I divide all readers into two classes: those who read to remember and those who read to forget.
William Lyon Phelps

Health ebooks

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Title: The Great Cholesterol Lie

"You're About to Discover What Causes Heart Disease ...And, It's NOT Cholesterol!"

  • The One Common Denominator Dr. Lundell Saw In Over 5,000 Patients-Inflammation, And How To Put The Fire Out...
  • Extraordinary Simple Steps That Prevent And Reverse Heart Disease Without Medication...
  • Why Everything You Learned About Cholesterol Is A Lie, How It Began in 1948 And Why It Continues...
  • Why Statin Medications Will Not Reduce Your Risk Of Heart Disease, And What Will... What Will You Learn Inside "The Great Cholesterol Lie?"
  • Why some people never suffer from heart disease... even on a high-cholesterol diet!
  • The connection between inflammation, obesity and heart disease. (Don't just assume you know this one!)
  • Why lowering your cholesterol intake is not helping lower your risk of heart attack... and may actually be doing you more harm!
  • How 41% of ALL deaths in America could be prevented easily, simply, and virtually cost-free!
  • You'll get your "prescription" for eating out - even fast-food restaurants can yield a few heart-healthy options, when you know what to watch for... and watch OUT for!
  • The devastation being wreaked upon our nation's health - and healthcare system - by the USDA's "Food Pyramid"!
  • Which
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Category: Health

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Title: NaturaPause Deluxe

"Imagine Your Hormones Restored Naturally, Living 100% Free From Menopause Or Andropause Symptoms, And Living Every Second Of Life With Youthful Energy Plus The Sex Drive Of A Teenager!"

Introducing NaturaPause™ - The Natural Hormone Solution For Men And Women!

This is even better than an office consultation! We will spend over FOUR HOURS together through this series of six high-quality audio MP3s as I walk you though everything you need to know to...

  • Heal the root of the problem-your adrenal glands and toxic system-so your body can restore itself to health and vigor, just like it was designed to do
  • Remember what it's like to be sexually on fire instead of "burning up" from hot flashes and night sweats
  • Ladies: how you can rediscover your love of sexual pleasure and share it with your mate like never before
  • Eat simply, deliciously and successfully...and uncover the hidden foods that help cause your problems
  • Throw away those expensive and dangerous drugs in favor of less expensive natural options...or, if you use HRT, discover the 5 things you absolutely must know to help ensure your safety
  • Stop poisoning yourself and your children by discovering the "hidden toxins" that everyone in the modern world is being exposed to
  • Men: how you can achieve rock-hard erections again without the use of the
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Category: Health

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Title: Seven Secrets of Back Pain Relief

Hundreds of people have used the proven techniques in this ebook to get out of pain and strengthen their backs to stay pain free.

The five main factors that contribute to back pain are:

  • Loss of lumbar stabilizer muscles
  • Under used abdominal muscles
  • Poor spinal alignment
  • Tight hip muscles
  • Weak postural muscles in the back


This ebook lays out a simple step by step program of proven techniques used by doctors, trainers and therapists for correcting the above problems and eliminating back pain for good.

With this ebook you will gain a full understanding of:

  • How the back gets injured
  • Stretches and core exercises that reduce pain
  • Postural awareness and strategic sitting positions
  • Muscle balancing techniques and much more
  • How to reverse the pain process


7 Symptoms of Back Pain

  • Is it painful to bend forward
  • Is your back stiff in the morning?
  • Do you have pain at night rolling in bed?
  • Does your back pain increase when you cough?
  • Does your back pain increase when you sit?
  • Does your buttock
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Ebook Type: Video Included,
Category: Health

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Title: Reflux Remedy Report

"KISS Your Antacids, Medications, And Acid Reflux Goodbye Today! New Reflux Remedy STOPS Acid Reflux Instantly - With No Pain, No Wasted Money, & No Drugs!"

  • Thousands of people have already discovered this simple, easy cure... and we've got PROOF! Check out the success stories and testimonials below...
  • There's no reason why you shouldn't try a natural home remedy - after all, there are NO Side Effects, NO Drugs to take, It Works FAST, and you'll SAVE Money!
  • Did you know that drugs like Nexium, Tagamet, Omeprazole, Prevacid, Prilosec OTC, Zantac, Reglan, and more are only supposed to be used for 2 weeks maximum? There's a reason for that...
  • You can stop taking any more drugs and actually cure your acid reflux using a natural home remedy! You'll save a lot of money too...


Here are just a few of the Benefits you'll receive in your copy of the Heartburn & Reflux Remedy Report:

  • Step-by-Step Easy Instructions for Fast Relief!
  • No more sleepless nights!
  • You can stop taking prescription drugs and significantly decrease your risk of cancer, hypertension, and Alzheimer's!
  • Save hundreds or thousands of dollars in prescription drugs and future doctor visits or surgery!
  • Fast relief using a very safe, common, tasty and inexpensive ingredient found right in... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health

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Title: Cut The B.S. A No Nonsense Guide To Happiness

"How To Beat Depression Without Using Drugs"

Dear friend,

The brutal truth is this: you are growing or you are dying, you are winning or you are losing and you are either ahead or you are behind. Which of these you are is entirely up to you. You control the exact amount of success and happiness you have in the game that is your life.

If You Are Currently In The Back Seat Of Life There Are Some Things You Need To Know...

  • If you want to be able to say "you will not treat me like that" and really mean it...THIS EBOOK IS FOR YOU
  • If you are sick and tired of settling for the left overs and are no longer willing to settle for one drop less than the most life has to offer...THIS EBOOK IS FOR YOU
  • If you are tired of quietly suffering because you don't have the confidence to stand up for yourself...THIS EBOOK IS FOR YOU
  • If you are tired of being taken advantage of and not knowing how to put a stop to it...THIS EBOOK IS FOR YOU


Free Yourself From The Opinion Of Others
Why are you still torturing yourself when you can set yourself free at anytime? If you are not free from the opinions of others, then you are not free...period. You must learn how to overcome this.

Also included...


  • Develop
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Category: Health

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Title: The Scabies 24hr Natural Remedy Report

"STOP Scabies Pain And Itching From Home, In 24 Hours Or Less With No Doctors, No Wasted Money, And No Drugs..."

If Every Person Tried This Totally Natural Scabies Cure Before Shelling Out Big Bucks For Expensive (And Potentially Harmful) Pills And Creams, The Entire Drug Industry Would Stand To Lose Millions.

The Scabies 24-Hour Natural Remedy Report

Inside this report, you'll discover...

  • A little-known sunscreen ingredient that's safe to use on children to relief the painful itching and burning of childhood scabies
  • Balsam of Peru, an essential oil extracted from certain South American trees, is an excellent scabies killer. Just mix it with this common food item (found on almost every grocery list) for maximum effect
  • The powerful "One-Two Punch" of this common Australian tree oil: Not only does it kill scabies mites but it actually soothes your skin at the same time
  • The strange (and somewhat scary) reason scabies mites are becoming immune to traditional creams and pills... and why this makes natural cures even more effective
  • A Controversial natural scabies remedy from the 1930's that kills scabies mites by robbing them of oxygen
  • Worried that your scabies marks may leave permanent scars? Simply spread this natural oil on any
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Category: Health

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Title: The Hypothyroidism Solution
Author: Duncan Capicchiano

You Can Finally Say Goodbye To Your Chronic Fatigue, Depression, & Extra Flab Using This Totally Natural Thyroid Solution- And It Costs Less Than A Single Doctor's Visit

What You'll Discover Inside "The Hypothyroidism Solution"

How To Diagnose Your Condition & Find The Root Cause (Chapters 1 - 4)

  • Four more critical blood tests your doctor doesn't know about, but will determine exactly what is causing your hypothyroidism (so we can properly reverse it).
  • The 6 most common causes of hypothyroidism, plus a few more you should know about. (The first step back to health is figuring out what made you sick in the first place. Makes sense, doesn't it?)
  • What to ask for in a blood test to determine whether you actually have hypothyroidism. (IMPORTANT: Many doctors will only test for a substance called "TSH". But this doesn't give the complete picture. There are two more critical hormone tests you need to ask for specifically.
  • How to determine if you have Hashimoto's Disease-a type of hypothyroidism caused by an auto-immune dysfunction.... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health

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Title: The Graves Disease and Hypethyroidism Report
Author: Joe Barton

"STOP Graves Disease and Hyperthyroidism In 24 Hours Or Less -- With No Pain, No Doctors, No Wasted Money, and No Harmful Drugs..."

Here's some of what you'll learn in the Graves Disease & Hyperthyroidism Report:

  • The detailed recipe of "Graves Disease Tea" that is formulated to have life-changing effects on your health. Learn all the ingredients and the exact preparation methods so you can make it yourself and greatly improve your health
  • If you often feel very warm, tend to be obsessive about details, and are usually in a rush... we have a homeopathic solution for you, too!
  • Everything you need to know about iodine and how it affects your health
  • 3 Essential Oils that have been proven to treat Graves Disease and Hyperthyroidism - one example is Lemon balm!
  • What types of body cleansing will help the most
  • Over a dozen recommended herbs, and details of how & why they help your thyroid function
  • All the signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism - some of which are double vision, fatigue, hair changes, heat intolerance, increased appetite, nervousness and restlessness
  • How Reflexology, Acupressure and Acupuncture can help restore your your immune system for optimum function - one specific... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Diet, Health

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Title: Getting Started with the Raw Foods Diet

"Who Else Wants An In-Depth, Behind-The-Scenes, Fast-Track Education In Raw Foods Nutrition And Natural Healing... COMBINED With An Intensive "Boot Camp Style" Personalized Training With Step-By-Step Techniques For Overcoming Food Cravings, Preparing Delicious and Healthy Meals, Discovering the Best Superfoods, and Reaching Your Optimal Weight..."

Finally! Raw foods chef reveals his secrets to optimal health and healing...

These are some of the amazing facts you'll learn that will help you become an experienced raw food chef, beat your cravings, and succeed socially by gaining the support of friends and family.

  • You will discover the best juice for improving circulation and cleansing the blood
  • The technique that allows one to prepare fermented and cultured foods in days instead of weeks (P. 28)
  • Discover the only vegan foods contain the essential long chain omega-3 fats EPA and DHA, and why are they critical for optimal brain and eye function?
  • The appliances and temperatures needed for safe food dehydration. (P. 29)
  • You will easily make Thai, Italian, Asian, Indian, Mexican, and American cuisine that tastes better than anything you've ever eaten before in your life!
  • You will receive an exclusive special ebook written by Dr. Ann Wigmore's personal assistant, Dr.
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Category: Health

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Title: Banish Tonsil Stones

"Chronic Tonsil Stones Sufferer Finds A Natural, Scientifically Proven Way To Get Rid Of Tonsil Stones So They Never Return, And Finally Reveals The Incredibly Easy Steps You Could Already Be Taking To Eliminate Tonsil Stones and Keep Them Gone Forever"

Here Is Just A Sample Of The Things You Will Learn In My Guide

  • Get your life back - Imagine no longer feeling like a slave to your situation but being able to once and for all get rid of tonsil stones forever.
  • Focus on the root cause of tonsil stones - not the symptoms.
  • Freedom from the pain and embarrassment caused by tonsil stones and their side effects.
  • A complete understanding as to why some people get tonsil stones and some people don't.
  • Discover what foods promote the growth of tonsil stones and what you can do to replace them in your diet.
  • Why doctors don't completely understand tonsil stones and why they are so quick to rush to surgery or medication as the only option.
  • Learn how to identify the problem ingredients in your food that are making your tonsil stones worse.
  • Discover why your tonsil stones may be the warning sign of another serious health condition and discover how to fix this condition AND get rid of your tonsil stones at the same time.
  • Imagine being able to get up close and personal with your
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