Restlessness and discontent are the necessities of progress.
Thomas Alva Edison

Body ebooks

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Category: Body, Health, Remedies

The Complete Guide to Acne Prevention, Treatment and Remedies!

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-23
My Rate 5
I will give 5 Stars to this book as it is complete guide to acne prevention,treatment and remedies. I have received great knowledge from it regarding the same.

Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-18
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars out of 5 to this the complete guide to acne prevention,treatment and remedies as it gives complete guide to prevention,treatment and remedies linking with other parameters such as
Your Diet & Acne
Skin Care Products & Acne
Hygiene & Your Skin
Acne & Shaving.

Reviewed by namru on 2008-01-19
My Rate 1

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Title: The Complete Guide to Acne Prevention, Treatment and Remedies!
Author: Pamela Archer
How to Combat Unsightly Acne and Rid Yourself of Embarrassing Blemishes Once and For All...

45 Jam-packed Chapters Overflowing With Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Acne But Were Too Embarrassed to Ask!

Dear Acne Sufferer,

It doesn't matter whether you are a teenager or are a "30 something." Acne doesn't really care as long as it finds a home.

Do any of these situations describe you?

  • Your Diet & Acne

You love french fries and other greasy foods. But your skin breaks out.

  • Skin Care Products & Acne

You've tried every cosmetic and tanning lotions on the market, but your skin still breaks out!

  • Hygiene & Your Skin

You shower every day and still have difficulty with unwanted blemishes popping up.

  • Acne & Shaving

You shave with a double-edged razor and you often have inflammation in areas afterwards.

If you can relate to any of those situations, you've got an acne problem and it needs to be under control.

Help is just a click away. Available for immediate download, The Complete Manual to Acne Prevention, Treatment and Remedies is packed with 45 pages of information to help you understand ACNE.

First things first!

Knowledge is power. You must educate

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Rating: (3.66 after 3 votes)
Category: Body, Women

225 Bath & Body Recipes

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-11-18
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book "225 Bath & Body Recipes" as it gives large numbers of recipes for bath & Body.

Reviewed by Milly on 2016-09-21
My Rate 5
I am in love with this eBook and very happy that I purchased it :)A lot of the Recipes contain ingredients that are super healthy for the skin and are ok to use on sensitive skin also. I will definetely be incorporating some of the recipes from here into my daily skin care routine :)

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Title: 225 Bath & Body Recipes

The following categories are included in this recipe collection:

  • Body Powders
  • Bath
  • Body Soaps/Scrubs
  • Remedies
  • Perfumes/Body Sprays
  • Hair
  • Facial Soaps/Cleansers/Masks
  • Lotions/Creams/Toners
  • Lip Balms
  • Teeth Care
  • Deodorants
  • Nail Care
  • Injuries & Sore Muscles
  • Eye Care
  • Massage Oils

Several recipes use the

Essential oil blend:

Fennel--8 drops
Grapefruit--14 drops
Lemon--8 drops

Blend well.

A Bath For Emotional Balance

1/2 c Dried orange peel *OR* 1/2 Whole fresh orange; sliced
3 tb Dried jasmine flowers
2 tb Dried sandalwood chips

When everything seems just a bit too overwhelming, a bath can be extremely good medicine. This season, you might appreciate herbal remedies for feelings like nervousness, tension, anxiety or emotional fatigue. Try whole herbs like chamomile, jasmine, juniper, lavender, orange, rose, rosemary or sandalwood.

For a bath that'll restore your sense of balance, make an infusion of the listed herbs; sit back and enjoy.

A Bath To Help Varicose Veins

2 tb Dried ginger powder *OR* 4 tb Fresh gingerroot; chopped
4 tb Dried juniper
2 tb Dried rosemary
4 tb Dried lemon peel *OR* 1 Whole lemon; quartered

Although most often associated with women,

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Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Body, Women

The Beautiful Body Guide

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-11-18
My Rate 5
I will give 5 stars to this Book"The Beautiful Body Guide" as by this ,You can firm up your knowledge about toning & get a grip on your love handles.

Reviewed by Milly on 2016-09-21
My Rate 5
This eBook is perfect for anyone who is not fat and is looking for a way to improve their their physical appearance. It also gives you links to different programs and newsletters you can sign up at to receive more weight loss tips. Great EBook :)

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Title: The Beautiful Body Guide
How to 'Spot Tone' Your Way to a Beautiful Body

You can firm up your knowledge about toning & get a grip on your love handles; i.e..... get help today by learning How to 'Spot Tone' Your Way to a Beautiful Body

Now in just under 5-Minutes &
the time it takes to
drop, and do 20 push ups (military style)...

Do any of these "symptoms" sound familiar?...

Interested in fighting flab?? Want to learn the truth about toning??

But you don't want to spare the time, energy or money to sort out the hype from the truth.

So you dive in, start a brand new fitness regime. But weeks later, you still have those unwanted, unsightly "flabby" parts underneath your t-shirt, shirtsleeves, or wherever.

So you grab some of the latest fitness gadgets to help out, maybe some dumbbells. But turns out the salesperson was a dumbbell with useless information that didn't work, because you still have all that chub weeks later.

What happens over time? Maybe some of these:

  • You waste lots of energy with solutions that don't work.
  • You lose a lot of time trying and don't get the results you want.
  • You spend a lot of money on toning tools and programs that aren't effective.
  • You quit - for now... trash the ole' dumbbells and decide to continue your toning research and testing some other time. Maybe you'll work them in next week... Or maybe next time there's a long holiday weekend... Or maybe never, who knows ...?
  • You... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Body, Fitness, Health

Get Fit and STAY Fit

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Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-10-04
My Rate 5
Now that you have made a commitment to take care of your body, both internal and external, it is critical to your overall health that you do it the right way. Here are some tips for both health and fitness that will help you lose weight, learn ways to maintain a better healthy lifestyle, and be in the best shape of your life - all the smart way!

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Title: Get Fit and STAY Fit

More than any other time in history, people are all vying to have the best, healthiest body possible. The health and fitness industries are making billions of dollars every year on herbal supplements, fitness equipment, gyms, and special diets. If you watch TV or see magazines, there is always some intriguing commercial asking for money to help you get into shape.

While many of these options are good and healthy, others you should stay as far away from as possible. Recently, a professional baseball player died at the age of 23. In his locker, a bottle was discovered containing Ephedrine. The FDA just issued a warning that people need to heed.

Now that you have made a commitment to take care of your body, both internal and external, it is critical to your overall health that you do it the right way. Here are some tips for both health and fitness that will help you lose weight, learn ways to maintain a better healthy lifestyle, and be in the best shape of your life - all the smart way!

For sake of clarity, we have broken this down into two categories. One for health, which focuses on herbal supplements, weight loss, dieting, rest, and everything you need to know about taking care of your body on the inside.

The other section is fitness, which has both internal and external benefits. One the outside, fitness includes weight lifting, running, sports, walking, things you can do to enhance, tone, and build muscle. However, fitness also has

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Body, Health, Women

Perfume, Soap and Candle Making - The Beginners Guide

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-11-02
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book "Perfume,Soap and Candle Making-The Beginners Guide" as it tells various ways to the beginners to make candle and soap.

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Title: Perfume, Soap and Candle Making - The Beginners Guide
Author: Irene Palmer
Discover Secret Formulas, Tips and Techniques to Creating Your Own Hallmark Scents, Soaps and Candles!

A 100% complete package that empowers ANYONE to design their own signature fragrances in just a few days!

Are you paying too much for gourmet perfumes, soaps and candles? What if you could create your own designer fragrances that suit your persona? Sound difficult? It's easier than you think.

As you carefully scan each and every word of this page, you will begin to discover a new revolutionary method of designing your own, personal perfumes. Then, learn how to incorporate that scent into personalized soaps and candles!

At this very moment you are bombarded with hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions of fragrances all fighting to get your attention and your money. These fragrances are created by multi-billion dollar companies all designed to appeal to "the masses." These companies have millions of dollars to create commercials with the sole intent of convincing you that all you need to be sexy, wealthy and happy is to buy their product.

Isn't it about time you took control and created your very own scents? You can do it quickly and easily with The Beginners Guide to Perfume, Soap and Candle Making. Despite what you may have heard, it isn't that hard especially when the information is provided in such an easy to read guide.

Part One Teaches You How to Create Your Very Own Scent Including:

  • What resources you require to get started AND where to find
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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Body, Health

Detoxify The Body

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Reviewed by Milly on 2016-09-19
My Rate 5
I love this e-book :) It is filled with healthy alternatives for weight loss that anyone can start doing right away. It even includes easy to make recipes that will cleanse your digestive system and restore your energy levels.

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Title: Detoxify The Body

Need to Detoxify?

Learn The Secrets to Detox Your Body The Quick & Easy Way at Home!

Dear Friend,

Too much partying got you feeling bad about yourself? Or perhaps you want to lose weight and have tried everything under the sun? Maybe you are just sick of all of the toxins that are in the air you breathe, the water you drink and the foods you eat. If so, then you need to do something about it. If you find yourself feeling bad about your health, there are ways that you can help your body right at home.

There are many products on the market that promise to help you get yourself back together and on the right track to good health. But how do you know which products are right for you? And what if you do not have a lot of money to cleanse your body - are there ways that you can do so without paying a lot of money?

It used to be that the only thing you could do was to see a doctor about a cleansing formula, or even check yourself into the hospital. But today, there are many options from which to choose when it comes to getting your body back on the right healthy track!

More Options Than Ever!...

What if someone were to tell you that there is a way that you can help make your body healthier by using home remedies or those that you can buy right over the counter? Would you believe it? Well, hang onto your hat because that

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Body, Fitness

Muscle Building Mania - A Beginners Guide To Bodybuilding

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Reviewed by ajit singh on 2007-11-04
My Rate 4
i belive you!

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Title: Muscle Building Mania - A Beginners Guide To Bodybuilding
Muscle Building Mania - A Blueprint To Building A Body You Can Be Proud Of

Our story begins in your living room. You've just arrived home after another grueling day on the job, competing with your co-workers and battling the behemoths on the freeway.

All you want is something cool to drink and a little R & R in front of the boob tube.

You grab your favorite beverage, flop down into your LazyBoy, flip on the remote and. . .THERE IT IS. . .right in front of your face. Another body that looks like it was carved from a solid piece of granite.

And, here goes that self-defeating prophesy playing the familiar tape in your brain, "some day I'm goona show everybody that I'm not the 160 pound weakling they all think I am." Someday, some day, some day...

  • Don't take offense, but does this sound like you? Maybe you're one of those guys who played sports in school but the years and inactivity have taken their toll.
  • Or are you someone who has always wanted to look like you just stepped off the runway of a bodybuilding show?
  • Could it be that you had an experience like the legendary "97 pound weakling, Angelo Charles Siciliano?" He was publicly humiliated when a bully embarrassed him in front of his favorite girl by kicking sand in his face on Coney Island that life-changing day back in the 1920's. If you have heard the story, the girl walked off right away.

Charles made a decision that day. Run a search, you can find out everything you need to know about him on the internet. From a

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Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Beauty, Body

Body Building Naturally

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Reviewed by Rosco on 2010-08-10
My Rate 4
Do you guys offer the PLR of these products?

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Title: Body Building Naturally

Get Real About Being Lean, Mean and Muscular!

Are You A Hard Gainer?
Are you sick of weight gain programs that don't work?
Stop Being Bullied by the Diet and Fitness Industry
Fight Back With...

Body Building Naturally

Throw away those diet pills! Steroids don't cut it!
Investigate one of the top rated muscle building programs on the Internet

From the desk of --

Dear Muscle Builder,

Are you the 140 pound weakling who is always getting sand kicked in his face?

Have you given up on the idea of being the neighborhood hunk?

Have you tried dieting and weight training and still don't seem to be able to bulk up?

Well I can identify. I was that unfortunate fellow just a few years ago. No matter what I did I just could not seem to gain weight.

I did everything that the body building magazines told me to but nothing seemed to work. This included starving myself, eating only protein, loading up with carbohydrates and working out seven times a week.

Part of my problem was my absolute belief and faith in the delusions and myth that the diet and fitness industry had to tell me.

Do you believe -

  • You inherited a condition that prevents you from gaining muscle
  • You
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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Body, Cooking, Health

Smoothies for Athletes

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Title: Smoothies for Athletes
Author: Ryan Lee
Over a 120 Quick and Easy Smoothie Recipes That Give You More Energy and Stamina!

Just whip up one of these yummy smoothies whenever you need an energy boost!

What could you do if you had more Energy?
How many times have you thought 'if I only had more energy, I could get more done'? Almost everyday I bet!

What do you do when you find your energy lagging? Go for something with Caffeine? Sugar? Junk food? This is what most of do, and it does help us briefly but then we come crashing down, feeling drained and needing more.

For many of this it also leads to weight gain because we're constantly filling up on junk food for a quick fix.

Do you find yourself wishing you had more energy? Always feeling like there is never enough hours in the day to get everything done?

What if you had a healthier way to raise your energy level? Would you be interested?

Ahh! I thought so! These recipes were put together by a fitness guru, to help athletes have more energy, but you don't have to be an athlete to benefit from them.

"Smoothies for Athletes" will make you feel like an athlete! You'll have more energy to tackle all those things you have to get done everyday! Getting more done will help you feel better mentally because you feel like you've accomplished so much more each day!

Just take a look at just some of the Mouth-watering recipes you'll get!

  • Orange Pineapple Smoothie
  • Peaches and Dreams Smoothie
  • Passionate Peach
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Category: Body, Health, Weight Loss

Amazing Weight Loss & Health Tips

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Title: Amazing Weight Loss & Health Tips
Understand It Then Fix It!

Dear Friends,

Obesity is one of the most common disorders in clinical practice. Defined (by the NIH) as a body weight 20% or more above "desirable" weight, over one third of adult Americans are overweight.

If all Americans were to achieve a normal body weight, it has been estimated that there would be a 3 year increase in life expectancy, 25% less coronary heart disease, and 35% less congestive heart failure and stroke.

Unfortunately, obesity is also one of the most difficult and frustrating disorders to manage successfully. Considerable effort is expended by primary care providers and patients with little benefit. Using standard treatments in university settings, only 20% of patients lose 20 pounds at two year follow-up while only 5% of patients lose 40 pounds. This lack of clinical success has created a never-ending demand for new weight treatments. Approximately 50% of women and 25% of men are dieting at any one time. Americans spent over $30 billion last year on diet ebooks, diet meals, weight loss classes, diet drugs, exercise tapes, "fat farms," and other aids!

In this e-Book you will discover why most diets don't work, what obesity really is and a diet that works!

Order today and find out just how easy you can lose weight!


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