When you take stuff from one writer, it's plagiarism; but when you take it from many writers, it's research.
Wilson Mizner

Poetry ebooks

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Category: Classic, Poetry

The Andrew Lang Collection

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Title: The Andrew Lang Collection
Author: Andrew Lang

Andrew Lang was born in Selkirk on March 31, 1844. He was educated at the Edinburgh Academy and at the Universities of St. Andrews and Glasgow, he also won a Snell Exhibition to Balliol College, Oxford. He graduated in 18868 and became a Fellow of Merton College, researching anthropology there until 1874.

Lang went to London in 1875 and lived there for most of his life, spending his winters in St. Andrews in later years. He married Leonore Blanche Alleyne on April 17, 1875. He became one of the most popular journalists of his day by writing for the Daily News and for Longman's Magazine. His friends included Robert Louis Stevenson and W.E. Henley. As a critic he deplored the novels of Henry James and Thomas Hardy. He died on July 20, 1912.

Lang is mostly remembered for his translations of classical literature, but he also wrote ebooks of poetry, biographies, histories, and even children's ebooks.

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E-book Titles:

  1. Blue Fairy Ebook
  2. The Arabian Nights Entertainments
  3. Red Fairy Ebook
  4. The Yellow Fairy Ebook
  5. The Violet Fairy Ebook

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Category: Poetry

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Title: Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep

Find the perfect words to pay tribute to your loved one - instantly...
soothe your soul with this unique collection of over 250 of the world's best funeral poems, quotations and readings

Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep
over 250 sympathy poems, quotations and readings for funerals, memorial services, eulogies and finding inner peace

How can Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep help you?

  • Suitable for English speakers all over the world...
  • Contains both timeless words of wisdom from some of the greatest writers who have ever lived and the work of more contemporary poets, with many famous pieces on bereavement as well as lesser-known treasures for you to discover (see a selection of the authors below)
  • Whether you have lost a parent, child, husband or wife, partner, friend, grandparent, brother, sister, aunt, uncle or anyone else, this ebook will help you find the words to express your sorrow
  • An excellent resource for those seeking the perfect poem or quotation for a funeral, memorial service, obituary, condolence letter or sympathy card, as well as for those who are simply trying to make sense of it all. The right words have a wonderful ability to soothe the soul...
  • Over 250 carefully selected poems, quotations and readings covering the vast range of
... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Poetry

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Reviewed by Poet Dakota Williams on 2014-06-20
My Rate 5
Thank you Dearest Joke for commenting , I appreciate it more then words could ever say.

Reviewed by Joke-Joanne Otten on 2014-06-18
My Rate 5
Great poem and it can happen to everybody personaly! One of the best I´ve read! Love and support for Poet Dakota Williams

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Title: Poetic Risings
Author: Dakota Williams

Rising- the dictionary states it is a sloping, upward, coming to maturity, growing, emerging, and the act of someone or somthing rising. I believe we as humans fall in this category throughout our life, from birth to death. Many changes transpire, we rise and we fall, we live a life in search of inner peace. Some of us search for this inner peace through many different medians, such as silent prayer, walks with nature, meditation, listening to instrumental music, reading scriptures in the Bible and or reading Poetry. When we read what someone else has written, and we can relate to it in someway, it helps to ease the pain of our sorrow. I have fashioned my writing of poetry in a way for others to relate to, focusing on writings about things we all share a commong bond with, which is life. Please let me invite you on a journey into a world I see. A world divided by love and hate, fantasy and reality, loves devotion and forbidden desire, the death of stars and unknown heroes, social interludes, the beauty of nature, childhood, motherhood, marriage and family, faith, peace and war through poetry.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Poetry

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Reviewed by joholin on 2011-11-25
My Rate 4
Strong collection of free verse motivated by ideological concerns.

Reviewed by joholin on 2011-11-24
My Rate 4
Not the take on trees that one might have expected, and therefore all the more interesting and even enlightening.

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Title: TREES
Author: John O'Loughlin

With some fifty-four free-verse poems of variable length, this is John O'Loughlin's most substantial volume of poetry, which also happens to be his last in free verse, much of which is challengingly philosophical and even ideological, as per custom.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4 after 2 votes)
Category: Poetry

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Reviewed by joholin on 2011-11-28
My Rate 3
Abstract poems-cum-word-art which this author seems to have pioneered with effect to inducing a contemplative state-of-mind. Hence the title.

Reviewed by joholin on 2011-11-26
My Rate 4
Lower-case collection of poems to contemplate for the benefit of poetic insights or other thoughts. A unique approach to poetry which this author seems to have pioneered.

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Author: John O'Loughlin

The CONTEMPLATIONS by John O'Loughlin are simply there to be contemplated, not read, and therefore each of the three volumes in this project approximates poetry to a species of word art, in the interests of a sense of self-transcendence, with, occasionally, intimations of something meaningfully profound.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (3.5 after 2 votes)
Category: Poetry, Nonfiction, Arts

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Reviewed by joholin on 2011-11-26
My Rate 4
A substantial collection of free verse with a strong ideological bias that is highly critical of contemporary urban soullessness.

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Author: John O'Loughlin

Dating from 1984, this collection of 44 free-verse poems continues in the pro-philosophical style of 'Spiritual Intimations' (1983), albeit with greater metaphysical depth and insight such that includes the utilization of subatomic theories to get beneath the surface of corporeal existence.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Poetry

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Reviewed by joholin on 2011-11-25
My Rate 4
Marks a considerable advance beyond 'Dosshouse Blues', the author's first collection of poems, since this collection, dating from the early 1980s, is much more biased towards free verse, and free verse of a philosophical if not ideological tendency.

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Author: John O'Loughlin

Comprised of some thirty-four free-verse poems, this collection is noticeably freer than its predecessor, 'Stressing the Essential', and takes the author's ideological position a stage or two further along loosely poetic lines.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Poetry

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Reviewed by joholin on 2011-11-26
My Rate 4
Mixed-case collection of poems that simply require to be contemplated for the benefit of any suggestions or correlations they might trigger. The logical successor to 'Contemplations'.

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Author: John O'Loughlin

Similar to the 'Contemplations' in style, these 'supercontemplations' differ from the former only to the extent that the monosyllabic word groupings, usually amounting to some kind of pattern which requires only to be contemplated, are of mixed case rather than simply lower case and thus provide scope for more variety in the 'architectural' arrangement of the poems.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Poetry

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Reviewed by joholin on 2011-11-26
My Rate 4
Upper-case collection of poems that only have to be contemplated and suggest a form of word art.

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Author: John O'Loughlin

Unlike the so-called 'Supercontemplations' (1993) which involved the use of mixed-case monosyllabic word groupings to create a patterned impression, this subsequent volume, dating from 1994, uses upper-case monosyllabic words alone, and thus contrasts with the lower--case integrity of the three volumes of 'Contemplations' with which the author/artist began his abstract journey, a journey which comes to completion here, with some of his most interesting impressionistic patterns.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Poetry

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Reviewed by joholin on 2011-11-25
My Rate 3
A heterogeneous collection of poems dating from the beginning of the author's career back in the early 1970s, this should appeal to those who like poetic variety, which here includes not only prose poems but aphorisms of a poetic or imaginative cast.

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Author: John O'Loughlin

John O'Loughlin's first collection of poems dates from the early 1970s and reflects the transition from rural Surrey to urban London that he was living through at the time, to the extent that he eventually lost his taste for poetry and gravitated to literature and philosophy, both of which are paradoxically intimated of in the last two sections of this ebook.

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Rating: (3 after 1 votes)
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