Family ebooks

Kids Fun Recipes
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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-11-17
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this Book"Kids Fun Recipes" as it teaches how to cook various kids fun related recipes such as Apple Smiles,All-Star Fudgy Baseballs and Bats.
Reviewed by Milly on 2016-09-22
My Rate 5
I love this eBook :)The Recipes are so cute and super easy to make. I love how some recipes include healthy ingredients and require no sugar. I will definitely recommend this eBook to my sister and friends.
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Title: Kids Fun Recipes
Do you want to spend more time with your kids? Then let them join you in the kitchen, creating fun foods that they will love. Kids Fun Recipes is a collection of simple and easy to follow recipes that kids of all ages will enjoy.
Kids Fun Recipes will inspire you and your children to be fun and creative in the kitchen and you can get started right away with our immediate download!
Table Of Contents
- Apple Smiles
- All-Star Fudgy Baseballs and Bats
- Bunny Salad
- Cat's Eyes
- Butterfly Bites
- Chocolate Spiders version
- Clown Faces
- Daisy Apple
- Easter Mints Kids Can Make
- Dirt Cups
- Eyeballs on Ritz
- Funny Face Carrot Salad
- Fish in the River
- Jello Aquarium Recipe
- Peaches with a Sunshine Smile
- Octopus Dogs
- Peanut Butter Caterpillars
- Potato Pups
- Peanut Butter Turtles
- Rock Candy
- Snake Hot Dogs
- Rudolph the Reindeer
- Teddy Bear Carousel
- Wagons
Gross But Fun Recipes:
- Brain Cell Salad
- Boogers On A Stick
- Brains on the Half Skull
- Cat Litter Casserole
- Butchered Snake Bits With Barbecue Sauce
- Chicken Pox Pancakes
- Chuckie's Upchuck
- Chopped Off Fingers... Click here to read the full description!
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)

Taking Control of Alcohol
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Reviewed by ravi on 2009-03-20
My Rate 4
this is a very good book on taking control of alcohol,every one knows that taking alcohol is injirious to health and family or socity but after this alcohol destroy a men totally to kill his will power.
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Title: Taking Control of Alcohol
Author: Claire Nash
How To Detect the 4 Stages of Alcoholism AND Take Control Once and For All!
Dear Reader,
As you see this letter, you will see that there is no "hype." There is much that could be written about alcohol abuse that would rank amongst the top level "hard sell" verbiage. Much of that could be written as humor.
However, alcoholism is not a laughing matter and our discussion here deserves serious attention.
We see and hear the statistics on television all the time. More and more people are "self medicating" with illegal drugs. Adults, teenagers, young and old alike. . . no one is immune. With all the choices out there the number one drug of choice is still alcohol.
Alcoholism is spiraling out of control here in the U.S. and abroad. Perhaps you can recall images of the "town drunk" in the old western movies. He was usually portrayed as a bumbling, likable and hearty sort of fellow who made you laugh.
Well, no one is laughing anymore.
The chances are very high that you have a friend or family member who is abusing alcohol. Most people who abuse alcohol are in a constant state of denial. They don't believe that alcohol is a problem for them, therefore they do not seek treatment.
Ignoring the problem only exacerbates the situation. Sometimes the only course of action is intervention, usually by loved ones. That's why it is so important to be informed and know what to look for in your own sphere of
... Click here to read the full description!Rating: (4 after 1 votes)

How I Used Free & Low Cost Internet Sources To Locate My Birth Parents
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Title: How I Used Free & Low Cost Internet Sources To Locate My Birth Parents
Author: Kevin Witten
Reach Out and Touch - Find YOUR Lost Loved One Today!
Learn how one man overcame the obstacles and beat the odds.
Kevin Witten chronicles his 16 year search for his birth parents, beginning with youthful curiosity at 12 years of age and becoming an overwhelming desire to trace his roots by age 28.
Raised by loving and caring adoptive parents, explore the complexity of emotions he willingly shares with the reader, along with the expenses incurred that produced no results.
Follow his journey through the emotional roller coaster as he runs into one brick wall after another. Discover how to gather important facts and information from strangers without "spilling the beans" before you are ready.
What was the final determining factor in realizing his dream? Technology. . .and in "How I Used Free & Low Cost Internet Sources To Locate My Birth Parents" Kevin reveals exactly what he did to bring about his modern miracle.
This fact-filled handbook is a must have for anyone searching for a lost relative or loved one. Discover what works and what does not. All the resources that Kevin used to find his family are listed along with recommendations on how to use them.
After searching for 16 years, learn what Kevin did to finally realize his goal in just 30 days!
Don't wait another minute! Find the answers you've been seeking right here. Time is too precious to waste. Let Kevin help you as he was able to
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

Wonderful Wedding Favors And Gifts
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Title: Wonderful Wedding Favors And Gifts
Author: Maria Vowell
Make Your Own Wonderful Wedding Favors And Gifts For Pleasure, Profit, Joy and Happy Memories!
Every blushing bride wants to have a memorable and romantic wedding that will be remembered for years with pleasant memories by all that attend.
The purpose of "Wonderful wedding favors and wedding gifts" is to help accomplish this, even if you or the bride to be is on a tight budget. It is not expensive catering and thousand dollar dresses that create lasting memories.
It's the beauty of the day, the sunshine smile of the bride and the feeling of being special for that one moment in time, no matter if you are a guest or the bride herself. This is what makes weddings special, romantic and memorable.
Many brides spend a lot of money on expensive plastic wedding favors and gifts for the guests that have no sentimental value. Many guests also spend lots of money on new gifts for the bride and groom that really do not hold special meaning at all.
It's rare that you see a true heirloom shared at weddings these days.
In a world full of manufactured material, it's so much easier to just purchase something quick just so you can say you care, instead of actually making an attempt to show how much you actually do care.
"Wonderful Wedding Favors And Wedding Gifts" not only provides crochet patterns for true heirloom gifts, but also provides sweet memories as you crochet lovely sachets for your bridesmaids,
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

Shoestring Wedding
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Title: Shoestring Wedding
Author: Liz Tomey
"You Don't Have To Be Rich To Have An Unforgettable Wedding Ceremony! (And No One Will Ever Know You Did It For Less!)"
When times are tight, it doesn't mean you need to settle for anything less than extravagant. (And you definitely don't need to elope to Vegas.)
You can have a beautiful wedding that will be the envy of friends and family. And NO ONE has to know that you didn't pay near as much as most do.
Don't settle. Be creative. And discover how to do both with
"Shoestring Wedding - Discover how to make your big day gorgeous even if you're on a tight budget."
Give me 45 minutes and I'll have you started planning the wedding of your dreams on a string budget!
You don't need to be rich. You don't need to hire an expensive wedding planner. You don't need to pay a fortune to experience the wedding of your dreams.
All you need is a little creativity and some good organization tips put to good use. And it won't take long for you to notice that the wedding you are putting together. The one you didn't think could be this perfect.
Is now coming together just like you've always imagined. And you didn't have to spend a fortune to make your dreams come true.
"See How Easily You Can Throw The Wedding Of Your Dreams On A String Budget"
All it takes is a little thought. A little creativity. And solid planning to pull off a wedding that will have your friends and family weeping tears
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

Scrapbooking Life's Great Moments
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Title: Scrapbooking Life's Great Moments
Author: Ryan Sawyer, Jan Sawyer
Learn How To Capture Life's Great Moments In Scrapbooks That Are Works of Art
Dear Future Artist,
Have you caught the bug yet? The scrapbooking bug, that is. It's literally sweeping the country and if you've wondered if it's something you would like to learn you're definitely in the right place.
The only decision you need to make is how to get started. There are scrapbooking classes held in many communities around the country. The challenge with enrolling in a class is scheduling. Most of us have little free time and frankly don't want to spend it away from home.
That's where "Scrapbooking - Life's Great Moments" comes in. You won't find a more comprehensive guide to creating beautiful works of art. Learn how to create timeless treasures that your friends and family will cherish for years, even generations to come.
"Scrapbooking - Life's Great Moments" reveals insider secrets and tips to spare yourself hours of frustration and costly mistakes.
Just take a look:
- Getting started - how to take that first step
- Learn the characteristics of a simple scrapbook
- Planning the design
- How to write the best text for your pages
- Selecting just the right photographs
- Planning your layout
- Decorations
If you are just beginning there are important tips to keep in mind. For instance:
- Assembling and organizing your

Genealogy: Uncovering Your Ancestry
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Title: Genealogy: Uncovering Your Ancestry
If you're wanting to learn about genealogy...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!
"You Are Going To Get An Extensive Look At One Of The Most Remarkable Genealogy Reference Books There Is Available On The Market Today"
It doesn't matter if you are just for the first time looking at your family lineage, this genealogy guide will get you on the right track to uncovering your heritage.
Dear Friend,
Wouldn't it be fantastic to find your family can be traced back to an ancient royal lineage?
Are you or someone you know interested in tracing your family background? If so, pay close attention!
There's finally an original new book created just for people like you!
And, if you really want to know the facts about genealogy, this book is definitely for YOU!
This Isn't Like Any Booklet On Genealogy You Can Find In Any Store..
...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!
This book covers everything there is to know about genealogy and it's easy for the average person follow! In fact, some people have called it the "Genealogy Manual "!
It's like having your very own genealogy expert that you can reference and ask questions anytime you need to!
Ebook Type: PDF

Stop Your Divorce and Save Your Marriage!
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Title: Stop Your Divorce and Save Your Marriage!
New Report Shares How To Rekindle Your Relationship...
Suppose You Could Have Saved Your Marriage...
...but you didn't know where to start. If that's you, than this could be the most important letter you ever read.
You could cut the tension in your home with a knife.
You love your spouse, and they love you. You've been married for years, and at one time happily. But now it's just a memory; and you can't believe this is happening to YOU.
How did it happen? Where did your marriage skid off course? More importantly, can your relationship ever be restored to the way it was on your honeymoon?
What if you just gave up? Say you went forward with a divorce. Is that really what you want? What if you could save your marriage when you...
- Follow the unwritten 2nd contract of marriage that successful couples do.
- Wash away the negative thoughts that are chipping away at your relationship.
- Restart the conversation that has stalled behind hurt feelings.
- And more relationship-saving strategies that have proven to bring couples back together!
If you didn't act to save your marriage, could you ever forgive yourself?
Dear Trouble-In-Love,
You didn't think it'd end up this way on your wedding day.
But now you can't... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

Your Ultimate Guide to Family Camping
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Title: Your Ultimate Guide to Family Camping
Who Else Wants To Find Out The Best Way To Enjoy A Hassle-Free and Truly Enjoyable Camping Trip?
Finally, an E-book That Reveals The Secrets of A Hassle-Free Camping Trip. Learn the Boundless Joys & Benefits of Living Outdoors and Camping Out!
Don't start a Camping Trip without reading this complete ebook about camping!
Written by someone who has been there in the camping fields many times in his life, The E-book of Camping is your definitive manual to a hassle-free and enjoyable camping trip!
Dear Friend,
For many people none can compare with the fun and excitement of living outdoors and camping out!
Imagine discovering the wild, having a picnic, sleeping under the stars, enjoying God's nature in its purest form, and communing with it!
If you've lived most of your life in the city, inhaling its smog, listening to its noise, and staring at its concrete jungles, nothing can compare with the exhilaration of camping out!
But do not start a camping trip without having thoroughly prepared for it! Starting a camping trip without thorough preparation can easily turn your trip into a nightmare!
This E-book of Camping will educate and prepare you about camping and reveal what to expect when planning one. No doubt about it, The E-book of Camping is your definitive
Ebook Type: PDF

The Book of Camping
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Title: The Book of Camping
The hope of camping out that comes over one in early spring, the laying of plans and arranging of details, is, I sometimes think, even more enjoyable than reality itself. As there is pleasure in this, let me advise you to give a practical turn to your anticipations.
Think over and decide whether you will walk, sail, camp out in one place, or what you will do; then discover what you can of the route you propose to go over, or the ground where you intend to camp for the season. If you think of moving through or camping in places unknown to you, it is important to discover whether you can buy provisions and get lodgings along your route. See some one, if you can, who has been where you think of going, and put down in a notebook all he tells you that is important.
Have your clothes made or mended as soon as you decide what you will need: the earlier you begin, the less you will be hurried at the last.
You will find it is a good plan, as fast as you think of a thing that you want to take, to note it on your memorandum; and, in order to avoid delay or haste, to cast your eyes over the list occasionally to see that the work of preparation is going on properly. It is a good plan to collect all of your baggage into one place as fast as it is ready; for if it is scattered you are apt to lose sight of some of it, and start without it.
As fast as you get your things ready, mark your name on them:... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF
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