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Investing ebooks

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Category: Finance, Investing

How To Make A Fortune Buying & Selling Gold Coins!

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-20
My Rate 5
I will give 5 stars to this book "How to make a fortune Buying & Selling Gold Coins " as it tells various ways to make life good by selling and buying gold coins.

Reviewed by John Brooklyn on 2016-01-17
My Rate 5
Simple, yet effective E-book that breaks down a complicated subject (trading gold). I have already made a couple grand the since buying this book 3 months ago.

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Title: How To Make A Fortune Buying & Selling Gold Coins!

Did You Know That Many Financial Investment Experts Are Recommending Their Clients BUY Very Specific Gold Coins?


Because We're Now At The Very Start Of Long Term GOLD BOOM - One Top Investment Bank Thinks That Gold Prices Could Increase By As Much As 400%!

Now... Find Out Exactly Which Gold Coins Could Experience A Sharp Increase In Value, Where You Can Get Them & How You Could Make A Fortune By Buying & Selling Rare & Gold Coins...NOW!

Dear friend,

Gold has always been a highly desired commodity throughout history. But did you know that now could be one of the most exciting times to own certain types of gold coins? In fact, one top investment bank believes that gold could increase in value sharply (by as much as 400%) and some of the very elite financial advisors in the world are telling their millionaire clients to start scooping up as many gold coins that they can get their hands on. They know something that practically no-one else knows... but the good news is that you don't have to be wealthy to buy and sell gold coins for huge profits. Nor do you have to be a coin collector or investment guru. This ebook will show you exactly which coins to buy (and from where) to exploit the coming gold craze.

But first, a short history on gold that may shock you...

There are some startling events going on in the world right now

... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Home, Investing

Real Estate Investment for Beginners

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-20
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book "Real Estate Investment for Beginners"as this book helps the beginners in real estate investment.

Reviewed by francis mugo on 2007-06-23
My Rate 4
This is an informative book and it looks like an encyclopedia in both private investment and the investment business.

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Title: Real Estate Investment for Beginners
Author: Sal Vannutini
Veteran Real Estate Investor Shares 101 Insider Secrets!

. . .discover how to create a fortune in real estate and quit your job forever!

Listen, let's just cut to the chase here. You're reading this because you like the idea of learning how to create a fortune in real estate and quit your job forever!

There's no reason to beat around the bush and there's no reason to feed you a stale meal of the same old hype you see at every click of your mouse.

Let's face it. All the so-called "new" ideas have already been done, haven't they? Or have they?

Have you ever wondered about investing in real estate? Maybe one sleepless night you tuned in to one of those infomercials that promises you the moon.

You know the ones we're talking about. They always show "Joe Slick" and his blonde wife and 1.5 kids basking by their olympic sized swimming pool behind a mansion that makes the Taj Majal look like a chicken coop!

They tell you that you, too, can live the life of luxury in just 30 days by purchasing their sure-fire course for a measly $5K. Ouch! They wanna send you a gazillion video tapes, pounds of paper and a whole slew of audio tapes too!

Sound familiar?

If it does, then you should really appreciate what's available to you here. Real Estate Investment for Beginners is just what you need to get the straight scoop on what you need to do. And you'll get the info in one very compact, informative e-book. It won't cost you $5K either.

The truth is you can

... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (4.5 after 2 votes)
Category: Investing

Trading In Mind

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-20
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book"Trading in mind" as it helps me a lot in Planning Trades,Spending Money,time and efforts in trade . what are the pros and cons of spending the money in trade.

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Title: Trading In Mind

Table of Contents


  • Plan Your Trades, Then Trade Your Plan
  • Understand The Truth
  • If You Don't Spend Much, You Can't Lose Much
  • What The Mind Can Conceive...
  • Don't Think Money, Think Points
  • Be Your Own Boss
  • Less Is Definitely More
  • Mind Your Language
  • GetALife
  • The Essential Real-Time Trading Tool
  • What's Next?


Take two traders.
Give them the same starting capital, the same trading platform, the same market, and the same trading system with precise rules for entry and exit.
Come back a month later and what will you find?
One trader will be up 20%. The other will be down 40%.
It's fascinating, isn't it, how two people can have the same opportunities in life, and yet get very different results.
We at firmly believe that the answer to success lies within each of us; and that we are each completely responsible for our own results in the market.
The following top 10 list was compiled from the many discussions that take place at our regular monthly "trader's conferences" (i.e. a local bar). ;-))
Some of it you'll already know... some of it will be new.
Hopefully you'll find it useful.

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Business, Finance, Investing

The Secret Of Wealth Revealed!

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Title: The Secret Of Wealth Revealed!

At Last, Learn How to Quickly Build Wealth and Achieve Your Financial Dreams!

This is Your Chance to Discover The Most Powerful Wealth Building Technique Ever Devised!

Dear Fellow Marketer

If you have ever dreamed of acquiring true wealth and receiving all the benefits that accompany it, such as:

  • Having total job security
  • Being able to take vacations to wherever you want, whenever you want, for as long as you want
  • Being able to determine how much money you make instead of relying on a boss
  • Being able to escape the competitiveness, the backstabbing and the long hours of the rat race
  • Being able to decide what your work hours are. Want to knock off early one day? It's your decision.
  • Being able to spend much more time with your family

... It's Time to Stop Dreaming and Make It All a Reality!
Keep Reading to Find Out How!

According to respected author and financial expert Franklyn Hobbs, the secret of wealth is really no secret at all - and it isn't new.

As he points out, "for more than 2,000 years, it has been understood that the person who was poor and let it be known, and made little or no effort to rise above poverty, was largely responsible for his own unhappy condition."

That's right, you don't have to win... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Finance, Forex, Investing

Insider's Guide To Forex Trading

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Title: Insider's Guide To Forex Trading

If you're going to start making big money with forex trading...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!

You're About To Discover The Secrets To Raking In Massive Amounts Of Cash Forex Trading, No Matter How Much Time You Have Had To Prepare!

It doesn't matter if you've never had any past forex trading experience or education, This manual will tell you everything you need to know, without spending too much brainpower!

Dear Friend,

Are you planning on forex trading in the near future? If so, pay attention!

There's finally a new, breakthrough ebook created just for people like you!

And, if you really want to have the most successful, forex trading career that will bring a smile to your face, then this ebook is definitely for YOU!

I myself have forex traded for 5 years, but it wasn't easy my first two times! I mean, information on this is pretty hard to come across. Especially the kind of information I wanted to know more about. To be quite honest with you, I got tired of looking and searching all over the place, so I decided to create the definitive ebook on forex trading!

This Isn't Like Any Other General or Generic Ebook On Forex Trading You Can Find In Any Store..

...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!

This ebook... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business, E-Marketing, Investing

Investment Money For Your Internet Marketing Business

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Title: Investment Money For Your Internet Marketing Business

"Who Else Wants To Know How You Can Get All The Investment Money You Need To Start Or Fund Your Online Internet Business Today!"

Are Finances Preventing You From Starting Your Own Profitable Online Business?

If you've been wanting to start your own online business, or need to fund your current business for growth this letter is about to change your life.

You're going to discover how you can get started without using any of your own money and become wildly successful.


Read on and you'll see how this is all possible...

Dear Friend,

Are you constantly dreaming of starting your own profitable Internet business?

Does the cost of starting a business make you cringe and hold you back from actually starting one?

It can be a pretty intimidating thought when it comes to starting up a real life business, one that requires you put money into it but it doesn't have to be that way.

You can get the funds you need to start up a successful Internet business without any money out of your own pocket or hitting up your friends and family for a loan.

You don't need to stress about your bank account to start up a thriving business online.

In fact, you'll be happy to know you can start up your dream business without spending a dime of your own money!

... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Investing

Trading in Options & Futures

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Title: Trading in Options & Futures

Table of Contents

  • Options 101
  • Options and Futures, Similarities and Differences
  • Funds and Options
  • Trading
  • Calls and Puts
  • Trading Strategies, Profit and Risk
  • Trading Strategies, Basic Concepts
  • Futures - Risks and Advantages
  • Hedging, Trim Risks Not Bushes
  • Risk Management
  • Blessed Are The Greeks
  • Values and Prices, Introduction
  • Advantage of Options - Leverage
  • Values and Prices, Digging Deeper
  • How To Read Options Listings
  • Volatility
  • Intro to Technical Analysis for Non-Dummies
  • Options Glossary

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Investing

How To Start An Investment Club For Fun And Profit

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Title: How To Start An Investment Club For Fun And Profit

How to generate extra dollars and new friends in the stock market.

Who Else Wants To Start An Investment Club For Fun And Profit?

HINT: You Don't Have To Be An Expert Stock Broker To Get Started Today!

Are you alone when you make your stock decisions?

Do you think you could benefit from using the minds of several interested stock market hobbyists all determined to make sure you have your money invested in the right shares?

Before you could rely on your broker. You could pore over the stock offerings in your local newspaper with a cup of coffee in your hand. But when left to making decisions on your own - 5, 10, 20 minds are certainly better than one.

Thousands have now found investing clubs to be the smarter, more fun solution to investing in today's market.

Not only are you bound to make smarter, more sound, safer solutions - you get to make more friends and socialize.

If you've ever heard about investment clubs. Or if you've ever thought about starting one. You've just found your ticket.

Only one expert manual can be found that will teach you all the tips, tricks, and tactics you'll need to make sure you're investment club starts off with a bang and keeps on kicking.

I've got my hands on all the important information you'll need to get started and thrown it down into one 50 page report I call...... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Investing, Real Estate, Travel

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Reviewed by radheradhe on 2019-01-25
My Rate 4
To buy and sell or to do businesses in real estate one needs to have perfect knowledge about the real estate and this book "How to buy and sell real estate in the bahamas " tell about the what,who,how to invest in the bahamas.

Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-12-04
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book"How To Buy and Sell Real Estate in the Bahamas" as it gives answers to lots of Questions some are as follows
Is the Bahamas a safe place to invest?
Are property rights protected?
How is the buying process different from in the United States, and what should I expect?

Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-10-07
My Rate 5
An experienced real estate investor gives step-by-step advice about buying and selling real estate in the Bahamas, including local laws and practices, pitfalls to avoid, and money-saving tips. Experts from each major Bahamian island describe the communities and developments on their island, what real estate is available in each, and at what price. Save yourself time, stress, and money by knowing the facts--and the tricks--before you buy.

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Title: How To Buy and Sell Real Estate in the Bahamas
Author: Matthew Simon

An experienced real estate investor gives step-by-step advice about buying and selling real estate in the Bahamas, including local laws and practices, pitfalls to avoid, and money-saving tips. Experts from each major Bahamian island describe the communities and developments on their island, what real estate is available in each, and at what price. Save yourself time, stress, and money by knowing the facts--and the tricks--before you buy.

Here are more questions we'll answer in How to Buy and Sell Real Estate in the Bahamas:


  • Is the Bahamas a safe place to invest?
  • Are property rights protected?
  • How is the buying process different from in the United States, and what should I expect?
  • How is the infrastructure?
  • How much should I expect to pay to build a house, and how is the process in the Bahamas different from other locations?
  • What kind of financing is available for foreigners?
  • Is the government stable?
  • What weather can I expect at different times of year?
  • Do I have to worry about exchange rates?

I will answer all these questions and more - everything you need to know to buy and sell real estate successfully in the Bahamas.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4.83 after 6 votes)
Category: Finance, Education, Investing

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-20
My Rate 5
I like this book the stock market basics as it tells the basics of the stock market in simple and easy way for the beginners . I will give 5stars to this book.

Reviewed by Rony Cooper on 2018-01-10
My Rate 4
I am a newcomer to the finance line and was too curious to know the stock market and share market and was searching for a book just like this, which has all the basics of stock market and after reading this I can say one thing for sure, this is the best book for understanding the basics of stock market

Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-08-28
My Rate 5
very good ebook ,,this is very helpfull speacially for the begginer, thank you ebook

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Title: Stock Market Basics - An easy and simple guide for beginners
Author: DreamGains Financials India PVT LTD

This guide offered by Dreamgains Financials India PVT LTD, is helpful for those who want to learn stock market from base. This comprehensive ebook contains fundamentals of stock market, how Indian Stock market works, how to invest in the Indian Stock market, important tips, guideline and more. Each every topic in the book is explained in simple but effective manner. Along with description ebook has illustrative images, info-graphics and more to help readers understand the concepts better. Examples with scenarios also have been introduced in the book wherever it is necessary. Over all the ebook covers all crucial basic concepts of stock market which helps any interested lad to kickstart his journey in share market. Though the stuff in book is mainly focused on newbies, it could be helpful for experienced also as it contains indepth discussion on unique topics like Stop loss, targets etc. Book is written and edited by experts with more than 5 years of experience in the Industry.


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Rating: (4.5 after 6 votes)
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