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Education ebooks

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Category: Business, Education

597 Business Letters Library

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-31
My Rate 5
I like this Book and I will give 5stars to this Book because it gives 30 Different Thank you Letters (tailored for different products/businesses/customers),41 Different Sales Letters (tailored for different products/businesses),100+ Common Business Forms,Video, Photo and Audio Recording Release Forms

Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-25
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book because this include bulk of various business letters which can help any businessmen in writing the business letters without the need of any other persons

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Title: 597 Business Letters Library
At your fingertips, just about every kind of letter or form you might need for your business . . . ready for your instant use!!

597 Ready To Use Sales Letters and Business Forms . . .

With the 597 Business Letters Library you will never be at a loss for words. This easy to use collection provides you with almost any type of business letter you can imagine. Just select the document you need and change the names and address to suit your needs.

Not only will you save valuable time with these ready to use examples, you'll save money, too! Whether you need a lease or a response to a credit check request, you'll find in within the 597 Business Letters Library.

This powerful tool is a must have for every small business. Just type in a key word for the document you need and hit the Search button. What could be easier?

And even better, when you purchase the 597 Business Letters Library, you get the RESELL RIGHTS so you can sell it on your own web site and keep 100% of the profits!!!

Highly recommended!

The 597 Business Letters Library is the quick and easy way to produce professional quality business correspondence.

With this one easy-to-use tool you can save time, save money, and project a professional image.

Here are a few of the ready-to-use letters/forms in the 597 Business Letters Library:

  • 30 Different Thank You Letters (tailored for different
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Category: Education, For Authors

Bring Out The Novel That's Inside You

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-11-01
My Rate 5
This book is good as it Unlocks the mystery to writing with emotion Reveal how to write your first book Explores why modern writing doesnt have to be stiff and formal.

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Title: Bring Out The Novel That's Inside You

Discover How You Can Tap Into Your Own Internal Muse and Release Your Creativity With The "Secret Formula"

If you think that's a bold statement, you're right it is!  But, if you are serious about developing the talent within you and achieving your dreams, read very carefully and we will show you how!

Before we get to that, however, let's explore your potential a bit more.  Can you imagine acquiring the skill to learn the secrets that will unleash your own inherent ability to inspire others simply and confidently?

Before your subconscious steps in and starts that negative "self talk" understand that whatever you truly desire you can achieve.

They say that there is a story inside each of us.  Well, "they" are right.  And, you're in the right place at the right time because we are going to show you how to tap into that internal power.

Bring Out The Novel That's Inside You unlocks the secrets that:

Explain what makes a book a good seller

  • Unlocks the mystery to writing with emotion
  • Reveal how to write your first book
  • Explores why modern writing doesn't have to be stiff and formal
  • Surveys the entire landscape of writing with and for your children
  • Recognizes that something new and different can get published

 Don't make the mistake of trivializing this in-depth guide.  Not only does Bring Out The... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Education, Parenting, Women

How To Create A Super Baby

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Title: How To Create A Super Baby
Author: Liz Tomey
The vital things you must do in the first year of your child's life!

"Who Else Wants To Make Their Newborn In To A Super Baby? - Discover EXACTLY How To Nurture, Love, And Teach Your Child Starting From Day One"

It starts the day you bring your newborn home...

Every parent wants to make sure they provide for their child the best they can. Every day of their young lives. But infants don't come home from the hospital with a guide.

Loving your child is the easy part. Making sure you raise them to the best of your ability is not. When every person you turn to has an opinion about where to put your baby's cradle, to listen to their crying or to ignore it...

...when to expect your child to start walking and talking... can be difficult to know who to trust.

With so much information out there, it's important for you as a parent to make sure you take the time to discover how to care for a child. You and only you can do this for yourself. But...

...I can help. In fact, I have something that will do just that. And it's called...

"How To Create A Super Baby" - The vital things you must do in the first year of your child's life!

If you are ready to love your child endlessly, I can teach you what you need to know during your infant's first year of life.

When it comes to baby's, everyone seems to have an opinion. And everyone is willing to help. But ultimately, it is up to you to love and care for your child the best that you can.

There are so many things

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Category: Education

How To Use Your Mind For Study

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Title: How To Use Your Mind For Study
Author: Harry D. Kitson


"Discover the simple techniques straight A students are using everyday to get an unfair advantage over you in the class room You will be shocked to discover just how simple these techniques really are to use!"

I guarantee you that you will discover everything you need to know about more effective study in this e-book or your money back!

Dear Friend,

Educational leaders are seeing with increasing clearness the necessity of teaching students not only the subject-matter of study but also methods of study. Teachers are beginning to see that students waste a vast amount of time and form many harmful habits because they do not know how to use their minds.

The recognition of this condition is taking the form of the movement toward "supervised study," which attempts to acquaint the student with principles of economy and directness in using his mind.

It is generally agreed that there are certain "tricks" which make for mental efficiency, consisting of methods of apperceiving facts, methods of review, devices for arranging work.

Some are the fruits of psychological experimentation; others are derived from experience. Many of them can be imparted by manual, and it is for the purpose of systematizing these and making them available for students that this ebook is prepared.

You Must Discover To Study More Effectively!

The evils of

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Category: E-Business, Education

Ghostwriters From The Inside Out

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Title: Ghostwriters From The Inside Out
Author: Michael Rasmussen, Jason Tarasi
How To Find And Hire The Perfect Ghostwriter

Limited Time Offer: See how quickly and easily you can hire someone else to start busting out information products for you to start raking in the profits.

The Secrets Pros Use To Crank Out Profit Generating Info Products (Without Writing A Single Word) While Lounging At The Pool!

Give Me 45 Minutes And I'll Teach You How To Hunt Down "Mysterious" (But Talented) Ghostwriters To Research, Write, And Proofread Your Info Products!

You don't have to write your own e-books to sell them for 100% of the profits! Click on the button below and I'll introduce you to the world of ghostwriters - where you can find someone to put in the "elbow grease" for you.

Dear Internet friend,

I don't want to scare you...

...but ghostwriters do exist. No, they're not the usual "spirits" you may think of when you hear the word "ghost." But they are the secret weapon of many top marketers profit-exploding arsenal.

Ghostwriters are writers who sit in the shadows and let YOU take credit for the work THEY do for you. Athletes and celebrities often use them to write "autobiographies" and the like...

Now you can use them to help you...

  • Grow your info product empire to levels you could never achieve by yourself
  • Spend more time doing the things you love, avoiding the things you hate, and expanding your business.
  • Increase profits exponentially with every project your secret weapon
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Category: Education

How To Write Special Feature Articles

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Title: How To Write Special Feature Articles
A handbook for reporters, correspondents and free-lance writers who desire to contribute to popular magazines and magazine sections of newspapers


This ebook is the result of twelve years' experience in teaching university students to write special feature articles for newspapers and popular magazines. By applying the methods outlined in the following pages, young men and women have been able to prepare articles that have been accepted by many newspaper and magazine editors. The success that these students have achieved leads the author to believe that others who desire to write special articles may be aided by the suggestions given in this ebook.

Although innumerable ebooks on short-story writing have been published, no attempt has hitherto been made to discuss in detail the writing of special feature articles. In the absence of any generally accepted method of approach to the subject, it has been necessary to work out a systematic classification of the various types of articles and of the different kinds of titles, beginnings, and similar details, as well as to supply names by which to identify them.

A careful analysis of current practice in the writing of special feature stories and popular magazine articles is the basis of the methods presented. In this analysis an effort has been made to show the application of the principles of composition to the writing of articles. Examples taken from representative newspapers and magazines are freely used to illustrate the methods discussed. To encourage students to analyze typical articles, the second part of the ebook is devoted to a

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Category: Education, How To

Time Stretching Tips

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Title: Time Stretching Tips
Author: Madeleine Frazier
"Buddy, Can You Spare Some Time?"

The television is blaring, the baby is screaming, your nine year old is changing the color of his younger sisters hair with a purple magic marker, the doorbell is ringing, the oven timer goes off and the jingling phone refuses to go to voice mail!

Does this or something pretty similar sound like your home? Are you trying to figure out why it is that, with all of our "labor saving devices," technology still hasn't figure out how to add more than 24 hours to every day?

Although it's no comfort you aren't alone. Something close to that scenario plays itself out every day in thousands of homes across the country. It's no wonder the society is stressed!

The problem is compounded by the fact that most of those who relate to this little story also hold down a full time job. . .not to mention that most are women!

Sorry guys, but let's face it, the numbers of guys who share the chores are still very, very slim.

So what's a modern day professional and domestic engineer to do?

Why, grab some tips from your personal time management consultant, Madeleine Frazier! TIME Streeeetching TIPS is just what your therapist would order if he knew how!

This little manual is jam-packed with everything you need to know to "de-stress" your environment! As Madeleine will point out, we all have the same 24 hours.

So what's the difference between you and "Suzie Super Mom" down the street? She has a job. She has the requisite

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Category: Education, Travel

The Spanish Language Speed Learning Course

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Title: The Spanish Language Speed Learning Course

Attention: This report could make you a confident Spanish speaker in no time at all!

"Who Else Wants to Speak, Write, and Understand Spanish Using Outrageously Easy and Creative Techniques ... in Just 12 Days or Less?"

Only 12 days in your hectic schedule - that is all you need to allot in order to become an efficient Spanish speaker or conversationalist. You don't believe it?

First of all, I am aware of the fact that people's lives are getting busier and busier everyday. We are forced to fit tons of activities in a day. Sometimes there's no time left for ourselves.

Time is indeed essential to most of us. The fact that you're canvassing Spanish books in the internet means you have no time to go to any bookstore or library to acquire one. You may want to do things in the least possible time, using the easiest and most effective ways, in order to make the most out of your busy schedules.

And that works for this report as well - to help you become the Spanish speaker you have always wanted to be in the shortest time possible, yet in the most efficient way.

Greetings Future Spanish Speakers!

Learning a foreign language can be a frightening thought for many. According to them, it will just take up a lot of their time. They often disregard the... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Education

Practical English

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Title: Practical English

Who Else Wants To Learn English At Home In His Free Time and Excel In a Language That is Now Widely used in E-Commerce?

Finally, You Can Now Learn & Excel In English - The Language of E-Commerce!

Learn English at Home & Master The Language of E-Commerce with this practical English Language Course!

Dear Friend,

The art of using one's native tongue correctly and forcibly is acquired for the most part through imitation and practice, and is not so much a matter of knowledge as of habit.

As regards English, then, the first duty of our schools is to set before pupils excellent models, and, in all departments of school-work, to keep a watchful eye on the innumerable acts of expression, oral and written, which go to form habit.

Since, however, pupils come to school with many of their habits of expression already formed on bad models, our schools must give some attention to the special work of pointing out common errors of speech, and of leading pupils to convert knowledge of these errors into new and correct habits of expression.

This is the branch of English teaching in which this little book hopes to be useful.

All the "Exercises in English" with which the author is acquainted consist chiefly of "sentences to be corrected."

To such exercises there are grave objections. If, on the one hand, the fault in

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Education

Free College

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Title: Free College
Inside Information On Saving Thousands of Dollars on College

How to Save Literally Thousands of Dollars on Your College Education and Even How to Go to College for Free!

The long awaited day finally arrives!

You leap out of bed, put on your cap and gown and show up at the appointed place surrounded by an entourage of family and friends all with ear to ear smiles and loads of balloons, flowers and other gifts, meant to show their admiration and congratulations for you having made it!

Yes College Graduation day is here! After the speeches and awarding of degrees and turning of the tassels you have, if anything, been consumed by one overwhelming thought.


If you dream of being in this picture but don't think you can afford it, THINK AGAIN!

Thousands of High School grads and thousands more older men and women are eager to receive a college education.

More and more college students both young and old are choosing Career-Focused colleges to provide them with the needed knowledge and skills to enter and advance in today's job market or succeed in their own businesses.

Why do so many people today choose to attend Career-Focused colleges?

The reasons are many and varied, however, some of the most important reasons for choosing a Career-Focused college are the facts that:

  • They provide a quality Education in less time than traditional colleges
  • They Offer Flexible Schedules
  • They allow students the ability to
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