Golf ebooks

The Perfect Swing
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(priced for $14.95 or less).
Title: The Perfect Swing
Author: John Toepel
"Who Else Has Struggled With Their Swing... Been Frustrated By Inconsistent Shots, Lacked The Distance They Want On Drives, Felt Embarrassed Playing In Front Of Their Peers... And Has Ever Wondered What Fantastic Secrets The Pros Know That Gives Them The Elusive Ability To Make Playing Incredible Golf Look Easy?"
Dear Fellow Golfer,
If you would like to know how someone can start with any level of golf skill at all... and then... learn how to add distance, score more consistently, shoot more accurately and eliminate their slice, in a single day... this is going to be the most interesting message you will ever read.
You may be thinking to yourself right now that these claims sound too sensational, "over the top" or filled with hyped-up promises that are impossible to deliver.
Normally that is the case...
Except here you have a veteran PGA Tour Player about to share with you his proven, tournament tested techniques, drawn off of successfully competing with the best golfers the world has ever seen, honed through 30 years of instructing and tested on thousands of satisfied golfers.
To top it all off, it is based on just 5 Simple Principles and not one single frustrating if not painful or agonizing swing mechanic or thought.
With this technique all you have to do is:
- Throw out all of the other technical, mechanical garbage you've been so engrossed

Get Paid to Golf
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Title: Get Paid to Golf
Author: JayKay Bak
Attention Golfers: Do You Want To Get Paid To Play?
How To Make A Living Playing Golf With Amateurs!
Couldn't make the PGA Tour if your life depended on it?
Now it doesn't matter, you can still make a living playing golf. You don't have to be the best. You don't even have to win to get paid!
Lots of people are currently making a handsome living just from playing golf for businesses and business executives. How is this possible? I'll tell you, plus you'll learn how to...
- Get PAID to do something you love, possibly as a full-time business!
- Stop paying to play golf.
- Work on your game while on the clock!
Dear Golfing-Enthusiast,
Would you love to play golf all day and get paid for it?
Despite what you may have thought, it IS possible. Even if you're not a true "pro golfer." (You don't even have to be nearly as good.)
Inside the US, more money is spent on golf than any other sport. And now you can claim your piece of the pie! How?
Business Executives Often Hire People To Play Golf With Their Clients For Them!
It's true! There are golfers who make a living simply by playing golf with clients of executives who know how important a leisurely game of golf can be for their business.
Business executives often like to wine and dine, and
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Golf Swing Secrets
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: Golf Swing Secrets
How to Drive No Less Than 50 Yards Further!
If you could hit the golf ball just a little bit further on each shot, wouldn't that improve your game drastically...
Learn How to Drive No Less Than 50 Yards Further!
Dear Friend,
Driving the golf ball further isn't about how hard you are swinging the club. There are so many factors that could be causing you not to have the ability to get the ball down the fairway. You might have a curve in the ball and you cannot figure out how to straighten out the ball. Could you imagine if you could just straighten out the shot how far the ball really would travel?
You Can Add More Distance to Your Golf Strokes...
Adding more distance to your shots means less par and a better game. No one wants to end up in the rough or the sand every time they play. This will only cause you not to want to play the game. you can hit the ball properly and the problem may not even be in the way you are hitting the ball. You might have the perfect swing and still cannot drive the ball as far down the fairway as you would like to do.
It isn't about muscle power to get the ball down the fairway. There are plenty of skinny guys nailing the golf ball further than you.
Finally Understanding the Secrets to Your Perfect Golf Swing
You can discover
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Golf Basics For Newbies
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(priced for $17.00 or less).
Title: Golf Basics For Newbies
If you are wanting to learn the secret techniques of starting a good swing for your golf game without having to pay for an expensive training course, then this is the most important letter you'll ever read for today...
"Discover The Insider Secrets Of Beginner's Golf Swinging Techniques That Other Peoples Are Paying Thousand Of Dollars On The Course To Learn How To Swing From The Professional Golf Trainer And How You CAN Learn Everything You Need To Know Without Paying A Single Dime"
If You Have ever Wanted To Know All About Golf Swinging techniques & How Hit On The Green Consistently, Then This Guide Is Your Bible To Golf Learning Experience.
Dear Frustrated Golfer,
Are you eager to learn the ropes on golf, but just you are currently short on time and money? Maybe you know how to play golf, but your game is in need of making an improvement.
And even...
Are you having no success or have never been getting any good swing to hit on the green on your golf game?
or you just started your golf swinging game, and would like to learn how to hit on the green consistently without having to pay someone else for an expensive golf training course, then...
I know a few things in your mind...
1) You want to learn how to instantly supercharge your swing so you can drive your ball forever at anytime you... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

Golden Club - Strategies for Lowering Your Golf Score!
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: Golden Club - Strategies for Lowering Your Golf Score!
"I have a tip that can take five strokes off anyone's golf game: it's called an eraser. " ~Arnold Palmer
"Golden Club - Strategies for Lowering Your Golf Score!"
Nothing causes tremors in the hearts of men (and women) more than learning how to improve their golf game!
Dear Golfer,
Okay, we are not going to pretend that you will come out of these strategies as another Tiger Woods! And, if that is your goal, remember that he started golf pretty much before he could read. If you are at that level of golf then you don't need this!
First things first!
If you rank among the millions of folks who are either just beginning the game or are an average player then "Golden Club - Strategies for Lowering Your Golf Score!" is definitely written just for you.
Golfers are known for seeking out the "magic bullet" that will improve their game overnight. I hope we agree there's no such thing, right? But, even the tiniest of changes in our game can make a huge difference.
So, why do you need "Golden Club - Strategies for Lowering Your Golf Score?"
Because it works!
As of this writing, close to a half million people are looking for help with their golf game each month. These are folks just like you. Some of them probably enjoy a
Ebook Type: PDF

Golf Basics
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: Golf Basics
Don't miss out the most exciting information about golf!
If you're like most people, there's probably nothing you would like more than to discover how to play a great game of golf or play a better game of golf. Golf has seen an incredible rise in popularity over the past few decades, and that popularity continues to grow. While the following of golf has changed significantly, so has the industry. There are resorts, vacation packages and even housing developments built around incredible golf courses.
Today, in order to play a great game of golf it simply isn't enough to head out to your favorite course a few times to get some practice swings in. You really need to understand the golf industry, and more importantly, the changes that are taking place within the game of golf.
Just a few years ago I found myself wanting to improve my game but had no idea how to go about it. I was spending countless hours on the course and a ton of money on green fees, but I wasn't really seeing much improvement in my golf game, to be honest. I truly enjoyed golfing and wanted to play a better game.
I knew I had to do something.
That's when I started to read everything I could on the subject of golf.
What I discovered completely changed my life!
How did I do it?
I would love to share my secrets with you and my new special report golf does just that!
So if... Click here to read the full description!
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Beginner's Guide to Playing Golf
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: Beginner's Guide to Playing Golf
Afraid You'll Look Foolish on the Golf Course? Don't Know a Wood from an Iron? Want to Get In on One of the Fastest Growing Sports Around?
"Discover How to Golf and Impress Your Friends!"
Dear Beginning Golfer,
Are you intimidated when a friend or colleague asks YOU to play a game of golf? Do you suspect that business deals are being made on the course while you hang out in the Club House? Are you ashamed that you don't know a bunker from a green? Are you wondering what is making everybody so obsessed with this game?
Don't despair - everyone started out just like you. Unfortunately if you've come late to the game you may feel your performance will embarrass you in front of your friends (or worse - your boss!). While golf is typically learned by adults you may feel ashamed to admit your lack of skill and prefer to avoid the game altogether. Don't miss out on the fun and networking enjoyed by golfers...
"Get on the Course and Give it a Swing!"
But before you do that (and risk embarrassing yourself) why not start out on the right foot with a quick overview of the sport, how it's played and how to make the right decisions (and shots) that make you look like an old pro?
Like any other game rules and skill, and other variables, will affect your performance. Have you ever seen
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All About Golf
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(priced for $4.95 or less).
Title: All About Golf
Learn the Fundamentals, Strategies & Insider Secrets You Need to Know to Start Playing Golf Like a Pro - Even if You Have No Golf Experience at All!
Dear friend,
Learning to play golf is a lot like learning how to speak a new language - the better information and manual you receive the easier it is to do!
That's why I've written a new e-book entitled, "All About Golf" that contains all the tips, tricks, techniques and secrets you need to know to become a golf expert in no time at all.
This e-book is designed to take you on a journey from beginner to intermediate to advanced by fast-tracking your golf skills and knowledge.
Read this e-book today and you'll quickly establish a strong foundation that will have you acting and playing like a seasoned pro the very next time you hit a golf course - even if it's your first time ever playing golf!
That's right, now you don't have to waste hours searching the Internet or local bookstore for accurate golf information or risk getting bad advice from fellow players that could ruin your game, now you can get everything you need to know to start playing golf like a pro from one convenient, inexpensive resource.
Get this e-book today and you'll discover:
- What to look for when selecting golf shoes - failure to heed this advice could result in a lot of frustration and wasted money later... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

The Ultimate Guide To Golf: Learn To Improve Your Game
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(priced for $9.95 or less).
Title: The Ultimate Guide To Golf: Learn To Improve Your Game
If you're wanting to discover about golf...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!
"You Are Going To Get An In-Depth Look At One Of The Most Remarkable Golf Manuals There Is Available On The Market Today"
It doesn't matter if you are just for the first time looking into going golfing, this golfing manual will get you on the right track to a fun filled experience.
Dear Friend,
Who wants to spend all that money on golf clubs and not be good enough to play with your co-workers?
Do you or someone you know want a better golf game? If so, pay close attention!
There's finally an original new ebook created just for people like you!
And, if you really want to know the facts about golfing, this ebook is definitely for YOU!
This Isn't Like Some Trendy Manual On Golfing That You Can Find In Any Store..
...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!
This ebook covers everything there is to know about boating and it's understandable to the average person! In fact, some people have called it the "Golfing Guide"!
It's like having your very own golf pro that you can reference and ask questions anytime you need to!
You'll uncover a wide array of tips, including ways
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How to Choose a Golf Training Aid
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: How to Choose a Golf Training Aid
Table Of Contents:
Terms and Rights
- Who is this ebook for
- Who is Tim Heeter
Chapter 1-Start Fresh
- What type of golfer are you
- How do you choose the best golf training aid
Chapter 2-Define Your Goals
Chapter 3-Describe Your Golf Game
- Making Your Golf Diary
Chapter 4-Analyze Your Game
Chapter 5-Analysis Begins at the Green
- Greens in Regulation (GIR)
- Putting
- Deeper Analysis of Your Game
- Tools for Game Analysis
Chapter 6-Finding the Right Training Aid
- Improve Your Game
- Find the Right Training Aid To
Chapter 7-Researching Training Aids
- Golf Retail Stores
- Your Local Golf Club
- Online Sources
- Online Sources-Existing Retail Stores
- Online---eBay and Other Auction Sites
- Online-Golf Niche Stores
- Manufacturer Websites
- Online Golf Schools
Chapter 8-Evaluating A Training Aid
Chapter 9-Using Your New Training Aid
Chapter 10-The Last Chapter
- Questions, Comments, Complaints'?
- Analyze Your Game (Again)
Extra Resources
... Click here to read the full description!Ebook Type: PDF
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