Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education.
John F. Kennedy

Health ebooks

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Category: Family, Health

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Title: The Getting Pregnant Plan
Author: by Michelle Adams

"I Thought I'd Never Have A Baby. I Went To Every Doctor, Read Every Book, Tried Everything. Got Labelled "Unexplained Infertility".

Then I Figured It All Out:
I Created A Plan Of All The Things That Help Fertility And Got Pregnant! You Can Too!"

Follow This Four Month Plan And Get Pregnant Or I'll Give You ALL Your Money back! ...Yes, I'm That Confident! Here's why...


Here's a sneak peak at what you'll discover:

  • Discover how to pinpoint ovulation with 100% accuracy! You'll never miss the golden window of opportunity to get pregnant again.
  • The little-known way to turn anovulatory cycles into ovulatory ones. Turning 'no-chance' cycles into cycles that give you a real chance to get pregnant.
  • Your secret weapon for combating a daily fertility foe. Master this to increase your chances of getting pregnant and to enjoy the journey along the way.
  • The reason why some women's fertility is four times greater than other women's ... and how to be one of them so you can get pregnant faster! AMAZING!
  • The one type of specialist you must consult! This will be one of the most important things you'll ever learn to help you get pregnant.
  • REVEALED! The hidden truth behind everyday activities & their impact on your
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Category: Food, Health

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Title: The Missing Ingredient For Good Health
Author: Lee Euler

Why Most Health Foods are a Waste of Money

At last, here's the real reason you can take vitamins, minerals and herbs by the handful and still suffer poor health
Our diets lack a vital food - and even most alternative doctors don't know it!

  • It's the second most popular pain reliever in Germany after aspirin - yet it's almost unknown in the U.S.
  • A man with kidney cancer, given to days to live, was alive and well 15 years later thanks to this supplement
  • And I got rid of a 20-year spastic colon problem!
  • Injured athletes who take it get back on the field twice as fast as those who don't
  • Health and behavior improved in nine out of ten children with autism
  • Studies show the nutrient thins blood, breaks up blood clots and heals inflamed blood vessels like magic
  • One mother said her lifelong migraine problem disappeared immediately


Does it sound incredible that one supplement can help all these diseases - and more? Then ask yourself this: What if you had NO vitamins in your diet - none at all? You'd be very sick.

Guess what: this nutrient is just as important as vitamins and you're getting approximately... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Beauty, Body, Health

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Title: Lose 10 Years
Author: Natalie Stevens

The first 30 years of my life was characterized by exciting birthday celebrations. I was constantly thrilled whenever I added another year in my life. Why not? I view each birthday as another door of opportunity and limitless possibilities.

But celebrating my birthday at the start of my mid-30's had become a totally different story.

Primarily, it was because I felt I was getting old. Definitely, opportunities are still there to learn and to maximize life - but - I don't like the gray hairs and wrinkles that come with them.

And then it finally hit me: I've got to do something about this.

So I decided to share my experiences that have helped me have heads turn when I walk into a room, men stutter at my presence.

I want to help you with what I have learned by sharing simple techniques that will save you thousands of dollars on how to look younger shedding years without having to go under a knife.

We are here to help you Lose10Years today!

Natalie Stevens

Is This Happening To You:

  • Tired of wearing the incorrect clothing that isn't for you?
  • Going after that promotion at work?
  • Looking for romance and need the secrets to a great makeover?
  • Want to see the guy's heads turn as you grace the floor?
  • Is That ReUnion Party coming up soon?
  • Are you tired of seeing wrinkles?
  • Would you like for your companion to fall in love all over... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, Medicine

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Title: How To Reverse Gout
Author: Matt Traverso

At last, The only Manual that Helps Beat Gout Safely and Naturally ...Now!

Hear from the world's top doctors and Nobel Prize winners and learn how to cure the SOURCE of Gout and eliminate harmful prescription drugs and take your life back for good!

Discover The Truth About Gout That Doctors And Pharmaceutical Companies Don't Want You To Know About.


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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Body, Health, Spirituality

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Title: Why Angry? Heal Your Body, Mind and Soul
Author: James Pang

"Is your emotional stress causing your deteriorating health and unhappy relationship with your family?"

Here's what you'll discover in "Why Angry?" ebook.

Chapter 1: Why Stop Angry Now?

  • What's the finding of a German cancer specialist regarding the link between cancer and emotional stress.
  • What are the four overlooked reasons for not getting angry.
  • How a tiny matter caused a father to burst out in anger, caused her small daughter's disability and eventually committed suicide.
  • How a mother indirectly and unknowingly caused the death of her two babies with another common emotional problem.
  • How a 40-year-old woman got breast cancer even though she didn't inherit any cancer gene from her parents or grand parents. She seldom got angry, took great care of her diet and exercised regularly. But this one emotional problem caused her cancer and eventually took her life away. And this particular emotional problem is responsible for many other cancer cases too.
  • Can forgiveness really heal cancer? Read this actual story on how a man found the answer for his lung... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Fitness, Health

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Title: German Cancer Breakthrough

The most scientifically advanced cancer treatment you can get on planet earth...
...but it's BANNED in America!

(Pssst! It costs a tenth of what U.S. treatments cost. Maybe that's why!)

Germany's top cancer doctors reputed to be the best in the world literally "cook" cancer out of your body while you nap. You wake up free of pain and discomfort!

Keep reading! For about the cost of a new car, these top German doctors can defeat cancer without surgery or side effects. Meanwhile, for the cost of ten or fifteen new cars, American doctors will torture you and you'll probably die anyway.

When word gets out, thousands of Americans will do what many Hollywood stars, European royals and (I'm told) even some FDA officials do when they get cancer.

Head for Germany!

  • Even "hopeless" patients can beat cancers of the brain, liver, breast, prostate, colon, lung, stomach, face, etc. with this revolutionary, affordable treatment
  • German surgeon declares mastectomies and prostate operations obsolete!
  • German doctors cure "terminal" cancers with no hair loss, no nausea, and no vomiting if it worked for President Reagan, it could work for you and your loved ones!

German breakthrough treatments you can use in the comfort of your own home

Besides all

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Category: Health

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Title: Stop Sciatica In 8 Minutes

"Discover How to Completely Cure and Eliminate Sciatica Naturally in Less Than 7 DAYS Without Drugs, Surgery, Physical Therapy, Exercise, or Change of Diet! Miraculous Relief Within 8 Minutes"

  • Are you one of the millions of people suffering from sciatica?
  • Is the sciatica pain unbearable in your hip and your leg?
  • Is the sciatica pain causing misery and inconvenience in your life?

If yes, then read on.

This is what my 100% foolproof sciatica treatment method will do for you...


  • Safe. You don't have to take any drugs, use any weird gizmos or change your diet. It is so safe that even pregnant women can use this method without any worries.
  • Fast and effective. It will relieve you of of your ailment completely within 7 days or even in one day. It takes just 8 minutes per day to use this method.
  • 100% natural method. It is completely free of side effects
  • Simple. You don't have to perform this method at a special time or in a special place. You can do this anytime and anywhere you wish - sitting, standing or even lying down.


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Category: Diet, Health

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Title: The Chocolate Weight Loss Diet System


"It's the-most delicious diet idea ever . . . and yes, it works!
Now you can eat chocolate, plus all the other foods you love and lose weight with The Chocolate Weight Loss Diet"

Can chocolate really be the new dietary "miracle cure?" Seventeenth-century European physicians though so, and they may not have been far from the truth. Recent scientific studies have shown astounding health benefits from the cacao bean, the source of all chocolates. New scientific data is rolling out as you read these words.

With The Chocolate Weight Loss Diet system, you will learn the secrets to your weight loss success, like:

  • How To Eat Chocolate And Lose Weight While You Sleep
    Yes. With The Chocolate Weight Loss Diet, you lose weight while you sleep. No complicated programs, no Ephedra or Ma Huang, no stimulants, nothing to keep you awake at night... and while you sleep, the pounds melt away, as the system burns fat as you slumber.
  • How To Lose Weight Eating Chocolate And Fast Food
    Not only do you lose weight while eating
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Category: Health, Home, Medicine

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Title: Beat Eczema
Author: Susan Clark

Beat Eczema Guide

Today you have an opportunity. An opportunity to finally cure your eczema for good. You have tried what the doctors have told you. You have put on creams and you have taken pills. The symptoms go away but the disease is still there.

This ebook can help you do that. It will show you step by step how to finally get rid of your eczema for good.

Here is what you will learn in the Beat Eczema guide

  • How to create younger, toned, firm skin - guaranteed
  • How to slow down your skin aging process.
  • How to treat your infant's or your child's eczema (special section with special treatments just for your child)
  • How to Eliminate eczema without the use of medication
  • Focus on the root cause of eczema - rather than the symptoms
  • How to stop using dangerous steroids
  • Learn the causes of eczema and how to eliminate them
  • How to stop the itching
  • How to unleash your body's natural ability to heal itself from all skin complaints.
  • How to eliminate dry skin forever
  • How to be totally free from pain and sleep soundly at night


  • Much, Much More

The system is all natural and easy to use. You are just minutes away from taking your first steps to having beautiful skin.

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Category: Health

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Title: Your Guide to Antioxidant Superfoods

Each strand of your DNA is attacked or damaged every 8.4 seconds! In this book, you'll learn how to guard your precious cells with delicious, antioxidant-rich foods... and how to get your body to make more of its own internal antioxidant artillery.

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