Science ebooks

The Practice and Science of Drawing
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Title: The Practice and Science of Drawing
In a Few Minutes, You Can Be Learning The Fine Art of Drawing From One of the Foremost Authorities of The Science and Practice of Drawing!
Finally, You Can Now Learn How To Draw Like A Pro Without Having To Go To An Expensive Art School!
Dear Friend,
It's never too late to learn to draw, and the best thing is, it doesn't have to be expensive to learn to draw!
At last, you can now learn the fine art of drawing without enrolling in an expensive art school.
Learn the art in the comfort of your own home in your spare time at a fraction of the cost in enrolling in an art school with the "The Practice and Science of Drawing" by Harold Speed!
No commuting to and from a trade school ever! No hours lost to your existing employment, housework or studies!
Learn Drawing Step By Step!
"The Practice and Science of Drawing" is a comprehensive manual that contains over a hundred illustrations to guide you step-by-step and help you achieve mastery in the The Practice and Science of Drawing.
Let the author's illustrations guide you through the various stages of drawing. With this step-by-step manual learning the art of drawing would be enjoyable and easy!
The illustration below shows the different stages of mass drawing with the brush (Plate I. The Practice and
Ebook Type: PDF

Reviewed by Risto V. Filkoski on 2011-04-05
My Rate 2
Too general, too short, without going into details that are usually very important!
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Title: Solar Power Design Manual
Author: Richard A Stubbs
Teach Yourself Solar Power
Build your own solar power system with this easy to follow guide
Do you want to learn how to use solar power? Because if you do, then you've come to the right place. The Solar Power Design Manual will guide you smoothly through the complex process of designing, specifying and installing stand-alone solar power systems for all applications, anywhere in the world.
Download the Solar Power Design Manual and you will get:
- More than 30 colour diagrams and photographs
- A guide to choosing the most efficient appliances
- A step by step design process that anyone can follow
- A maintenance guide to keep your system functioning perfectly
- The best way to estimate the available solar energy
- A simple explanation of how solar power works
- An Excel and template to automate the calculations for you
- Simple installation and commissioning instructions
Twenty-five years ago I became a solar power engineer in one of the UK's most imaginative renewable energy companies. Major companies and development organisations have put their trust in me to design, manufacture and install solar power systems all around the world.
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (2 after 1 votes)
Title: Lattice Nested Hydreno Atomic Model
New Revolutionary Atomic Model
The Lattice Nested Hydreno™ Atomic model takes science to the next level of deterministic understanding in a quantum leap, revealing ancient secrets of the material Universe in truly astounding and intricate detail. This Grand Unified Theory effectively returns science to a realistic foundation, readily understood by the human mind. The new atomic model constitues a "Rosetta Stone" for science providing a conceptual framework for the much anticipated Theory of Everything.
The Hydreno atomic model answers all of these questions, and thousands more, in easy to understand language accessible to any person of average intelligence. Even the fundamental cause of gravity and inertia is readily understood based on the well proven fact of the highly energetic nature of so called "empty" space - a huge misnomer as it turns out. The other forces of nature are similarly revealed in straightforward concepts.
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: In the Beginning
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: Last Day Events
Last Day Events discusses the current crises, pestilences, diseases and calamities by land and sea, the unsettled state of society, the alarms of war which are signalling strange developments for the future. They forecaset approaching events of the greatest concern and magnitude. The forces of good and evil are clashing everywhere around us. We are amid the perils of the last days, and trying times are before us. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken so that those things that cannot be shaken may remain. Drought, famine, pestilence, earthquakes, casualties by land and sea will multiply. Life will be unsafe anywhere, only as the life is hid in God. Now while the angels are holding the four winds, a golden opportunity presents itself to seek God fervently and earnestly. We do not realise our peril which would come upon us as stealthily and suddenly as a thief in the night. Whatever it may cost to recover faith, it is better to deny self and make any sacrifice than to live without God's presence and loving favour. It is vain to gain the whole world and lose the very soul.
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: From Eternity Past
Focusing on the time from the Earth's Creation until the last days of King David, From Eternity Past delves into the mysteries of Creationism and the Divine Design theory versus the evolutionary theory. It chronicles the battle between light and darkness, as the conflict transferred to Earth, while illustrating how faithful people have fought the good fight of faith through the ages. As the first of a five-part series. This text describes the historical foundation for what we see in our world today and gives principles on how to take to firmly decide for the right. In sum, the reader gains an opportunity to penetrate into the true character and identity of God, his operations from eternity past and his benevolent plan for each one of his children. The author's straightforward style and plain, direct language seizes the interest from beginning to end. Without fail, this book holds infinite inspiration for all interested in sacred history and perplexed by the strange mixture of good and evil in the natural world and in human hearts.
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: Motion Mountain - The Adventure of Physics
Author: Christoph Schiller
The Motion Mountain Physics Text is a free and entertaining physics textbook - with more than 2000 pages - for undergraduates and anybody interested in physics. The text is guaranteed to be
entertaining, surprising and challenging on every page. It is a guide through the adventure of physics.
How do objects and images move? How can animals move? What is motion? How does a rainbow form? Is levitation possible? Do time machines exist? What does 'quantum' mean? What is the maximum force value found in nature? Which problems in physics are still unsolved?
The site publishes a free physics textbook that tells the story of how it became possible, after 2500 years of exploration, to answer such questions. With little mathematics, the text explores the most fascinating parts of mechanics, thermodynamics,
special and general relativity, electrodynamics, quantum theory and modern attempts at unification. The essence of these fields is summarized in the most simple terms: it is shown how they are based on the notions of
minimum entropy, maximum speed, maximum force, minimum change of charge and minimum action.
The text explores the limits of time and space, and the wonders that can be discovered there. It is written in English for students, teachers, and for anybody who is interested in the precise description of nature.
For each field of physics, the best images, the most interesting physical puzzles, the most fascinating physical
... Click here to read the full description!Ebook Type: PDFVideo Included,
Rating: (4.15 after 32 votes)
Reviewed by israel daniel on 2011-02-08
My Rate 5
the material is a compendium of algorithm basics.
Reviewed by pramod on 2011-01-14
My Rate 4
good idea and usage of technologies
Reviewed by Ganzert on 2008-08-19
My Rate 5
Intelligent, complex and very useful
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Title: Algorithmic and mathematical principles of automatic number plate recognition systems
Author: Ondrej Martinsky
This work deals with problematic from field of artificial intelligence, machine vision and neural networks in construction of an automatic number plate recognition system. (ANPR). This problematic includes mathematical principles and algorithms, which ensure a process of number plate detection, processes of proper characters segmentation, normalization and recognition. Work comparatively deals with methods achieving invariance of systems towards image skew, translations and various light conditions during the capture.
Rating: (4.5 after 4 votes)
Title: Continuing Statistics Education Wokrshop Handbook
Author: Ivo Dinov
The 2007 joint SOCR/CAUSEway continuing education workshop demonstrates the functionality, utilization and assessment of the current SOCR ( and CAUSEweb ( resources. The workshop and this handbook are most value to advance placement (AP) teachers and college instructors of probability and statistics classes who have interests in exploring novel IT-based approaches for enhancing statistics education. This handbook provides the complete Workshop program and instructional materials presented by the Workshop instructors. New strategies for integration of computers, modern pedagogical approaches, the Internet and new student assessment techniques are presented on the handbook.
Rating: (3.25 after 4 votes)

Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-08-30
My Rate 5
this book is very is very good im going to recommend this to all my friend. very good book
Reviewed by bryan len on 2015-06-19
My Rate 5
Good source. I recommend this ebook for the people who are associated in radiation,industry platform.
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Title: Oil and Gas service - Radiation Professionals
Author: Radiation Professionals
Here is the great opportunity for you to enrich your radiation safety knowledge.
Learn more about radiation safety management. Radiation safety professionals, NORM - Naturally occurring radioactive minerals.
We have founded our business in 2007 and since then we have been service in radiation safety management platform.Everyone is appreciated while contact us. For any general or emergency radiation help, you can contact us.
In this ebook you will be able to increase your knowledge about radiation safety, oil and gas management.
Topics we cover:
- Radiation management
- Radiation safety training
- Industrial radiation
- Radiation management plans
- Radiation surveys
- Courses for all levels
- Radiation dosimetry
- Equipment sales and leasing
- Testing of lasers,EMF
- Licensed transport service
- Waste management
- Contaminated equipments
- Mineral scales inside pipes.
- Petroleum.
You can find some important training and courses programs for you also. Contact us for more info.
We are located in East Perth, Western Australia, 6004, Australia.
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
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