I am always ready to learn, but I do not always like being taught.
Winston Churchill

Remedies ebooks

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Category: Body, Health, Remedies

The Complete Guide to Acne Prevention, Treatment and Remedies!

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-23
My Rate 5
I will give 5 Stars to this book as it is complete guide to acne prevention,treatment and remedies. I have received great knowledge from it regarding the same.

Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-18
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars out of 5 to this the complete guide to acne prevention,treatment and remedies as it gives complete guide to prevention,treatment and remedies linking with other parameters such as
Your Diet & Acne
Skin Care Products & Acne
Hygiene & Your Skin
Acne & Shaving.

Reviewed by namru on 2008-01-19
My Rate 1

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Title: The Complete Guide to Acne Prevention, Treatment and Remedies!
Author: Pamela Archer
How to Combat Unsightly Acne and Rid Yourself of Embarrassing Blemishes Once and For All...

45 Jam-packed Chapters Overflowing With Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Acne But Were Too Embarrassed to Ask!

Dear Acne Sufferer,

It doesn't matter whether you are a teenager or are a "30 something." Acne doesn't really care as long as it finds a home.

Do any of these situations describe you?

  • Your Diet & Acne

You love french fries and other greasy foods. But your skin breaks out.

  • Skin Care Products & Acne

You've tried every cosmetic and tanning lotions on the market, but your skin still breaks out!

  • Hygiene & Your Skin

You shower every day and still have difficulty with unwanted blemishes popping up.

  • Acne & Shaving

You shave with a double-edged razor and you often have inflammation in areas afterwards.

If you can relate to any of those situations, you've got an acne problem and it needs to be under control.

Help is just a click away. Available for immediate download, The Complete Manual to Acne Prevention, Treatment and Remedies is packed with 45 pages of information to help you understand ACNE.

First things first!

Knowledge is power. You must educate

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Category: Health, Remedies

The 47 Simple Herbal Remedies

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Title: The 47 Simple Herbal Remedies
A Day In The Forest

What a wonderful day! It's early summer and not a single cloud in the sky. You climb over a log that has fallen across the trail and wait for your 10 year old son to catch up.

A quick, upward glance at the sunlight filtering through the canopy of trees signals that it's about time to head back to camp. The crisp, pungent smell of the forest floor reminds you how much you needed this family vacation.

You can almost smell the trout that you and Billy caught early this morning frying in the pan over the open fire. Just as your stomach begins to rumble in anticipation, you hear a scream.

Your head snaps around and you can see Billy just a few yards down the trail, his arms flapping wildly around his head. Back over the log you jump, and running reach him in just seconds.

Billy has upset one very angry wasp. Whipping off your cap, you swat it away and while it's stunned lying on the ground you send the nasty critter off to meet his insect brothers in the great beyond.

Quick examination shows that Billy has been bitten repeatedly by the wasp and is in some serious pain. No medicine cabinet and no drugstore for miles. Your emergency medical kit is back at camp.

Eyes darting around the ground near the trail, you spot just what you need. Grabbing a handful of leaves from what looks like a weed, you toss a few in your mouth and chew them quickly. You apply the poultice to the red welts appearing on Billy's arms and

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Category: Health, Remedies

60 Tips to Live Better Using Holistic Remedies

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Title: 60 Tips to Live Better Using Holistic Remedies

60 Tips to Live Better Using Holistic Remedies

General Holistic Health Tips

1. Improve your posture.
It is important to keep your spine as straight as possible, so that your muscles do not strain and contract unnecessarily. Also, in order to keep energy circulating throughout your body, it is important to keep your spine straight and nerves unhindered.

2. Consider "trigger point massage" for pain relief. If you are plagued by continuous pain and conventional pain medicines are not working to help eliminate it, consider this special type of massage. It will help to not only ease the pain - but to eliminate its source as well.

3. Try acupuncture. Acupuncture is type of holistic/alternative medicine that has been commonly practiced in the eastern part of the world for thousands of years. Five thousand years ago, the intention of acupuncture was to prolong life. With many alternative medical techniques, the intention is to prevent rather than to cure a specific or general ailment. The oldest recorded practice of acupuncture was over 5,000 years ago. Basically, acupuncture is used to stimulate the nerves in the body and as a result positively affect all of the other bodily systems.

4. Try Reiki healing. Reiki is a healing art that uses the body's energy to begin and further the healing process. It is performed by using one's hands to follow a

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Category: Health, Remedies

Natural Herbal Cures and Remedies

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Title: Natural Herbal Cures and Remedies

"Learn the Natural Herbal Cures and Remedies Used to Treat Illness and Disease for Hundreds of Years...STOP Using Unnecessary Drugs and Pills, and Discover the Natural Cures Doctors Never Informed You About!"

Remember Your Mother Telling You That "An Apple a Day, Would Keep The Doctor Away"...Could Be Absolutely True?!

Dear Friend,

Do you suffer from any illness or disease and have tried every treatment out their without much success? Are you sick and tired of spending $10, $50 or $100 on drugs or pills that only end up making you feel more sick and nauseous?

Well you will be surprised to know that there is another way; a much healthier alternative that has been around for hundreds of years! Yes, natural herbal cures have been around from the beginning of time, but we rarely even use them because of the amount of media and advertising surrounding the importance of pharmaceutical synthetic drugs.

"What the Drug and Pill Companies Don't Want You to Know About!"

Considering the mass amount of doctors and specialists in the medical industry, only a handful of specialists in various parts the world promote the use of natural remedies to treat disease. The fact is, there are alternative ways to cure and prevent disease - Also, erradicate them. There are also natural, non-drug and non-surgical ways to cure and prevent virtually

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Food, Health, Remedies

Herbal Tea Remedies

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Title: Herbal Tea Remedies

Tap Into The Healing Power Of Nature With The Ultimate Collection Of Herbal Tea Remedies

Are you looking for a more natural way to obtain releief for common ailments? The Ultimate Collection Of Herbal Tea Remedies is your answer. Inside you will find a wide selection of recipes for herbal teas that will have you feeling better in no time.

  • Feeling blue? Whip up a batch of Blues Tea and chase way depression.
  • Do you suffer from headaches? Try the Headache Relief Tea.
  • Got a cold or the flu. Drink a cup of Cold and Flu tea to help relieve those nasty symptoms.
  • Stomach feeling queasy? Try a cup of Tummy Tea made from common household spices.
  • Can't Sleep? Insomnia Tea is the answer.
  • Or maybe you suffer from allergies? Drink Allergy Season Tea during the allergy season and throw away that over the counter medication.

In The Ultimate Collection Of Herbal Tea Remedies you will find these and many more recipes made from natures plants. Why fill your body with man-made chemicals and risk the side-effects that many drugs can have, when you can use natural remedies?

Get your copy of The Ultimate Collection Of Herbal Tea Remedies today and get started on your way to natural health.

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Category: Health, Medicine, Remedies

Circulatory System Problems and Remedies

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Title: Circulatory System Problems and Remedies

Learn the Secrets The Drug Companies and Doctors Don't Want You To Know :

How To Improve Blood Circulation to the Legs and Feet Without Surgery or Drugs!!

Dear Internet Friend,

If you are over 50, or chronically suffering from cold hands and feet and that irritating tingling sensation in your arms and/or legs when you sit too long, then
listen up!

This could be the most important letter you'll ever read!!

These are symptoms of Peripheral Artery Disease, or poor circulation in the extremeties of the body, more specifically, the legs and feet. The arms and hands are also affected by this problem.

The human circulatory system is a wonderful thing; carrying life-giving oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body and bringing waste products back to the lungs, liver, and kidneys on its return trip.

When any substance like cholesteral (blood fat) or blocked arteries (plaque build up in the arteries) causes the flow of blood to slow down, it affects every other part of the body.

You see, any time blood is restricted from flowing freely through the circulatory system, it just doesn't affect the area containing the restriction, it also affects every other part of the body, including the Brain!

Decreased blood flow to the brain can cause many other ailments including but not limited

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, Remedies, Self Help

Healthy Sleep: A Guide To Natural Sleep Remedies!

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Title: Healthy Sleep: A Guide To Natural Sleep Remedies!

Warning: If it takes you longer then 30 minutes to fall asleep, then you are suffering from insomnia.

"Who Else Wants To Sleep From Lights Out 'Til Sunrise Without Staring At The Ceiling For Hours - Leaving You Feeling Fresh And Ready To Face A New Day!"

Nothing makes you angrier...

You know you should be asleep. You've dedicated the last three hours in the dark to trying to get some sleep. But you're wide awake.

The irony is that you swear your eyes were just in pain from remaining open too long, like someone super-glued your eyelids open. You know your bodies tired - yet you can't get a good night's rest.

You suffer from insomnia.

Insomnia is one of the most frustrating experiences anyone can go through. Yet 1 out of every 4 people experience some level of insomnia that effects the way they function.

For a lot of people, if they just knew the little things that they are doing to cause their own insomnia... if they just knew the little, natural things they could be doing to encourage their body to fall asleep...

...they could end their insomnia within a week.

I'm telling you right here and now...

...there's a good chance that you can cure your pattern of sleeplessness with just a few well researched tips. And I've got them locked up for you inside one tell-all report. Something I call...

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Category: Remedies, Self Help

Dealing With Stress Naturally

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Title: Dealing With Stress Naturally

Are Anxiety, Tension and Stress Preventing You From Living Your Life?

  • Are you always calling in sick because you woke up with yet another stress or anxiety related complaint such a headache, nausea or exhaustion from insomnia?
  • Are you tired of just "getting through" each day, hour by hour and minute by minute just to get it over with because you are so anxious, tense and stressed out?
  • Are you just struggling to get through life and just barely surviving rather than thriving, having fun and achieving your aims because you feel overwhelmed by anxiety, tension and stress?
  • Do you want to throw away those expensive addictive prescriptions and over the counter medications that doctors prescribe for anxiety, tension and stress?

Then you need to read-

Dealing With Stress Naturally

You do not have to take over-the-counter or drugs with terrible side effects to manage nervous conditions such as anxiety, tension and stress!

Discover long term strategies, new perspectives on life and every day healthful practices that can help you transcend these insidious threats to your health and sanity to become a happy, healthy proactive individual once again!

Dear Friend -

Let's face it.

Experiencing anxiety, tension and stress are immutable facts of life in this day... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Remedies

Essential Aromatherapy

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Title: Essential Aromatherapy

Have you always wanted to know what is aromatherapy? Here are some invaluable information on aromatherapy!

Do you ever find yourself unable to cope and get through your day? Do you feel the need to soothe your body and mind from the stresses of modern life? for because of insomnia? Whether you need to simply relax or alleviate the symptoms of illness, aromatherapy could be the answer you're searching for.

Not so long ago I found myself in desperate need of help. I couldn't sleep. I constantly felt stressed out. My health was poor to say the least.

I knew I had to do something.

That's when I started to read everything I could on the subject of aromatherapy.

What I discovered completely changed my life!

How did I do it?

I would love to share my secrets with you and my new special report on aromatherapy does just that!

Introducing ...

Essential Aromatherapy!

Everything you need to know about aromatherapy is included in this special report:

  • How aromatherapy can heal
  • The history of aromatherapy
  • How to use aromatherapy
  • Where to find aromatherapy
  • Essential oils
  • How to use aromatherapy in your home

I leave absolutely nothing out! Everything that I

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Beauty, Remedies

Handling the Sun and Sunburn Naturally

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Title: Handling the Sun and Sunburn Naturally

Stop spending a ton of money on expensive sunscreens and lotions that are worth a couple of dollars PER application!!

  • Are You Frightened That You Might Become Just a Fatal Statistic and Develop Cancer Because of Too Much Sun Exposure?
  • Is TOO MUCH Sunshine Hurting Your Health, and Making You Look Way Too Old?
  • Do You Sunburn Easily and Want All Natural Fast Relief From Sore, Red and Even Blistered Skin?

Then you need to read

Handling the Sun and Sunburn Naturally

Deal with Sunburn and Protection From the Sun Without Feeling Greasy Or Wet and Itchy!

Boost Your Body's Resistance to Cancer Causing Ultra Violet Light!

Prevent Abnormal Skin Cells Due to Sunshine Finally and Forever!

Never Fear Sitting In the Sun Again!!

Dear Friend,

Are you that unfortunate individual who just a few years ago thought it might be a good idea to bake your skin in the sun so you could have rich glowing brown cocoa colored skin like all of the big movie stars?

Not so long ago (less than twenty years ago in fact) a deep rich sun tan was accepted far and wide as a status symbol. After all it was only the rich people in society who had the time to slather tanning oil all over their bodies and gleam in the sun!

Sometimes people did not... Click here to read the full description!

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