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Ralph Waldo Emerson

Health ebooks

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Category: Fitness, Health

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Title: The Metabolic Eating Plan

Inside My Hot Metabolism System You Will Discover A 3-Volume Set Of Ebooks That Show You How To Control The Rate At Which Your Body Burns Fat For Energy Consumption.
This Means Automated Fat Loss!
Here is what else I have in store for you:

  • You will learn about the one food type that PROMOTES FAT BURNING and which should appear in all of your meals. Increasing the concentration of this food type in your diet will leave you feeling more full after every meal, and force your body to burn more calories in order to digest it.
  • That aerobic training sessions are NOT a great way to lose fat. In fact, far from it. Aerobic activity actually works to SUPPRESS your metabolism and make gaining unwanted body fat that much easier. If you never lost weight by going to aerobics classes, now you will understand why!
  • You will discover the concepts of INTERVAL TRAINING and workout INTENSITY, and learn how to use these to supercharge the rate at which you build up your metabolic volume.
  • Two fully-illustrated METABOLIC FITNESS WORKOUT PLANS are included, complete with detailed instruction on how to perform the movements, as well as suggestions on what NOT to do to so that you get the best results.
  • The causes of METABOLIC DISRUPTION, slow down, and the specific factors behind your inability so far to burn fat and calories. When you remove these obstacles your metabolic regeneration results will soar!
  • The
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Category: Health, Remedies

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Title: The Liver Cirrhosis Bible & Ezra Protocol
Author: Debra Elkin

"Book that stirred the medical waters - One of the 3 Most prominent Liver Experts in Holistic medicine discloses how He Helped 1,000s of sufferers
Stop Cirrhosis Dead In It's Tracks and Live Normal Lives "

Here's a little pre-taste of what you'll learn when you download your copy of The Liver Cirrhosis Bible Today:

  • SECRET #1: A substance that's in your kitchen right now lowers the risk of cirrhosis by a shocking 80%. It is literally unbelievable that this information confirmed in 6 large scale double blind studies is not made available to the sufferers. Who and why prevented the information being widely available. I was so mad when I learned this...
  • SHOCKING DISCOVERY: Learn the dramatic truth about the Extracellular Matrix in liver cirrhosis sufferers and how going public with this breakthrough ruined the life of one doctor
  • SECRET #2: What shocking discovery about liver cirrhosis triggers has been made in a double blind study in Russia.
  • SECRET #3: Malfunction of one small organ in our abdomen (not the liver) is where so many answers lay. Find out which organ and how to amend the damage within weeks.
  • Revealed: What shocking discovery about liver cirrhosis triggers has been made in a double blind study in Russia.
  • SECRET #4: Learn about the one deadly mistake that over 90% liver cirrhosis sufferers makes every day. This mistake alone can rob them of their healing.
  • SECRET #5: A problem
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Category: Health, Remedies

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Title: The Neuropathy Solution
Author: Dr. Randall Labrum

How to End Chronic Peripheral Neuropathy & Diabetic Nerve Pain.
Without Drugs, Surgery or Guesswork.

Are you sick and tired of the numbness, the prickling, the burning, the intense stabbing pains? Do you feel like Peripheral Neuropathy is robbing you of what could be some of the best years of your life? Has this left you hopeless and desperate?

My Self-Treatment Program Provides a Simple, PROVEN Solution.

Here is some of what has been proven about this extraordinary Solution in my clinical work, through its many successful home users, and in indeed in my own case:

  • Works regardless of your age, background, ethnicity or gender.
  • It works time and time again. Virtually without fail.
  • Effectively treats chronic peripheral neuropathy & diabetic nerve pain in both the feet & legs and hands & arms.
  • Works whether your PN results from diabetes, chemotherapy, hypertension, or the process of ageing.
  • Is very often permanent because it corrects your pain at the source by restoring damaged peripheral nerve endings.
  • Works for Peripheral Neuropathy as a result of almost any other major causative factor or factors.
  • Can be used effectively after neuropathy surgery, even in cases where neuropathy surgery has failed.
  • Is effective even if you are currently using prescription meds or other protocols to control your PN symptoms.
  • Is is so simple
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health

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Title: Yoga Fire
Author: Carolyn Hansen

Burn Calories With The Best Yoga Techniques Today!

We need to give more importance to our health and the treatment of diseases.

A big number of medicines treat only the symptoms of the disease, and not the base cause. As a matter of fact, the cause of a lot of chronic ailments are still being researched.

It's here that Yoga therapy comes to our aid.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Health, Medicine

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Title: Vaccination Is Not Immunization
Author: Tim O'Shea DC

What Your Doctor Hasn't Told You About Vaccinations Could Put Your Child at Risk for Autism, Asthma, Allergies, Diabetes or Cancer.

Get the facts about vaccine risks before you take any steps to vaccinate your child!

Vaccination Is Not Immunization is written for everyone concerned about the health and well-being of their children and of themselves. It's all there: the history of vaccines; the ingredients of vaccines; the dangers of vaccines. It's for parents, educators, those in the medical profession, midwives, nurses, those working in government and practitioners of alternative medicine as well.

Consider for a moment just how serious the state of affairs is for children in the United States . . . and then ask yourself, do you want your child or a child you know to become one of these statistics:

  • 14% of American children today are enrolled in a learning disability program
  • 1 in 6 children in the U.S. today has a neuro-developmental disorder
  • There are between 2 and 4 million autistic children in the U.S. today whereas in 1990 there were practically _none_
  • The rate of childhood cancer is increasing at an exponential rate to levels never seen before or imagined
  • The number of children with allergies has doubled in the past 11 years
  • Over 100 American girls have died in the last 4 years from HPV vaccine
  • Autoimmune diseases, diabetes, asthma, MS and brain tumors
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Food, Health

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Title: Learn the Secrets of Turmeric!
Author: Kimberly Scott

The Secret Recipes, Benefits & ALL the Uses of Turmeric.

60+ Pages of Information on Turmeric!

Learn how to use turmeric and benefit from this life changing product.

  • Anti-Inflammatory.Joint & Muscle Pain - Turmeric can be effective in relieving joint pain, muscle pain and swelling associated with various forms of arthritis.
  • Weight Loss.Weight Loss Smoothie - Curcumin decreases levels of insulin resistance as well as leptin resistance - two factors needed to prevent fat gain.
  • Acne & Skincare.Natural Beauty Treatment - Treat acne, rosacea, eczema, dark circles under the eyes, wrinkles, scarring - even the removal of those pesky sun spots.

Learn from 1000's of hours of diligent research and clinical trials. I've done all of the research for you and laid it out in this easy and enjoyable to read guide.

  • Learn all the Health Benefits of Turmeric
  • Natural Pain Relief, Weight Loss & Skincare
  • Discover ALL of the Uses for Turmeric
  • 1,000's of Hours of Research and Clinical Trials
  • Get Hundreds of Secret Turmeric Recipes

Secrets of Turmeric teaches you what Turmeric is, why YOU need it, and how to use this amazing natural product. Cooking, Skin Care, Acne, Weight Loss, Pain Relief, Anti-Inflammatory, the list is a long one!

I was a bit skeptical when I first heard about the so-called miraculous benefits of Turmeric. I even... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Fitness, Health

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Title: Never Grow Old Fitness Program
Author: Cody Sipe, Dan Ritchie

Eliminate the Pain and Agony of Getting Older while Dramatically Improving your Ability to do What you Love with this Quick and Easy At Home System That Makes You Feel 20 Years Younger.

You’re about to discover a shocking statistic that will change the way you think about your health and future.

You just want a simple, step-by-step plan that you can incorporate into your life right now to:

  • Improve your confidence in your physical abilities so you get much more out of life and can say “Yes”, instead of “no thanks”
  • Discover renewed energy that recaptures your youthfulness so that you can do the things you’re doing now… even BETTER
  • Dramatically increase your stamina and endurance so you can finally play a full round of golf or work in the yard for hours without your body being stiff and sore later.
  • Have the peace of mind that you will be fit and healthy 10, 20 or even 30 years from now.
  • Reduce or even eliminate any discomfort so you can actually get on the floor to play with your grandkids (and then easily get up again!)
  • Be confident that you will have the physical ability to enjoy all the adventures and wonders you have yet to accomplish.

There is a solution that we’ll share with you.

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Ebook Type: PDFVideo Included,
Category: Health, Weight Loss

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Title: 21 Days To Healthy Eating
Author: Carolyn Hansen

Discover The Joys Of Healthy Eating  And Rebalance Your Appetite  For Automated Fat Loss

What's Inside 21 Days To Healthy Eating?
All of the truly important facts about this subject have been distilled and presented in a format that will make it easy for you to get started on what might otherwise be a fairly challenging process. 
1 - You Really Are What You Eat
This is where you discover that the old maxim You Are What You Eat is not only true, it is frightening in the context of today's appallingly low food quality.
2 - Both Calories And TOXINS Make You Fat
Would you be surprised to learn that the total calorie count of the food you are eating is not the only thing that is making you fat? It is true.
3 - How Clean Eating Speeds Your Weight Loss
This is the core of the book - an introduction to the concept of clean eating. 
4 - Banishing HFCS And Trans Fats From Your Diet
Prepare to take control of your shopping cart as we work to eliminate the most harmful foods from your pantry. 
5 - Become The Architect To Your Weight Loss Goals
Now it is time to begin using our newfound knowledge of natural and processed foods to make decisions on how to select the foods that best suit our goals for maintaining a healthy body weight.
6 - 21st Century Nutrition
Now that we have mastered food

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Category: Health

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Title: The Paruresis Treatment System
Author: Rich Presta, Dr. Cheryl Lane

What would your life be like WITHOUT paruresis?

  • Ending the struggle that comes with the constant anxiety in the pit of your stomach?
  • The freedom to go wherever you want to without being concerned about where you’ll go to the bathroom?
  • Not having to worry about how far you are from home or a “safe” bathroom?
  • Throwing out your limitations that steal your enjoyment of life?
  • Not having to hide your fear from people or be embarrassed?
  • Having the chance to finally focus on work, school, or your family instead of your anxiety about using a public bathroom?
  • Never again suffering with a full bladder because you know that no matter how hard you try it will be IMPOSSIBLE to go.
  • Not having to wait until the bathroom is empty, or finding one with privacy barriers or stalls, or making any other sort of accommodation just to do what everyone else seems to do so easily?
  • Ending the obsessing, anxiety, and even panic attacks that go hand in hand with paruresis. Being able to just breathe out a sigh of relief that it’s over…
  • Being terrified to think that if you don’t get help soon you’re going to have to live your whole life with your fear and all the misery that comes with it?

As you’re about to find out, your suffering is needless, serves no purpose, and most importantly, can be overcome.

Do the research and I

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Category: Health

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Title: No More Crohn's Disease!

Give Me 8 Minutes And I'll Show Y?u H?w T? Rid Y?ur Painful Crohn's Disease In 4 Simple Steps With?ut 'Miracle Diets' Or Costly Prescriptions

Inside Y?u'll Discover:

  • 1 dirt cheap item ??u ??n find ?t ??ur grocery store th?t will g?t ??ur digestive system back ?n track ?nd working n?rm?ll? ?g?in in n? tim? flat!
  • H?w t? quickly ?nd easily implement th? 4-main all-natural steps th?t will immediately start combating Crohn's Disease (put th??? simple steps int? action ?nd Crohn's Disease will b???m? a problem ?f th? past!)
  • The secret technique ??u apply t? ??ur b?d? th?t instantly makes it impossible f?r Crohn's Disease t? survive (do thi? 1 thing ?nd it will b? ?lm??t impossible t? h?v? a Crohn's Disease relapse again)
  • The single m??t common bodily deficiency found in ?ll Crohn's Disease sufferers (and h?w making 1 simple ?h?ng? will instantly fix thi? problem ?nd send ??ur Crohn's Disease int? complete remission)
  • A littl? known, dirt-cheap substance th?t wh?n t?k?n ?n?? a day instantly starts healing ?n? infection in ??ur body, strengthening ??ur immune system, ?nd reducing inflammation(your infection ?nd pain will start t? disappear in ju?t days!)
  • 1 remarkable supplement th?t MINIMIZES th? pain caused fr?m Crohn's Disease (add thi? supplement t? ??ur arsenal ?nd breath a huge sigh ?f relief)

 After Applying Thi? Approach:

  • I n? longer h?d t? feel embarrassed
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