How To ebooks

How To Overcome Snoring and Sleep Apnea
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Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-10-01
My Rate 5
Often you have no idea that you have this disorder until your partner hears your loud snoring or some of the other symptoms which can actually be quite frightening. You may experience:
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Title: How To Overcome Snoring and Sleep Apnea
Author: Hoe Bing Lo
Other than the glowing numerals on the alarm clock registering 2:00 a.m., it's pitch black. You've spent the last three hours trying to get some sleep. Every bone and muscle in your body is crying out for rest!
But, no matter how hard you try, you just can't get to sleep. You would almost swear there's a freight train bearing down on you, but that rumbling roar isn't a train.
The reverberating cacophony is coming from your partner. That sweet, gentle person you swore to love, honor and cherish. Hmmm. . .if memory serves you correctly there was no mention of snoring!
If this sounds like you or someone you love, it's really no laughing matter, is it?
Often you have no idea that you have this disorder until your partner hears your loud snoring or some of the other symptoms which can actually be quite frightening. You may experience:
- Choking noises
- Gasping for breath
- Loud pauses in breathing
- Morning headaches
- Excessive sleepiness during daytime hours
- Lack of concentration
Feeling restless
- Excessive night time perspiration
- Morning heartburn
- Increase in blood pressure
- Lack of mental acuity
- Irritability
Chapter 5 discusses these and more debilitating symptoms.
You may know that the medical community considers sleep apnea as an "incurable" disease. As a result of his biomedical science
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Art Of Manufacturing Soaps And Candles
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Reviewed by Milly on 2016-09-23
My Rate 5
This eBook was very interesting and super easy to understand. It will save me a ton of money and help me increase my profit in the candle making business. I will definitely recommend this eBook to my friends.
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Title: Art Of Manufacturing Soaps And Candles
Author: Maria Vowell
If you'd like to discover how to make homemade soaps that will have your skin feeling refreshed, radiant and oh so smooth, create romantic homemade candles that will bring joy and harmony to any home or create unique and delightful bath products that will have customers craving for more, then this might be the most important letter you'll ever see.
Here's why:
The "Art Of Manufacturing Soaps And Candles" is packed with so much wonderful information to help you discover these wonderful crafts you'll find yourself creating wonderful soaps and candles that will amaze your family, friends and even those that may not be very friendly towards you!
This publication was written in the late 1800's by a leading expert at that time and also provides factual and productive information from some of the top manufacturers, inventors, chemists and established authors from the 1800's.
This publication deals not only with the manufacture of soaps and candles, but it also includes illustrations and critical explanations of the various manipulations and mechanical arrangements by which they are effected, thus compiling a condensed narrative full of information that had never been published previously.
Here's a summary of just a few things you'll find in this fantastic publication:
- The history of soap making
- Concise manual for making transparent soaps
- Equipment used for manufacturing soaps and... Click here to read the full description!
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

How to Get Rid of Snoring
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Reviewed by Jim Esguerra on 2014-11-18
My Rate 5
great product very informative
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Title: How to Get Rid of Snoring
What Is Snoring
Getting To Know Snoring Better
Although snoring seems to be quite prevalent among a number of people, it remains to be an abnormal sleep phenomenon. Statistics show that around 45% of adults experiences snoring from time to time while a significant 25% of the population are reported to be habitually snoring.
Snoring may affect people coming from any age group. However, men seem to be more prone to experiencing this condition. Although snoring may not be as serious as the other medical conditions, it still should be given attention as it does not only have certain health implications, it may also be quite emotionally and socially disturbing.
Snoring basically takes place when there are physical impediments that affect the flow of air through the mouth and nose during sleep. The unusual sound produced is mainly due to the vibration of the throat muscles as the air passageway is blocked. The obstruction may be observed in any of the following areas:
- Nasal passages. Blockage in these passages results to difficulty in breathing. Extra effort is necessary. With this, the soft tissues of the throat may collapse which, in turn, may further cause snoring. Given this, people with sinus infections, colds, or allergic rhinitis are reported to be snoring.
- Throat. Some people, by nature, have very relaxed or soft throat muscles which collapse easily. As the muscles
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
How To (125 articles)
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: How To (125 articles)
- How To Buy A New Car For $50 Over Dealers Cost
- How To Buy Surplus Autos, Boats, Planes Etc. For 2 Cents On The $
- How To Make Lamps & Vases Form Bottles - Cut Glass Without A Diamond Cut
- How To Double Your Earnings In Mail Order
- How To Get Free Rent
- How To Get Your Circulars Mailed Free
- Wipe Out Debts Without Bankruptcy
- How To Make Money With Your Own Ad Sheet
- Avoiding Problems with Patents, Trademarks & Copyrights
- How To Write An Ad That Pulls
- How To Get Your 3 X 6 Circulars Typeset Free
- Sources Of Free Commission Circulars
- How To Get 6000 Circulars Printed And Mailed Free
- Eight Sources Of All-profit Ads
- How To Get Free Travel
- How To Co-publish For Maximum Profits
- How To Get Hundreds Of New Ebooks Free
- Sources Of Free Mailing Lists
- How To Prepare Camera Ready Copy For Offset Printing
- How To Start Your Own Mailbox Ebook Club
- The $500 A Month Plan
- Unlimited Opportunities Manual
- How To Get Free Subscriptions To Over 60 Magazines
- Guerilla Tactics That Will Give You A Good Credit Rating
- How Can You Enjoy The Luxuries You've Always Wanted But Couldn't Afford
- Your Money Manual To Free Government Grants
- How To Make Up To $750 In Your Spare Time Or Weekends
- How To Raise Up To $50,000 With Your Credit

20 Wonderful Vintage Crochet Patterns!
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Title: 20 Wonderful Vintage Crochet Patterns!
Author: Maria Vowell
If you love to crochet, then you're going to love the patterns provided here. There are 20 vintage crochet patterns provided in this guide, that you'll find an absolute joy to crochet.
The patterns provided are not only easy to crochet, they are also top selling items at craft shows, fairs and bazaars. You'll find your hook flying so fast as you stitch some of these projects. You'll quickly build your stock in no time!!
These patterns also make wonderful gifts for the special loved ones in your life.
Patterns Provided In The Guide
- Dahlia Bedspread ~ The 3 Dimensional motifs that make up this lovely bedspread are 6 sided, super easy to stitch, and also make wonderful matching tablecloths, curtains and pillowcases.
- Crochet Work Bag ~ This bag makes a fantastic holder for your crafting supplies, yet is elegant enough to pass for a wonderful elegant purse.
- Juanita Doll ~ This wonderful doll dress is so easy to stitch, yet creates a dress lovelier than anything any Queen would possess.
- Shell Motif ~ This lovely medallion makes wonderful tablecloths, bedspreads, curtains and even place mats for your kitchen decor.
- Sunlight Hat ~ This hat makes a lovely addition to any wardrobe, and is oh so perfect for keeping your face shaded on sunny days.
- Beaded Doily ~ We all know doilies are lovely, but when you combine elegant stitches with beautiful

The Essential Guide To Organizing Your Home
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Title: The Essential Guide To Organizing Your Home
Unless you have some magical powers like Mary Poppins, you know that cleaning and Organizing Your Home can be a daunting task. With The Essential Manual To Organizing Your Home that task will become much easier. Inside you will find practical tips and techniques to rid every room in your house of clutter and keep it that way.
Do you shudder when you think of people coming over to visit unannounced? Do you panic when you get a message on your answering machine that family is coming-and they left 4 hours ago (and it's a 5 hour trip)? Do you try to "clean" before your cleaning lady comes? Can you not afford a cleaning lady and try to do it yourself, ending up discouraged, frustrated, and thinking it's just impossible? The Essential Manual To Organizing Your Home is your solution. Now you can dive right in with this easy to follow, room by room manual to a clean and organized home.
The Essential Manual To Organizing Your Home is the ultimate manual to maintaining a clutter free home.

How to Improve Your Memory
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Title: How to Improve Your Memory
Table Of Contents
- Introduction
- All In The Mind
- Memory Facets
- Memory Tricks
- Memorize Or Minimize
- The Value Of Attention
- When Forgetting Occurs
- Association
Can you remember a dozen instances in which you forgot some thing during the past week?
The answer to that question makes little difference, because you have been forgetting things--little things and big--and if your lapses have been forgotten, so much the worse. But, since you're reading this page right now, it's probable that your forgetfulness has been plaguing you more and more frequently. And you don't know what to do about it. And you're asking me.
And I'm asking you: Have you tried to figure out why you've been forgetting? Have you noticed when you've failed to remember? Have you noticed what things you've forgotten?
Of course you have got a memory, and unless I'm wrong, it's a pretty good one. If you wanted to take the time, you could sit down and rattle off literally thousands upon thousands of facts ...the "seven-times" table, who's president of the United States, your middle name, if you have one, or, if not, that you haven't got a middle name, the formula for baby's breakfast, what causes hiccoughs, how to spell "hiccoughs," how to cure a rasher of bacon or a rash, how to obtain a writ of mandamus, how long it takes to boil an egg or get to Pittsburgh... Click here to read the full description!

How To Get Paid To Watch TV
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Title: How To Get Paid To Watch TV
Author: Richard Dean
"Grab The Chips & Soda, Curl Up On The Couch And Lets Make Some Money Watching TV"
"Making money watching TV is as simple as changing the channels!"
TV Is Born
Television pounced upon the scene during one of the worst economic periods in our country's history- the Great Depression. As a result, TV's introduction to a potential viewing public went largely unnoticed. People had more than enough to do trying to provide for their families.
Despite that timing, a few people had a chance to view the future. That's exactly what they thought TV was, but even they could not have dreamed of the successful industry television has become. With the advent of cable television, there are dozens of stations now competing for the viewer and showing an extraordinary range of programming from week to week.
Early on, there was only one station. NBC (The National Broadcasting Company) was the first to broadcast programs a few hours a week on the television set. It's hard to imagine TV today on such a limited basis, but every industry has to start somewhere. Within a couple of years, there were a number of stations joined NBC and programming was expanded.
Television flourished in the fifties and new programming was the rage of the industry. Each year many of us looked forward to the introduction of new shows to watch along with our favorites held over from the previous
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Time Stretching Tips
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Title: Time Stretching Tips
Author: Madeleine Frazier
The television is blaring, the baby is screaming, your nine year old is changing the color of his younger sisters hair with a purple magic marker, the doorbell is ringing, the oven timer goes off and the jingling phone refuses to go to voice mail!
Does this or something pretty similar sound like your home? Are you trying to figure out why it is that, with all of our "labor saving devices," technology still hasn't figure out how to add more than 24 hours to every day?
Although it's no comfort you aren't alone. Something close to that scenario plays itself out every day in thousands of homes across the country. It's no wonder the society is stressed!
The problem is compounded by the fact that most of those who relate to this little story also hold down a full time job. . .not to mention that most are women!
Sorry guys, but let's face it, the numbers of guys who share the chores are still very, very slim.
So what's a modern day professional and domestic engineer to do?
Why, grab some tips from your personal time management consultant, Madeleine Frazier! TIME Streeeetching TIPS is just what your therapist would order if he knew how!
This little manual is jam-packed with everything you need to know to "de-stress" your environment! As Madeleine will point out, we all have the same 24 hours.
So what's the difference between you and "Suzie Super Mom" down the street? She has a job. She has the requisite
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Stop Your Butt Kissing Habit
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Title: Stop Your Butt Kissing Habit
Author: Liz Tomey
"Here's Your Tested Battle Plan To Help You STOP Your Butt Kissing Habit TODAY!"
The Secret Is Out On How You CAN Stop Smoking For GOOD!
It's true.
I was in your shoes once... I'd picked up a smoking habit a long time ago that I just couldn't kick. It was embarrassing...
...But I quit and I quit in just 4 steps. I did it because I decided what I wanted to do and I got prepared. I feel great and you can too. How does it feel to know that the last cigarette that you had... could be the last cigarette you'll EVER have!? Scary? I would think so. But exciting?
DEFINITELY. Listen folks, If you want to kick the habit for good...
"You Can Do It! How To FINALLY Stop Smoking...Once and For All!"
My friends didn't think that I could quit smoking cold turkey, but they didn't know that I had already made up a battle plan to ATTACK my addiction to cigarettes.
No one WANTS to be a chain-smoker. Everyone knows that smoking cigarettes is a bad habit. But the only people who know how difficult it is to quit smoking are the people who have tried it. And I am one who knows.
I also know that YOU CAN DO IT, too!
How about a 4 Step Plan to defeat your nicotine dependency... starting today!
"How To Stop Your Butt Kissing Habit" is the exact system that I used to kick my habit to the curb. It's an easy to see, thoroughly researched, step by step, encouraging BATTLE PLAN to stomp out
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:
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