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Health ebooks

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Title: TMJ No More System

Here Is a Small Sample Of What You'll Learn When You Download Your Copy Of The TMJ No More™ System Today:

  • Why TMJ is a WARNING sign that something is wrong in your system and in some cases even a warning sign for much worse diseases and what you can learn from it and do about it.
  • The 2 breathing strategies that significantly help your body to start heal itself and fight TMJ.
  • SECRET#1: Discover the 1st most important element that when eliminated can virtually banish over 75% of all TMJ cases (and almost all TMJ sufferers do it)
  • Why this "almost magical" combination of three types of minerals will empower your body's self-immune mechanism and cleansing abilities (required to eliminate TMJ) dramatically!
  • Why no special diet, chiropractor or detox program will ever cure your TMJ
  • The TRUTH about yoga as a treatment for TMJ. Can yoga along with a UNIUQE combination of exercises be the answer to your TMJ?
  • SECRET#18: Discover Exactly how to achieve a good posture and the importance of gentle stretching and yoga which are guaranteed to reduce your TMJ related symptoms significantly
  • Why you'll never get the whole truth about drugs, and risky surgeries from almost any doctor (Even if they wanted to tell you, this is why they CAN'T!)
  • Proven and Tested Daily Body and Relaxation Exercises that can Dramatically
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Category: Health

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Title: Rosacea Free Forever

I Thought I Would Never Cure Rosacea But Contrary To My Doctor's Prediction, I Cured Rosacea Naturally, Without Drugs & In Just 3 Days, After Years of "Trying". You Can Too! Here's How.. 

You see, each time a doctor makes a referral or writes a prescription, many of them get "kickbacks" (commissions) from the pharmaceutical company or specialist.

That means they're making money on YOUR suffering without truly considering the heartache, harsh stares and downright panic you feel when yet another rosacea outbreak comes on.

In this complete, step-by-step program, you'll learn:

  • How to stop suffering from flare-ups, forever.
  • How to free yourself from rosacea in as little as 3 days.
  • What, and how much to take the core supplements to help your body's own natural healing process.
  • The right kinds of foods that wipe out inflammation (a main cause of rosacea).
  • Three additional rosacea remedies that may be hiding in your kitchen cupboard right now that you can use to tame breakouts.
  • What critical components are missing from your body that are triggering your rosacea outbreaks.
  • Which foods can make your rosacea better, and which worst.

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Category: Health, How To

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Title: Natural Sleep Made Simple
Author: Jenelle Jordyn

"Discover How You Can Get A Good Night's Sleep Tonight And Every Night Naturally... Without Habit-Forming Drugs Or Sleeping Pills..."

That's right -- Even if you've all but given up on getting a good night's sleep, you CAN learn how to fall asleep NATURALLY and wake up refreshed each and every morning, without turning to sleeping pills and dangerous drugs...

Here's just a sampling of what you'll find inside this all-natural sleep solution guide:

  • Why lullabies are not just for babies and how you can use music to induce sleep.
  • How to teach your body to fall asleep naturally with a consistent action plan designed to get you sleepy and ready to doze off.
  • 6 different herbs you can use to make your own home remedy for sleeping success.
  • How to stop worrying and start sleeping - specific techniques to help you sleep like a baby.
  • Sleep and exersise - the truth about the impact exercise has on your ability to fall asleep... and stay asleep.
  • What bath-lover's do when they want to fall asleep... fast.
  • What you should never keep in your bedroom if you plan on falling asleep on time.
  • The secret to using meditation to lull you into a deep slumber.
  • How to determine when you have a serious sleep disorder requiring medical help.
  • Why your bedroom may be keeping you awake... and the 6
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Ebook Type: PDFAudio Included,
Category: Health

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Title: The Scar Solution

Discover this Simple, Yet Effective System that is Guaranteed to Get Rid of Your Scars - Without any Expensive and Risky Procedures

Have you ever:

  • Wore more clothes than you wanted to cover a scar?
  • Avoided the beach to hide an embarrassing scar?
  • Felt like people are staring at your scars?
  • Obsessed in the mirror over the appearance of a scar?
  • Wasted time and money on expensive and ineffective scar creams?


It's OK. We've all done it. Take it from a person who suffered from major facial scarring after a serious skiing accident. Scars don't only effect your skin, they can also effect your life.

Here's a sneak peak at what you'll discover in The Scar SolutionTM:

  • How to combat and reverse hyper-pigmentation and discoloration fast!
  • Secret massage techniques that can break up scar tissue quickly and improve skin elasticity.
  • Which popular scar products REALLY work, and which ones are nothing but myth and marketing hype.
  • Top secret scar remedies that deliver fast results and are unlike ANYTHING you've ever heard of!
  • Detailed instructions on how to safely perform common medical procedures in your own home for DRASTIC results without the huge costs!
  • How to immediately reduce the redness and visibility of fresh scars within days.
  • Specific, step-by-step tutorials and product recommendations
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Category: Health, Remedies

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Title: Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Author: Robert Rodgers PhD

What does Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease Reveal?

  • The diet connection - People who are meticulous about their diet eat live foods. Their body becomes stronger and their immune system is enhanced because they eat food their bodies love to digest.
  • The Power Connection - People who recover Parkinsons take responsibility for identifying options that help to reverse their symptoms. They take action to balance their hormones. They get better.
  • The toxin connection - There is no question about it. Toxins cause the symptoms of Parkinson's. Eliminate toxins.
  • The exercise connection - People who exercise feel better. We don't need any more studies to "prove" excercise provides ongoing relief Parkinson's symptoms. 
  • The trauma connection - Trauma has a profound impact on Parkinson's symptoms. Release the trauma. Find relief from symptoms.
  • The family connection - Some people with Parkinsons take on a dynamic in their family that began at a time far away and long ago. Identify the dynamic and the engine that drives the illness is sent to the salvage yard.
  • The Trauma-Toxin connection - Have you done all the detox programs prescribed by your doctor but still see no relief in symptoms? A traumatized body retain toxins no matter how many detoxes you do.
  • The thought form connection - When we think negative thoughts, we manifest negative outcomes. Hold positive
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Category: Health

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Title: Candida Yeast Exposed!

99% Of Yeast Infection Sufferers Are Dead Wrong In The Way They Try To Control And Treat Their

Now let me ask you something:

  • Do you ever find you just seem to lack energy and can't explain why?
  • Do you avoid sex?
  • Do you smell?
  • Do you wonder if you have been correctly diagnosed?
  • Do antibiotics only cure you of your problem for two or three days?
  • Do you ever have problems with your appetite or food cravings?
  • Do you have bad breath?
  • Do you want to stop painful Infections that always seem to happen at the worst possible time?
  • Do you want to know why you keep getting yeast infections?
  • Did you once feel healthy, and want to regain that feeling again?
  • Are you feeling sick every day?
  • Do you have rashes on your skin, penis, or on your hands?
  • Do you want to cure your yeast infection?
  • Do you want to stop the burning and itching sensations?
  • Do you want to stop painful urination and cheese-like vaginal discharge?
  • Do you suffer from constipation?
  • Do you feel slimy and unclean?


Basic Yeast Infections Facts You Should Know

  • Yeast Infections affect everyone.
  • Chronic Infections... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health

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Title: Vanish Eczema! eBook Download

"My Doctor Said I'd NEVER Cure My Eczema, But When Pills, Steroids, and Creams Failed To Work, These 3 Simple Steps Left Him Speechless!"

Finally Cured Eczema Victim Promises You... "If You Can Follow 3 Simple Steps, You Can Wipe Out and Cure Your Eczema In Just 10 Days... 100% Guaranteed!"

  • Without Steroids
  • Without Skin Creams Or Ointments
  • Without Any Costly Medical Procedures
  • Without Pills (Natural or Perscription)

"What you're about to read works like magic but almost nobody knows about it..."

I Couldn't Stand Being In My Own Skin!

So believe me when I say:

  • I know what it's like to be stared at like a FREAK, as if you have some weird disease!
  • I know what it's like go through life with red swollen skin that itches so intensely you can't sit still...
  • I know what it's like to HIDE yourself in extra clothes so people won't ask you questions...
  • I know what it's like to fear going out in public because of what others might think
  • And the sheer exhaustion of tossing-and-turning in bed... only to wake up to BLOOD on your sheets
  • And the absolute horror of finding scars all over your body that you don't
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Category: Health

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Title: Psoriasis Essentials

Discover How You Can Stop Suffering From Itchy, Scaly & Embarrassing Psoriasis Naturally... Without Expensive Drugs Or Annoying Side Effects...

Here's a small taste of what you'll discover in this ebook:

  • The real story behind the effectiveness coal tar cream... does this strong smelling cream live up to its ages-old reputation as a psoriasis cure?
  • How likely you are to develop psoriatic arthritis if you already suffer from psoriasis
  • Which commonly used spice has antibacterial and antifungal properties and also boosts the immune system, preventing outbreaks of lesions and scales on the skin
  • Injections and other systematic treatments that might be recommended to treat scale patches of skin
  • Which type of psoriasis can almost be as painful as a very bad burn
  • Which nutrients your body might be missing that may be provoking your condition
  • How to avoid the situations and behaviors that can trigger a psoriasis outbreak
  • How the condition of psoriasis is actually related to your immune system
  • This type of vinegar could help discourage outbreaks of lesions
  • The true definition of psoriasis and the 5 different types of this condition
  • Why you must get a professional to make a diagnosis and never self-diagnose
  • This household plant gel can be very effective at alleviating the pain of lesions and reduce
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Category: Health

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Title: Disc Herniation A Survival Guide

Everything you need to know to manage your lumbar disc herniation withot surgery!

Exposing the Myths of Disc Herniations:

Discover 10 of the biggest Disc Herniation Myths. These myths may be ruining your chance for recovery and making your life a living hell.

  • Strengthening your stomach muscles will help back and disc pain; therefore do lots of sit-ups, crunches and leg lifts ....
  • Sciatica is always caused from a spinal injury.
  • Squatting is bad for herniations.
  • Stretching is good for back injuries.
  • Lifting with your legs will protect your back from injury.
  • Disc herniations can only be cured through surgery.
  • Rest is the best treatment for disc and back injuries.
  • Herniated discs lead to a life of infirmity.
  • Disc pain is best controlled by anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen.
  • All doctors know how to manage disc herniations.

What does this package include?

This ebook is written in a manner that will help the reader understand complex topics quickly. This richly illustrated ebook can be read in about two hours. You will learn what a lumbar disc herniation is, as well as...

  • Which commonly prescribed exercises actually make disc herniations worse
  • Pain relief techniques
  • Which exercises can reduce the symptoms of a disc herniation
  • How
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Category: Health

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Title: Oil Pulling Secrets

Oil Pulling Secrets Is Now Available For Download! Cure Your Health Issues With The Most Effective Solution Available Today!

I know, You Are Probably Wondering How This Oil Pulling Works, Right?

It is actually so simple, almost too simple, and as a result people have been dismissing it for years. Similar to the way people dismissed the fact that cigarettes caused cancer, yoga could cure back pain and how alcohol had no health benefits. Obviously, over time, many of these facts that were dismissed previously, became common knowledge as facts. Interesting how that happens.

The truth is already here, just as it was with those examples, but people are ignoring them due to the simplicity of the solution.

Let Oil Pulling Secrets Guide You Through The Proper Way to Oil Pull And See Incredible Health Benefits!

Oil pulling is simply rinsing your mouth with oil, whether you use sunflower oil, sesame, or coconut oil. Because the toxins attach to the oils mucous membrane, you simply spit it out to ensure you do not reintroduce those harmful toxins back into your system.

Oil Pulling Has More Scientific Evidence That Promotes Health and Cures Disease than many products being sold over the counter or even being prescribed by doctors.

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