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Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mind ebooks

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Category: Mind, Psychology, Self Help

Motivate Your Way To Success

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Reviewed by Desi Totke on 2015-11-08
My Rate 5
If you are searching how to get rid of whiteheads on face then you are at right place. A person which has the problem of black or whiteheads on face can be in pain. When the hair follicles are blocked by dead skin cells and sebum, whiteheads become. www. desitotke. com/how-to-get-rid-of-whiteheads-on-face/

Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-10-10
My Rate 5
. Now you, too, can discover the powerful secrets that these people use to motivate themselves to success. Secrets that show you. . . .

Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-09-18
My Rate 5
Imagine having the secrets to that "midas touch" formula that infuses your power in every aspect of your life! The power to cultivate an attitude of positive expectancy, develop an attitude of abundance and finally create a definite purpose to your life!

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Title: Motivate Your Way To Success
Author: Marc Sanders

Learn Your Hidden Power NOW!
Unleash Your Own Driving Force to Do More and Be More!

Secret Tactics To Motivate Your Way to Success!

Have you ever wondered why it is that some people seem to have the "midas touch?" We've all met people where everything they touch turns to gold and every little thing about their lives appears to literally burst with excitement and enthusiasm?

You are about to discover how and why that happens.

Imagine having the secrets to that "midas touch" formula that infuses your power in every aspect of your life! The power to cultivate an attitude of positive expectancy, develop an attitude of abundance and finally create a definite purpose to your life!

Now you, too, can discover the powerful secrets that these people use to motivate themselves to success. Secrets that show you. . .

  • How to become self-disciplined
  • How to really set goals
  • The fine points of setting priorities
  • How to develop the attitude and behavior of a winner
  • How to handle adversity and turn it into opportunity
  • What you need to overcome procrastination
  • Unleash your full potential and put it to work
  • Ten ways to bolster or regain self-esteem
  • Why you need self-motivation

And that's just for starters!

This revealing e-book will turn even the most unmotivated person into a success

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Rating: (5 after 3 votes)
Category: Mind, Philosophy, Psychology

The Journey

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Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-10-01
My Rate 5
A course with 5 built-in workbooks-so that you can put the information to work in your life.

Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-08-30
My Rate 5
at the book People who have learned to control their thoughts, emotions, actions, and have overcome so very reviews

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Title: The Journey
Author: Pat Ryan
Do You Have The Courage To Live Your Dreams?

Begin Your Personal Transformation Now!

Does Everyone Seem To Have A Life But You?

You see them on shows like Oprah, see about them in magazines like Success, and hear them on info-mercials - people who have transformed their lives. People who have learned to control their thoughts, emotions, actions, and have overcome self-defeating beliefs. People who have discovered (or re-discovered) their "spirit", mission, purpose, or life calling. And have the courage to set goals and live their dreams.

And you wonder - "Could that be me?" The short answer is yes, absolutely!

And. . .you can begin the transformation IMMEDIATELY!

The Journey is a groundbreaking experience unlike any of the countless self-help ebooks already in print. It is:

  • A course designed by a former therapist and Professor of Psychology with over 30 years of experience.
  • A self-study course that you work through in the privacy of your own home.
  • A course written in an engaging, narrative (story) style to hold your interest.
  • Imagine a course so real that it is almost like sitting behind one-way glass and watching over 30 hours of actual therapy/coaching sessions.
  • A course with principles and real-life techniques that have already proven helpful to thousands of people (just like you).
  • A course with 5 built-in workbooks-so that you can put the information to work in your
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Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Health, Mind

Stress the Silent Killer

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Reviewed by so0omy on 2008-03-10
My Rate 5
it gives you evry thing u want.

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Title: Stress the Silent Killer
Author: Ryan Sawyer
Are You A Ticking Time Bomb?

What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

It begins like any other day. After hours of tossing and turning, you have finally fallen into a fitful sleep when you are jarred awake by the blaring of your alarm clock.

Already feeling depleted before the day begins, you drag yourself out of bed, stagger to the shower and try to shake off the nagging anticipation of another daily grind.

You fly through the kitchen with a hasty good morning, grab your cup of coffee and bark at your 3 year old who is reaching for your arms with oatmeal covered fingers. She cries, your wife snaps and out the door you run to join the safari just as the sun is rising.

Off you go to take your place in the line with other hunters on the daily trek to capture the prize and bag the "big one." You negotiate the hunting party by switching lanes and exercising your cunning to creep a few car lengths ahead, all the while ignoring the blaring horns and interesting gestures of the other hunters.

Finally, you drag yourself into your office amid the ringing telephones, beeping fax machines and raucous voices all clamoring for your attention, and jockeying for position to have their request granted first.

Exhausted, you fall into the chair behind your desk when suddenly, panic strikes. You can't breath. Your chest feels as if someone has placed a leaden weight atop it, even though you are sitting up. As you gasp for air, your head feels as if it is going to explode

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Mind, Relationships, Women

Law of Attraction

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Reviewed by haaraan on 2009-01-24
My Rate 4
it is nice

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Title: Law of Attraction
Learn the Secrets of the Buddha...

The Law of Attraction: The Secret to Fulfilling Your Heart's Desires Without Ever Leaving the Privacy of Your Own Mind

Dear Friend,

Have you ever wondered what it is about some people that they find success so easy? Why it seems as though everything they've ever touched in their lives has turned to gold? Have you ever sat and watched them jealously, wishing you too could find success that easily in your life?

What would you say if I told you that there was a way to achieve anything that you had ever wanted from life just by using the power hidden within the depths of your own mind? What if I said that I could teach you how to overcome all of your inhibitions and fears and use the laws of nature to draw success to you rather than you running after it? What would you say if I said that everything that had occurred to you in your life prior to today was entirely the result of your thoughts and actions, and everything that happens to you from here on out is entirely in your hands?

What would you say if I told you that I could teach you the secret handed down from the greatest minds of all time, reaffirmed by the spiritual leaders throughout history, and that with this information you could change your very destiny?

You would probably tell me that I'm crazy, that I've been watching far too much late night television and that I should get myself to a therapist as

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Mind, Psychology

Maximum Memory Power

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Title: Maximum Memory Power
Author: John Williams
Maximize Your Potential With the Maximum Memory Power Systems!

Have you ever lost your car keys? Maybe you've misplaced an important file or, heaven forbid, missed an important meeting. We may try and pass it off as a joke but it really isn't a laughing matter.

Forgetting the name of your boss's wife at the company picnic could be hazardous to your wealth!

If you listen very carefully we'll show you how you can improve your memory. Much of our memory losses are merely absentmindedness. This usually occurs when we are distracted and do not place enough focus on the task at hand. In other words, we just don't pay attention.

Anyone can get relief!

It doesn't matter whether you are young or old, you can improve your memory. What you need is something to help manual you along, answer your questions and point you in the right direction so you can get some answers.

The good news is that we have the best source on the Internet to answer your questions in a clear and concise manner. "Maximum Memory Power" is a manual that introduces you to what you need to know to improve your memory.

Take a quick look at an abbreviated list of content and see what you will discover:

  • How to eliminate the "Did I?" dilemma
  • Break through the fog and discover how to focus
  • "Power Pegging" for positive results
  • Mind mapping
  • How to link them and never lose them
  • Memory games
  • Locating your memories
  • . . . and much... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: How To, Mind

How to Improve Your Memory

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Title: How to Improve Your Memory
Ebook to Increase Memory

Table Of Contents

  • Introduction
  • All In The Mind
  • Memory Facets
  • Memory Tricks
  • Memorize Or Minimize
  • The Value Of Attention
  • When Forgetting Occurs
  • Association


Can you remember a dozen instances in which you forgot some thing during the past week?

The answer to that question makes little difference, because you have been forgetting things--little things and big--and if your lapses have been forgotten, so much the worse. But, since you're reading this page right now, it's probable that your forgetfulness has been plaguing you more and more frequently. And you don't know what to do about it. And you're asking me.

And I'm asking you: Have you tried to figure out why you've been forgetting? Have you noticed when you've failed to remember? Have you noticed what things you've forgotten?

Of course you have got a memory, and unless I'm wrong, it's a pretty good one. If you wanted to take the time, you could sit down and rattle off literally thousands upon thousands of facts ...the "seven-times" table, who's president of the United States, your middle name, if you have one, or, if not, that you haven't got a middle name, the formula for baby's breakfast, what causes hiccoughs, how to spell "hiccoughs," how to cure a rasher of bacon or a rash, how to obtain a writ of mandamus, how long it takes to boil an egg or get to Pittsburgh... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health, Medicine, Mind

The Complete Guide to Migraine Headaches

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Title: The Complete Guide to Migraine Headaches
Author: Alice Peart
What Everybody Should Know About Migraine: Prevention, Treatment and Remedies

Prevention, Treatment and Remedies.

You are sitting at your desk reading your email. Nothing particularly exciting or irritating turns up in your inbox. Or, maybe you are packing up the car for a family outing, looking forward to a fun filled Sunday afternoon.

Suddenly, and without warning, bright, jagged edged lights appear in your line of vision. Closing your eyes you can see the outline of a pattern that stands out from the black background.

There's no pain, yet, but you know it's coming. Over the next few minutes or even hours, the image will slowly move across your field of vision until it disappears off the field. When it does, the excruciating pain strikes along with nausea and intense sensitivity to light.

If this sounds like you, it's a good bet that you are one of the more than 28 million Americans who suffer from migraine headaches. In all probability you are a woman because more women suffer from migraines than men.

The symptoms we mention are but a few more common pre-cursors to a full blown migraine headache. Other people might experience a tingling in the leg or arm and some experience nausea so severe it leads to vomiting.

If you or a loved one do suffer from migraine, here's some important information:

Many times, patients do not realize they have migraine headaches. Physicians prescribe different OTC and sinus medications and antibiotics. Patients are not clear in expressing their discomfort

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Category: Mind, Psychology

Advanced Memory Techniques

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Title: Advanced Memory Techniques
Author: Andrew Stuart Gray

For students, improve your grades with less effort!

But this book is also....
The ideal for any stage mentalist or magician by establishing credibility of amazing skills with an easy to follow instructional book on using the amazing power of your memory.

The ancient Greeks would have power memory contests - they would speak for hours.

The stories would be learned word for word ...

Join the power mnemonists!

'If you are a student then you are really going to find the techniques that are included in this book are weapons in your arsenal of keeping all that information in your head. You would probably have to buy MANY books to be able to find all the information that you would find here in just one easy-to-read volume.

Research has shown that buy remembering creatively not only will you be able to remember AND recall more with less effort, with more fun and interest, but you will ALSO start to THINK more creatively and be able to connect information in such ways that you can answer questions more fluidly.

But memories shouldn't just be used for remembering facts, you can also achieve amazing stunts with very little effort! How? Read on ....

One of the most important parts of stage magic is to convince the audience that you have gifts and talents beyond that which are naturally available to the average human. And even though most of the time they know there must be some trick... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Mind

10000 Dreams Interpreted

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Title: 10000 Dreams Interpreted
Author: Gustavus Hindman Miller

Dream Dictionary (An A to Z of the Meanings of Dreams) : is a collection of a wide variety of subjects which an individual might dream about and what meaning that dream might hold for the individual. The following is an A to Z guide of dream meanings taken from the "10,000 Dreams Interpreted" work by Gustavus Hindman Miller. The copy has been kept in its original form as supplied in etext form courtesy of Project Gutenberg, apart from style and hypertext link alterations to make the navigation process easier. For additional information please read Gustavus Hindman Miller's Preface to his work.

A Few Questions And Subjective Answers Regarding Dreams

QUESTION.−−What is a dream?
ANSWER−−A dream is an event transpiring in that world belonging to the mind when the objective senses have withdrawn into rest or oblivion.
Then the spiritual man is living alone in the future or ahead of objective life and consequently lives man's future first, developing conditions in a way that enables waking man to shape his actions by warnings, so as to make life a perfect existence.

Q.−−What relationship is sustained between the average man and his dreams?
A.−−A dream to the average or sensual person, bears the same relation to his objective life that it maintained in the case of the ideal dreamer, but it means pleasures, sufferings and advancements on a lower or material

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Category: Mind, Self Help

Organize Your Life - Find Your Missing Piece

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Title: Organize Your Life - Find Your Missing Piece
Author: Claire McFee
End The Frustration De-Clutter Your Life TODAY!
  • Is your house so cluttered it's threatening your marriage?
  • Does lack of organization have you totally stressed?
  • Are you looking for a way to end the clutter and stress?

How many times have you reached for your car keys only to find that they aren't where you thought they were? Odds are you were on your way to an important meeting and didn't have the extra minutes it took to rifle through the clutter on the counter to find them!

Or, how about those important receipts you needed for the insurance company? Maybe it's something as simple as remembering where you left the hammer when you hung the new picture last week.

No matter what your situation no one is properly organized. It's really a shame because taking the time to do it just once can be a life-changing experience!

When you are looking at the overall mess, however, the clutter can appear as daunting as climbing Mt. Everest.

What would you say if we could show you how to easily tackle the clutter and deal with it once and for all?

Lucky you! You're in the right place at the right time. We can do just that. "Organize Your Life" is written for YOU! No matter who you are or what your circumstances you need this book. Why? Take a look:

  • Setting Goals - Discover why setting goals is so daunting
  • Getting Started - Learn how to turn your words into action
  • Learn How to Get The Family Involved -
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