Health ebooks

Staying Young
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Title: Staying Young
Learn The Secrets To Staying Young... Forever!!
Learn How To Hinder The Aging Process On Your Body And In Your Life!
Dear Friend,
Do you feel left out when it comes to trying to look young and keeping up with other people your age? Do you feel as though your body has been "run down" like an old vehicle on its last legs? Those feelings that you have not only affect you physically, but they can also affect you mentally! That's not good!!
Your mental state is just as important as your physical state when you start to age. However, you don't have to think nor look old! Wow! That's something to behold, right there. You mind advises your body that it is thinking and that means it can have thoughts of looking young, feeling young and staying young! I mean, who wants to go around looking and feeling like an old hag?
There are men and women out there who are desperate to know what they can do to keep their youthful look. They know that they have years left on their life and they want to spend it looking revitalized, refreshed and renewed. Of course, there are many ways to do that. No matter which way you start, you will always have to start with your mind and thought process.
Forget the surgery where you have to wonder whether or not your insurance will pay for it or not. Even if they pay for part of it, you will still have to come up with the other part before they will perform the... Click here to read the full description!
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Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Chronic Headaches
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Title: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Chronic Headaches
Author: Douglas Hanna
How to Deal With Debilitating Chronic Headaches Once and for All!
It begins again. It's always the same. One minute you are feeling just fine, dealing with everyday activities. Maybe you're a little bit stressed. Maybe you aren't. You've never been able to figure out the "why" aspect of the equation.
No matter how it begins it's just a prelude to what you know will be the "main course." It floats at the back of your consciousness like the boogeyman in the closet. You know it's there. And you hope it won't burst forth until you have a chance to deal with it.
Call it whatever you want. It's a headache. Seems like such a small word compared to what it does. It can sneak up on you as we described above. Or, it can barrel down on you faster than a freight train and completely take you down in a heartbeat.
As the saying goes, it's "different strokes for different folks." There are actually quite a few different types of headache. Migraine headaches are particularly nasty. The you have cluster, tension and rebound. Whatever type you have they share one common denominator. Pain!
We could go on and on about the pain and how bad it is. Or we could play the game that "my headaches are worse than yours!" Childs play. What you need is answers and hopefully a CURE!
Well, we've got the answer for you. FINALLY, a definitive guide on headaches,
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Bipolar Disorder Uncovered
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Title: Bipolar Disorder Uncovered
If you're wanting to learn about bipolar disorder...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!
You are about to take an in-depth look at bipolar disorder. It's all you need to know about bipolar disorder to help you or a loved one lead a normal life.
It doesn't matter if you or a loved one have been recently diagnosed or been struggling with bipolar disorder for years - This guide will tell you everything you need to know, without spending too much brainpower!
Dear Friend,
Forget about deciphering medical terms - when you're sick you want understandable answers now!
Do you live with or know someone suffering with bipolar disorder? If so, pay close attention!
There's finally an innovative new book created just for people like you!
And, if you really want to know the facts of bipolar disorder, this book is definitely for YOU!
This Isn't Like Any Other Medical Textbook On Bipolar Disorder You Can Find In Any Store..
...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!
This book covers everything there is to know about bipolar disorder and it's comprehendible to the average person! In fact, some people have called it the "Bipolar Disorder Manual "!
It's like having your very own
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Adult Dyslexia
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Title: Adult Dyslexia
Now discover some of the most useful tricks around...
Learn Tips and Tricks for Beating Adult Dyslexia!
Dear Friend,
Are you tired of having to deal with adult dyslexia on a daily basis without any sense of freedom from it? Have going to work or college become more of a chore due to the fear of embarrassment from having adult dyslexia? Don't you wish there were a number of tricks and tips that you can use and try yourself that have been proven to work again and again for people suffering from adult dyslexia just like you?
There's A Solution...
There have been many claims of different ways to solve the problem of having adult dyslexia and the unfortunate reality is there is no cure for it as of yet. However with certain state of mind techniques and tips on how to make your life easier while living with adult dyslexia, and without it being embarrassing or inconvenient, you can live with dyslexia today and still succeed in the world. Whether its your job or at school.
Tactics for People With Adult Dyslexia...
Tips and tricks for people with adult dyslexia is a comprehensive manual covering the basics of dyslexia to a wide range of diagnostic procedures and tips to help you manage with your symptoms. These tips and tricks have been used on people with dyslexia of every varying degree and with great success. People just like yourself that... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

Sleep Apnea
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Title: Sleep Apnea
Have You Been Told Over And Over Again That You Snore A Lot, But You Choose To Ignore It?
Dear Friend,
Have you been experiencing lack of sleep at night and find yourself waking up in the wee hours of the morning to find yourself gasping for air? You have a few more hours to sleep before it's time to get up, but you're having difficulty going back to sleep. You realize that it's only 1:30 in the morning. It is still dark and you are the only one struggling to get some more shut eye.
Now your partner is having a difficult time sleeping because of your chronic snoring and waking up in the middle of the night. The more you do it, the less sleep either of you will get. You don't seem to get it, yet. When your partner notices these chronic changes, you are alerted to them. However, you just shrug it off as nothing.
Then, when you start choking at night and complaining of being sleepy during the day, you'll think about what you partner said. You could possibly be suffering from sleep apnea and not even know it. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes you to stop breathing for short intervals. This disorder is not easily detected because it happens while you are sleeping.
There are options to Manage Your Sleep Apnea...
In this manual, How to Sleep Like A Baby Even if You Have Sleep Apnea!, you will find out what this sleep disorder is about and
Ebook Type: PDF

Natural Cure; The Natural Way To Get Rid Of Your Acne
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Title: Natural Cure; The Natural Way To Get Rid Of Your Acne
"Are You Up To Your Wits End Trying To Rid Yourself Of Your Acne?"
Acne is the worst. It can strike at anytime and almost always has a devastating effect. Acne is hard to treat and almost impossible to cure. Acne sufferers often feel frustrated and self conscious while treating to get the severity of their condition under control.
But if you are suffering from acne, you know all this already. You know how painful it can be and how humiliating it can feel when you suffer from pimples, zits, or any kind of skin irritation. If you are like most sufferers, you've probably tried everything you could get your hands on to relieve your condition.
You've probably visited every specialty pharmacy in a 100 mile radius, ordered dozens of different creams online and even contemplated buying a case of Dead Sea mud to rub all over your face. In short, if you are anything like me, you've tried every chemical, pharmaceutical or biomedical creation ever made to cure you of your acne problem.
Let me ask you though, have you tried a holistic, natural way to get rid of your acne?
You wouldn't believe it to look at me now, but I fought my acne battle since I was barely out of elementary school. My twenty year journey took down every pharmacy aisle in every city I ever visited. I bought products that most countries wouldn't let through their doors and I probably smeared more medicine on my face than any other man
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How Aromatherapy Can Change Your Life
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Title: How Aromatherapy Can Change Your Life
Everything you ever wanted to know about....
"How Aromatherapy Can Change Your Life!"
Dear Visitor,
We have been discussing Aromatherapy - the ancient healing art - and what it can do to change your life. Although Aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years in parts of the world, it is now becoming a popular alternative healing remedy in the West. In addition to being used to heal minor ailments, the products used in Aromatherapy are 100 percent natural. Because they are all natural and safe for the environment, many people are using essential oils found in Aromatherapy in beauty products.
Once you have learned the basics of Aromatherapy, there will be no stopping you. You'll want to continue learning and working with herbs and essential oils. You may even start your own side business making products to sell online or even in stores. As the demand for all natural products and alternative healing continues to grow within the West, there are more opportunities for those who are willing to discover about this ancient art than ever before!
People have relied on over the counter remedies purchased at the drugstore for years. Many of these remedies are ineffective and most of them can be toxic if used on a long term basis. They contain synthetic chemicals. Aromatherapy is the art of healing yourself naturally, using products derived from nature. There is... Click here to read the full description!
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101 Steps To Better Health
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Title: 101 Steps To Better Health
Once you are ready to make a commitment to take care of your body, both internal and external, it is critical to your overall health that you do it the right way. In 101 Steps To Better Health, you will find tips for both health and fitness that will help you lose weight, learn ways to maintain a better healthier lifestyle, and be in the best shape of your life - all the smart way!
Inside this manual, you will learn:
Various alternative treatments that will improve your health
- Nutritional guidelines and what you really should be looking at.
- Health supplements. The good and the bad.
- How to look after yourself on the inside
- Alternatives to normal routine activities.
- Exercises which will get you healthy.
- How to exercise properly
And much, much more...guaranteed
More than any other time in history, people are all vying to have the best, healthiest body possible. The health and fitness industries are making billions of dollars every year on herbal supplements, fitness equipment, gyms, and special diets. If you watch TV or read magazines, there are always some intriguing ads and commercials asking for money for products to help you get into shape. While many of these options are good and healthy, others you should stay as far away from as possible. Recently popular over-the-counter diet supplements have been in the news, after a number of deaths were
... Click here to read the full description!Ebook Type: PDF

West Nile Virus Guide
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Title: West Nile Virus Guide
How Will West Nile Virus Affect You?
"Have You or Someone You Love Been Bitten By a Mosquito?
What are the Chances They Could Be Infected With West Nile Virus?"
Consider Bob Brookman's encounter with West Nile Virus.
Bob Brookman and his wife lived in the suburbs of Chicago in a well kept and well developed neighborhood. A summer evening in 2004 changed their lives forever.
They were enjoying a beautiful summer early evening on their back patio. Their lawn was well manicured, the gardens were meticulously kept by a hired service. They spent much of their time at their jobs and relished moments like this when they could enjoy the fruits of their labor.
As they enjoyed the evening there were a few mosquitos buzzing around. Only a couple. Certainly not something new for the Chicago area.
A mosquito landed on Bob's wife's arm. She swatted a mosquito as anyone would. Looking at the dead mosquito she said, "Wouldn't it be funny if that was a West Nile Virus mosquito!"
The haunting truth for Bob's wife was that the mosquito did carry the West Nile Virus. She was soon overtaken by fever and hospitalized.
Bob's soul mate never made it back home; she died months latter!
West Nile Virus and You!
Knowledge is always the first step to acquiring the Wisdom
Ebook Type: ZIP

Massage Therapy
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Title: Massage Therapy
Are You Tired Of Working For Someone Else With Little To Show For It?
Learn How You Can Start Your Own Business As A Massage Therapist!
Dear Friend,
Do you know what it takes to be successful as a massage therapist? Is it going to the best massage therapy school? Being trained properly? Great relationships with your clients? Well, it's really more than that. This manual will show you what you need to do in order to make lots of money in the massage therapy profession.
What's missing from this formula of success that you do desperately desire to have? Those points mentioned above are great, but they're not the entire package. There is much more to making lots of money as a massage therapist than just greeting people and telling them about your services.
People would think that you would make millions in a moment's notice. No, it doesn't work like that. Starting a massage therapy business takes time and money, not to mention that you have to go to school for it. Plus, if you want to have your own business, you have to be certified.
In this manual, Massage Therapy - How to Make A Lucrative Living As A Massage Therapist, you will find out what you need to do in order to start your own business. First, you will need to go to school and take some classes.
In this manual, you will learn the following:
There's more to it than just going to school... Click here to read the full description!
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