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Beauty ebooks

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Category: Beauty

Health and beauty tips

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-13
My Rate 5
Such a nice book telling various ways of keeping good health and beauty of body not of women but also of men too
some are out of which are as follows Keep Hands Looking Great
Healthy Diet Leads To Healthy Skin
Things To Do For Natural Beauty
Dealing With Dark Circles Under Your Eyes
Your Teeth Mattereven a men which i used it because when it comes for body care then not to discriminate on gender basis as everyone needs good health .
Thats why i like it.

Reviewed by Milly on 2016-09-20
My Rate 5
This eBook was great :) I learned so much and took a lot of notes. I wish it had more beauty Recipes though. I will be recommending this eBook to my family and friends. This eBook can save someones life and help prevent cancer.

Reviewed by Milly on 2016-09-20
My Rate 4
This e-book is a Basic beauty manuel for begginers in skin care. It gives great information on how to start your own beauty routine and it focuses mainly on the face. I think this is a great e-book for teenage girls :)

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Title: Health and beauty tips

Keep Hands Looking Great
Individuals who have great looking hands are more likely to have hands that people want to hold. Perhaps your wedding is coming up. There is no telling the number of people who will want to see your ring and in turn get to see your hands. On the other hand, you may find that your hands are the focus of pictures. You will need to take steps to ensure that your hands look great. Even if it is not your wedding, you want to take a bit of time to take care of your hands.

What About Them?
You may be wondering, what elements of your hands should you e concerned with? When it comes to beauty tips, people often do not think about their hands, but if you have ever shaken the hand of someone who has bad skin or otherwise poor hands, you likely have remembered it. Here are some tips to help you to improve the quality of your skin on your hands specifically.

  • Limit the amount of alcohol used on your hands. There are a wide range of products that, with one squirt, are able to kill all the germs on your hands. Many are alcohol based and while a good choice, can dry out your hands. Use these limitedly.
  • Wash hands properly and often. When it comes to keeping your hands healthy, one of the first steps is t keep them clean. Use a nail brush under your nails and on top of them. Use a quality, but not harsh soap when washing your hands.
  • Do use lotions and moisturizer. The hands
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Rating: (4.66 after 3 votes)
Category: Beauty, Health

Wrinkle Reduction and Skin Rejuvenation

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Reviewed by Milly on 2016-09-21
My Rate 5
This eBook has a lot of great tips on wrinkle and skin damage prevention. And it contains great information on antioxidants which every women should know about. I will definitely recommend this to my girlfriends.

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Title: Wrinkle Reduction and Skin Rejuvenation

Total Skin Care

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to find the long lost Fountain of Youth? We can't promise you that, but we can give you a close second.

Your skin is the first telltale sign of getting old. Starting today, get the facts about "anti-aging" and what you can do to forestall it.

Hey, there's no way you can stop the aging process but there's no reason why you can't fight it kicking and screaming all the way!

Do you know the two types of aging that make your skin vulnerable? We address this in the first chapter. Know your enemy! Learn how and why skin ages. Good grief, how can you fight an enemy unless you have a full understanding of how and why it operates?

Once you understand how and why your skin ages it makes the next step of identifying your skin type almost child's play in the next few chapters.

The Skinny on Skin Creams

Try counting the number of commercials you see every day touting some new "miracle cream" that is guaranteed to make you look the model. Yeah right!

Anti-aging goods and services account for billions of dollars spent in the hopes of delaying the onset of skin aging. This topic is covered in our chapter on skin cream and wrinkles.

Finally, get the "skinny on skin creams" and find out which ones work and which ones don't. Remember, those television AND print ads are designed to separate you from your money.

Truth be

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Beauty, Decorating, Home

Interior Decorating: Decorate Like a Celebrity

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Reviewed by redone111 on 2015-12-19
My Rate 4
this is great things to read and have good ideas from i really find it helpfull

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Title: Interior Decorating: Decorate Like a Celebrity

"See How Easily And Cheap It Is Do Turn Your Ordinary House Into A Carbon Copy Of A Celebrity"

Stop Spending All Of Your Money Trying To Make Your House Look Elegant. Learn To Decorate Like A Celebrity At Only A Fraction Of The Cost

Dear Friend:

I opened up a magazine the other day and saw a picture of Faith Hill's home. The photos were amazing! Her home was amazing! I found myself wondering how I could get the same look in my own home without having to shell out the money she probably did for her professional designer.

As I sat and looked around my pretty boring living room, I became envious of Mrs. McGraw's floral couch, her cleverly placed centerpieces, and her tastefully arranged artwork. It made me sad that all I had was a few apples in a Tupperware bowl gracing my yard sale coffee table.

So I did what anyone would do - I went online and tried to find out how I could decorate just like the stars do. After checking out abut 10,000 Google matches, I gave up and had a sandwich instead.

Deciding to give it just one more try, I sat down again at my keyboard and asked the Internet how I could decorate like a celebrity. And then I found it! The answers I needed in one convenient place: "Interior Decorating: Decorate Like a Celebrity".

Once I Read The First Few Pages of This Book, I Was Hooked!

I started... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Beauty, Body

Body Building Naturally

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Reviewed by Rosco on 2010-08-10
My Rate 4
Do you guys offer the PLR of these products?

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Title: Body Building Naturally

Get Real About Being Lean, Mean and Muscular!

Are You A Hard Gainer?
Are you sick of weight gain programs that don't work?
Stop Being Bullied by the Diet and Fitness Industry
Fight Back With...

Body Building Naturally

Throw away those diet pills! Steroids don't cut it!
Investigate one of the top rated muscle building programs on the Internet

From the desk of --

Dear Muscle Builder,

Are you the 140 pound weakling who is always getting sand kicked in his face?

Have you given up on the idea of being the neighborhood hunk?

Have you tried dieting and weight training and still don't seem to be able to bulk up?

Well I can identify. I was that unfortunate fellow just a few years ago. No matter what I did I just could not seem to gain weight.

I did everything that the body building magazines told me to but nothing seemed to work. This included starving myself, eating only protein, loading up with carbohydrates and working out seven times a week.

Part of my problem was my absolute belief and faith in the delusions and myth that the diet and fitness industry had to tell me.

Do you believe -

  • You inherited a condition that prevents you from gaining muscle
  • You
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Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Beauty, Women

500 Bath and Beauty Recipes!

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Title: 500 Bath and Beauty Recipes!

You deserve to spoil yourself. Feel sexy, save money and pamper away!

You can save money and at the same time know exactly what your bath and beauty products contain by making your own with the simple recipes contained in 500 Bath and Beauty Recipes!

Why take chances with your beauty care when you can easily and quickly make your own products and know that you are not getting a product with harsh chemicals and unknown ingredients? 500 Bath and Beauty Recipes contains recipes for:

  • Body Powders
  • Bath
  • Body Soaps/Scrubs
  • Hair Care
  • Perfumes/Body Sprays
  • Lotions/Creams/Toners
  • Lip Balms
  • Facial Soaps/Cleansers/Masks
  • Deodorants
  • Nail Care
  • Teeth Care
  • Eye Care
  • Massage Oils
  • Injuries & Sore Muscles

If you want to make bath and beauty products yourself using natural ingredients then you need 500 Bath and Beauty Recipes.

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Category: Beauty, Health

Ultimate Acne Relief

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Title: Ultimate Acne Relief
Could YOU Use Some Help Fighting Zits, Pimples, Whiteheads, Blackheads...... In Short: Want To Combat Unsightly Blemishes?

Well, Take a Time-Out And Get to The Root Of Your Relief And Avoid Further Distress

In About 4 Minutes &Less Time Than It Takes To Cover A Pimple with Makeup...

...You Can Discover Our Acne Treatment And Prevention Tips AND Stop Worrying About Hiding, Squeezing, Popping and Increasing Unsightly ACNE Right Now!

Could you use help with any of these embarrassing issues?....

  • Acne & Skin Care Products - - Sometimes you use tanning lotions or cosmetics (maybe even a little makeup, guys, to hide pimples or shaving nicks - -shhh!) But regardless, your skin still breaks out.
  • Acne & Diet - - You like to eat French fries and other greasy foods. But your skin breaks out.
  • Acne & Hygiene - - You shower or wash every day. But you still have difficulty with unwanted blemishes popping up.
  • Acne & Shaving - - You shave with a double-edged razor and you often have inflammation in areas afterwards.

Okay, it's time to quit popping pimples and start popping the lid on the cyber-jar of Acne Relief solutions!

Dear Acne Relief Seeker,

Ever notice how LIFE can be like one big pimple? It can be fine and dandy one day. Then it can turn ugly and irritate you. And then gradually everything clears up and things look rosy again.

Wouldn't it be nice, though, to get help BEFORE it turns ugly?

Or how about when LIFE DOES get ugly.... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Beauty, Health

Understanding Acne - Causes, Cures, & Myths

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Title: Understanding Acne - Causes, Cures, & Myths
Tired of Your Acne Problems? Isn't it About Time You Do Something About it?

If you are one of the millions affected by acne, or have a child who is, you need to read this entire page. Chances are pretty good that you've been lied to about what acne is, what causes it, and how to make it go away.

We've all experienced it at some point in our lives - you wake up in the morning, and when you look in the mirror . . .

A big pimple is staring right back at you!

It always seems to happen at the worst time. Like when you're getting ready for that first date, or going to that important job interview. The rest of the day you spend running around trying to figure out how to get rid of it.

Sound familiar?

Just like we've all experienced it, we've all heard the same myths about acne. When you were in High School, how many times did someone tell you that because you have acne you obviously have poor hygiene?

Most of what you've heard just isn't true - and its time to set the record straight . . .

Understanding Acne

  • How to decide what type of treatment is best for you
  • The REAL truth about acne
  • How to prevent acne from ever becoming a problem.
  • How to help your child get through acne problems.
  • And much more

Understand Acne to Defeat Acne

Are you suffering from a bad case of acne? If not you, how about one of your children? Do you feel like there is no good information available on acne? If this sounds

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Category: Beauty

Natural Beauty

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Title: Natural Beauty

Do you envy other women and wonder how they always look good, even without makeup?

"Discover the Secrets of Natural Beauty!"

Dear Friend,

Women everywhere around the world are literally dying to know natural beauty secrets. As women go under the knife for one plastic surgery after another, they risk their lives and their bodies in an attempt to appear naturally beautiful. Little thought is given to how a botched surgery can affect them or their loved ones down the road. All they can think of is this unrealistic image of what is considered beautiful that they have in their heads, thanks to the media and advertising.

The truth is, natural beauty secrets are not really all that secret. Everywhere a woman looks, she can find all natural ways to become someone that is truly beautiful instead of trying to imitate a digitally airbrushed and otherwise changed photograph from an ad in a magazine. A couple of the biggest secrets entail nothing more than loving yourself for precisely who you are, perceived imperfections and all.


Natural Beauty!

With my 'Natural Beauty' book you will:

  • Learn how to make natural beauty products at home
  • Discover the truth about all natural beauty
  • Proven skin care tips to keep you looking young
  • Discover tips about natural beauty... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Beauty

Acne 101: Everything You Need To Know

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Title: Acne 101: Everything You Need To Know

"Are You Looking For A Way To Cope With The Stubborn Problem Of Acne? If You Want To Get ALL The Facts In One e-Book, We Have A Surprise For You!"

Don't Let Acne Ruin Your Life!

Dear Friend,

You have probably read about different treatments for acne all over the internet. You may wonder if they work or if they are just designed to part you from your money. You have probably also heard about myths and home remedies that can be used to treat acne. You have most likely thought about them and have been a bit hesitant. It seems that there is so information out there but so much of it is slanted in favor of one treatment. What should you do?

Anyone who ever suffered from acne, as I have, knows how problematic this condition can be for you. And I don't want you to suffer any longer. I also do not want you to end up purchasing products that cost a fortune and do not work (at least how they are advertised).

I have written a ebook completely about acne where every cure is discussed - all in one small tome.

Sound too good to be true? It's Not!

You can now get all the information that you need about acne in one small ebook. This gives you information regarding store bought topical solutions that are popular today as well as old fashioned solutions, diet and alternative medcine. It also delves into

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Beauty, Health

Natural Cure; The Natural Way To Get Rid Of Your Acne

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Title: Natural Cure; The Natural Way To Get Rid Of Your Acne

"Are You Up To Your Wits End Trying To Rid Yourself Of Your Acne?"

Acne is the worst. It can strike at anytime and almost always has a devastating effect. Acne is hard to treat and almost impossible to cure. Acne sufferers often feel frustrated and self conscious while treating to get the severity of their condition under control.

But if you are suffering from acne, you know all this already. You know how painful it can be and how humiliating it can feel when you suffer from pimples, zits, or any kind of skin irritation. If you are like most sufferers, you've probably tried everything you could get your hands on to relieve your condition.

You've probably visited every specialty pharmacy in a 100 mile radius, ordered dozens of different creams online and even contemplated buying a case of Dead Sea mud to rub all over your face. In short, if you are anything like me, you've tried every chemical, pharmaceutical or biomedical creation ever made to cure you of your acne problem.

Let me ask you though, have you tried a holistic, natural way to get rid of your acne?

You wouldn't believe it to look at me now, but I fought my acne battle since I was barely out of elementary school. My twenty year journey took down every pharmacy aisle in every city I ever visited. I bought products that most countries wouldn't let through their doors and I probably smeared more medicine on my face than any other man

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