Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education.
John F. Kennedy

Psychology ebooks

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Category: Parenting, Psychology, Relationships

Overcoming Attention Deficit Disorder

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-28
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book as it tells various ways to overcome attention deficit disorder such as Low Self-Esteem - Maybe you often feel frustrated,Substance Abuse A little alcohol.

Reviewed by redone111 on 2015-12-18
My Rate 5
this is really good thing to read and learn from it give your easy and good solutions to make your life easy with your kids

Reviewed by Sarah on 2013-01-09
My Rate 5
It was very interesting. Great Value!

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Title: Overcoming Attention Deficit Disorder
How to Conquer Attention Deficit Disorder!

Could You Use Some Help With...
Square Peg, Round Hole Syndrome?
Marching to the Beat of a Different Drum Dilemma?

Well, Take 5 and Read On..!
Now In Just A Few Quick Minutes & Less Time Than It Takes To Run Out And Fill A Prescription...

...YOU Can Dance To The Tune Of  Successful ADD / ADHD Music ...

...And Stop Worrying About Fitting In!

  • Low Self-Esteem - Maybe you often feel frustrated. Things keep messing up. You don't think you'll ever really measure up...Maybe Charlie Brown thoughts like these pop up, "What is wrong with me? Why can't I ever do anything right?"
  • Ever face any of these challenges? Or know someone close to you who does?...
  • Substance Abuse - A little alcohol, a little marijuana now and then should be OK, right? I can handle it. Everything's under control. But deep down inside, late at night when things get quiet, you wonder if everything REALLY is under control...?

Depression - "Everyone gets a little "down" once in awhile... Just need to decide to be happy, that's all," you say to yourself. Monthly. OK, truth be told, weekly. Or probably closer to daily, really. Things just seem so depressing and hopeless sometimes...

Moodiness - Some days are the BEST. But just as quickly, they can become the WORST. Life sure can be one big roller coaster of ups and downs. If only things could be a little more stable, predictable... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (5 after 4 votes)
Category: Mind, Psychology, Self Help

Motivate Your Way To Success

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Reviewed by Desi Totke on 2015-11-08
My Rate 5
If you are searching how to get rid of whiteheads on face then you are at right place. A person which has the problem of black or whiteheads on face can be in pain. When the hair follicles are blocked by dead skin cells and sebum, whiteheads become. www. desitotke. com/how-to-get-rid-of-whiteheads-on-face/

Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-10-10
My Rate 5
. Now you, too, can discover the powerful secrets that these people use to motivate themselves to success. Secrets that show you. . . .

Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-09-18
My Rate 5
Imagine having the secrets to that "midas touch" formula that infuses your power in every aspect of your life! The power to cultivate an attitude of positive expectancy, develop an attitude of abundance and finally create a definite purpose to your life!

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Title: Motivate Your Way To Success
Author: Marc Sanders

Learn Your Hidden Power NOW!
Unleash Your Own Driving Force to Do More and Be More!

Secret Tactics To Motivate Your Way to Success!

Have you ever wondered why it is that some people seem to have the "midas touch?" We've all met people where everything they touch turns to gold and every little thing about their lives appears to literally burst with excitement and enthusiasm?

You are about to discover how and why that happens.

Imagine having the secrets to that "midas touch" formula that infuses your power in every aspect of your life! The power to cultivate an attitude of positive expectancy, develop an attitude of abundance and finally create a definite purpose to your life!

Now you, too, can discover the powerful secrets that these people use to motivate themselves to success. Secrets that show you. . .

  • How to become self-disciplined
  • How to really set goals
  • The fine points of setting priorities
  • How to develop the attitude and behavior of a winner
  • How to handle adversity and turn it into opportunity
  • What you need to overcome procrastination
  • Unleash your full potential and put it to work
  • Ten ways to bolster or regain self-esteem
  • Why you need self-motivation

And that's just for starters!

This revealing e-book will turn even the most unmotivated person into a success

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Rating: (5 after 3 votes)
Category: Mind, Philosophy, Psychology

The Journey

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Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-10-01
My Rate 5
A course with 5 built-in workbooks-so that you can put the information to work in your life.

Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-08-30
My Rate 5
at the book People who have learned to control their thoughts, emotions, actions, and have overcome so very reviews

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Title: The Journey
Author: Pat Ryan
Do You Have The Courage To Live Your Dreams?

Begin Your Personal Transformation Now!

Does Everyone Seem To Have A Life But You?

You see them on shows like Oprah, see about them in magazines like Success, and hear them on info-mercials - people who have transformed their lives. People who have learned to control their thoughts, emotions, actions, and have overcome self-defeating beliefs. People who have discovered (or re-discovered) their "spirit", mission, purpose, or life calling. And have the courage to set goals and live their dreams.

And you wonder - "Could that be me?" The short answer is yes, absolutely!

And. . .you can begin the transformation IMMEDIATELY!

The Journey is a groundbreaking experience unlike any of the countless self-help ebooks already in print. It is:

  • A course designed by a former therapist and Professor of Psychology with over 30 years of experience.
  • A self-study course that you work through in the privacy of your own home.
  • A course written in an engaging, narrative (story) style to hold your interest.
  • Imagine a course so real that it is almost like sitting behind one-way glass and watching over 30 hours of actual therapy/coaching sessions.
  • A course with principles and real-life techniques that have already proven helpful to thousands of people (just like you).
  • A course with 5 built-in workbooks-so that you can put the information to work in your
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Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Psychology, Self Help

The 5 Steps to Personal Power

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Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-10-10
My Rate 5
Traditional psychology emphasizes normality, abnormality, and learning theory. Seldom will the reader discover how to alter a state of mind or to take responsibility for feeling better.

Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-08-29
My Rate 5
all best
Traditional psychology emphasizes normality, abnormality, and learning theory. Seldom will the reader discover how to alter a state of mind or to take responsibility for feeling better

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Title: The 5 Steps to Personal Power
Author: Patrick J Ryan
Are YOU Giving Away YOUR Personal Power?

It really isn't a mystery. These people have learned how to take control of their lives by charting a course aimed directly at success. They own their own power. Now you can solve the mystery for yourself.

The 5 Steps to Personal Power is not just another so-called "self help" ebook. Quite the contrary, it picks up where other works usually end. Many ebooks of this type are long on theory and very short on practical application.

Traditional psychology emphasizes normality, abnormality, and learning theory. Seldom will the reader discover how to alter a state of mind or to take responsibility for feeling better.

Flying in the face of traditional psychology, The 5 Steps to Personal Power will introduce you to the same simple and revolutionary idea discovered by the author.

A powerful concept so powerful that it cannot be under emphasized:

"Reality is not so much what happens to us; rather, it is how we think about those events that create the reality we experience. In a very real sense, this means that we each create the reality in which we live." . . . Albert Ellis

The 5 Steps to Personal Power is filled with over 300 pages that teach you a system based on sound principles. Here are some of the things that you will learn:

A more effective paradigm for how you think.

  • Help you learn your mission, vision, or purpose in life.
  • Give you an expanded vision of what
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Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Psychology

Forbidden Psychological Tactics

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Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-10-12
My Rate 5
I uncovered many of these tactics as a result of my ability to sell a product or service through the power of my words.

Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-09-27
My Rate 5
Learn the Amazing Persuasion Secrets that the Authorities Want Banned!

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Title: Forbidden Psychological Tactics
Author: Dan Lok
How to Use "Psychological Tactics" to Motivate, Influence, and Persuade People to Open their Wallets and Give You Money!

Learn the Amazing Persuasion Secrets that the Authorities Want Banned!

Imagine knowing how the human mind works... having the power to influence and motivate people at will to buy your products and services... what would that be worth to you?

As you see every word of this web page, you will experience first-hand and quickly learn highly controversial persuasion secrets that will boggle your mind... and the mind of any prospect you target.

I'll reveal 27 ways you can use psychological tactics to induce people to pull out their credit cards and buy from you - and, more importantly, how you can use these tactics to double, triple, or even quadruple your sales.

How "Forbidden Psychological Tactics" Was Born!

I uncovered many of these tactics as a result of my ability to sell a product or service through the power of my words.

I'm a direct response copywriter and marketing consultant known as The Copywriting Whiz Kid and the "father" of Quick-Turn Marketing.

I've written hundreds of money-making ads and sales letters for more than 39 industries. Heck, who knows... you may even have been "sold" with some of the irresistible copies I've written.

Over the years, I studied the ads that achieved record-breaking response. I've learned which approaches work, which approaches fail, and -- here's the secret you won't get anywhere else -- WHY they work.

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Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Psychology

Sales Psychology

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Reviewed by Ted Custer on 2005-05-19
My Rate 4
I would have to rate this a "7" It
didn't ask if I wanted to make money.

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Title: Sales Psychology
Author: Bryan Kumar
How To Create Profit-Producing Sales Letters By Getting Inside Your Customer's Head!

The Psychology of Selling

You will learn:

  • How to Supercharge Your Sales letter by Making a Few Simple Changes...
  • The #1 Reason Why Most websites FAIL to Make Any Profits... And, How YOU Can Join the Few Who Are Making Serious Cash Daily!
  • The Most Powerful Way to Influence Your Customers...
  • How to Triple Your Sales By Turning Objections and Flaws into Powerful Benefits!

And much more!

How much do you think owning this knowledge is worth to you? Hundreds of dollars? Thousands? More? Well, you will get a copy on the house (meaning without paying one red cent) just because you are taking action today!


  • Become a Wizard of the Written Word! Discover the Incredible "Insider" Secrets to Writing Web Copy That Brings In Huge Profits!
  • "The #1 Reason Why Most Web Sites FAIL to Make Aiiy Profits... And, How YOU Can Join the 'Few' Who Are Making Serious Cash Daily!"
  • Be The "Authority" And They Will Buy From You!
  • It's All About Relationships!
  • The Beginning of Powerful Sales Copy
  • How To Supercharge Your Selling By Making A Few Simple Changes
  • The Most Powerful Way To Influence Your Customers
  • From "Baby Steps" To Giant Profits!
  • Triple Your Sales By Turning Objections And Flaws Into Powerful Benefits!

Bonus Report
How I Profited From The Internet For 4 Years Without... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Health, Psychology

Natural Depression Cures

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Reviewed by Milly on 2016-09-24
My Rate 3
This eBook offers a lot of great information on depression. But as a Christian I would not recommend this eBook to anyone because depression is demon and only Jesus remove this demon from your body, your life and give you peace.

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Title: Natural Depression Cures

Are You Depressed?

  • Heard the horror stories about anti-depressants and how they can just make things worse?
  • Are you sick of being overmedicated, glazed over and too fat from taking too many happy pills?
  • Do you hate the dry mouth, the mania and mood swings and sleep disturbances that can come with taking a prescribed mood elevator?

If so, then the answer may be in this revolutionary approach to helping you live a normal mood

Stop letting insomnia, bad moods and a lack of optimism be your every day existence!

My e-Book can help you feel healthy, normal and happy again without the help of the pharmaceutical industry!

If you have been diagnosed as depressed, or feel that you might be suffering from one of the many clinical forms of depression such as manic depression or bi-polar disorder then we are on the same page in life.

I have been there, done that and now I am glad it is all over!

Miracle of miracles - I am no longer depressed and I do NOT owe a debt of gratitude towards medical science for my natural recovery.

Instead, I trusted my body, and had faith that it would respond well, to the remedies prescribed by Mother Nature.

If you have been prescribed

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (3 after 1 votes)
Category: Psychology, Relationships

Nice Guys, Shy Guys and Good Guys Are Not Doomed To Finish Last With Women

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Title: Nice Guys, Shy Guys and Good Guys Are Not Doomed To Finish Last With Women
Author: Shawn Nelson

There are three types of men in this world:

  • Those who wish they can get the women
  • Those who get the women
  • Those who get rejected by women constantly

Yet, there is hope for you if you're a nice guy, shy guy or good guy who seems to finish last!

There's a fundamental shift occuring within the United States, and around the world, that will assist nice guys, shy guys and good guys like you to stand out as potential mates for women looking for a man.

First, mature women are considering younger men as potential candidates.

Second, millions of beautiful, intelligent and single women are tired of playing games with men. They want to settle down and lead a happy life with that special someone.

Yet, you have to understand how to use this information to your advantage to get the woman you desire.

The report doesn't deal with trickery, lying or scaming women. It's an honest approach for nice guys, shy guys and good guys to get women who will be interested in them for telling the truth and being themselves.

I know it works because I've used the approach for seven years successfully to meet tons of beautiful and intelligent women! However, my goal was to have friends only!

Here's what you'll discover:

  • Why it's the little things that will make you stand out from the crowd
  • The three things you must do to attract beautiful, sexy
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Category: Psychology

Your Attitude - Your Self-Esteem

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Title: Your Attitude - Your Self-Esteem
Author: Teresa King
What Kind Of Attitude Do You Have?
Are You Willing To Take Easy Steps Toward Improving Your Life?

Learn The Hidden Things That Stop You From Living Up To Your Potential

It's all about taking control of your attitude and building your self-esteem. Sounds pretty daunting doesn't it? Many people thought so too, until they discovered the principles in Your Attitude - Your Self-Esteem.

Discover how little steps can bring you giant leaps forward in how you live, how you think and what you do!

It's a lot easier than you may think!

Do you find problems with your children, your job, your spouse, money or even clutter surrounding you? Do you feel stuck in a rut? Are you under a lot of stress?

Relax! You are not alone.

We all have problems. It is the way we react to our problems that make them seem too big to manage and block our road to success.

Do you:

  • Give the Silent Treatment
  • Argue a lot
  • Get the Silent Treatment
  • Deserve a raise
  • Jump from one job to another

Do you want to:

  • Laugh more
  • Quit smoking, drugging
  • Know who your best friend is
  • Reach Your Goals
  • Change things to Improve your Life

Is Your:

  • Life in a Chaotic Mess
  • Spouse nagging too much
  • Family dysfunctional

Are your:

  • Friends and Family Successful
  • Kids out of control
  • Dreams
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Category: Philosophy, Psychology

Your Dreams Revealed

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Title: Your Dreams Revealed
What Your Dreams Are Telling You

"Dreams are rudiments of the great state to come. We dream what is about to happen." BAILEY.

The Bible, as well as other historical ebooks show traces of a general and substantial belief in dreams. Plato, Goethe, Shakespeare and Napoleon attributed to certain dreams prophetic value.

Dreams are said to be your mind's way of making sense of the various issues it deals with on a day to day basis-whether it is work, family, health, or relationships. Dreams help sort out all the information and events that you are subject to during your day creating a way for a person, free of conscious limitations, to understand what is really going on, to solve problems, to gain clarity and insight into a situation, issue, or person.

Your Dreams Revealed explores thousands of dream images so that the dreamer can attain a better understanding of himself, his world, and his life. the dreamer is able to understand the emotional content, the symbolism, and the reason for each dream image.

The average person will dream over 150,000 dreams in a lifetime. Your Dreams Revealed focuses on the self-awareness that understanding your dreams can provide in an easy to use A to Z format. You will also find out how to tell if a dream is worth interpreting, whether the interpretation is the right one and how to embrace the psychic elements in dreams.

Down through history, many events have been revealed in dreams. Are events in your life being

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