Sports ebooks

Fixed Odds Football System!
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Reviewed by siyaka on 2009-12-02
My Rate 5
excellent system so far i will tell my friends about it.this guy is a genius.
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Title: Fixed Odds Football System!
The onset of regular televised football matches has brought about a tremendous opportunity in football betting. Let me explain.
Football matches are a lot easier to predict than horse races. There are only three possible outcomes - Home win; Away win; or Draw, and football matches are much more likely to go true to form than horse races. Consequently bookmakers have always been very cautious when it comes to football bets.
Ideally if we could back say, the two biggest "bankers" of the day on any fixed odds coupon, although we would have quite a short priced double, we would have a fairly safe bet. The problem is the bookmakers will not allow it...So it must be a good bet for the punters.
They have always had minimum numbers of selections for different bets. Traditionally if you were backing home wins you would need to make a minimum of FIVE selections, and three would be the minimum for away wins. So if you wanted to back home win bankers, you would have to make five different selections and therefore as the chances of one game not going to form is greatly increased, the odds of the bet being successful are greatly reduced. So the bookmaker is a lot happier!
However, things are have now changed. The games that are televised live are exceptions to the normal betting regulations. Bookmakers accept single bets and upwards on these TV. games. That in itself isn't a great help as most of the televised games are very competitive, and cannot in
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Golf Secrets
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Title: Golf Secrets
Author: Ken Black
. . .well, almost.
OK, so you won't become another Tiger Woods overnight. But heck, just like love and war, all is fair when it comes to golf! Right? Many golfers will tell you that even the slightest improvement in their game is worth at least. . .well. . .maybe their first born child?
All kidding aside, the millions of us who are beginning or average golfers, are borderline obsessed with improving our game. While we can't promise that you'll become a pro, what you will discover from Golf Secrets will improve your game.
Trying to find the magic "cure" is a common dilemma for most golfers. If you're just starting out in this game, or even if you've been playing for many years, it can be tough to figure this stuff out:
- What golf equipment to buy
- How to play well
- How much to spend
- What are all the rules
The age-old question, "Will a change to your swing, stance, equipment, or your golf shoes really improve your game?" has been in existence since the game began hundreds of years ago in Scotland.
There is no shortage of ideas, tips and theories on how to improve or even play the game. Some of them are very good, but it is usually difficult for the the average or beginning player to fit these ideas into their game.
Much of it can be hard to understand, demand extraordinary physical co-ordination or take a long time to make it work for you!
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Steroids - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
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Title: Steroids - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Author: Crosier Sullivan
You hear it on the evening news. You see it in the newspaper headlines. Another young athlete loses his life as a result of illegal steroid use. He may be a friend of your own child or even a family member, bringing the tragedy that much closer to home.
It's no surprise why our children are falling prey to the lure of enhanced performance. They are bombarded with images of their favorite athletes mocking the rules and blatantly espousing the use (or should we say abuse) of these deadly concoctions.
Let's not confuse the positive uses for steroids. Doctors often recommend them to patients for treating diseases like:
- Osteoporosis
- Breast Cancer
- Hereditary Angioedaema
- Anemia
- Inflammation,
- Thrombosis
- Endometriosis
These and many other conditions benefit from the use of anabolic steroids. They are especially helpful in the treatment of AIDS wasting syndrome. In this case, they help to rebuild muscle.
They are also used in fighting HIV infections and hormonal deficiencies in men. Steroids reduce joint pain in women due to osteoporosis in the joints like knees, elbows, hips and more.
Our problem isn't with the curative effects of steroid use, rather, the abuse of steroids.
If you suspect that someone you care for may be heading down the slippery slope of steroid abuse, you need to arm yourself with the most effective weapon available. That weapon is
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You're About To Learn How To Get A Risk Free Return Of Between 3% and 90% In Just 2 Hours. Again And Again - Guaranteed!
"This Explosively Profitable Little Known Secret That Has Been Used By Banks For Centuries Is Now Available To You Thanks To The Power Of The Internet!"
"It's So Simple That Even A Seven Year Old Could Understand It. There Are Literally Thousands Of These "Profit Loopholes" Every Single Day, Each Paying Between 3% & 90% On Your Capital - 100% Risk Free & Guaranteed!"
"It Doesn't Matter Where In The World You Are - If You Have An Internet Connection & PC You Can Claim Hundreds Of Dollars For Just A Few Minutes Of Easy 'Work' (Is Clicking A Mouse Button A Few Times Work?)"
Dear Friend,
Thanks for taking a few minutes to see this letter - you must be quite curious right about now, but I bet very suspicious too. I mean "free money" is pretty much what we're talking about right? It's all a scam isn't it because we all know there is no such thing? Well actually no - stick around for a few minutes and I'll prove to you without a shadow of doubt that not only is this "secret" (actually it's an investment technique) very genuine, but a lot of individuals are using it every day to make tens, hundreds and even thousands of dollars/pounds/yen etc...every single day.
Perhaps you're concerned that it's not legal? Let me assure you, this simple little method is perfectly legal - in fact huge
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Bringing Your Golf Scores To Life!
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Title: Bringing Your Golf Scores To Life!
Remember what it was like the first time you picked up a golf club?
The first time you took a swing at a golf ball?
Chances are, if you're like me it was at a driving range. What a fantastic place!
Where else can you go and let our your frustrations, by swinging a club at a ball and driving it 200 yards downrange, and have a ton of fun at the same time?
That's what getting started with golf was like for me. I went to the driving range two to three times a week and spent hours just having fun. I wasn't thinking about what club I was using, what the best approach to the green would be, or trying to see the green to make birdie with one putt.
I was having a blast smashing that little white ball and driving it as far as I could.
Then I got the idea that it would be a great time walking all over golf courses chasing that little white ball and trying to put it into a small cup.
It sure wasn't just taking a whack anymore. Now it was about strategy and scores. Now it was about choosing which number club to use. What approach do I take in reading my next putt?
I love golf, but it was more like operating a business than spending time playing my favorite sport.
Decisions, strategies, trying to think two strokes ahead.... it was work. I wasn't relaxed. I didn't feel refreshed after each round. I even started struggling with my scores. Instead of making par or under most of the time, I
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700 Chess Problems
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Title: 700 Chess Problems
Author: W. J. BAIRD
The Chess Problems contained in this volume are the product of
the labour and recreation of some fourteen years. I say "labour,"
because I am not such a Chess enthusiast as to believe that a collection
such as this can be produced without persistent application
partaking of the nature of work; and "recreation," because
the work has been a pleasure-how great a pleasure only a composer
can fully realize. Although a large number of the problems
have been republished in numerous papers at home and abroad,
only the name of the publication in which each originally appeared
is given. Exclusive of the prize list, in about a dozen cases
with a view to an improvement, they have been more or less reset
since their first appearance. The six added to this collection in letterpress
at the end of the Solutions are the last composed.
To the best of my belief there is not a single instance of a dual
continuation, and not being an admirer of dual mates, they are
very few and far between.
A list of prize problems will be found, but it must not be taken
for granted that it contains the essence of the volume.
Solutions are given in full for the benefit of those who are not far
advanced in the Problem Art. As will be seen, red represents the
White, and blue the Black pieces.
1st May, 1902

Enjoying Baseball
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Title: Enjoying Baseball
Author: Tammy Griffin, Mel Griffin
It happens every spring. Your otherwise normal boyfriend or hubby metamorphoses into something that resembles the zombies in the cult classic "Night of the Living Dead!"
There are several things that take place BEFORE this happens. First, you discover that your cable or satellite television statement has more than quadrupled. Don't worry, it will revert to normal after the World Series in the fall (unless he's a football fanatic as well). After all can't miss a game just because it's on "pay per view."
Second, check out your credit card statement. His recliner must be replaced with a newer, sturdier model. It just has to stand up to the wear and tear created by slamming fists and frequent jumping on the seat.
Third, your pantry fills up with every type of snack food and munchies known to modern man replete with enough carbs, calories and fat to make certain his life insurance premiums are current!
You explain to the kids that Daddy's really okay. . .he just needs rest and all the yelling and screaming will not raise his blood pressure to the boiling over point. . .or will it?
Look ladies, if any of this sounds familiar, you really need to get with the program. Have you ever heard the term, "you can't push a wet noodle, but you can pull it?"
Maybe it's time you threw yourself a lifeline and started pulling your baseball fanatic instead of fighting him. After all, baseball is here to stay and if you've spent any number of
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Outdoor Sports and Games
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Title: Outdoor Sports and Games
Who Else Wants To Enjoy A Long and Healthy Life and "Enjoy Life As Well"?
Take A Vacation From The Rat Race & Starting Treating Yourself and Family To Healthy Living With Outdoor Sports and Games
Stop killing yourself with work, bad habits and Indoor Living!
This ebook is about Outdoor Lifestyle. Discover How To Vastly Improve Your Chance of Living A Long And Happy Life by cultivating a Healthy Outdoor Lifestyle!
Dear Friend,
Suppose you should wake up Christmas morning and find yourself to be the owner of a bicycle. It is a brand-new wheel and everything is in perfect working order.
The bearings are well oiled, the nickel is bright and shiny and it is all tuned up and ready for use. If you are a careful, sensible boy you can have fun with it for a long time until finally, like the "One Hoss Shay" in the poem, it wears out and goes to pieces all at once.
On the other hand, if you are careless or indifferent or lazy you may allow the machine to get out of order or to become rusty from disuse, or perhaps when a nut works loose you neglect it and have a breakdown on the road, or you may forget to oil the bearings and in a short time they begin to squeak and wear.
If you are another kind of a boy, you may be careful enough about oiling and cleaning the wheel, but you may also be reckless and head-strong and will jump over
Ebook Type: PDF

How To Be An Ace Athlete
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Title: How To Be An Ace Athlete
"Revealed! Top Secrets on How You Can Possess the Exceptional Physique and Abilities Needed to Excel in Your Favorite Sports, and be the Athlete of Your Dreams!"
Do you really want to settle with just being another ordinary fan of your favorite sportsman?
You knew everything about him, watched every game he has ever played, and even had an autograph and a picture of both of you taken. You claim to be his #1 fan because you were always by his side. You are living your life according to his game schedules, training, and celebrations.
But let me ask you...
Why would you want to revolve your life around your idol sportsman, when you can create your own dream life as a world-class athlete? How would you feel if you have numerous fans admiring and idolizing you because of your athletic prowess? Sounds flattering, isn't it? Well, I have exciting news for you!
With the right attitude and training, you can become BETTER than your own idol player!
As an athlete, you may be having more losses than wins when you play. You allot ample time for training. You give your best in every game. But why does winning seem to elude you?
And so you lose hope of being a champion. Instead, you settle for being an ordinary athlete who looks up to other players. Tsk tsk tsk. Not the best fighting spirit.
You just don't know that you, too, can be a
Ebook Type: PDF

Soccer Fitness 101 - 10 Ways to Get Fit for Soccer Right Now
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Title: Soccer Fitness 101 - 10 Ways to Get Fit for Soccer Right Now
Get Fit For The Soccer Field In 10 Easy Steps!
Learn the fitness secrets of the pros!
Dear Friend,
With soccer season looming just around the corner it's never too early to start getting ready. Soccer is an intense game, and it's going to take a lot of work on your part to make sure that you're ready to stay ahead of your competition out on that field.
The question is, do you know what it is you have to do to get yourself in fit, fighting form before soccer season starts? Or are you just aimlessly jogging around your block a couple of times a day hoping that it will provide your muscles with the conditioning they need to keep up with ninety minutes of fast paced, non-stop action once you hit that turf?
If you are among the latter group there are two things you should know. One, that isn't going to get you anywhere, and two, you're in good company. Many people do not realize that training for a competitive sport such as soccer which requires you to have high levels of endurance and cardiovascular fitness. Plus the work rate required is much higher than the half hearted effort they make to get in shape every New Year, before eventually deciding to throw in the towel. If you are going to get serious about soccer, you need to get serious about your fitness.
We Can Help Put you On The Right Path!
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