A man ought to read just as inclination leads him; for what he reads as a task will do him little good.
Samuel Johnson

Medicine ebooks

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Category: Diet, Health, Medicine

Your Diet and Cancer

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Title: Your Diet and Cancer
Author: Dr. Radhika Venkata M.D. Pathology
Do Yourself A Favour - Eat Right And Stay Healthy!

Did you know that 60-70% of cancers are due to dietary factors? And, that many of these may be prevented by changes in dietary habits?

That's right, and now there is an "answer ebook" for those who want to discover more about taking control of their health.

Your Diet and Cancer is a practical tutorial designed to give the reader valuable information about how cancers develop and how simple changes in diet may prevent serious illness.

Written in plain English, Your Diet and Cancer explores pertinent questions like:

  • What are risk factors for getting cancer?
  • Exactly what is cancer?
  • How diet influences cancer risk
  • Dietary carcinogens
  • The role of diet in actually causing cancer
  • How certain foods may reduce cancer risk
  • Common questions about diet and cancer
  • How some foods help fight against cancer
  • Great tips to use in your daily life

Not to be confused with a medical journal full of technical jargon, this ebook is jam-packed with over 60 pages of down to earth information and beautiful illustrations of the salient points.

This ebook is not a replacement for medical treatment or proper diagnosis. It is a reference volume. The ideas and suggestions contained in Your Diet and Cancer are designed to help you make informed decisions about your health.

You have very little to lose and much to

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Category: Health, Medicine, Women

How To Overcome Dandruff And Other Scalp Disorders

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Title: How To Overcome Dandruff And Other Scalp Disorders
Author: Sylvia Sage
Are You Embarrassed By Unsightly Dandruff?

New Hair Care Secrets Leave Your Hair Shiny, Silky And Easier to Manage

This is it! The big night. You waited weeks for him to ask you for a date and the waiting is over. Overcome with excitement, you nervously tap your foot on the pavement watching for his car.

Here he comes. You open the passenger door and slide in quickly. He smiles and nods appreciatively. Making light conversation during the short drive to the restaurant, you know the evening is off to a grand beginning!

He parks the car and walks around to help you out. During the short walk to the restaurant door his arm protectively encircles your waist. Suddenly you're inside and the bright lights reflect off the mirror in the entryway.

As he turns you around to help you remove your coat, you catch his image in the mirror and your blood runs cold. Where there should be sparkling glints of appreciation in his eyes, you see disgust.

Following his gaze you see it. . .telltale white tracks. . .sprinkled across both your shoulders like frozen snowflakes. But it isn't snowing. Your secret is revealed and the evening is over before it's begun. Embarrassed, humiliated and defeated again. . .by dandruff!

Okay, so maybe our story is a bit dramatic. But no less hurtful if you have ever had a similar experience. The truth is, we've all had the problem at some time and to one degree or another.

Maybe you've tried some of the special shampoos and other hair care

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Category: Health, Medicine

The Truth About Diabetes

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Title: The Truth About Diabetes
Author: Geoffrey Leigh
Diabetes Reaching Epidemic Proportions?

Over 300 Million At Risk Globally!

What you don't know can kill you!

Do you find that headline alarming? If you did, good for you! This silent killer must be stopped. The only way that can happen is by each of us taking personal responsibility for ourselves and those we know and love.

Let's take a look at some facts:

According to endocrinologist Frank Vinicor of the CDC (Center For Disease Control):

  • "We're seeing the greatest increase in obesity and lack of physical activity in people in their 30's, so therefore it is not surprising to find the 70% increase in just 8 years.
  • We are now beginning to see the consequences of physical inactivity and weight gain that go well beyond feeling good about yourself or cosmetic issues."

Did you know that approximately 17,000,000 Americans have diabetes? This equates to 6.2% of the population. And, at the current rate of increase, there are about one million new cases per year.

The really frightening part of this is that this is probably an "under estimation" because it is not uncommon for diabetes to go undetected for as long as 12 years before being properly diagnosed.

Sadly, many of us will lose friends and family before they are even diagnosed! Why? Because research shows that the following consequences of diabetes occur statistically in the USA per annum:

  • Amputations of the lower limbs - 80,000+
  • Premature
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Category: Health, Medicine

Understanding Incontinence

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Title: Understanding Incontinence
Author: G. Fairweather
End The Embarrassment Once and For All

Keeping Control

The phone rings. You check your caller ID and see the incoming call is from your sister. Glancing at the calendar next to the phone, you see the upcoming Saturday is circled in red. You know it's your sister's birthday. And, you know she is calling to invite you to a birthday celebration.

As the phone continues to ring, one small tear escapes and rolls down your cheek. You won't take the call nor will you return it. You just add that family celebration to the growing list of events that you will have to avoid.

Your social life has disintegrated to what's on the television and takeout from a fast food restaurant.

At your workplace, you avoid making friends with co-workers because that might have put you at risk of a relationship that you can't participate in.

If this describes you, understand that you deserve better and it doesn't have to be that way. No longer do you need to be a slave to this condition. You can live a happy, productive life. You just need to. . .

Take back control

Urinary incontinence need not control your life. First, you need to grasp an understanding of how the urinary tract works and an understanding of why you are unable to control passage, either in small leakages or larger amounts.

The process should be simple, but when these involuntary leakages happen it can be due from any number of factors. Incontinence is not necessarily due to old age or... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health, Medicine, Mind

The Complete Guide to Migraine Headaches

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Title: The Complete Guide to Migraine Headaches
Author: Alice Peart
What Everybody Should Know About Migraine: Prevention, Treatment and Remedies

Prevention, Treatment and Remedies.

You are sitting at your desk reading your email. Nothing particularly exciting or irritating turns up in your inbox. Or, maybe you are packing up the car for a family outing, looking forward to a fun filled Sunday afternoon.

Suddenly, and without warning, bright, jagged edged lights appear in your line of vision. Closing your eyes you can see the outline of a pattern that stands out from the black background.

There's no pain, yet, but you know it's coming. Over the next few minutes or even hours, the image will slowly move across your field of vision until it disappears off the field. When it does, the excruciating pain strikes along with nausea and intense sensitivity to light.

If this sounds like you, it's a good bet that you are one of the more than 28 million Americans who suffer from migraine headaches. In all probability you are a woman because more women suffer from migraines than men.

The symptoms we mention are but a few more common pre-cursors to a full blown migraine headache. Other people might experience a tingling in the leg or arm and some experience nausea so severe it leads to vomiting.

If you or a loved one do suffer from migraine, here's some important information:

Many times, patients do not realize they have migraine headaches. Physicians prescribe different OTC and sinus medications and antibiotics. Patients are not clear in expressing their discomfort

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Category: Health, Medicine

The Complete Guide To Treating & Coping With Alzheimer's Disease

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Title: The Complete Guide To Treating & Coping With Alzheimer's Disease
Author: Tim Wormald
What To Do When "Old-Timers Disease" Is No Longer Just A Joke

It's a good bet that you, like the rest of us, have forgotten something and then, jokingly, said, "it must be old-timers disease."

We didn't mean to be hurtful, but our comment can cut deeply if there is a person present who is trying to cope with the disease.

With more than 18 million known cases of Alzheimer's Disease world-wide, the odds are that you have had some contact with someone who is close to this horribly degenerating disease.
It may be a victim or a family member of a victim.

Maybe you even suspect that a loved one is exhibiting early stage symptoms of Dementia and/or Alzheimer's Disease. If you think that may be the case, The Complete Manual to Treating & Coping with Alzheimer's Disease is just what you need.

Learning what you need to know to understand the disease gives you a definite roadmap for how to cope, not only with the disease but with caring for your loved one.

Alzheimer's Disease is actually a form of dementia. What comes first - dementia or Alzheimer's? There are many conditions being investigated as possible causes of Alzheimer's Disease.

We are still exploring the possible causes of Alzheimer's Disease.

This disease affects vital areas of the patient's brain with serious effects on those parts which control long-term memory, motion, reasoning and thought.

If you suspect that a friend or family member is suffering from Alzheimer's, early detection is

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Category: Health, Medicine

The Spin Doctor's Medicine Book

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Title: The Spin Doctor's Medicine Book
Author: Ron Smith
Medicine Book Dispenses Proper Medication!"

". . .small town entrepreneur blows a gasket when competitor scoops him in local news rag - luckily Spin Doctor comes to the rescue!"

Dear Entrepreneur,

If you've been trying to figure out how your competitors always seem to have the latest "buzz" you need to learn how the "spin doctors" work their magic. And you need to learn it fast!

If you pay close attention and read very carefully you can learn how to "spin" your way into making truly insane profits. It doesn't matter if you are just beginning your business or are a seasoned veteran who wants to catapult your business to the next level.

First things first!

What is spin? According to Wikipedia it is a heavily biased portrayal of an event or situation. From the same source we learn that spin doctors are skilled practitioners of spin are more often than not viewed in an unfavorable light.

Regardless of how they are perceived, there is no disputing the fact that spin doctors are effective. What we hope to teach you isn't why spin is effective, but how you should add spin to your marketing program. Why?

Because it works!

If you have any doubt about it, just pick up any tabloid and see your favorite celebrities exposed in mostly unfavorable circumstances. Paparazzi are the worst examples of spin on the planet. They take a simple innocuous situation and twist and turn it to meet their own agenda, which is to sell the photo.

This is not

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Category: Health, Medicine

All About Asthma

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Title: All About Asthma
Author: Sharon Wicks

Did You Know?

5,000 people die from asthma every year

470,000 receive asthma treatment

1.9 million treated in emergency rooms

While mild asthma isn't considered fatal, severe asthma can cause respiratory failure. Epidemic? Probably not. Disturbing? Absolutely! The last two decades have shown the fastest growing trend in the occurrence of asthma.

This is another of those diseases whose upward surge can find its roots in modern technology.

Environment has a huge role in triggering asthma attacks. For the majority of folks, we work, live and play indoors. Dust, carpet fibers, mold, weather, wood smoke and preservatives are just a few contributing factors. Even specific gastrointestinal infections can cause asthma.

If you or someone you love appears to exhibit symptoms of asthma but you aren't sure of what to look for then "All About Asthma - What You Need to Know" is just what the doctor ordered.

"All About Asthma - What You Need to Know" is not a textbook filled with medical jargon. Rather, it is written in plain English, straightforward and jam packed with just what you need to know before heading off to your physician.

Today's patients are a savvy lot who take control of their own health issues as never before in history. "All About Asthma - What You Need to Know" recognizes that and places you in the drivers seat. Take a look at what you will

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Category: Health, Medicine

The Complete Guide To Eczema And Psoriasis

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Title: The Complete Guide To Eczema And Psoriasis
Author: Robert Ashe
Prevention, Treatment and Remedies

Do you find yourself pulling on long sleeved garments even when it's sweltering outdoors? Do you avoid social gatherings? Do you chew your fingernails down to the quick just so you won't scratch until you bleed?

Well, if you can relate then chances are that you suffer from eczema or psoriasis.

Years ago there was a specific brand of shampoo that used the phrase "The Heartbreak of Psoriasis" to advertise their product. That phrase came to represent many situations in life that are seemingly uncontrollable.

Many people who suffer from eczema and psoriasis feel as though they are in a never-ending uncontrollable situation. Because there is no "cure" they suffer from embarrassment which can lead to lack of self-esteem and self-worth.

Having psoriasis or eczema does not make an individual a pariah. It is not contagious. They are actual diseases for which there are no specific cures but there are effective methods of treatment. Some of these treatments can even put the condition into remission.

If you or a loved one suffers from these skin conditions, what you need to do is arm yourself with information and "The Complete Guide To Eczema And Psoriasis" will give you just what you need to learn how to deal with the problem and how to go forward.

Here's a list of just a few of the helpful things you find inside:

  • What causes eczema?
  • What is
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Category: Health, Medicine

Living With Multiple Sclerosis

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Title: Living With Multiple Sclerosis
Author: Piet Mesmer
The Complete Guide To Treatment And Management Of Multiple Sclerosis

If you or a loved one suffers from multiple sclerosis, it's time you discovered life-transforming ways to cope with the disease...

2.5 million people worldwide and 350,000 Americans are diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) every year learn how to protect yourself and improve your quality of life!

Are you one of the millions of people living with MS? Are you constantly searching for cures, treatment options and information about your condition? Do you even know if you have MS?

Did you know that there are different types and symptoms of MS?

Did you know that common symptoms can be confused with other diseases? Here are just a few:

  • Double vision
  • Partial loss of vision or total loss of vision in one eye
  • General weakness
  • Unsteady walking with acute balance problems
  • Change in sensation of hands, legs, and face

These symptoms may not show to a great degree in some cases. Also, they may come and go. Many people only notice mild effects in the early stages which they either ignore or do not ask their Doctor about.

If you or someone you know suffers from or suspects MS, it is important to learn everything you can get your hands on about this life-altering condition.

MS affects an entire family, not just one individual. MS need not be deadly. There are available treatments that can help the person with this disease lead a normal, active

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