Knowledge is like money: the more he gets, the more he craves.
Josh Billings

Horse ebooks

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Category: Classic, Horse

A Horse's Tale

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Title: A Horse's Tale
Author: Mark Twain


I am Buffalo Bill's horse. I have spent my life under his saddle - with him in it, too, and he is good for two hundred pounds, without his clothes; and there is no telling how much he does weigh when he is out on the war-path and has his batteries belted on. He is over six feet, is young, hasn't an ounce of waste flesh, is straight, graceful, springy in his motions, quick as a cat, and has a handsome face, and black hair dangling down on his shoulders, and is beautiful to look at; and nobody is braver than he is, and nobody is stronger, except myself. Yes, a person that doubts that he is fine to see should see him in his beaded buck-skins, on my back and his rifle peeping above his shoulder, chasing a hostile trail, with me going like the wind and his hair streaming out behind from the shelter of his broad slouch. Yes, he is a sight to look at then - and I'm part of it myself.

I am his favorite horse, out of dozens. Big as he is, I have carried him eighty-one miles between nightfall and sunrise on the scout; and I am good for fifty, day in and day out, and all the time. I am not large, but I am built on a business basis. I have carried him thousands and thousands of miles on scout duty for the army, and there's not a gorge, nor a pass, nor a valley, nor a fort, nor a trading post, nor a buffalo-range in the whole sweep of the Rocky Mountains and the Great Plains that we don't know as well as we know the

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Category: Animals, Horse

Horse Training

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Title: Horse Training

What do you know about training a horse...

Discover The Secrets to Becoming A Horse Trainer!

Dear Friend,

You have wanted a horse for years, but didn't have a place to keep it. Now you have the land and you want to buy a horse or maybe you have already bought the horse, you just don't know anything about training a horse. You don't know where to start and you don't want to hire a trainer because you want to be a big part of the training.

You are wondering if you have to go to school to learn to train a horse or do you learn from watching videos or even by just reading a book. Will a book tell you everything you need to know? For that matter will a video give you all the ins and outs of training a horse?

You know a little about riding, but those horses were already trained. You have never even been around an untrained horse. How hard can it be? You love animals and you love horses and horseback riding. You have plenty of room for a horse now. You talked to a trainer about training a horse, but he won't let you be there while he is training the horse. You really want to be in on the training. So the only solution you can think of is to train the horse yourself. You have to learn but you can do it. It shouldn't be that hard. You will have to do some reading up on the subject, maybe even several books and there are probably videos too you can watch.

So that is it you are going to

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Animals, Horse

Horse Cents

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Title: Horse Cents

Shaking the Equestrian Money Tree

This is a targeted product for equine (horse related) businesses.

The book shows how to build a client base by holding classes to teach people the basics of horse ownership

Table of Contents

  • What to teach
  • Overview
  • Where to hold the class
  • Marketing the Class
  • How to Find Demo Horses
  • Insurance and Legal
  • Setting up for class
  • Considerations
  • Conducting the class
  • FAQ
  • Follow-up After the Class
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix

The Author
Patricia Reszetylo is a self-confessed horse lover. Bitten with the bug at age
nine, she has spent many years looking for ways to support her "horse habit".
While she didn't create the kernel idea of a class to educate new horsemen, her
many years of studying marketing, and of working in various retail settings is
summed up in this e-book.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Animals, Horse

The Art of Taming and Training Wild Horses!

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Title: The Art of Taming and Training Wild Horses!

Learn the Secrets to Taming and Training Wild Horses!

Now you can use a practical, step-by-step manual to taming and training wild horses.Guaranteed!

Dear Reader,

Have you ever admired beautiful, wild horses? Have you ever wished that you could train and tame them?

Without the right tools and information, it could take you years and cost you a small fortune to discover the secrets and techniques to successfully taming and training wild horses. Instead of spending a fortune on so-called experts or knocking yourself out with the old trial and error method, there is an easier way to discover how to tame and train wild horses.

Now there's good news ....

I won't deny that there are a ton of ebooks out there on horse training. Unfortunately the problem with most ebooks on the subject of taming and training wild horses is that they are either filled with plenty of promises and no solid techniques and strategies to back up those promises or they contain only one or two pieces of useful information and not a comprehensive look at everything you need to know to succeed in all areas of taming and training wild horses.

A Manual to Taming and Training Wild Horses breaks the mold of all the other hunting ebooks and guides you have heard and read about. It presents solid, proven steps to help you discover how to successfully tame and train wild

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Horse

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Reviewed by Ross on 2013-01-17
My Rate 5
"Horse_ebooks stops mid-sentence to answer his phone, ringing in his saddle" love it so much xx

Reviewed by Lydia on 2012-12-11
My Rate 5
Life is fleeting and intangible.

Reviewed by Cheesegod on 2012-12-06
My Rate 5

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Title: Horse_Ebooks Fanfics


Horse_ebook's date

Lydia checks her date's okcupid profile on her iPhone one last time while waiting at Starbucks.

"This picture is kinda blurry," she thinks to herself "and his face looks a bit long but he seems kind of cute. I hope this date turns out okay."

Just then a horse walks through the door, wearing shades with a bouquet of flowers in his mouth. He trots up to the table and drops the flowers.

"W... whats this?" stutters Lydia.

"Flowers (roses, daisies, vanilla, spring and more)," replies the horse.

A few seconds of silence pass.

"And much, much more...".

"So uh..." Lydia looks down at her phone, "Horse_ebooks, what do you do?"

"Horseracing is my favourite sport and it also supplies me with an addition"

Horse_ebooks stops mid-sentence to answer his phone, ringing in his saddle. He looks back at Lydia, noticeably distressed.

"The most dreadful thing that can ever happen to a horse owner has happened to John and"

Horse_ebooks doesn't bother finishing his sentence as he gallops out the door, leaving Lydia sitting at a table alone, sipping a pumpkin spice latte.

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Rating: (5 after 5 votes)
Category: Horse

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Reviewed by bruce dackler jr on 2012-12-06
My Rate 5
based on internet

Reviewed by virgil texas on 2012-12-06
My Rate 5
im gay

Reviewed by Bob on 2012-08-07
My Rate 5
Funny comics!!!

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Title: Horse eComics!

These are comics inspired by @Horse_eBooks tweets.

Horse_eBooks is a twitterbot that, in an effort to bypass Twitter filters, posts random excerpts from its online book database. This results in PURE COMEDIC GENIUS. All comics are by Burton Durand, unless specifically noted.

Also, you can purchase original comic artwork! E-mail to author for pricing. Larger comics will cost a little more than 3-panel strips.

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Rating: (4.75 after 4 votes)
Category: Gambling, Horse

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-12-14
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book as by reading to this book one will get answer to the following questions which are ,
• The tools you need to make gambling a success
• The techniques for making them work
• The most important rule of gambling and why you must use it
• Non- Handicap betting systems
• Most of these systems can be started with just a few dollars or pounds

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Title: 27 Easy to Use Horse Racing Systems
Author: James D. Dillon

What this eBook reveals

  • The tools you need to make gambling a success
  • The techniques for making them work
  • The most important rule of gambling and why you must use it
  • Non- Handicap betting systems
  • Most of these systems can be started with just a few dollars or pounds
  • Many of the systems are low risk and very easy to follow
  • How to guarantee you will always have money to bet with
  • Handicap Betting Systems
  • Betting Systems that only need a newspaper
  • Betting Systems that need access to just one FREE popular web site
  • 27 Unique Betting systems

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Animals, Horse

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Title: Arabian Horse Training

Tumbling Off His Horse While Riding And Unable To Get Back Up...His Horse Stood By Him And Neighed For Help Like A 911 Emergency Call!

Here's what you'll know:

  • What two emotions never exist in your horse simulatneously and how to use that secret knowledge to train your horse successfully!
  • What 5 things you and your horse must be able to do before you ever get in the saddle!
  • The secret of getting your horse to bond with you like super glue!
  • The amazing secret of getting your horse understanding exactly what you want him to do! (Shows you step-by-step while others blow it and practically ruin their horse!)
  • The RLO formula that gets nearly any horse doing what you ask!
  • The #1 mistake most people make breaking horses and how to avoid it!
  • The #1 disadvantage you must annihilate to successfully train your horse! (It's easy to do once you see how!)
  • The "Hand" trick used to talk a fearful horse into accepting you like family! (And what to do next the second you see this!)
  • The "A-D Trick" that nearly wipes out your horse's fear when you work with his legs! (Plus, how to talk to him as you do it and make it even easier!)
  • How your horse teaches himself to examine and accept spooky objects! (Now, use your horse's little secret and keep him calm whenever he starts spooking!)
  • How to teach a "kicking horse" to
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Category: Gambling, Horse

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Title: Introduction to Horseback Riding
Author: Roger Bourdon

"Revealed! How To Feel Safe And Confident The First Time You Sit In The Saddle And Before You Spend Your Time and Money On Expensive Horseback Riding Lessons"

Makes Horseback Riding Easy And Prepares You To Go For Gold Right From The Start!

With this ebook, you will start reaping the benefits of horseback riding fast. With "Introduction to Horseback Riding" you will be able to quickly get the many benefits of riding, which include:

  • Weight loss and better physical tone - because Horseback riding is an excellent exercise to gently tone and strengthen your whole body, and especially building muscle tone in your legs
  • The ability to see nature in a whole new way - riding on a horse allows you to cover larger areas of wilderness and see it from a whole new perspective, which means you can see so much more high up on a horse than you can on foot.
  • Acts as a gateway to other sports and activities - Polo, trail rides, horse racing, trips to a dude ranch, dressage, rodeo riding, and fox hunting are only a few of the activities that require good horse skills. Which means that learning to ride a horse can open a completely new world of adventure for you!
  • Meeting other people - Horseback riders really are a tribe, and once you begin riding you will find many people on horse trails and trail rides to talk to which means increasing your
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Category: Animals, Hobbies, Horse

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Title: Prof. Beery's Horse Training Course

This horse training course shows you how to train any horse using Prof. Beery's Illustrated Horse training program, it has been used successfully by over 300,000 horse owners, you don't need any horse training skill as it's easy to follow and will show you exactly what to do to train your own horse.

You see once you know these horse training secrets you can discover...
- Understand why your horse balks....and how to stop the habit as soon as it appears. And the step-by-step process you need to use in order to break a confirmed stubborn balker.
- How to subdue and totally reform a confirmed kicker. This surefire method never fails...and...stops even the most vicious of kickers from lashing out and catching you unawares.
- The correct use of your whip. Too many horse owners use their whip at the wrong loses its impact. Now you'll discover correct whip use to command instant attention from your horse.
- How to train persistent shyer and runners-away. You'll be amazed at how soon you can stamp this habit out in your horse.
- How to train your horse for shoeing using a sneaky method involving your horse's tail to stop its rear legs kicking when being shoed. And a simple way to make your horse submissive to having its front feet shoed.
- How to teach the commands "Steady", "Whoa" and "Get Up" to your horse and get immediate obedience.
- Revealed...The horse training secrets behind successful halter training...and...the

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