooden or unrehearsed.

Either way, few things are worse than delivering an embarrassingly bad groom's speech. It will literally make you look bad in front of all of you friends and family members, as well as all of your new bride's friends and family members.

So What's the Best Way to Write a Compelling and Emotional Groom's Speech?

When it comes to

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Category: Men, Wedding

Wedding Speeches for the Father of the Bride/Groom

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Title: Wedding Speeches for the Father of the Bride/Groom

Stuck for words with your Father of the Bride & Groom speech?

"Get Instant Access To 10 Ready-Made Father of the Bride/Groom Speeches You Can Simply Pick and Choose"

These 10 Wedding Speeches Can Be Downloaded To Your Computer Within Minutes From Now!

Dear Father of the Bride/Groom,

  • Are your stressed about what to write?
  • Are you frustrated and stuck for words?
  • Are you worried about whether your speech will be good or not?

You might be surprised to hear this, but if you're a dad, you're almost certainly going to give a speech when one of your children ties the knot. You might expect it with your daughters, but it is now becoming common to deliver a "father of the groom" speech, too.

Rather than being bothered by this, you should take it as a compliment that your services are in such high demand. At the same time, you should proceed with caution, knowing that the audience at the reception hall will expect a lot from you. This is especially true if you are delivering a father of the bride speech.

Indeed, the two most anticipated speeches are the father of the bride's and the best man's. That means that a lot of people are expecting to be entertained and to learn something about your daughter through this speech. This is your opportunity to tell

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Category: Men, Wedding

Wedding Speeches for the Best Man and Groomsman

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Title: Wedding Speeches for the Best Man and Groomsman

Stuck for words with your Best Man and Groomsman speech?

"Instantly Get Access To 10 Ready-Made Best Man and Groomsman Speech That Will Surely Be Remarkable..."

These 10 Wedding Speeches Can Be Downloaded To Your Computer Within Minutes From Now!

Dear Best man and Groomsman,

  • Are you frustrated and stuck for words?
  • Are your stressed about what to write?
  • Are you worried about whether your speech will be good or not?

If you truly care about your best friend and you want his wedding to be a success, then you will make sure your speech is good.

Not only will it add some levity and some emotion to the reception's atmosphere, but it will also leave indelible impressions in all the minds of the wedding-goers.

One of the most anticipated events of any wedding reception is the best man's speech. Thoughtful and witty best men will leave their audience laughing, crying, and remembering what it is that they love so much about the groom. Dull or insipid best men will bore the audience; and add nothing to the reception.

So How Do I Create a Best Man/Groomsman Speech?

Now, when creating a best man's speech, you must walk two fine lines. The first line divides humor and sentiment. Not only do you... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Men

Advice to Young Men

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Title: Advice to Young Men

And (Incidentally) to Young Women, in the Middle and Higher Ranks of Life. In a Series of Letters, Addressed to a Youth, a Bachelor, a Lover, a Husband, a Father, a Citizen, or a Subject.


1. It is the duty, and ought to be the pleasure, of age and experience to warn and instruct youth and to come to the aid of inexperience. When sailors have discovered rocks or breakers, and have had the good luck to escape with life from amidst them, they, unless they be pirates or barbarians as well as sailors, point out the spots for the placing of buoys and of lights, in order that others may not be exposed to the danger which they have so narrowly escaped. What man of common humanity, having, by good luck, missed being engulfed in a quagmire or quicksand, will withhold from his neighbours a knowledge of the peril without which the dangerous spots are not to be approached?

2. The great effect which correct opinions and sound principles, imbibed in early life, together with the good conduct, at that age, which must naturally result from such opinions and principles; the great effect which these have on the whole course of our lives is, and must be, well known to every man of common observation. How many of us, arrived at only forty years, have to repent; nay, which of us has not to repent, or has not had to repent, that he did not, at an earlier age, possess a great stock of knowledge of that kind which has

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Men, Parenting

The Young Man's Guide

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Title: The Young Man's Guide


INTRODUCTION. Mistakes in regard to the disposition and management of the young. 19-26

Section I. Importance of having a high standard of action.-The young should determine to rise. We may usually become what we desire to be. An anecdote. Studying the lives of eminent and useful men. 27-30
Section II. Motives to action.-A regard to our own happiness. To family and friends. To society. To country. To the will of God. The love of God, the highest motive. 31-38
Section III. Industry.-No person has a right to live without labor. Determine to labor as long as you live. Mistaken method of teaching industry. Labor in the open air. Guide labor schools. 38-43
Section IV. Economy.-False and true; Examples of the false. Time is money. Sixty minutes shown to be an hour. Economical habits. 1. Do every thing at the time. Anecdote. 2. Every thing should have its place. Examples. 43-47
Section V. Indolence.-The indolent only half human. Characteristics of an indolent man. His epitaph. 47-49
Section VI. Early Rising and rest.-He who would rise early, must retire early. Morning air. Advantages of early rising. 1. Things go better through the day. 2. Morning hours more agreeable. 3. Danger of the second nap. 4. Early risers long-lived. 5. One hour's sleep before midnight worth two after. 6. Saving of time and money.

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Category: Men

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Reviewed by Joel Carrera on 2017-03-11
My Rate 4
This is very descriptive in how help in mens boob and how to get rid of em

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Title: Chest Chiseler System


  • NEVER AGAIN: Stay Home While Others Go To The Beach or Pool
  • NEVER AGAIN: Have A Woman Laugh At Your Man Boobs
  • NEVER AGAIN: Be Embarrassed To Take Your Shirt off During Sex

I'll show you step-by-step EXACTLY what to do to get rid of those man boobs:

  • 5 Fatal Mistakes That You're Probably Making Right Now That Will Make Your Male Breast Condition Get Worse (Almost all guys with man boobs make these mistakes)
  • The Workout Plan that Targets your Man Boobs, Eliminates Chest Fat and Gives You That Chiseled Chest Look
  • 3 Quick Fixes That You Can Put In Action Today That Will IMMEDIATELY Reduce the Appearance of Man Boobs!
  • The 7 foods that you're probably eating right now that are raising your estrogen levels and making your man boobs worse every month (You MUST stop eating these!)
  • How to Permanently Balance Your Hormone Levels (This is the primary cause of most cases of man boobs/Gynecomastia)
  • The Complete Man Boob Destroying Diet Plan (I spent years perfecting the perfect diet to target chest area fat specifically and balance hormone levels)
  • How To Speed Your Metabolism Very Quickly So You Burn MUCH More Fat While Your At Rest
  • 2 Tricks You Can Use Right Before You Go To A Beach or Pool That Will IMMEDIATELY Create The Illusion of a Chiseled Chest
  • The Reasons Why Most Guys NEVER Lose Their Man Boobs No Matter How
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